What is Pet Insurance?
This is pet health insurance; it reimburses pet owners on veterinary bills for accidents and/or illnesses. We also have a
routine care plan (i.e. for vaccines & flea/tick meds). It is not liability insurance.
Find commissions Agent Dashboard > E-Folio > Commissions > Miscellaneous > Pet Insurance
Commission paid 60 days after sale. (Policy must be in force over 30 days).
How much is the commission? See your Farmers Dashboard or Pets Best Agent Portal, or contact Pets Best.
Where You Can Find Info
1. Farmers Agent Dashboard (eagent.farmersinsurance.com) > Personal Lines (PL) Menu (“Personal” see blue navigation
bar) > PL Product Resource Center > Initiatives (it’s a red icon) > Products > Farmers Pet Insurance (it’s a blue link).
2. Pet Insurance Portal for Agents on PetsBest.com; at PetsBest.com/PartnerPortal
a. Register for an account. Then you can view all pet insurance quotes and sales there.
Want a Custom Pet Insurance Link That Ensures You Get Credit?
Contact Pets Best for a short custom link that will ensure you get credit for quotes and sales. It’ll look similar to
Otherwise, you can use PetsBest.com/Enroll/Farmers?qv1=XXXXXX (replace “XXXXXX” with your 6-digit Farmers Agent ID).
Order Pet Insurance Materials
Farmers has created pet insurance marketing materials for you.
o Available on your Farmers Agent Dashboard > Personal Lines (PL) Menu (“Personal” see blue navigation bar) >
PL Product Resource Center > Initiatives (it’s a red icon) > Products > Farmers Pet Insurance (it’s a blue link).
You can customize some in Farmers Ad Builder.
Or you can download the marketing materials at http://farmers.pet/marketing
Other customizing suggestions (when printing yourself): Add a label with your contact info, your
6-digit Agent Number, and your custom link (see above).
Or have a graphic designer add your info to it before you have them printed.
Purchase Farmers-branded pet promotional products
o Available in the Farmers Agency Marketing Program Store (agencymktg.farmersinsurance.com
o Toy, leashes and doggie bag dispensers are currently available.
Getting a Quote or Enrolling
Quote and/or enroll online at PetsBest.com/Enroll/Farmers or call 1-877-464-6542. Or in your Pet Insurance Portal.
Email – Be sure the customer’s email is inputted. (Not the agent’s)
Enter the Agent ID or name (if it didn’t auto-fill).
To Start a New Quote, for Another Customer
On page 2 (of 3) of the online quote form use the link “Start a New Quotein the blue footer of the page. This will clear
cookies/cache of last quote. Or in your Pets Best Pet Insurance Portal you can click Start New Quote.
Pre-Existing Conditions Aren’t Covered
Pet insurance is for future health issues that occur after the policy takes effect. No pet insurance company covers pre-existing
conditions. But, if the pet has a pre-existing condition, there are thousands of other future health issues that pet insurance covers.
Other Web Links & Phone Number
Farmers.com/Pet-Insurance/ points to the quote form at: PetsBest.com/Enroll/Farmers
Call Pets Best with questions, to quote, or enroll at 1-877-464-6542 (the Farmers specific phone number).
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Pet Insurance Farmers Agent “How to Get Started