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Hours of Work and Associated
Overtime - Sample Policy
Sample Workplace Policy Template
Disclaimer: This is a sample policy and can be adapted for your workplace needs. Suggestions are given
about what to include. However, items can be added or removed to suit your workplace.
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Hours of Work and Associated Overtime
Policy #
Approved by:
PURPOSE: The regular scheduled hours of work at (company name) are between ____
am and _____ pm, for a total of 40 hours from Monday to Friday. Overtime at (company
name) is defined as any hours worked by an employee outside of the normally expected
40 hours of work between Monday and Friday in any given week.
POLICY STATEMENT: Recognizing that overtime work may: impact employees work
productivity; affect their general health and; may increase stress in their personal life,
fair and equitable remuneration (money or time back) will be provided to employees of
(company name) to recognize the sacrifices made to accommodate these expectations.
SCOPE: This policy applies to all non-management employees of (company name).
· Employees may be required to work reasonable overtime which must be agreed
to, and approved by, the immediate manager prior to being worked.
· Flexing the normal hours of a work-day or week is encouraged rather than the
employee working overtime hours.
· Overtime will not be applicable if hours are worked on Saturday as it is part of a
normal work week. However, Sunday is not part of a normal work week and
employees will be paid overtime at one and a half times the normal rate of pay
when work on Sunday is required.
· Employees may, by mutual agreement with their manager, be granted the
equivalent time off in lieu of paid overtime. (i.e. 4 hours worked = 6 hours off) Time
off in lieu must be taken within two weeks of working such time or it will be
· Payment or time-off in lieu of overtime worked will be determined in accordance
with the contract and the employees’ preference.
CONTRAVENTIONS: Non-compliance of this policy will be brought to the attention of
the appropriate supervisor or manager for further action.
Developed by the Middlesex-London Health Unit and adapted with permission. Material can be reproduced
provided source is acknowledged (Middlesex-London Health Unit and Ottawa Public Health).