Description of document: National Archives National Personnel Records Center
(NPRC) VIP list, 2009
Requested date: December 2007
Released date: March 2008
Posted date: 04-January-2010
Updated 19-March-2010 (release letter added to file)
Source of document: National Personnel Records Center
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Note: NPRC staff has compiled a list of prominent persons whose
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Management Analyst
National Archives and Records Administration
V Number Name Service
Biographical Notes
V3665 Aaron, Harold R Assistant Chief of Staff for Military Intelligence. Inducted into the
Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.
V1382 Abbott, Shirley L 38438997 Ambassador to Lesotho 1984-86
V251 Abourezk, James G 3181205 South Dakota Representative 1971-73. Senator 1973-79
V252 Abourezk, James G 3181205 South Dakota Representative 1971-73. Senator 1973-79
V1340 Abrams, Creighton W Commanded the 37th Tank Battalion during WWII. Spearheaded the
tank column that broke through the German encirclement of the 101st
Airborne Division at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge. Later
became a 4-star General and commanded all US Forces in Vietnam.
Chief of Staff of Army 1972
V2393 Abrams, Creighton W
Son of former Chief of Staff Creighton W Abrams Sr.
V1542 Acker, Gary M Mercenary in Angola, imprisoned.
V2779 Adair, Morris N Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V682 Adams, Arlin M 158955 Judge of US Court of Appeals for 3rd Circuit 1969-87
V681 Adams, Arlin M 158955 Judge of US Court of Appeals for 3rd Circuit 1969-87
V752 Adams, Brockman 742723 US District Attorney for the Western District of Washington 1961-64.
Washington Representative 1965-77. Secretary of Transportation
1977-79. Senator 1987-93
V751 Adams, Brockman 7342723 US District Attorney for the Western District of Washington 1961-64.
Washington Representative 1965-77. Secretary of Transportation
1977-79. Senator 1987-93
V2280 Adams, Charity E
Earley, Charity E
500001 First African American to be commissioned as an officer in the WAAC
V3515 Adams, Derroll 666883 Folk Singer
V2562 Adams, Lucian 38417252 Staff Sergeant in the 30th Infantry, 3rd Infantry Division. Awarded the
Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery near St. Die, France on
October 28,1944 where " the course of action he personally killed 9
German soldiers, eliminated 3 enemy machineguns, vanquished a
specialized force which was armed with automatic weapons and
grenade launchers, cleared the woods of hostile elements, and
reopened the severed supply lines to the assault companies of his
V3553 Adams, Michael J 24934 Astronaut. Test pilot in the X-15 project. Died when his plane
experienced technical problems and crashed.
V2580 Adams, Wayne T in vault at Marine Corp request
V3452 Adamshock, Nicholas
Adams, Nick
296668 Actor
V3667 Addams, Charles S 32603284 Cartoonist. Works include: The Addams Family, Out of This World,
Drawn and Quartered, and Dear Dead Days.
V536 Aders, Robert O 499956 Under Secretary of Labor, Food Company Executive.
V535 Aders, Robert O 499956 Under Secretary of Labor, Food Company Executive.
V2649 Adkins, David B Entertainer/ comedian
V3601 Adkins, Homer M 1606366 Arkansas Governor 1941-45
V1291 Agar, John G 39717470 Married Shirley Temple then became an actor. Starred mostly in
Westerns and war movies
V3647 Agase Alexander A 39052 433474 Enlisted Number. Football player and coach. Teams included:
Chicago Rockets 1947, Los Angelas Dons 1947, Cleveland Browns
1948-1951, and Baltimore Colts 1953. Inducted into the College
Football Hall of Fame 1963.
V3718 Agee, Amos 34163762 Execution. Hanged for robbery and rape in France. ETO
V3247 Agerholm, Harold C 420840 WWII Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. Awarded for his
bravery on Saipan in the Marianas Islands on July 7, 1944. During a
fierce enemy counter-attack, he volunteered to evacuate wounded in
an appropriated ambulance jeep. In a period of just over 3 hours, he
single-handily loaded and evacuated approximately 45 casualties
while under heavy rifle and mortar fire. While attempting to aid 2 men
he believed wounded, was mortally wounded by a Japanese sniper.
September 1945 the US Navy launched the USS Agerholm in his
honor. It served in the Korean War, garnering 4 Battle Stars, and in
the Vietnam War, receiving 8 Battle Stars. It was decommissioned in
V500 006 Agnew, Spiro
1010416 Maryland Governor 1967-69. Vice President of the United States
1969-73. Was Charged with accepting bribes and falsifying federal
income tax returns. Pleaded no contest to tax evasion and resigned
as Vice President October 10, 1973. Disbarred by a Maryland court in
V3643 Ahrens, Edward H 358161 Marine Raider killed on Tulagi, Solomon Islands by a Japanese unit
trying to infiltrate American lines. Reputed to have been found dying
in his fox holeby Lew Walt. Walt claimed his last words were, "The
bastards tried to come over me last night-I guess they didn't know I
was a Marine."
V3411 Aid, Matthew M
V3645 Aiken, Howard H 84557 Helped with the creation of the Mark I, Mark II, Mark III, and Mark IV
computers. Worked with Grace Hopper on the Mark I.
V2317 Aiken, Larry 52770063 May 13, 1969 taken as a POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
recovered July 10, 1969
V3689 Ainsworth, Walden L 7248 "Pug" Commanded Task Force 67 (Ainsworth Express) in the
Southwest Pacific during WWII.
V1421 Akaka, Daniel K 30115735 Hawaii Representative 1977-90. Senator 1990-
V3067 Akin, William T Missouri Representative 2001-
V2900 Albert, Carl B Rhodes scholar. Oklahoma Representative 1947-77, Speaker of the
House 1971-77. Elected to Oklahoma Hall of Fame
V2126 Albert, Keith A May 21, 1970- February 12, 1973 POW. Returnee -Vietnam
V3388 Albert, Raymond 6143131 Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk.
V1361 Albosta, Donald J 9534751 Michigan Representative 1979-85
V2761 Alda, Alan
D'Abruzzo, Alphonso
4083205 Actor, writer, director and political activist. Most famous role was as
Hawkeye Pierce in the TV series M*A*S*H
V3648 Aldisert, Ruggero J 15381 United States Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit 1968-. National President
of Italian Sons and Daughters of America from 1954-1968. Awarded
the Distinguished Appellate Jurist Award 2005
V1621 Aldrin, Edwin E
Aldrin, Buzz
Astronaut. Second human to walk on the moon during the Apollo 11
mission. Served as fighter pilot in Korea, worked with experiments in
Gemini-Titan flights in Houston, Texas. Pilot of Gemini XII orbital
rendezvous space flight, November 11-15, 1966. Apollo 11 pilot.
Received Presidential Medal of Freedom, 1969. Appointed to
Presidential Commission on the Future of the United States
Aerospace Industry in 2002.
V708 Alexander, Clifford 21994919 Chairman of US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 1967-69.
Special representative of the President and headed US delegation to
Kingdom of Swaziland 1968. Secretary of the Army 1977-81, the first
African-American in the position.
V500 049 Alexander, Grover C
Alexander, Pete
2845730 Hall of Fame Major League Baseball Player. Played 20 seasons
1911-1930 with the Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago Cubs, and St. Louis
Cardinals. Considered by some to be one of the greatest pitchers in
the game. When the US entered WWI, he joined the Army and served
in an Artillery battalion in France, suffering from shell shock.
Combination of that, epilepsy, severe bouts of alcoholism, and being a
rule breaker caused the Phillies to trade him to the Cubs in 1917 in
what would become one of the worst trades in Baseball History.
During his career, he set multiple records, some which stand today.
V3657 Alexander, Rodney M Louisiana Representative 2003-
V372 Alexander, William, Jr 54139738 Arkansas Representative 1969-93
Alexander, Bill
V3690 Alexanderson, Leroy J 68265 Commodore of the United States Lines fleet and the last captain of the
SS United States.
V1320 Algren, Nelson
Abraham, Ahlgren
36679611 Author of Somebody in Boots, Never Come Morning, and The Man
with the Golden Arm.
V3304 Alito, Samuel A, Jr US District Attorney for New Jersey 1987-90. Judge of US Court of
Appeals for the 3rd Circuit 1990-2005. Judge US Supreme Court
V2028 Allard, Wayne Colorado Representative 1991-97. Senator 1997-
V2862 Alldredge, Everett Early NARA Luminary - Father of Records Management
V756 Allen, James B 281758 Lieutenant Governor of Alabama 1951-55, 1963-67. Alabama Senator
V755 Allen, James B 281758 Lieutenant Governor of Alabama 1951-55, 1963-67. Alabama Senator
V1780 Allen, Roderick R 4652 WWII began as commanding officer of Combat Command A, 4th
Armored Division, then as commanding general of 20th Armored
Division, and finally as commanding general of 12th Armored Division.
After the war, was commander of 1st Armored Division in Italy and
Germany. Chief Operations Officer, Director of Intelligence Army
Ground Forces and commanding general of the 3rd Armored Division.
During Korean War, was commanding general of XVI Corps.
V1174 Allen, Stephen V
Allen, Steve
39859987 Dubbed Father of TV Talk Shows. Host of the Tonight Show 1954-57.
V3212 Allen, Terry D, Sr 3461 Served with General Pershing along the Mexican border in 1913.
Highly decorated infantry officer in WWI. 1ST Infantry Commander
during WWII. 1943 took over the 104th Infantry Division known as the
"Timberwolves" and battled through France and Belgium right up to
Berlin when the war ended. Reputed at never having lost a battle.
V3200 Allen, Terry D, Jr 66606 Son of General Terry D Allen. Killed in action with 1st Division in
V2318 Allen, Wayne C 11626448
January 10, 1970- January 23, 1989 (remains recovered) POW. -
V2127 Allwine, David F March 4, 1971- March 27, 1973 POW. Returnee - Vietnam
V3666 Almond, Edward M 04666 Commanded the 92nd Infantry Division from its creation in October
1942 to August 1945. Deputy Chief of Staff of the Far Eastern
Command 1946. Commanded the United States Army X Corps during
the Korean War. Head of the Army War College 1951-53.
V750 Alston, Philip H 158910 Ambassador to Australia 1977-81, Nauru 1979-81
V749 Alston, Philip H 158910 Ambassador to Australia 1977-81, Nauru 1979-81
V2543 Altman, Robert E 6972511 Part of Colin Kelly's flight group
V3417 Amberg, Richard H 80655
V522 Ambro, Jerome A 51081006 New York Representative 1975-1981
V2249 Amsler, George A Acted as VIP Pilot for W. Averill Harriman, Head of ECA (Economic
Cooperation Administration) during the Marshall Plan.
V3762 Anastasio, Umberto
Anastasia, Albert
32446682 Brooklyn waterfront mob boss and enforcer. Member of Murder Inc.
Was eventually killed while visiting his barber.
V2451 Anderson, Earl E The youngest active duty Marine promoted to the rank of General and
the first active duty Marine Naval Aviator to be promoted to a 4-star
rank. 34th Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps 1972-75
V373 Anderson, Glen M 39293126 California Lieutenant Governor 1959-67. California Representative
V1595 Anderson, Gustav N 528175 Ambassador to Sudan 1986
V2388 Anderson, James 2241921 First African American Marine to be awarded Medal of Honor. Medal
was awarded posthumously for his actions on February 28, 1967 when
his platoon fell under heavy enemy fire. He and several others were
bunched together not far from enemy positions. When a grenade
landed by his head, he grabbed it and pulled it to his chest, curling his
body around it as it went off. His actions saved his comrades from
serious injury and possible death.
V374 Anderson, John B 16101654 Illinois Representative 1961-81. Independent candidate for President
of United States 1980
V2319 Anderson, John S 3164798 November 4, 1969 taken as POW. Remains returned/recovered July
9, 1973
V2123 Anderson, John T 71240841 February 5, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
5, 1973
V2980 Anderson, Michael M
Anderson, Mike
Offensive Rookie of the Year 2000. Running Back for Denver Broncos
V3245 Anderson, Richard A 2453381 Posthumously awarded Medal of Honor for his actions in Quang Tri
Province, Vietnam on August 4, 1969. While his team was on a
reconnaissance patrol, they came under heavy enemy fire. Anderson
was wounded in both legs, but assumed a prone position and
delivered intense suppressive fire in an attempt to repulse the enemy.
He continued his fire even as another marine was attending his leg
wounds. Observing an enemy grenade land between he and the other
marine, he rolled over, absorbing the full effects of detonation thereby
saving several marines from serious injury or possible death.
V3248 Anderson, Richard B 418495 Posthumously awarded Medal of Honor for his actions on Roi Island,
Kwajalein Atoll, in the Marshall Islands on February 1, 1944. He
entered a shell crater occupied by 3 other marines and prepared to
throw a grenade at an enemy position. It slipped from is hand and
rolled toward his comrades. He did not have enough time to retrieve
and throw the weapon, so instead hurled his body over the grenade in
order to save his companions. In 1945 the US Navy Destroyer "USS
Richard B Anderson" was named in his honor. It served through both
Korea and Vietnam, earning 15 battle stars. In 1977 it was sold to the
Taiwanese Navy where it serves under the name "Kai Yang."
V3699 Anderson, Roy W 35407199 Execution. Hanged for raping two women in France. ETO
V2598 Anderson, Rudolf 53065 U2 Pilot shot down while flying over Cuba during the Cuban Missile
Crisis. Reportly the only casualty of the Missile Crisis.
V2715 Anderson, Terry A 2145864 Best know and longest held of a group of American hostages captured
by Shiite Hezbollah partisans. He was captured March 16, 1985 off
the street in Beirut, and not released until December 4, 1991. Filed a
suit against the Iranian government for his captivity and in 2002 was
awarded a multimillion dollar settlement from frozen Iranian assets.
V3670 Anderson, Webster 53202920 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Tam Ky, Republic
of Vietnam October 15, 1967. During an enemy assault, Anderson
took up an exposed position to better direct his unit's fire and defense.
An enemy grenade exploded near him, throwing him back and
wounding his legs. Despite the grievous nature of his wounds, he
refused evacuation and continued to direct the defense allowing the
eventual defeat of the enemy.
V706 Anderson, Wendell R 4061801 Minnesota Governor 1971-76. Senator 1976-78
V2654 Andreotta, Glenn U 17701280 Posthumously awarded the Soldier's Medal in 1998 for his actions in
stopping the My Lai massacre March 16, 1968. Was assigned to Task
Force Barker, flying over Vietnamese forests, drawing enemy fire. He
and two others (Hugh Thompson and Lawrence Colburn) on the day of
the massacre were "marking" wounded Vietnamese civilians for
evacuation when they saw Captain Ernest Medina run forward and
begin shooting the wounded who had been "marked." Thompson
confronted Lt. Stephen Brooks at the village to stop the killing.
Andreotta and Colburn were left to cover the company with orders to
fire on any American who refused to halt the massacre. Two other
helicopters were called in to serve as medevac for the 11 wounded
civilians (one piloted by Dan Millians the other by Brian Livingstone).
Andreotta was killed a short time later on a scouting mission
attempting to flush out enemy forces.
V375 Andrews, Ike F 34897083 North Carolina Representative 1973-85.
V1422 Andrews, Mark 4114 North Dakota Representative 1963-81. Senator 1981-87
V761 Andrus, Cecil D 4238690 Idaho Governor 1971-77. US Secretary of the Interior 1977-81
V762 Andrus, Cecil D 4238690 Idaho Governor 1971-77. US Secretary of the Interior 1977-81
V2853 Angel, Herbert E 262822 Assistant Archivist during the early years of the existence of the
National Archives
V655 Annenberg, Walter H 534007 Ambassador to Great Britain 1969-74. Received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom 1986.
V654 Annenberg, Walter H 534007 Ambassador to Great Britain 1969-74. Received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom 1986.
V2128 Anshus, Richard C March 8, 1971 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 27,
V2477 Antolak, Sylvester 35035020 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Cisterna di Littoria,
Italy May 24, 1944. He charged 200 yards over flat, coverless terrain
to destroy an enemy machinegun nest. He advanced far ahead of his
squad, shot three times, but continuing forward each time to the
enemy strong point. He killed two and forced 10 to surrender. He
then reorganized his men and instead of seeking much needed
medical attention, lead the charge to the next point. He made most of
the distance before he was shot and killed. His actions helped his
squad overwhelm the enemy, thus allowing his company to advance
on a cleared path.
V2129 Anton, Francis G 88369802 January 5, 1968- March 16, 1973 POW. Returnee - Vietnam
V3400 Antrim, Richard N 70111 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Makassar, Celebes,
Netherlands East Indies, April 1942 as a POW. When a Japanese
guard was beating an officer nearly to death, Antrim stepped forward,
first to intervene, then to take the rest of the beating intended for the
officer. His actions saved the life of the officer as well as improving
conditions at the camp through a new-found respect for Americans
V2916 Aptheker, Herbert 1168538 Leader of the American Communist Party. Controversy over the
revocation of his commission in the Army Reserves during the
McCarthy Era
V3676 Arbor, Jesse W 252035 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V1740 Archer, William R 2246475 Texas Representative 1971-2001
V1982 Archinal, John A 13055286 Noted for giving two pints of blood to help save the life of Tojo after
Tojo shot himself in the chest in attempted suicide.
V1770 Arcos, Cresencio S Ambassador to Honduras 1989-93
V515 Areeda, Phillip E 3044100 Counselor to the President 1974-75. Dir US Cabinet Task Force on oil
import control 1969.
V207 Arends, Leslie C 1008320 Illinois Representative 1935-74
V206 Arends, Leslie C 1008320 Illinois Representative 1935-74
V1924 Arens, Moses
Arens, Moshe
42179769 Lithuanian born, his family immigrated to the US in 1939. He
immigrated to Israel in 1948, joining Irgun forces led by Menachem
Begin. He was a member of the Likud party and served as Israeli
Minister of Defense three times. He retired from politics in 1999.
V952 Armstrong, Neil A 505129 Astronaut, test pilot and naval aviator. His first space flight was on
Gemini 8 in 1966. His second and final space flight was as mission
commander of the Apollo 11 moon landing 1969. He was the first man
to walk on the moon.
V1136 Armstrong, Neil A 505129 Astronaut, test pilot and naval aviator. His first space flight was on
Gemini 8 in 1966. His second and final space flight was as mission
commander of the Apollo 11 moon landing 1969. He was the first man
to walk on the moon.
V376 Armstrong, William 2300276 Colorado Representative 1973-79, Senator 1979-91
V500 037 Arnaz, Desi 39295643 Cuban-American actor, musician, radio, and television producer most
remembered for the show "I Love Lucy." His marriage to Lucille Ball
lasted from 1940 until 1960.
V1146 Arnheiter, Marcus A Commander of the USS Vance for 99 days. Tried and relieved of
command for "gross lack of judgment and inability to lead people."
V3349 Arnold, Gordon 18674627 While on leave from basic training, Arnold was in Dallas on November
22, 1963 and supposedly witnessed the shooting of President
Kennedy from the "Grassy Knoll" by a man or men dressed as Dallas
Police Officers
V2 Arnold, Henry H 2255 1911 Assigned to Aeronautical Division of Signal Corps, the same
year he completed flight training with Wilbur and Orville Wright. 29th
pilot to be licensed in United States. Won various awards and broke
many records during his career. Helped aircraft industry boom.
Dubbed "Father of the United States Air Force."
V759 Ashbrook, John M 5710862 Ohio Representative 1961-82
V760 Ashbrook, John M 5710862 Ohio Representative 1961-82
V500 005 Ashe, Arthur R Tennis player. First African American: to represent his country in Davis
Cup play 1963; win the US Open singles title 1968; win the Wimbledon
singles title 1975; captain the Davis Cup team 1981. He became an
active speaker and fundraiser for AIDS research after he contracted
the disease during a cardiovascular bypass operation in 1983.
V2569 Ashley, Eugene 12392673 Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for his actions near Lang Vei,
Vietnam on February 6 & 7, 1968. When his unit's camp was
assaulted and communications eventually lost, Ashley organized and
equipped an assault force composed of friendly, local personnel. He
then led 5 charges against the enemy in an attempt to free his
comrades and commanding officer. He was eventually wounded,
though continued his assault until he lost consciousness and was
carried away, only to be killed by an enemy artillery round. His actions
helped to clear a path through the enemy positions, allowing the
surviving captives to escape.
V377 Ashley, Thomas W 11002346 Ohio Representative 1955-81
V3019 Asimov, Isaac 43012053 Scientist and Author, winner of multiple Hugo and Nebula awards.
Works include: I, Robot and the Foundation series. Inducted into the
Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame.
V378 Aspin, Leslie, Jr
Aspin, Les
Wisconsin Representative 1971-93. Secretary of Defense 1993-94.
V301 Aspinall, Wayne N 530489 Colorado Representative 1949-73.
V2130 Astorga, Jose M April 2, 1972- March 5, 1973 POW. Returnee - Vietnam
V1006 Atherton, Alfred L 536917 Ambassador to Egypt 1979. Assistant Secretary to Near East & South
Asian Affairs
V3326 Atkins, Barry K 71483 Commanded only US Destroyer to sink an enemy (Japanese)
battleship, IJN Fuso, during the Battle of Leyte Gulf
V2467 Atkins, Thomas E 34517857 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Villa Verde Trail, Luzon,
Philippine Islands on March 10, 1945. For four hours he withstood
repeated Japanese assaults from his foxhole. By 7:00 AM, 13 enemy
lay dead in front of his foxhole, his companions were dead, he had fire
400 rounds and jammed 3 rifles beyond use. He withdrew to secure
another rifle with the enemy on his heals. He was persuaded to
accept medical treatment, but while waiting saw an enemy soldier
within the perimeter. He seized a rifle and killed him. Moments later,
while lying on a litter, spotted an enemy group moving up behind the
platoon's lines. Despite severe wounds-delivered heavy fire, forcing
them to withdraw.
V2995 Auble, John A 6841873 Popular St. Louis TV & Radio personality during the 1970's through
V298 AuCoin, Walter L
AuCoin, Les
Oregon Representative 1975-93. Senator 1992
V2377 Aurandt, Paul H
Harvey, Paul
38591581 Radio broadcaster and author. His radio shows are mostly news and
commentary as well as the segment "The Rest of the Story." Sign off
is "Paul Harvey--Good Day!" He was awarded the Presidential Medal
of Freedom 2005.
V1328 Aurness, James K
Arness, James
37556095 TV actor best known for his portrayal of Marshal Matt Dillon on
Gunsmoke for 20 years. He starred mostly in Western- themed TV
shows and movies including: How the West Was Won, and Big Jim
McClain. He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, was inducted
into the Western Performers Hall of Fame at the National Cowboy &
Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He is also
the older brother of actor Peter Graves.
V363 Austad, Marcus J
Austad, Mark Evans
39826755 Ambassador to Finland 1975-77, Norway 1981-84.
V3244 Austin, Oscar P 2472757 Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for his actions west of Da
Nang, Vietnam on February 23, 1969. During early morning, his
groups observation post came under fierce ground assault. Upon
observing one of his companions unconscious in an exposed area, he
left the relative safety of his position and raced to assist the other
marine. Nearly there, he observed an enemy grenade land nearby
and jumped to place himself bodily between the fallen marine and the
grenade. While examining his comrade, he saw an enemy soldier
aiming at the unconscious man. Austin threw himself in front of the
marine and was mortally wounded.
V1070 Autry, Orvon G
Autry, Gene
187089 Actor, singer, and owner of the California Angels baseball team. His
films of the 1930's and 40's defined B-Western films. He wrote over
200 songs, including: "Back in the Saddle Again" and "Rudolph the
Red-nosed Reindeer."
V3659 Baca, Jose N Baca, Joe California Representative 1999-
V2030 Bachus, Spencer T, III Alabama Representative 1993-
V2320 Bader, Arthur E 12454786 November 30, 1968 taken as POW in Laos. Body returned/ recovered
March 26, 1989.
V917 Badham, Robert E 544272 California Representative 1977-89
V916 Badham, Robert E 544272 California Representative 1977-89
V3149 Baer, Max D 19628036 Actor best known for his role as Jethro Bodine in The Beverly
Hillbillies. In 2003, Baer began a project in Carson City--a Beverly
Hillbillies themed hotel and casino called Jethro's Beverly Hillbillies
Mansion & Casino.
V2023 Baesler, Henry S
Baesler, Scotty
Kentucky Representative 1993-99
V379 Bafalis, Louis A
Bafalis, Skip
Florida Representative 1973-83
V809 Bailar, Benjamin F 546540 Postmaster General 1975-78
V808 Bailar, Benjamin F 546540 Postmaster General 1975-78
V1229 Bailey, Donald A Pennsylvania Representative 1979-83
V1518 Bailey, Francis l
Bailey, F. Lee
64131 Prominent, and sometimes, controversial lawyer, served as defense
lawyer in the Sam Sheppard re-trial, court martial of Captain Ernest
Medina, and the O.J. Simpson trial.
V3221 Bailey, Kenneth D 5100 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Henderson Field,
Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands on September 12, 1942. Bailey and
his company were ordered to hold against a Japanese force 2,000
strong on a ridge overlooking Henderson Field. Despite a head
wound, he led his men in hand-to-hand combat for ten hours until the
line was restored and the Field safe. He was killed a few weeks later
at Matanikau River, Guadalcanal.
V2904 Bailey, Lawrence March 23, 1961 taken as POW in Laos. Returned August 15, 1962
V3708 Bailey, Milbert 34151488 Execution. Hanged for rape and murder in France. ETO
V2597 Bailey, Mildred C 281 Director of WAC 1971-75
V2120 Baird, William A May 6, 1968- March 5, 1973 POW. Returnee - Vietnam
V1344 Baker, Charles D 2267960 Department of Transportation 1969-71. Recipient of award for
outstanding achievement in the Government 1971. Under Secretary
Department of Health and Human Services.
V302 Baker, Edward L
Baker, LaMar
567146 Tennessee Representative 1971-75
V3793 Baker, George 39160624 Cartoonist for Yank The Army Weekly 1942-45. Author of the comic
strip "Sad Sack"
V3792 Baker, Henry 36105043 Execution. Hanged for rape at Leyte Island, Philippines
V806 Baker, Howard H 6416522
Tennessee Senator 1967-85. Ambassador to Japan 2001. Received
Presidential Medal of Freedom 1984
V805 Baker, Howard H 6416522
Tennessee Senator 1967-85. Ambassador to Japan 2001. Received
Presidential Medal of Freedom 1984
V510 Baker, James A, III 57723 Secretary of the Treasury 1985-88. Secretary of State 1989-92.
Received Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1991.
V511 Baker, James A, III 57723 Secretary of the Treasury 1985-88. Secretary of State 1989-92.
Received Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1991.
V500 011 Baker, Newton D 108826 Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio 1912-15; Secretary of War 1916-21;
candidate for Democratic nomination for President 1932
V2488 Baker, Thomas A 20201130 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Saipan,
Mariana Islands from June 19 to July 7, 1944. On July 7, the
perimeter of which he was a part was attacked on three sides by a
large Japanese force. Baker was injured early on, but insisted on
staying and fighting, which he did until he ran out of ammunition and
his gun was battered from hand-to-hand combat. A comrade carried
him some 50 yards before being wounded himself. He was last seen
alive propped up against a tree calmly facing the foe. His body was
found in the same position with 8 dead Japanese soldiers lying dead
before him.
V2807 Baker, Vernon J 1307638 WWII Medal of Honor recipient for actions near Viareggio, Italy on
April 5-6, 1945. Baker was instrumental in destroying enemy
installations, personnel, and equipment during the his company's
attack on the entrenched enemy position. He was awarded with seven
other African American soldiers by President Clinton in 1997.
V1950 Baker, William P 2036607 California Representative 1993-97
V3750 Baldwin, Walter J 34020111 Execution. Hanged for murder in France. ETO
V1609 Ballenger, Thomas C
Ballenger, Cass
4495001 North Carolina Representative 1986-
V1607 Ballenger, Thomas C
Ballenger, Cass
4495001 North Carolina Representative 1986-
V2884 Bank, Aaron Founder of the Green Berets. WWII, at age 40, he was considered too
old for combat and was assigned as Captain to the Office of Strategic
Services, Special Operations branch. After the war, he convinced the
Army to create a unit with the same duties as the disbanded OSS. He
hand-picked and trained the first members himself. His request for
special berets was signed off on by President Kennedy. President
George Bush gave him a commendation in 2002.
V2060 Banks, Jettie
Banks, J.B.
Banks, Jet
8726124 Missouri state senator 1980
V1771 Barbella, Rocco
Graziano, Rocky
32201881 Boxer. World Middleweight champion 1947-48. Best remembered for
3 championship bouts with Tone "Man of Steel" Zale within 21 months.
He and Zale were inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame
in 1991. After he retired from boxing, he took up acting in films and
television shows.
V3188 Barber, William E 28331 Korean Medal of Honor Recipient for his actions at the Chosin
Reservoir area, Korea, on November 28 - December 2, 1950. Capt.
Barber and his unit were assigned to defend a 3-mile mountain pass
along the division's main supply line. They suffered a fierce attack and
relief was not able to reach them. Barber was ordered to fight his way
to relieving forces, but rather than loose their position or abandon his
many wounded who couldn't walk, he risked his command and held,
fighting 5 days and 6 nights until they were relieved. Barber himself
had been wounded early, but gave order from his stretcher. At the
end, only 82 of his original 220 men were able to walk away.
V3187 Barber, William E Korean Medal of Honor Recipient for his actions at the Chosin
Reservoir area, Korea, on November 28 - December 2, 1950. Capt.
Barber and his unit were assigned to defend a 3-mile mountain pass
along the division's main supply line. They suffered a fierce attack and
relief was not able to reach them. Barber was ordered to fight his way
to relieving forces, but rather than loose their position or abandon his
many wounded who couldn't walk, he risked his command and held,
fighting 5 days and 6 nights until they were relieved. Barber himself
had been wounded early, but gave order from his stretcher. At the
end, only 82 of his original 220 men were able to walk away.
V2857 Barfoot, Van T WWII Medal of Honor for actions near Carano, Italy on May 23,1944.
He moved alone up the enemy flank, defeating 3 machinegun nest
single-handedly, capturing 17 Germans. Later that day, in retaliation
to an enemy counterattack, he took up an exposed position in the path
of 3 Mark VI tanks. With a bazooka, he disable one tank, then killed 3
of its crew. Though fatigued, he aided 2 seriously wounded men to
safely some 1,700 yards distant.
V3241 Barker, Jedh C 2207369 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions near Con
Thein, Vietnam on September 21, 1967. Barker's unit came under
fierce enemy fire, though wounded, he remained in the open firing
upon the numerically superior enemy force. He was wounded again,
this time his right hand, which prevented the use of his machine gun.
When a grenade landed in the midst of the surviving marines, he,
without hesitation, threw himself on it. His final act was to crawl to a
wounded comrade and administer first aid until he died.
V3136 Barker, Robert W
Barker, Bob
Television game show host of The Price is Right
V1873 Barklage, Allen G Radio personality
V1423 Barnard, Druie D, Jr
Barnard, Doug
14128533 Georgia Representative 1977-93
V1543 Barnes, Michael D 2305246 Maryland Representative 1979-87
V3677 Barnes, Phillip G 352037 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V3678 Barnes, Samuel E 351954 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V2418 Barnett, George 45 12th Commandant USMC 1914-20. Graduated from the US Naval
Academy in 1881, the first class to provide officers to the MC
V1120 Barnett, Ross R 4457511 Mississippi Governor 1960-64
V3240 Barnum, Harvey C 1856459
Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Ky Phu in Quang Tin
Province, Vietnam on December 18, 1965. His company was
suddenly pinned down and separated from the rest of their battalion.
Barnum scouted the area and found the rifle company commander
near death and the radio operator killed. He tended the commander,
then took the radio and assumed command of the rifle company,
rallying the units into counterattack. His leadership enable the
evacuation of the wounded and dead and ultimately the final seizure of
the battalion's objective.
V1420 Baroody, Michael E White House Staff. Assistant Secretary, Department of Labor
V105 Baroody, William J, Jr 600801 Assistant to the President
V104 Baroody, William J, Jr 600801 Assistant to the President
V300 003 Barr, Byron E
Young, Gig
675338 Actor, films include The Gay Sisters, Game of Death, Young at Heart,
The Hindenburg, The Elite Killer, and They shoot Horses, Don't They.
He shot and killed his fifth wife, Kim Schmidt after 3 weeks of marriage
then committed suicide.
V2385 Barram, David J 713319
Named Acting Administrator of GSA on March 4, 1996
V2208 Barrett, Carlton W WWII Medal of Honor recipient for actions near St. Laurent-sur-Mer,
France on D-Day, June 6, 1944. He and his unit were forced to wade
ashore through heavy enemy fire. Despite this, he returned to the
water repeatly to assist his floundering comrades. He also carried
dispatches along the beach, assisted the wounded, and calmed the
V3758 Barrett, Frank A 924721 Wyoming Representative 1943-50. Governor 1951-53, Senator 1953-
V3658 Barrett, James G South Carolina Representative 2003-
V2643 Barrett, William E 3179050 Nebraska Representative 1991-2001
V3535 Barrier, Michael G 546324 Actor
V3516 Barrier, Michael G Actor
V3756 Barron, William W 35749342 West Virginia Governor 1961-65
V500 033 Barrow, Joe Louis 32193789 Boxer. World Heavyweight champion 1937 to 1949 when he retired
the undefeated champion with 25 title defenses.
V2428 Barrow, Robert H Twenty-seventh Commandant of the Marine Corps 1979-83.
V3341 Barry, Justin M
Barry, Sam
133099 College athletic coach who achieved fame in three sports; baseball,
football, and basketball at USC. Served as coach and training director
while in the Navy
V1558 Barry, Marion 6807904 Mayor of Washington D.C. 1979-91, 1995-99. Convicted in 1990 of
misdemeanor cocaine possession after being caught on videotape
smoking crack cocaine. Sentenced to six months in prison.
V1310 Bartholomew, Freder
Bartholomew, Freddie
39553219 Child actor in classic films. Anna Karenina, Little Lord Fauntleroy,
Lloyd's of London, and Captains Courageous
V897 Bartlett, Dewey F 4041128 Oklahoma Governor 1967-71, Senator 1973-79
V898 Bartlett, Dewey F 21945 Oklahoma Governor 1967-71, Senator 1973-79
V899 Bartlett, Dewey F 21945 Oklahoma Governor 1967-71, Senator 1973-79
V586 Bartlett, Edward L
Bartlett, E. L.
533677 Secretary to Alaska Territory 1939-44. Alaska Senator 1959-68
V2025 Bartlett, Roscoe G Maryland Representative 1993 -
V3173 Basilio, Carmen
Basilio, Carmine
555317 Boxer. World Welterweight champion 1955 & 1957, World
Middleweight champion, by defeating Sugar Ray Robinson in 1957.
Uncle of Billy Backus, welterweight champion in the 1970's. Member
of the International Boxing Hall of Fame.
V1555.1 Basilone, John 287506 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Lunga
Ridge, Guadalcanal on October 25, 1942. Faced a Japanese attack in
the middle of the night. He stayed with his men, repairing guns and
changing barrels in near darkness while giving encouragement to his
men. When one section was overrun by enemy troops, he raced to
the breach and helped his men fire on the charging Japanese soldiers.
At least 38 dead Japanese were credited to him, many killed with his
Colt .45. Basilone was killed leading his squad off the beach on Iwo
Jima. Sgt. John Basilone Memorial Bridge in East Brunswick, New
Jersey as well as the USS Basilone were named in his honor. He was
the first enlisted marine to win the Medal of Honor and the only marine
to be awarded both the Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross during
V1555 Basilone, John 287506 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Lunga
Ridge, Guadalcanal on October 25, 1942. Faced a Japanese attack in
the middle of the night. He stayed with his men, repairing guns and
changing barrels in near darkness while giving encouragement to his
men. When one section was overrun by enemy troops, he raced to
the breach and helped his men fire on the charging Japanese soldiers.
At least 38 dead Japanese were credited to him, many killed with his
Colt .45. Basilone was killed leading his squad off the beach on Iwo
Jima. Sgt. John Basilone Memorial Bridge in East Brunswick, New
Jersey as well as the USS Basilone were named in his honor. He was
the first enlisted marine to win the Medal of Honor and the only marine
to be awarded both the Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross during
V3306 Basilone, Lena M 756862 Wife of Medal of Honor recipient John Basilone. She sponsored the
USS Basilone
V3819 Bass, Perkins 321337 New Hampshire Representative 1955-63
V3550 Bassett, Charles A 3023070 Astronaut. Died with Elliot See when their plane crashed into a
building at Lambert Airport in St. Louis. Nicknamed Art
V1723 Bateman, Herbert H 2218833 Virginia Lieutenant Governor 1981. Representative 1983-2000
V1544 Bates, Jimmie D
Bates, Jim
1859164 California Representative 1983-91
V3607 Batts, Matthew D, Jr 18198684 Baseball player. Boston Red Sox 1947-51, St. Louis Browns 1951,
Detroit Tigers 1952-54, Chicago White Sox 1954, Cincinnati Redlegs
V3220 Bauer, Harold W 4534 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action in air above
Guadalcanal, May 10 to November 14, 1942. He lead and participated
in many air battles against enemy bombers, fighters and ships, at
times taking on entire squadrons solo. He was last seen about 100
miles off Guadalcanal after being forced to abandon his plane. He is
credited with shooting down 11 Japanese planes.
V1280 Bauer, Henry A 342193 Former right fielder and manager in Major League Baseball. He
played with the New York Yankees 1948-59 and Kansas City Athletics
1960-61. Bauer managed the Athletics 1961-62, 1969, and Baltimore
Orioles 1964-68.
V2321 Bauer, Richard G 68053766 November 4, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
returned/ recovered July 9, 1973
V3679 Baugh, Dalton L 351955 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V2520 Baumler, Albert J Fighter Ace during Spanish Civil War and WWII. By the end of the
Spanish Civil War, he was credited with shooting down 4 planes
individually and one as a team effort. In 1941 he joined the "Flying
Tigers," but was denied a passport due to his Spanish combat. He
rejoined the Army and was assigned to China, where over the course
of the war, he would shoot down an estimated 7 more planes. He may
be the first American pilot credited with destroying aircraft of all three
Axis Powers.
V3246 Bausell, Lewis K 337208 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Peleliu
Island, Palau Group on September 15, 1944. He led the charge
against an enemy pillbox covering a vital section of the beach. While
firing his weapon, he observed an enemy grenade hurled in the midst
of his group. He threw himself on the explosive and was evacuated to
a hospital ship where he died from his wounds three days later.
V380 Bayh, Birch E, Jr 13210586 Indiana Senator 1963-81
V370 Beard, Edward P 22791415 Rhode Island Representative 1975-81
V2542 Beard, Robin L 84560 Tennessee Representative 1973-83
V3116 Bearss, Hiram I 1102 Philippine Insurrection Medal of Honor awarded for actions at
Cadacan and Sohoton Rivers, Samar, Philippine Islands on November
17, 1901. He made a surprise attack on enemy positions, capturing
weapons, supplies and killing 30. He then led his men up cliffs via
bamboo ladders to the height of 200 feet. He and his men proceeded
across the river, scaling the cliffs on the opposite side and taking the
enemy position there.
V2233 Beasley, Rex W 5246 Military Government Officer for SCAP during Occupation of Japan.
V3100 Beaty, Henry W
Beatty, Warren
28282310 Actor, producer, screenwriter, and director. Brother to Shirley
MacLaine. Some of his films include Splendor in the Grass, Bonnie
and Clyde, Bugsy and Bulworth.
V3112 Beau, Lucas V Recalled to AD in 1955 to be Director of Civil Air Patrol
V2784 Beaudreau, Donald J 11964648 Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V1998 Becker, Roscoe G 19391813 Died while on "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly
were lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near
the Kamchatka Peninsula.
V3920 Becwar, George J 2032616 Actor. Works include: Bride of the Monster, War of the Colossal
Beast, The Rebel, and The Great Sex War
V1424 Bedell, Berkley W 804986 Iowa Representative 1975-87
V1892 Bedoni, Sidney 479771 One of over 400 Native American soldiers during WWII who
transmitted secret messages over radio and telephone using codes
based on native languages.
V2656 Begley, Edward J 2063449 Actor, won Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role in Sweet Bird of
Youth. Father of Ed Begley Jr.
V303 Belcher, Page 1192522 Oklahoma Representative 1951-73. Named to Oklahoma Hall of
V544 Belcher, Taylor G 161700 Ambassador to Cyprus 1964-69; Peru 1969-74.
V592 Belcher, Taylor G 161700 Ambassador to Cyprus 1964-69; Peru 1969-74.
V381 Bell, Alphonzo E 19167030 Bell Oil Company president 1947-59. California Representative 1961-
V625 Bell, Griffin B 34195217 Attorney General during Carter administration, 1977
V1909 Bellinger, Patrick 6598 On the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, he commanded
Patron 1 and sent the famous message "…Air Raid Pearl Harbor; This
V3051 Bellisario, Donald 1522597 Television producer and scriptwriter. Some of his shows include
Magnum, P.I., Airwolf, Quantum Leap, JAG, NCIS, Black Sheep
Squadron, and the original Battlestar Galactica.
V774 Bellmon, Henry L 401066
Oklahoma Governor 1963-67, 1987-91. Senator 1969-81
V2566 Benavidez, Roy P Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions west of Loc Ninh on May
2, 1968. A 12-man Special Forces Reconnaissance Team was
inserted into the jungle with orders to gather intelligence about enemy
activity. The team fell under heavy enemy fire and requested
extraction. Three helicopters attempted a rescue, but were turned
back by intense enemy fire. Benavidez was monitoring the operation
via radio when the helicopters returned to base. He voluntarily
boarded an aircraft to assist another extraction attempt. He ordered
the aircraft to a clearing, then jumped out and ran about 75 meters
under enemy fire to aid the trapped team. On his way he was shot in
his face, head, and right leg. Despite his wounds, he carried or
dragged half of the wounded crew to the aircraft while providing
protective fire for the aircraft. He then ran to the dead team leader and
gathered the body as well as all the classified documents the leader
had. He was at this time shot in the abdomen and hit with grenade
fragments in his back. The helicopter crashed when the pilot was
killed and Benavidez aided the wounded out of the overturned aircraft
and positioned them in a defensive perimeter. He moved among
them, providing water, ammunition, first aid and the will to live. He
directed air strikes to suppress enemy fire and allow for another
extraction attempt. Once again, he was shot in the leg. Despite all of
his wounds he helped load his comrades into the second helicopter.
He was wounded a few more times and killed at least three enemy
soldiers who tried to attack his team and the helicopter. His actions
ensured the collection of all classified material as well as saving the
lives of at least eight men.
V3435 Bender, Chester R 1530 Coast Guard Commandant
V3820 Bender, George H 1534321 Ohio Representative 1939-49, 1951-54. Senator 1954-57
V1898 Bendetsen, Karl R Commanded Japanese-American evacuation from West Coast of US
under General DeWitt.
V2697 Benedetto, Anthony
Bennett, Tony
Bari, Joe
42139449 Singer specializing in jazz, standard, and popular music.
V938 Benjamin, Adam, Jr 83125 Indiana Representative 1977-82
V997 Benjamin, Adam, Jr 83125 Indiana Representative 1977-82
V996 Benjamin, Adam, Jr 83125 Indiana Representative 1977-82
V3717 Bennerman, Sidney, Jr 34174757 Execution. Shot for rape and murdering two people in France. ETO
V382 Bennett, Charles E 1300916 Florida Representative 1949-93
V989 Bennett, Douglas P 77346094 Special Assistant to the President
V3408 Bennett, Floyd 60829 Aviator who piloted Richard Byrd on their attempt to reach the North
Pole in 1926. He developed pneumonia from a crash in 1927 which
proved fatal.
V1538 Bennett, Robert F 1018747 Mayor of Prairie Village, Kansas 1957-65. Kansas Governor 1975-79
V333 Bennett, Wallace F X00111398 Utah Senator 1951-73, 1974-75
V1958 Bennett, Warren K Secretary to Chief of Staff. Major General Service in Vietnam with
America Division
V3095 Benson, William S 3894 Admiral. Superintendent of Naval Academy 1907-08. First Chief of
Naval Operations 1915-19, as well as chief during WWI.
V227 Bentsen, Lloyd M, Jr Texas Representative 1948-55. Lincoln Liberty Life Insurance
Company president. Senator 1971-93. Candidate for Vice President
of United States 1988. Secretary of the Treasury 1993-94.
V2757 Bentsen, Lloyd M, Sr Father of Lloyd M Bentson Jr.
V3782 Berardino, John 19077839 Baseball player. St. Louis Browns 1939-47, Cleveland Indians 1948-
50, Pittsburgh Pirates 1950, St. Louis Browns 1951, Cleveland Indians
1952, Pittsburg Pirates 1952
V1425 Bereuter, Douglas K 5514833 Nebraska Representative 1979-2004
V1997 Berg, Eddie R 17281746 Died while on "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly
were lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near
the Kamchatka Peninsula.
V1631 Bergdoll, Grover C X00101893 WWI draft dodger, race car driver, and pilot.
V3854 Berger, David Cartoonist for Yank and war reporter "Private Berger Abroad" Created
the term and comic "GI Joe"
V2848 Berger, Samuel R US National Security Advisor to President Clinton 1997-2001
V3499 Bergin, William E Adjutant General III Corps 1940-42. Chief of Staff Chinese Training
and Combat Command, China 1942-45. Adjutant General US Army
V1214 Berkowitz, David R 79401951 Serial killer of the 1970's in New York who killed six and wounded
several other people. Berkowitz claimed that his neighbor Sam Carr
was a high demon who sent his evil Labrador Retriever to command
Berkowitz to kill.
V3006 Berlin, Irving
Beilin, Israel Isidore
Composer and lyricist (songwriter). Wrote over 3,000 songs including:
"God Bless America", "White Christmas", There's No Business Like
Show Business", "Blue Skies", "Easter Parade", "Puttin' on the Ritz",
and "Supper Time"
V961 Berman, Sheldon 7265505 Comedian, writer, teacher, and actor. Winner of first non-music
Grammy 1959. Part of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Friends, King of
Queens, and Meet the Fockers
V951 Berman, Sheldon 7265505 Comedian, writer, teacher, and actor. Winner of first non-music
Grammy 1959. Part of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Friends, King of
Queens, and Meet the Fockers
V3444 Bertholf, Ellsworth P 1 Coast Guard Commandant 1911-1919
V1916 Beser, Jacob 855461 Radar Countermeasure Officer aboard the Enola Gay when it dropped
the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima August 6, 1945
V1054 Bessolo, George
Reeves, George
39567434 Actor who played "Superman" in the 1950's television show. His
mother had lied about his birth date (April 5 instead of January 5) so
that it would be 9 months after her marriage. It is disputed whether he
died from suicide or murder.
V1965 Besson, Frank S Four Star General
V2457 Bestwick, Wilbur 245876 First Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, 1943
V2818 Bethune, Gordon M CEO of Continental Airlines 1994-2004
V2545 Bevill, Tom D 521180 Alabama Representative 1967-97
V2492 Beyer, Arthur O 37020054 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Arloncourt, Belgium on
January 15, 1945. Beyer was a tank-destroyer gunner in his platoon,
when they were held up by enemy troops dug in along a ridge. He
fired upon one machinegun position with his 76mm gun, then charged
the position on foot. He killed one and captured two before moving
onto the next position. Ultimately he helped clear a quarter of a mile
dug in German forces, destroying 2 machinegun positions, killing 8
enemy, and capturing 18 prisoners.
V1084 Beyer, Gordon R 63736 Ambassador to Uganda
V1103 Beyer, Gordon R 63736 Ambassador to Uganda
V2417 Biddle, William P 1107 Eleventh Commandant of the Marine Corps 1911-1914
V1599 Bierman, Everett E 17131722 Ambassador to Papua New Guinea 1986-89, Solomon Islands 1986-
89, Vanuatu 1987-89
V2322 Biggs, Earl R 13350751 January 16, 1968 taken as POW- South Vietnam. Remains
returned/recovered April 27, 1989
V1603 Bilirakis, Michael 12379794 Florida Representative 1983-
V3454 Billard, Frederick C X92273 Commandant 1924-1932 Blueprints of Memorial (tombstone) in
Arlington including three bids for the job. Middle name Chamberlayne
V3480 Billingsley, William
7243 Naval Aviator #6. Died when he fell out of his plane into Chesapeake
V1606 Bingaman, Jesse F New Mexico Senator 1983-
V383 Bingham, Jonathan B 529472 New York Representative 1965-83
V1107 Binns, Jack R 603851 Ambassador to Honduras 1980-81
V1108 Binns, Jack R 603851 Ambassador to Honduras 1980-81
V500 055 Birch, John M 889028 Christian missionary in China prior to the outbreak of WWII. He went
underground when the Japanese ordered the arrest of all American
missionaries in China in 1941. April of 1942, he lead the Doolittle
raiders out of China, then asked for an assignment to help fight the
war. He was sent to Gen. Chennault who had him gather intelligence
and aid downed pilots. 90% of American pilots shot down were
rescued by Birch's group. At the end of the war, he was ordered to
accept the surrender of a Japanese airfield, but it was in the hands of
Communist Chinese who captured and executed him. Though the
John Birch Society is an ultra-conservative, anti-communist group;
Birch was not- he was pro-Chinese and Christian and anti-Japanese.
V2314 Bird, Samuel R Officer in charge of Joint Body Bearer Team during the State funeral of
President John F. Kennedy, November 22-25, 1963
V1941 Bird, Willis H 912411 Member of OSS in China 1945 - worked with teams of Humanitarian
Aid that traveled to POW camps still in Japanese custody.
V1112 Bishop, Joey
Gottlieb, Joseph
33261045 Comedian, wrote much of the material for the Rat Pack. Appeared on
many television shows including one of his own as well as movies.
#96 on Comedy Central's 100 Greatest Stand-Up Comedians of All
V2022 Bishop, Sanford D Georgia Representative 1993-
V2935 Bixby, Wilfred
Bixby, Bill
1056613 TV Actor, My Favorite Martian; Incredible Hulk
V2482 Bjorklund, Arnold L 1287993 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Altavilla, Italy on
September 13, 1943. While attacking a German position, his platoon
got pinned down by heavy machinegun and rifle fire. He took three
grenades and proceeded to crawl, under enemy fire, to get within
range of two machinegun nest and one mortar position, using his
grenades to clear the enemy held positions and allowing his platoon to
take its objective.
V500 045 Black, Hugo L X00022786 Alabama Senator 1927-37. Justice of US Supreme Court 1937-71
V3771 Black, Joseph, Jr 42006305 Baseball player. Brooklyn Dodgers 1952-55, Cincinnati Redlegs 1955-
56, Washington Senators 1957
V118 Blackburn, Benjamin 500377 Georgia Representative 1967-75
V117 Blackburn, Benjamin 500377 Georgia Representative 1967-75
V3770 Blackwell, Ewell 39271386 Baseball player. Cincinnati Reds 1942-52, New York Yankees 1952-
53, Kansas City Athletics 1955
V2029 Blackwell, Lucien E President of Local 1332, International Longshoremen's Association.
Pennsylvania Representative 1991-95
V3458 Blake, Thomas E 633390 Surfer and actor
V2802 Blassie, Michael J Blassie was shot down in South Vietnam and buried in Arlington
National Cemetery's Tomb of The Unknowns as an unidentified soldier
of the Vietnam War. His family petitioned for DNA testing to identify
him. With a positive ID, he was reburied at Jefferson Barracks
National Cemetery, July 11, 1998.
V3918 Blatnik, John A 913440 Minnesota Representative 1947-75
V2716 Blaz, Vincente T Representative for Guam, M.I.
V2323 Blevins, Lural L 15758803 August 16, 1968 POW. Remains returned/ recovered June 10, 1969 -
South Vietnam
V1708 Bliley, Thomas J 556857 Mayor of Richmond, Virginia 1970-77. Virginia Representative 1981-
V3638 Blish, James B 32454635 Science Fiction Author. Works include: Spock Must Die!, A Life for
the Stars, Earthman come Home, Mission to the Heart Stars, and
Welcome to Mars!
V1995 Blizzard, William A 19244175 Died while on "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly
were lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near
the Kamchatka Peninsula.
V1905 Block, Harlon H 820595 One of six men who raised the flag on Iwo Jima that was captured in
the famous photograph on February 23, 1945. Block was KIA
V1301 Blocker, Dan D 54027971 Actor best known for his role as Hoss Cartwright in the TV series
Bonanza 1959-72.
V836 Bloomfield, Richard 593882 Ambassador to Ecuador 1976-78. Portugal 1978-82
V837 Bloomfield, Richard 13229612
Ambassador to Ecuador 1976-78. Portugal 1978-82
V4 Blount, Winton M 792473 Postmaster General 1969-71; Candidate for US Senator from
Alabama 1972.
V3560 Blue, Victor 569 Chief of Bureau of Navigation1916-1919
V2668 Bluford, Guion S
Bluford, Guy
Astronaut and first African American in space, 1983. Participated in
four flights of Space Shuttle between 1983 and 1992.
V1949 Blythe, William J 38390939
Bill Clinton's biological father. He died in an auto accident on his was
home to visit his 5 month pregnant wife
V3219 Bobo, John P 92986 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions on March
30, 1967. His company was establishing night ambush sites when
they were attacked by heavy fire. Bobo organized defense, giving
encouragement to the outnumbered marines, then organized a new
rocket launcher group directing the fire into enemy machine gun
positions. When a mortar round severed his right leg below the knee,
he refused evacuation, using a web belt as a tourniquet and ramming
his leg in the dirt to contain the bleeding, he continued to fire on the
enemy attempting to overrun their position. He was mortally wounded,
but his troop was able to repulse the enemy.
V3218 Bobo, John P 92986 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions on March
30, 1967. His company was establishing night ambush sites when
they were attacked by heavy fire. Bobo organized defense, giving
encouragement to the outnumbered marines, then organized a new
rocket launcher group directing the fire into enemy machine gun
positions. When a mortar round severed his right leg below the knee,
he refused evacuation, using a web belt as a tourniquet and ramming
his leg in the dirt to contain the bleeding, he continued to fire on the
enemy attempting to overrun their position. He was mortally wounded,
but his troop was able to repulse the enemy.
V1918 Bock, Frederick C 437450 Scientist with the group who dropped the bomb on Nagasaki in 1945.
Though he usually piloted the Bockscar, the plane that actually
dropped the bomb, for that mission he was on The Great Artiste, a
swap occurring just prior to the raid.
V2637 Boehlert, Sherwood
Boehlert, Sherry
51371037 New York Representative 1983-2003
V1348 Boehm, Richard W 12227327 Ambassador to Cyprus 1984-87, Oman 1989-92
V1863 Boehner, John A 8464295 Ohio Representative 1991-
V3796 Boettiger, John, Jr 517479 Journalist. Was Anna Eleanor Roosevelt's second husband 1936-49.
V2324 Boffman, Alan B 5280188 March 18, 1971 POW. Remains returned/ recovered January 13,
1990. Laos
V200 012 Bogart, Humphrey D 1123062 Movie actor, Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, The African Queen,
and To Have and Have Not are among his films
V3780 Bogue, Merwin A 39742065 Musician. Part of the Kay Kyser Band
V3781 Bohn, Walter J 13116338 Execution. Hanged for the rape of an officer's wife, assault, and theft
in Louisiana.
V384 Boland, Edward P 1637379 Massachusetts Representative 1953-89. Sponsor of amendments that
outlawed U.S. aid to the Nicaraguan "contra" rebels in the 1980's.
V2296 Bolling, George R Among the first African American Cadets to graduate from the
Tuskegee Institute
V2524 Bolling, Richard W 89242591 Missouri Representative 1949-83
V2963 Bollinger, Royal D 15417137 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V2487 Bolton, Cecil H 39870
WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near the Mark River in
Holland on November 2, 1944. Though wounded, he led a bazooka
team against two machine gun nests, knocking both as well as a 88-
mm artillery piece out.
V845 Bond, Langhorne M 24306658 Administrator of Federal Aviation Administration 1977-81
V3075 Bondsteel, James L Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Lang Sau on May
24, 1969. His platoon discovered an enemy base camp and he
organized his men into combat teams, quickly destroying 4 enemy
occupied bunkers. He then raced 200 meters to assist another
platoon that had begun to falter. After assisting them, he returned to
his own troop with needed munitions. 4 more enemy bunkers and a
machine gun were destroyed. Though wounded by a grenade, he
refused treatment and neutralized 2 more enemy bunkers. He was
responsible for the destruction of 10 enemy bunkers, a large number
of enemy troops including 2 enemy commanders.
V1659 Bonesteel, Charles 2372 Major General during WWII
V2268 Bonesteel, Charles H Special Assistant and Military Attache to Ambassador W. Averell
Harriman, Director, ECA
V1126 Bong, Richard I 433784 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for his actions in the Pacific Theater
during the war. In a P-38 Lightning he achieved 40 aerial victories.
He died test piloting a prototype of the Lockheed F-80 which he
ejected from, but at too low an altitude to survive. Rickenbacker, the
WWI Ace of Aces wrote often to Bong during his career and later
participated in unveiling the Richard Bong Memorial.
V2216 Bonifas, Arthur G Killed in the Korea Demilitarized Zone while with a group attempting to
trim a row of poplar trees that were obstructing the line of sight
between checkpoints. Bonifas and Barrett were killed when a North
Korea patrol attacked their group with blunt weapons (pipes and ax
handles) The incident was captured on film by a Corporal in nearby
three-story pagoda. On August 21, Operation Paul Bunyan was
carried out- cutting down the tree. The troops responsible were
backed up by 200 US infantrymen, a fleet of 27 Huey and Cobra
helicopters, B-52 bombers escorted by American and Korean fighters,
and a fleet of F-111 fighter-bombers ready on the runway of Osan Air
Base. 150 North Korean troops responded, but kept their distance.
V2037 Bonilla, Henry 2540876 Texas Representative 1993-
V2027 Bonilla, Henry 25408076 Texas Representative 1993-
V928 Bonior, David E Michigan Representative 1977-2003
V890 Bonker, Donald L
Bonker, Don
318879 Washington Representative 1975-89
V2063 Bonnyman, Alexander 416321 WWII Medal of Honor award posthumously for actions at Tarawa in
the Gilbert Islands November 20 to 22, 1943. 1st Lt Bonnyman led his
men over the three days of battle, organizing assault after assault,
placing himself constantly at risk. He worked to bring down a
bombproof installation that was holding out against the US assault.
With well placed charges, over 100 enemy troops were flushed out
and killed. A Japanese force charged his position shortly after,
mortally wounding him.
V1992 Bonura, Leon F 18359162 Died while on "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly
were lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near
the Kamchatka Peninsula.
V2887 Boomer, Walter E Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps 1992-94
V2803 Boone, David S Charged with espionage in 1998 for selling secrets to Russians, both
as Army NCO and as civilian employee of NSA
V2558 Boone, Joel T 8566 Vice Admiral; Fleet medical officer in the 3rd Fleet under Halsey.
Physician to Presidents Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover.
V2816 Boone, Richard A 6630841 TV Actor, character "Paladin" in Have Gun, Will Travel
V2660 Boorda, Jeremy M Admiral. Chief of Naval Operations 1994-96. Committed suicide over
a controversy regarding Newsweek's inquiry that the Combat V
decorations he wore were earned or not. Admiral Zumwalt later stated
that he, personally, had authorized Boorda to wear them
V2011 Booth, John P 37291 Member of secret reconnaissance team working under OSS to swim
into enemy held areas in Burma.
V2064 Bordelon, William J 331611 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action at Tarawa,
Gilbert Islands on November 20, 1943. Bordelon was part of an
assault engineer platoon, only four of which survived the initial landing
of their tractor on the coast. He quickly placed charges and disabled 2
enemy pillboxes. While assaulting a third position, he was hit by
machine gun fire and a charge exploded in his hand. Out of charges,
he secured a rifle and covered men scaling the seawall. When he
heard one of his men calling for help from the water, he ran to his aid,
pulling him and another who had been wounded to safely. He was
killed when he attempted to take out a fourth Japanese position.
V1426 Boren, David L Rhodes scholar. Oklahoma Governor 1975-79. Senator 1979-94.
President of University of Oklahoma
V1557 Borgnine, Ermes E
Borgnine, Ernesto
Borgnine, Ernest
2071528 Actor noted for From here to Eternity, Marty, McHale's Navy, Airwolf,
The Flight of the Phoenix, The Dirty Dozen, Escape from New York,
All Quiet on the Western Front, as well as many others.
V2776 Borgstrom, Boyd C 300809 Only one of five brothers to serve in WWII and survive. Story similar
to that portrayed in Saving Private Ryan, but Boyd was stationed at
Camp Lejeune and never saw combat action.
V2775 Borgstrom, Clyde E 300810 One of five brothers, four were killed while in military service during
WWII, the remaining, living brother was sent home. Clyde was killed
at Guadalcanal while clearing debris, a tree fell on him.
V2774 Borgstrom, Leroy E 39901970 One of five brothers, four were killed while in military service during
WWII, the remaining, living brother was sent home. Roy was an Army
medic killed in Italy while carrying a wounded comrade to safety.
V2773 Borgstrom, Rolon D 39917713 One of five brothers, four were killed while in military service during
WWII, the remaining, living brother was sent home. Rolon died from
wounds suffered in an Army Air Force bombing raid over Germany.
V2772 Borgstrom, Rulon J 39917677 One of five brothers, four were killed while in military service during
WWII, the remaining, living brother was sent home. Rulon was
reported missing two months after the Storming of France on D-Day.
V1613 Bork, Robert H 50114 Judge of US Court of Appeals for DC Circuit 1982-88. US Solicitor
General 1973-77. Acting US Attorney General 1973-74. Nominated
for Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court 1987, but was rejected
by the Senate.
V1427 Boschwitz, Rudolph
Boschwitz, Rudy
51307261 Minnesota Senator 1979-91
V1027 Boster, Davis E Ambassador to Bangladesh 1974-76, Guatemala 1976-79
V1028 Boster, Davis E Ambassador to Bangladesh 1974-76, Guatemala 1976-79
V2383 Boswell, J Thorton 489878 Participated in the John F. Kennedy autopsy at Bethesda Naval
V2834 Boswell, Leonard L Iowa Representative 1997-
V721 Bourne, Peter G 5711565 First to hold the position of Director of the National Drug Control Policy
1977. Special Assistant to the President for Health Issues.
V3691 Bowen, Andrew J 359789 Arizona
V386 Bowen, David R Mississippi Representative 1973-83
V1816 Bowen, Harold G 5745 Head of Navy R & D (Naval Research Laboratory) during WWII; chiefly
responsible for Navy contribution to Atomic research and development
of the first atomic bombs.
V336 Bowsher, Charles A 55434591 Assistant Secretary of the Navy 1967-71
V993 Boyatt, Thomas D Ambassador to Upper Volta 1978-80, Colombia 1980
V2221 Boyce, Westray B
Long, Westray B
303512 2nd Director of WAC (Women's Army Corps) 1945-47
V2603 Boyd, Fred Allen
Boyd, F. Allen
Florida Representative 1997-
V2549 Boyd, John R Fighter pilot and military strategist whose theories have been highly
influential in the military and business. He earned his nickname at the
USAF Aerial Gunnery school at Nellis AFB because he had a standing
challenge to all fighter pilots: he would best them in aerial combat in
40 seconds or less, or pay them $40. He never lost.
V2246 Boyd, Ralph H 691225 Died in crash during the Berlin Airlift. His record was used in the
exhibit "Winning the Peace"
V400 008 Boyington, Gregory 5254 WWII Medal of Honor awarded, believed at the time, posthumously for
actions in the Central Solomons area from September 12, 1943 to
January 3, 1944. Boyington led 24 fighters in an attempt to disrupt
Japanese shipping, devastate shore installations and enemy aerial
forces. His Medal of Honor citation credits him with 26 downed
Japanese planes, some report only 22. Boyington had served in the
Marines prior to the war, but resigned to join Chennault's "Flying
Tigers" in China. While there, he shot down 6 Japanese craft,
however, a difference of opinion caused him to leave the Tigers with a
dishonorable discharge. He re-enlisted in the Marine Corps after Pearl
Harbor with difficulty due to his reputation as a undisciplined brawler.
He was assigned a squadron of pilots who would become known as
the "Black Sheep" partly because they were scrapped together by
Boyington and didn't go through formal unit training in the US. They
gave him the name Pappy, due to his age and the way he looked after
them. His squadron shot down a confirmed 97 Japanese aircraft, 35
probable, 50 damaged, 21 destroyed on the ground. Pappy was shot
down and thought dead, hence his Medal of Honor being awarded at
the time "posthumously." He spent 20 months in a POW camp. In the
1970's, he sold his story to NBC who created the TV show The Black
Sheep Squadron.
V3933 Boykin, Frank W X00022185 Alabama Representative 1935-63
V747 Brademas, Stephen J
Brademas, John
9824203 Rhodes scholar. Indiana Representative 1959-81
V748 Brademas, Stephen J
Brademas, John
9824203 Rhodes scholar. Indiana Representative 1959-81
V2659 Bradlee, Benjamin C
Bradlee, Ben
183735 Vice president of the Washington Post. Oversaw the publication of
stories documenting the Watergate Scandal.
V1882 Bradley, John H 8681681 One of the six who raised the flag on Iwo Jima.
V1210 Bradley, Omar N 3807 Five star General. During WWII he commanded the Twelfth Army
Group (later called the Central Army Group) the largest fighting force
ever amassed under an American Flag. It numbered 40 divisions and
over 1,000,000 men. He served 69 years on active duty. Chief of
Staff for the Army 1948-49
V3347 Bradley, Ruby G Nations most highly decorated female veteran. Served as a nurse and
was captured and interned at Camp Santo Tomas, Philippines, where
she was known as "Angel in Fatigues"
V1059 Bradley, William W
Bradley, Bill
Rhodes scholar. New Jersey Senator 1979-97. Won gold medal at
the 1964 Olympic Games as part of the US basketball team.
Professional basketball player for the New York Knicks 1967-77.
V2767 Branch, Frederick C 48247
First African American US Marine Corps Officer, November 10,1945.
The Marine Officers Candidate School at Quantico, Virginia was
named for him.
V2091 Branch, Michael P May 6, 1968- March 16, 1973 POW. Returnee -South Vietnam
V1651 Brand, Neville L 20602562 Actor known for roles in: The Birdman of Alcatraz, Stalag 17, Laredo,
Return from the Sea, and D.O.A. He is sometimes credited as the
fourth most decorated soldier in WWII.
V1534 Brand, Vance D 60893
Astronaut. Took part in the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, the meeting in
space between American astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts on July
15, 1975. Inducted into the US Astronauts Hall of Fame 1997.
V3041 Brande, Harvey G 19507308 February 7, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
16, 1973
V2325 Brandt, Keith A March 18, 1971 taken as POW in Laos. Remains returned/ recovered
January 13, 1990.
V1991 Brannon, Dale D 1718 One of a crew of nine shot down by Soviet fighter about 30 miles
inside Soviet airspace near Yerevan, Armenia. Five parachuted from
the craft, 4 crashed, all survived and were picked up by Soviets-
released July 7, 1958. The US admitted intrusion, claiming
navigational error, and expressed regret.
V3027 Brashear, Carl M 2880815 First African-American to become a US Navy diver, early 1950's.
January 17, 1966, suffered an accident on duty that took one of his
legs. First amputee to be certified as a diver April 1968. Portrayed in
the movie Men of Honor by Cuba Gooding, Jr
V2699 Bray, Linda L First US female involved in combat as an MP in Panama during
Operation Just Cause 1989.
V3614 Brazle, Alpha Eugene
Brazle, Al
37626340 Baseball player. Cardinals pitcher 1943-54
V3171 Breault, Henry 2108003 Peacetime Medal of Honor awarded for action at Limon Bay, Canal
Zone, Panama October 28, 1923. Breault was serving about the US
submarine 0-5 when it collided with the steamship Abangarez and
sank in less than a minute. Instead of jumping overboard, he returned
tot he torpedo room to rescue a trapped shipmate, closing the hatch to
the torpedo room on them. They were rescued by a salvage party 31
hours later.
V1549 Breaux, Merlin P 25996078 White House Staff. Special Assistant to the President for Public
V3618 Breckinridge, Henry 114783 Assistant Secretary of War 1913-16. Vice President of Pacific
Hardware & Steel Co. 1916-17, President of Navy League of the
United States 1919-21, Member of the US Fencing Team during the
Olympics of 1920 and 1928, Founder of Anti-New Deal American
Liberty League
V3613 Breger, David 2044311 Cartoonist for Yank and war reporter "Private Breger Abroad" Created
the term and comic "GI Joe"
V3450 Bren, Milton H X00061404 Producer, writer, director
V1745 Brennan, Joseph 11260727 Maine state attorney general 1975-78. Governor 1979-87.
Representative 1987-91
V1252 Brennan, William J Superior court judge in New Jersey 1949-52. Associate justice of New
Jersey sate supreme court 1952-56. Justice of US Supreme Court
1956-90. Received Presidential Medal of Freedom
V1736 Brereton, Lewis H 3132 Pioneer in military aviation. Commanded First Allied Airborne Army in
"Operation Market Garden" in 1944.
V1822 Brett, George H 2764 Army Air Force general during WWII. Deputy commander of the major
Allied command in South East Asia, the American-British-Dutch-
Australian Command.
V2782 Brevelle, James L Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V3486 Brewster, David L 107 Early Marine Aviator
V800 Brewster, Kingman 156465
Ambassador to the Great Britain 1977-81
V799 Brewster, Kingman 156465
Ambassador to the Great Britain 1977-81
V540 Brewster, Robert C 258377 Ambassador to Ecuador 1973-76
V539 Brewster, Robert C 258377 Ambassador to Ecuador 1973-76
V2231 Breyer, Stephen G Judge of US Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit, 1980-94. Justice US
Supreme Court 1994-
V3617 Bridges, Henry S
Brdges, H. Styles
224562 New Hampshire Governor 1935-37, Senator 1937-61
V3428 Bridges, Lloyd Vernet
Bridges, Beau
2050577 Actor. Works include: The Red Pony, The Wizard, Stargate SG-1,
and My Name is Earl
V1359 Bridges, Peter S 16514957 Ambassador to Somalia 1984-86. Department of the Treasury 1-77-
78. Arms Control and Disarmament 1966-71.
V2780 Bright, Bernard Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V2476 Briles, Herschel F 37039880 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions in Germany on November
of 1944. He rescued several men from a burning tank destroyer, fired
a machine gun with such accuracy that 55 Germans surrendered, and
again left a position of cover in order to rescue wounded comrades.
V3517 Brimsek, Frank C 7003316 Hockey player
V1682 Brinkley, David M 20454685 Television Personality/Newscaster. Won the George Foster Peabody
Award for his report on the 50th anniversary of the Japanese attack on
Pearl Harbor. He won two more Peabody awards, 10 Emmy Awards,
and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
V368 Brinkley, Jack T 3006249 Georgia Representative 1967-83
V3800 Brinson, Eliga 34052175 Execution. Hanged for rape in England. Shepton Mallot ETO
V3343 Brissie, Leland V
Brissie, Lou
14192368 Professional baseball pitcher for the Philadelphia Athletics 1947-49,
playing in the 1949 All Star Game. During WWII, his patrol was hit by
a mortar shell and Lou was left for dead. He was found by a grave
registration team and rushed to a field hospital where he is reportedly
the first person to be given penicillin. He had to have a metal plate put
in his leg.
V1879 Britt, Harold L 2125349 One of 100 crew killed when the USS Reuben James was torpedoed
by the German submarine U-552 near Iceland. The James was part of
a convoy escorting war materials to the United Kingdom.
V3001 Britt, Maurice L 410196 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions north of Mignano, Italy on
November 10, 1943. Inspired and led a handful of his men in repelling
a German counterattack against his company. During the fight, Britt's
canteen and field glasses were shattered, he, himself was shot in the
side, chest, face and his hands received multiple grenade wounds. He
refused medical attention and personally killed 5, wounded countless
others, fired 5 clips of carbine, unknown amount of MI rifle
ammunition, and threw 32 grenades. He played football for the
University of Arkansas and the Detroit Lions before the war. First
Republican lieutenant governor in Arkansas since Reconstruction
V635 Britton, Theodore R, Jr 925686 Ambassador to Barbados 1974-77, Grenada 1974. Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Department of Housing and Urban Development 1971-
V659 Britton, Theodore R, Jr 925686 Ambassador to Barbados 1974-77, Grenada 1974. Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Department of Housing and Urban Development 1971-
V1160 Brock, William E, III Tennessee Representative 1963-71, Senator 1971-77. Chairman of
Republican National Committee 1977-81. U.S. Trade Representative
1981-85. Secretary of Labor 1985-87
V151 Brock, William E, III 573499 Tennessee Representative 1963-71, Senator 1971-77. Chairman of
Republican National Committee 1977-81. U.S. Trade Representative
1981-85. Secretary of Labor 1985-87
V1488 Brooks, Jack B 29170 Texas Representative 1953-95
V1068 Brooks, Jack B Texas Representative 1953-95
V3961 Brooks, Richard 840103 Writer, director, and producer. Works include: Splinters, The Brick
Foxhole, Key Largo, Brute Force, Blackboard Jungle, Cat on a Hot Tin
Roof, and In Cold Blood.
V387 Broomfield, William 16065354 Michigan Representative 1957-93
V305 Brotzman, Donald G 1327093 US District Attorney for Colorado 1959-61. Colorado Representative
1963-65, 1967-75
V2947 Brower, David R 1317615 Prominent environmentalist and founder of Sierra Club Foundation,
the John Muir Institute for Environmental Studies, Friends of the Earth,
League of Conservation Voters, Earth Island Institute, North Cascades
Conservation Council, and Fate of the Earth Conferences.
V134 Brown, Clarence J
Brown, Bud
499185 Ohio Representative 1965-83
V133 Brown, Clarence J
Brown, Bud
499185 Ohio Representative 1965-83
V388 Brown, Garry E 1341396 Michigan Representative 1967-79
V1428 Brown, George E 1333775 Mayor of Monterey Park, California 1954-58. California
Representative 1963-71, 1973-99
V1162 Brown, George H 665834 Colorado Representative 1981-91. Senator 1991-97. President of
University of Northern Colorado 1998-2002.
V3091 Brown, George S Air Force Chief of Staff 1973-74. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff 1974-
V2209 Brown, Jesse US Secretary of Veterans Affairs 1993-97. Arm was partially
paralyzed as a result of a combat injury in Vietnam 1965.
V2077 Brown, Jesse L 504477 First African American pilot in the US Navy as well as the first black
naval officer to lose his life in combat during the Korean War. On
December 4, 1950, Brown's craft was struck by enemy fire and he was
forced to crash-land it. His squadron mate, Hudner crash-landed
beside him and attempted to aid Brown. He and later Ward (from a
rescue helicopter) were unable to free him. The helicopter was
unequipped to fly at night and Hudner and Ward were forced to depart,
leaving Brown pinned in his plane. Weather prevented a return to the
site until December 7th at which time a fly over revealed Brown's
stripped body, evidence of Koreans having been to the site. They
dropped napalm on both planes.
V3504 Brown, Lloyd 1136506 One of the last living WWI veterans
V2585 Brown, Luther A 3815 Compiler of USMC "The Marine's Handbook" the mainstay of enlisted
instruction from 1934 through WWII.
V2826 Brown, Milan R 35733025 Alleged member of the 364th Infantry at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi
1943. One of those identified by Philadelphia Tribune investigative
reporter as involved in the Van Dorn Incident. Incident in which a
number of African American soldiers were allegedly killed in an
attempt to quash racial tensions.
V2384 Brown, Ronald H 95325852 Chairman of Democratic National Committee 1989-93. US Secretary
of Commerce 1993-96. Killed in a plane crash during a storm in
V2739 Brown, Wesley A 521291 The first African American to complete a Naval Academy education.
V1392 Brown, William A 56594 Ambassador to Thailand 1985, Israel 1988-
V304 Broyhill, Joel T 1292650 Virginia Representative 1953-75
V1782 Bruce, Andrew D 5857 Lt. General WWII. Commanding General Tank Destroyer Command
1942-43. Commanding General 77th Division, Guam-Philippines-
Okinawa 1943-46. Commanding General 7th Division 1946-47.
Deputy Commanding General 4th Army 1947-51. Commandant
Armed Forces Staff College 1951-54
V5 Bruce, David K 900883 US Vice Consul in Rome 1926; Ambassador to France 1949-52,
Germany 1957-59, Great Britain 1961-69, US Liaison to China 1973-
74. Received Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1976.
V6 Brucker, Wilber 166540 Michigan state attorney general 1928-30. Governor of Michigan 1931-
32. US Secretary of the Army.
V3476 Brunner, Frederick J 371861 Member of team serving with the French Resistance in France. Took
part in a parachute drop into the Department of Savoie on 8/1/1944.
Served under Major Peter Ortiz
V1739 Bryan, Richard H 5703969 Nevada state attorney general 1979-83. Governor 1983-89. Senator
V3294 Bryant, Paul W 132950 University of Alabama Football Coach
V3412 Bryant, Tracey 34686280 Court-martialed in England with William Forester for killing a black
soldier. Sentence was life imprisonment.
V532 Buchanan, John H, Jr 5816427 Alabama Representative 1965-81.
V531 Buchanan, John H, Jr 5816427 Alabama Representative 1965-81.
V3503 Buchanan, Russell A 1138583 One of the last living WWI veterans
V1147 Bucher, Lloyd M
Bucher, Pete
582154 Captain of the USS Pueblo which was captured in January 1968 when
it came under attack by North Korean forces even though the Pueblo
was in International waters. Bucher and his crew were held as POWs
for 11 months until the US issued an apology.
V1133 Bucher, Lloyd M
Bucher, Pete
582154 Captain of the USS Pueblo which was captured in January 1968 when
it came under attack by North Korean forces even though the Pueblo
was in International waters. Bucher and his crew were held as POWs
for 11 months until the US issued an apology.
V3132 Buchinsky, Charles
Bronson, Charles
33576062 Actor in both American and European films. Among his films are: The
Great Escape, The Dirty Dozen, The Magnificent Seven, and Once
Upon a Time in the West..
V1533 Buchwald, Arthur
Buchwald, Art
470911 Humorist known for his long-running column in The Washington Post.
The column concentrates on political satire and commentary.
V3885 Buck, Clayton
2483581 Governor of Delaware 1929-37, Senator 1943-49
V2521 Buck, John F
Buck, Jack
35067459 Sportscaster best known for announcing the St Louis Cardinals.
Received the Ford C Frick Award from the Baseball Hall of Fame
1987. Has a star on the St Louis Walk of Fame.
V3505 Buckles, Frank W 15577 One of the last living WWI veterans
V3131 Buckley, Howard M 20576 Philippine Insurrection Medal of Honor awarded for actions with the
8th Army Corps on March 25, 27, 29, and April 4, 1899.
V158 Buckley, James L 332451 New York Senator 1971-77. Judge of US Court of Appeals for D.C.
Circuit 1985-96
V1718 Buckner, Simon B 2370 Highest ranking army officer killed in WWII, Okinawa.
V525 Buffum, William B 12139662 Ambassador to Lebanon 1970.
V1901 Bulkeley, John D WWII Medal of Honor awarded for various actions in Philippine water
from December 7, 1941 to April 10, 1942. During this time period, he
and his squadron, destroyed a number of Japanese plane, surface
combatant and merchant ships, dispersing landing parties and land-
based enemy forces. On March 11, 1942, he rescued Gen.
MacArthur, his staff and family from Manila.
V1167 Bullitt, William C X00012591 First Ambassador to USSR 1933-36. France 1936-40. In 1914 he
witnessed the first air raid on Paris by the Germans with the beginning
of WWII. In 1940, he again witnessed air raids in Paris by the
Germans with the beginning of WWII.
V3930 Bulwinkle, Alfred L X00042183 North Carolina Representative 1921-29, 1931-50
V3011 Bumgarner, James S
Garner, James
25699045 Film and Television actor known for roles in: Maverick, The Rockford
Files, The Great Escape, and My Fellow Americans.
V201 Bumpers, Dale L 921013 Arkansas Governor 1971-75. Senator 1975-99
V354 Bumpers, Dale L 921013 Arkansas Governor 1971-75. Senator 1975-99
V2463 Bundy, McGeorge
Bundy, Mac
1640283 Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to Presidents Kennedy
and Johnson 1961-66
V3948 Burdick, Usher L X00022179 North Dakota Lieutenant Governor 1911-12. Representative 1935-45,
V704 Burgener, Clair 2079272 California Representative 1973-83
V2605 Burke, Arleigh A 57951 Commander of Destroyers during WWII. Burke received his nickname
when he sent a message stating he was proceeding into battle at 31
knots, one knot faster than his squadron's top speed. The Navy
Destroyer Class, Arleigh Burke Class is named for him.
V389 Burke, J. Herbert 2051888 Florida Representative 1967-79. Arrested in 1978 for being drunk and
disruptive in the parking lot of a strip club; pleaded guilty to public
drunkenness, disorderly conduct and witness tampering.
V390 Burke, James A 11049886 Massachusetts Representative 1959-79
V913 Burke, John R 387265
Ambassador to Guyana 1977-79
V3239 Burke, Robert C 2359360 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Southern Quang Nam
Province Republic of Vietnam on May 17, 1968. When his unit fell
under heavy enemy fire, neither able to advance or evacuate
wounded, Burke moved forward, attacking multiple enemy positions
until he fell, mortally wounded
V2762 Burkett, Bernand G Vietnam war "hero" debunker. Has exposed many fake heroes. Co-
author of Stolen Valor
V265 Burleson, Omar T 254721 Texas Representative 1947-79
V264 Burleson, Omar T 254721 Texas Representative 1947-79
V1286 Burlison, Bill D
Burlison, Willaim D
71742 Missouri Representative 1969-81
V2207 Burnett, Chester A Blues singer/performer. Songs include: Evil, Smokestack Lightnin',
The Red Rooster, and Spoonful.
V1737 Burns, Conrad R 1517385 Montana Senator 1989-
V3725 Burns, Lee A 38520648 Execution. Hanged for rape in Italy. MTO
V3923 Burns, Robert W 39341855 Execution. Hanged for rape and murder committed December 11,
1948 in Guam, Marianas Islands.
V2470 Burr, Elmer J 20647479 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Buna, New Guinea on
December 24, 1942. Burr saw an enemy grenade fall near his
commander and smothered the blast with his body.
V2489 Burr, Herbert H 37236263 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Dorrmoschel,
Germany on March 19, 1945. When the tank he was in was struck by
an enemy rocket, the crew was forced to abandon the vehicle. Burr
jumped into the driver's seat and continue the mission of
reconnaissance. Upon rounding a corner, he came face to face with a
fully crewed anti-tank gun. With no crew to fire the tank's weapons,
Burr picked up speed and charged the gun, causing its crew to scatter
in confusion. The gun was destroyed as Burr ran over it. He also
overturned an enemy truck before returning to his crew.
V2648 Burrell, Stanley K
Hammer, MC
Rapper during the late 1980's early 1990's. Songs include U Can't
Touch This and Feel My Power.
V1186 Burton, Arnold Phillip 495302 California Representative 1964-83.
V3318 Burton, Arnold Phillip 2280518 California Representative 1964-83.
V1485 Burton, Danny L 16584353 Indiana Representative 1983-2003
V7 Burton, Harold H 100435 Member of Ohio state house of representatives 1929; Mayor of
Cleveland, Ohio 1931-32, 1935-40; Senator 1941-45; Justice of
Supreme Court 1945-58, Senior Status 1958-64.
V3092 Burton, James G Author of The Pentagon Wars: Reformers Challenge the Old Guard.
Well known member of the military "Reform Movement" started by
Col. John R Boyd. Famous for demanding valid "live-fire" tests of The
Bradley Fighting Vehicle
V1207 Burton, Laurence J 9830251 Utah Representative 1963-71
V3759 Busbey, Fred E 210671 Illinois Representative 1943-45, 1947-49, 1951-55
V1233 Busch, August A 908173 Beer Brewing Executive. Chairman of the Board Anheuser-Busch Inc.
beginning 1946.
V1994 Busch, Samuel N
Busch, Sam
733811 Died while on "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly
were lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near
the Kamchatka Peninsula.
V53 Bush, George H 173464 Texas Representative 1967-71; US Representative to United Nations
1971-73; US Liaison to China 1974-75; CIA 1976-77; Vice President
1981-89; President 1989-93
V52 Bush, George H 173464 Texas Representative 1967-71; US Representative to United Nations
1971-73; US Liaison to China 1974-75; CIA 1976-77; Vice President
1981-89; President 1989-93
V1681 Bush, George W Texas Governor 1995-2000. President of US 2001- . Son of George
H. Bush
V500 021 Bush, Prescott S X00051595 Connecticut Senator 1952-63. Father of George H W Bush
V3223 Bush, Richard E 449381 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Mount Yaetake, Okinawa
on April 16,1945. While the marines were attempting to take the
mountain, an enemy grenade landed amidst them. Bush picked it up
and held it to him, loosing several fingers, sight in one eye, and being
severely wounded, but surviving. In a 1990 interview, he stated, "I
didn't earn this alone. It belongs to them (his fellow marines) too."
V1429 Bustamante, Albert 25852848 Texas Representative 1985-93. Convicted in 1993 on racketeering
and bribery charges and sentenced to prison.
V734 Butler, Manley
Virginia Representative 1972-83
V557 Butler, Manley
Virginia Representative 1972-83
V400 015 Butler, Smedley D 139 Dual Medal of Honor recipient. The first for actions at Vera Cruz April
22, 1914. The second for actions at Fort Riviere, Haiti November 17,
1915, where he led the 15th Company against Caco bandits.
V1224 Butterfield, Alexander Deputy assistant to Richard Nixon 1969-73. Administrator of Federal
Aviation Administration 1972-75. He was not part of the Watergate
cover-up, but did, when asked about it directly, tell the Senate
committee about the White House tapes.
V1223 Butterfield, Alexander 24747 Deputy assistant to Richard Nixon 1969-73. Administrator of Federal
Aviation Administration 1972-75. He was not part of the Watergate
cover-up, but did, when asked about it directly, tell the Senate
committee about the White House tapes.
V3586 Butterfield, George K 53950148 Butterfield, George Kenneth, Jr North Carolina Representative 2004-
V2844 Button, Craig D Air Force pilot who disappeared with his A-10 warplane during a
training exercise in Arizona. After an extensive search, he and his
plane were found crashed in Colorado (Gold Dust Peak), in what
appeared to be suicide.
V3816 Butts, Edmund L 308 Brigadier General
V116 Buzhardt, Joseph F
Buzhardt, J Fred
28390 South Carolina Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National
Convention from South Carolina 1948
V136 Byrd, Harry F, Jr 111354 Virginia Senator 1965-83
V135 Byrd, Harry F, Jr 111354 Virginia Senator 1965-83
V1088 Byrd, Richard E 7918 Began the 1,500 mile North Pole flight with co-pilot Floyd Bennett on
May 9, 1926, for which they were both awarded the Medal of Honor.
Attempted a Trans-Atlantic flight June 1927, but was forced to crash
land after 42 hours of flight. In 1928, he established Little America, a
base in Antarctica and planned to fly over the South Pole, but Byrd
became grieved at the death of Bennett. On a visit to Bennett's grave,
Byrd took a stone from the grave. When he flew over the South Pole
on November 29, 1929, he tied an American flag to the stone and
dropped it from the plane in a final tribute to Bennett.
V1089 Byrd, Richard E 7918 Began the 1,500 mile North Pole flight with co-pilot Floyd Bennett on
May 9, 1926, for which they were both awarded the Medal of Honor.
Attempted a Trans-Atlantic flight June 1927, but was forced to crash
land after 42 hours of flight. In 1928, he established Little America, a
base in Antarctica and planned to fly over the South Pole, but Byrd
became grieved at the death of Bennett. On a visit to Bennett's grave,
Byrd took a stone from the grave. When he flew over the South Pole
on November 29, 1929, he tied an American flag to the stone and
dropped it from the plane in a final tribute to Bennett.
V2284 Byrne, Norman T 39263364 Dismissed from service as Chief, Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives
Section in Berlin due to theft, looting, and black-market activities
V2283 Byrne, Norman T 105547 Dismissed from service as Chief, Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives
Section in Berlin due to theft, looting, and black-market activities
V391 Byron, Goodloe E 2274788 Maryland Representative 1971-78
V3097 Cabell, Charles P Deputy Director of CIA 1953-62
V3224 Caddy, William R 912934 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Iwo Jima
on March 3, 1945. When he, his platoon sergeant, and platoon leader
were advancing against the enemy, they took shelter in a shell hole
where they conducted in a hand grenade battle with the enemy. When
one landed in the hole with them, Caddy threw himself on it, absorbing
the full impact.
V3143 Caidin, Martin 12282972 Author and authority on aeronautics and aviation.
V3612 Caldwell, Millard F 460953 Florida Representative 1933-41, Governor 1945-49
V3853 Caldwell, Millard F, Jr 460953 Florida Representative 1933-41, Governor 1945-49
V631 Califano, Joseph A 602416 US Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare 1977-79.
V630 Califano, Joseph A 602416 US Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare 1977-79.
V2753 Callaghan, Daniel J 7635 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions aboard USS
San Francisco off Savo Island on night November 12-13, 1942. He
led his forces against a tactically superior enemy force, contributing to
the enemy rout.
V1624 Callahan, Herbert L
Callahan, Sonny
3336544 Lieutenant Governor of Alabama 1982. Representative 1985-2003
V392 Callaway, Howard H
Callaway, Bo
59106 Georgia Representative 1965-67
V1189 Callaway, Howard H
Callaway, Bo
2695890 Georgia Representative 1965-67
V361 Calley, William L Platoon leader in the First Battalion, 20th Infantry, America Division.
Court-martialed for and found guilty of the murder of Vietnamese
civilians at My Lai in March 1968. Other officers and enlisted men
were investigated and tried for their roles in the massacre, but found
not guilty.
V2855 Camacho, Issac November 24, 1963 taken as POW, Escaped and returned July 13,
1965. South Vietnam
V988 Camp, John N
Camp, Happy
X00051108 Oklahoma Representative 1969-75.
V1063 Campbell, Alan K 433924 Director of the Office of Personnel Management
V1062 Campbell, Alan K 433924 Director of the Office of Personnel Management
V1744 Campbell, Benjamin
Campbell, Ben
19378620 Colorado Representative 1987-93, Senator 1993-
V3757 Campbell, Courtney W 146426 Florida Representative 1953-55
V54 Campbell, James F 127023 Ambassador to El Salvador 1974
V55 Campbell, James F 127023 Ambassador to El Salvador 1974
V2298 Campbell, William A Among the first African American Cadets to graduate from the
Tuskegee Institute
V187 Cannon, Clarence A X00041179 Missouri Representative 1923-64
V2326 Cannon, Francis E 67186086 January 8, 1968 taken as POW. Remains returned August 14, 1985.
South Vietnam
V3222 Cannon, George H 5837
WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Sand
Island, Midway Islands, on December 7, 1941. During the bombing,
he was mortally wounded by shell fire, but refused to evacuate until his
wounded men were. He then stayed to reorganize the command post
until forcibly removed. As a result, he died of blood loss.
V297 Cannon, Howard W 383170 Nevada Senator 1959-83
V1587 Cannon, John K 10212 Commanding General US Air Forces, Europe 1945. Commander 12th
Air Force during Sicilian campaign, invasion of Italy, Southern France
V2815 Cannutt, Enos E
Cannutt, Yakima
1203502 "Bronco" rider and cowboy stunt rider in old movies of the 1920's and
30's. Westerns
V500 002 Capra, Frank 900209 Motion picture director, writer, and producer of the 1920's through
60's. It Happened One Night, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, It's a
Wonderful Life, and You Can't Take it With You.
V2951 Card, Andrew H 9977637
Chief of Staff for President George W. Bush. US Secretary of
Transportation 1992-93
V2684 Carey, Drew A Actor and comedian. Drew Carey Show
V1532 Carey, Edward M
Carey, Macdonald
Actor best known for his role as Dr. Tom Horton on Days of our Lives
V812 Cargo, William I 366835 Ambassador to Nepal 1973-76
V813 Cargo, William I 366835 Ambassador to Nepal 1973-76
V2708 Carl, Marion E 4402075 First Marine Corps "Ace" of WWII. Shot down 18 enemy aircraft. Flew
U-2 spy fights over China and fought in Vietnam. Was killed in his
home trying to protect his wife from an intruder.
V2132 Carlson, Albert E April 7, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February 12,
V1721 Carlson, Evans F 114135 Commanded Marine force that became known as "Carlson's Raiders"
a prototype of the Green Berets.
V400 010 Carlson, Evans F 3813 Commanded Marine force that became known as "Carlson's Raiders"
a prototype of the Green Berets.
V112 Carlucci, Frank C 518635 Ambassador to Portugal 1975-78; Secretary of Defense 1987-89.
V113 Carlucci, Frank C 518635 Ambassador to Portugal 1975-78; Secretary of Defense 1987-89.
V1209 Carmen, Gerald P X00070830 Ambassador to US Mission to the European Office of the UN
V2411 Carnahan, Melvin E
Carnahan, Mel
2209097 Lieutenant Governor of Missouri 1989-93. Governor 1993-2000. Died
in a plane crash while running for Senator.
V3139 Carney, Arthur W
Carney, Art
42061477 Actor of film, stage, television, and radio. Best known for his role of Ed
Norton on The Honeymooners
V1430 Carney, William 12641964 New York Representative 1979-87
V2290 Caron, George R 12143134 Tail gunner on the Enola Gay when she dropped the Atomic bomb on
Hiroshima August 6, 1945
V2756 Caron, Wayne M B00116083 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for action in the Republic of Vietnam
on July 28, 1968. While serving as a Corpsman, Caron rendered aid
to his comrades even while being struck by enemy fire. He continued
until killed by an enemy rocket round.
V2799 Carpenter, Malcolm 521959 One of the original seven astronauts selected in 1959 for Project
Mercury. He was the second American to orbit the earth and the
fourth in space.
V2960 Carper, Thomas R 719277 Delaware Representative 1983-93. Governor 1993-2001. Senator
V2478 Carr, Chris
Karaberis, Chris
Karaberis, Christos
31176795 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for his actions near Guignola, Italy on
October 1-2, 1944. When his platoon came to be pinned down by
heavy enemy fire, Carr single-handedly assaulted the enemy,
capturing 5 enemy machine gun nests, killed 8 Germans, captured 22,
and cleared the area for his squad.
V2840 Carradine, John A
Carradine, David
51466592 Actor best know for the role of Kwai Chang Caine in the series Kung
V1302 Carroll, Earl X00091691 Showman, producer, and director. Best known for Earl Carroll's
V1551 Carson, John W
Carson, Johnny
450375 Television entertainer, comedian, and show host. Host of The Tonight
Show for nearly thirty years.
V1154 Carswell, George H 6363956 US Court of Appeals for Fifth Circuit judge 1969-70 Arrested and
convicted of battery 1976.
V1915 Carswell, Horace S 399757 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions over the
South China Sea on October 26, 1944. On the night of October 26 he
flew his B-24 bomber in a one-plane strike against a Japanese
convoy. He caught the enemy completely by surprise. Carswell
circled around and, knowing the enemy would fire, prepared another
attack. He scored two direct hits on an enemy tanker, but his craft and
co-pilot were hit by Japanese guns. He managed to keep the craft in
the air and made it back to land. He ordered his crew to abandon, but
one had a damaged parachute. Instead of abandoning him, Carswell
attempted to crash land the plane, but died when the plane struck a
mountain and burned.
V1017 Carswell, Robert 558337 Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
V1018 Carswell, Robert 558337 Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
V3242 Carter, Bruce W 2511589 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Quang
Tri Province in the Republic of Vietnam on August 7, 1969. When he
and part of his platoon were separated by a brush fire and under
heavy enemy fire, he stood and fired into the enemy troops forcing
them to pull back. He then directed his comrades down a trail, out of
the path of the brush fire. When an enemy grenade landed in their
midst, he landed on it, taking the full impact of the explosion.
V2499 Carter, Edward A 39164078 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions on the road
to Speyer on March 23, 1945. His tank battalion was stopped by
heavy enemy fire including anti-tank rockets. When their source was
determined, Carter volunteered to lead a three man team to take the
warehouse, the origin of the fire. Two of his squad were killed and one
wounded, so he continued alone. By the time he reached the building,
he had taken 5 bullets and 3 pieces of shrapnel. He lay in the dirt
playing dead until an enemy patrol came to make sure. He leaped up,
killed six and captured two, taking them back to his company. He
refused treatment, instead climbing into an observation post and
pointed out several machine gun nest. With his help the road was
cleared and Speyer was taken in two days.
V1016 Carter, James E 1342448 Father of President Carter
V538 Carter, James E
Carter, Jimmy Earl Jr.
485019 39th President of United States 1976-1980. 1952, selected to join the
first group of officers to serve on nuclear submarines under Hyman
Rickover. Governor of Georgia 1970. 2002 awarded Nobel Peace
Prize for his contributions to improving human rights and relations
between nations.
V632 Carter, John W Eldest child of three of President Carter
V699 Carter, John W Eldest child of three of President Carter
V2267 Carter, Marshall S Military Aide to George C. Marshall
V3017 Carter, Ross S 33089445 Author of Those Devils in Baggy Pants memoir of author's service in
82nd Airborne during WWII
V393 Carter, Tim L 360564 Kentucky Representative 1965-81
V2836 Carter, William A
Carter, Billy
1512012 American Folk Figure. Brother of former President Jimmy Carter
V1519 Carter, William H, III 576521
V3366 Carville, Chester J, Jr
Carville, James
2303672 Political pundit and strategist for Bill Clinton's 1992 Presidential
Campaign. Host of CNN's Crossfire and then The Situation Room
V3165 Casamento, Anthony 292218 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Guadalcanal on
November 1, 1942. He was serving as leader of a machine gun
section providing covering fire for three other units. In the course of
action, all others in his squad were either wounded or killed.
Casamento was severely wounded, but continued to man his gun,
repelling multiple enemy assaults and providing protection for the
other units
V3342 Case, Everett N 155276 American basketball (college) coach. Coached 18 seasons at North
Carolina State University and inducted into the Basketball Hall of
Fame 1982
V2078 Casey, Hugh J Chief Engineer US Army Forces Far East 1941. Chief Engineer
South-West Pacific 1944. Commanding General Army Service
Command Pacific Ocean Areas 1944-45. Chief Engineer US Army
Forces Pacific Area 1945-46. Subject of book Engineer Memoirs
published by COE History Office
V826 Casey, William J 282581 Under Secretary Department of State
V1142 Casey, William J 282581 Under Secretary Department of State
V1265 Cash, John R
Cash, Johnny
18351914 Country Singer, musician, actor, entertainer. Notable songs include:
Ring of Fire, Folsom Prison Blues, A Boy Named Sue, and I Walk the
Line. He was inducted into the Songwriters, the Country Music, and
the Rock and Roll Halls of Fame.
V3420 Cassini, Oleg L 1032694 American fashion designer noted for being chosen by Jacqueline
19180808 Kennedy to design her state wardrobe in the 1960s
V3353 Cassini, Oleg L 574353 American fashion designer noted for being chosen by Jacqueline
Kennedy to design her state wardrobe in the 1960s
V2327 Castro, Alfonso R 56417842 November 4, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
returned/ recovered July 9, 1973
V2378 Cates, Clifton B 155 Nineteenth Commandant of Marine Corps 1948-51
V2133 Cavaiani, Jon R June 5, 1971 taken as POW. Returned March 27, 1973. South
Vietnam. Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions in the Republic
of Vietnam on June 4 & 5, 1971. Cavaiani was platoon leader of a
security force providing protection for a radio relay site in enemy-held
territory. The camp came under heavy enemy fire, but he exposed
himself repeatly to enemy fire by moving around the perimeter
directing fire. When it came time to evacuate, he stayed on the
ground, directing the helicopters to the landing zone. He and rest of
his platoon were forced to stay overnight. When they were being
overrun by the enemy force, he ordered his platoon to evacuate while
he covered their escape.
V2861 Cavazos, Richard E First Hispanic to achieve four-star general
V3021 Cecil, Joseph S 168174 Philippine Insurrection Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Bud-
Dajo, Jole, Philippines on March 7, 1906. While under fire he carried
one wounded man and the body of another to a sheltered area.
V394 Cederberg, Elford A 1286960 Mayor of Bay City, Michigan 1949-52. Michigan Representative 1953-
V781 Celebrezze, Anthony 9502665 Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio 1953-62. US Secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare 1962-65. Judge US Court of Appeals 1965.
V780 Celebrezze, Anthony 9502665 Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio 1953-62. US Secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare 1962-65. Judge US Court of Appeals 1965.
V2608 Ceparano, Louis J 81508651 Co-murderer of Garnett P. Johnson in Elk Creek, Va. Johnson was
taken outside, doused in gasoline and lit on fire, afterward, they
beheaded him in what appeared to be a racially motivated Hate Crime.
Johnson was a former Marine.
V2763 Ceparano, Louis J 81508651 Co-murderer of Garnett P. Johnson in Elk Creek, Va. Johnson was
taken outside, doused in gasoline and lit on fire, afterward, they
beheaded him in what appeared to be a racially motivated Hate Crime.
Johnson was a former Marine.
V542 Chafee, John H 39083 Rhode Island Governor 1963-69. Senator 1976-99
V530 Chafee, John H 39083 Rhode Island Governor 1963-69. Senator 1976-99
V500 053 Chaffee, Adna R, Jr 2136 "Father of the Armored Force" Played a key role in the development
of the Army's tank forces.
V2044 Chaffee, Adna R, Sr X00041442 Father of Adna Chaffee, Jr.
V2733 Chaffee, Roger B 564218 Astronaut killed along with Edward White and Gus Grissom when the
Apollo 1 command module had a flash fire on the launch pad.
V3102 Chamberlain, Charles Michigan Representative 1957-75.
V2066 Chambers, Justice M WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Iwo Jima on February 19-
22, 1945. Instrumental in insuring the success of the landing
operation. He repeatly re-organized and lead his men against the
enemy forces in the nearly impregnable cliffs overlooking the landing
V3559 Chambers,
Washington I
2303 Senior Member of Board on Naval Aeronautic Services. Early
V1683 Chancellor, John W 46043408 Newsman with NBC. Worked on programs such as NBC Nightly
News, Tonight, and The Huntley-Brinkley Report.
V3492 Chandler, Charles D X00122478 Early Army Aviator and trainer
V2969 Chandler, Melbourne 37486 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V1773 Chandler, Rodney D
Chandler, Rod
28801304 Washington Representative 1983-93
V3944 Chandler, Walter C
Chandler, Clift
X00100587 Tennessee Representative 1935-40. Mayor of Memphis, Tennessee
1940-46, 1955. Filed the US Supreme Court case Baker vs. Carr
V2425 Chapman, Leonard F Twenty-fourth Commandant of the Marine Corps 1968-71.
V3922 Chapman, Oscar L 1210841 US Secretary of the Interior 1950-53. Early victim of House
Committee on Un-American Activities because he had contributed $2
during the Spanish Civil War
V161 Chappell, William V, Jr 363921 Florida Representative 1969-89.
V1431 Chappie, Eugene A 1018610 California Representative 1981-87
V2264 Chara, Charles J 32005628 One of two Air Force members who acted as technical advisors to
20th Century Fox during the filming of The Big Lift
V1319 Charles, Ezzard 35801567 Professional boxer, had 122 professional bouts: won 96 - 58 by
knockout, lost 25 - 7 by knockout, and 1 draw.
V3542 Charlo, Louis C 509743 Part of Iwo Jima 1st flag raising
V3610 Charlton, Cornelius 12265495 Korea Medal of Honor awarded for action near Chipo-ri, Korea on
June 2, 1951.
V2588 Chayesfsky, Sidney
Chayesfsky, Paddy
12142207 Playwright and screenwriter. His work includes Marty, The Goddess,
The Bachelor Party, Paint Your Wagon, and Network.
V3155 Cheli, Ralph 6981578 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Wewak,
New Guinea on August 18, 1943. Leading a bombing run against
Dagua Airdrome, he plane was hit by enemy fire and burst into flames.
Instead of ejecting from the craft, he elected to stay and lead the run to
the end. After it was done, he crashed into the sea. A short time after,
he was reported by the Japanese to be a POW. On March 5, 1944,
Cheli and about 20 other prisoners were loaded onto a ship bound for
Japan. Nearly 90 minutes later the ship was sunk by the US Fifth Air
Force with no one surviving.
V1894 Chenault, Oran W 63628 Officer on Duty at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor. US Naval
Hospital Pearl Harbor, wrote the MOOD Log Entry.
V600 008 Chennault, Claire L A10090 Led the Flying Tigers (an all-volunteer service) in China before the US
entered WWII. With the US entry in the war, took command of all
Allied Air Forces in the far east.
V3947 Chenoweth, John E
Chenoweth, J. E.
Chenoweth, J. Edgar
X00081797 Colorado Representative 1941-49, 1951-65
V2134 Chenoweth, Robert P February 8, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
16, 1973.
V3482 Chevalier, Godfrey 7215 Naval Aviator #7. Died in a plane accident
V395 Chiles, Lawton M Florida Senator 1971-89. Governor 1991-98
V3869 Chiperfield, Robert B 4530437 Illinois Representative 1939-63
V2135 Chirichgno, Luis G November 2, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
27, 1973
V900 Christopher, Warren 7357271 US Secretary of State 1993. Received Presidential Medal of Freedom
January 16, 1981
V901 Christopher, Warren 7357271 US Secretary of State 1993. Received Presidential Medal of Freedom
January 16, 1981
V2536 Church, Frank F 1326316 Idaho Senator 1957-81. Candidate for Democratic nomination for
President 1976.
V1574 Church, Ralph E X00050583 Illinois Representative 1935-41, 1943-50.
V2650 Chwatt, Aaron 42032570 Comedian and actor known for roles in: Sayonara, Hatari!, The
Longest Day, Harlow, The Poseidon Adventure, and Pete's Dragon.
#71 on Comedy Central's list of 100 greatest stand-ups of all time.
V1661 Cisneros, Henry G Mayor of San Antonio 1981-95. US Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development 1993-97. Indicted for perjury and pleaded guilty.
V2946 Claiborne, Raymond
Claiborne, Craig
6687366 Food writer and former Food Editor of the New York Times.
V396 Clancy, Donald D 15317288 Ohio Representative 1961-77
V10 Clark, Bennett
Clark, Joel Bennett
X00010890 Missouri Senator 1931-45. Judge of US Court of Appeals for the D.C.
Circuit 1945
V2736 Clark, Beverly S Female soldier killed during Desert Storm by Iraqi SCUD Missile attack
on barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
V3608 Clark, Ernest L 33212946 Execution. Hanged for the rape and murder of an English girl. ETO
V2300 Clark, Herbert V Among the first African American Cadets to graduate from the
Tuskegee Institute
V3145 Clark, Keith C Bugler from Army Band who played "Broken" Taps at John F.
Kennedy's funeral. The cold temperature was not conducive to play
and the sixth note was "cracked."
V500 029 Clark, Mark W Chief of Staff Army Ground Force 1941. Commanding General II
Corps 1942. Commander in Chief US Army Forces in Europe 1942.
Deputy Commander in Chief Allied Expeditionary Force Mediterranean
1942-43. Commanding General 5th Army, Italy 1943-44. Commander
in Chief 15th Army Group, Italy 1944-45. Commander in Chief US
Forces of occupation, Austria 1945-47. Commanding General 6th
Army 1947. Commander in Chief US Forces, Far East 1952-53.
Commander in Chief UN Forces, Korea 1952-53.
V366 Clark, Richard C
Clark, Dick
55067152 Iowa Senator 1973-79. Ambassador 1979
V1671 Clark, Warren 628852 Ambassador to Gabon 1987-89. Sao Tome & Principe 1987-89
V1670 Clark, Warren 628852 Ambassador to Gabon 1987-89. Sao Tome & Principe 1987-89
V1960 Clarke, Bruce C 81327727 Commanding Officer Combat Command A 4th Armored Division 1943-
44. Commanding Officer Combat Command B 7th Armored Division
1944-45. Commanding General 1st Armored Division 1951-53.
Commanding General I Corps, Korea 1953. Commander in Chief US
Army Pacific 1954-56. Commanding General 7th Army 1956-58.
Commander in Chief Continental Army 1958-60. Commander in Chief
US Army Europe 1960-62. 4 star general.
V1705 Clarke, James M 129254
North Carolina Representative 1983-85, 1987-91.
V3081 Clarke, Powhatan H X40593 Son of Powhatan Henry Clarke - known for the Geronimo Campaigns.
Involved in the Air Service in France as well as Military Intelligence.
V1778 Clarkson, Percy 4676 Chief of Staff 36th Division 1941-42. Assistant Commanding General
91st Division 1942. Commanding General 87th Division 1942-43.
Commanding General 33rd Division, Philippines 1943-45.
Commanding General X Corps 1945-46. General Officer Commander
3rd Division 1947-50. Deputy Commander in Chief US Army Pacific
1950-53. Was involved in Atomic Tests in Pacific.
V905 Clausen, Donald H 5595484 California Representative 1963-83
V906 Clausen, Donald H 5595484
California Representative 1963-83
V2979 Clay, Lucius D, Jr Air Force General. Son of Lucius Clay Sr.
V1973 Clay, Lucius D, Sr 76267884 Deputy Chief Requirement & Resources 1942. Assistant Chief
Material Service 1942-44. Chief Supply Supreme Headquarter Allied
Expeditionary Force 1944. Deputy Director War Programs Office of
War Mobilization & Reconversion 1944-45. Deputy Military-Governor
American Zone of Occupation Germany 1945-47. Commander in
Chief US Forces of Occupation Germany 1947-49. Four star general.
Father of the Berlin Airlift 1948-49.
V3724 Clay, Matthew 38490561 Execution. Killed a Frenchman and assaulted a woman with a
bayonet in France. ETO
V397 Clay, William L 55426870 Missouri Representative 1969-2001
V757 Claytor, William G
Claytor, W. Graham, Jr
87157 Secretary of the Navy 1977-79. Known for moderate actions on behalf
of the rights of women and gay service personnel. Distinguished
himself during WWII during the USS Indianapolis tragedy where he
helped save 316 lives.
V758 Claytor, William G
Claytor, W. Graham, Jr
87157 Secretary of the Navy 1977-79. Known for moderate actions on behalf
of the rights of women and gay service personnel. Distinguished
himself during WWII during the USS Indianapolis tragedy where he
helped save 316 lives.
V2462 Cleary, Robert E 17242338 10th Sergeant Major of the USMC 1983-87
V2504 Cleland, Joseph M
Cleland, Max
Lieutenant Governor of Georgia 1974. Secretary of state of Georgia
1983-96. Senator 1997-2003. Lost both legs and part of one arm in
V3745 Clements, Earle C X00102296 Kentucky Representative 1945-48. Governor 1947- . Senator
V398 Cleveland, James C 1167863 New Hampshire Representative 1963-81
V1548 Cleveland, Paul M Ambassador to New Zealand 1985-89, Western Samoa 1986-89,
Malaysia 1989
V359 Clifford, Clark M 376329 US Secretary of Defense 1968-69. Received Presidential Medal of
Freedom January 20,1969
V289 Clifford, Clark M 376329 US Secretary of Defense 1968-69. Received Presidential Medal of
Freedom January 20,1969
V1060 Clinch, William J general officer
V1362 Clinger, William F 553633 Pennsylvania Representative 1979-97
V1076 Clingerman, John R 4015738 Ambassador to Lesothos 1979-81
V2871 Clouse, Frank L Clouse went AWOL in 1966 to avoid going to Vietnam. He and a
childhood friend, Paul G Mahar, came up with a plan to get him out of
service. They traded places and Mahar reported for service as
Clouse. Mahar had been rejected by the army previously due to a
metal plate in his arm. Mahar wrote to the Army in 1991 with the story
asking for the medals and citations he earned as Frank Clouse.
V3367 Clower, Howard G
Clower, Jerry
7223421 Southern Storyteller/ comedian who became a member of the Grand
Ole Opry in 1973
V1432 Coats, Daniel R Indiana Representative 1981-88. Senator 1988-99. Ambassador to
Germany 2001
V3807 Cobb, David 34165248 Execution. Hanged for killing an officer. England. ETO
V1169 Cobb, Lee J 39708583 Actor best known for roles in 12 Angry Men and The Exorcist
V2593 Coble, John H
Coble, Howard
50510 Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Revenue 1973-77.
Representative 1985-
V3423 Cochran, Hamilton 6098619 Writer July 1977 DOD
V3562 Cochran, Jacqueline First Director of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) 1942.
Helped open aviation to women. Broke many aviation records,
including being the first woman to break the sound barrier.
V3462 Cochran, William Thad
Cochran, Thad
599024 Mississippi Representative 1973-79. Senator 1979-
V1590 Cockell, William A 81323622
Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
V1170 Cocozza, Alfred A
Lanza, Mario
33477918 Singer and actor. Movies include: That Midnight Kiss, The Toast of
New Orleans, and The Great Caruso.
V735 Coffin, Frank M 173295 Maine Representative 1957-61. Judge of US Court of Appeals for 1st
Circuit 1965-89
V736 Coffin, Frank M 173295 Maine Representative 1957-61. Judge of US Court of Appeals for 1st
Circuit 1965-89
V2083 Cohen, Harold Led 10th Armored Infantry Battalion of the 4th Armored Division-unit
relieved besieged city of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge.
V2881 Coile, Paul C 34731886 Drowned accidentally while swimming with other members of his unit
near Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi. Suggested by Carrol Case in book,
The Slaughter: An American Atrocity, that Coile, a Caucasian, was a
witness to mass murder of African American troops at Camp Van Dorn
and as alleged by Case, was willing to talk about same and was
drowned to keep him quiet. There is absolutely no basis for the truth
of this allegation in record.
V3243 Coker, Ronald L 2452732 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at the
Quang Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam on March 24, 1969. While
on patrol, his squadron gave pursuit to enemy soldiers, chasing them
into a cave where they came under heavy fire and were forced to take
cover. Coker observed a wounded comrade exposed to fire and made
his way to him. He was shot and wounded by three grenades, but
managed to pull the wounded man to safety.
V3060 Colasanto, Nicola 39096143
Actor and director best known for his role as Coach Ernie Pantusso on
Cheers. Also had roles on Bonanza, Starsky and Hutch, and
V2655 Colburn, Lawrence M Gunner on helicopter piloted by Hugh Thompson who tried to stop My
Lai Massacre. Awarded the Soldiers Medal in 1998
V1608 Colby, William E 403761 Director of CIA 1973-76. During WWII, was a Major in the OSS and
parachuted behind the German lines into Brittany as head of Team
Frederick in support of the D-Day landings. Colby was part of the
Jedburgh Team that worked with French Resistance groups. In 1945,
he commanded a Norwegian-American Paratroop unit that performed
Sabotage missions against German railway operation in Northern
V3230 Cole, Darrell S 321480 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Iwo Jima
on February 19,1945. Cole was leading a squad up the beach toward
Airfield 1. He was responsible for taking out multiple enemy strong
points, allowing his squad to continue and gain their objectives.
V2432 Cole, Eli K 174 First Assistant Commandant USMC 1911-15
V285 Cole, Kenneth R 651434 Assistant to the President, resigned
V2982 Cole, Tommie L
Cole, Thomas
Subject of one of the most famous photographs to emerge from the
Vietnam War. It shows the medic Cole tending the wounds of a
soldier while Cole wears a bloody bandage over the left side of his
V1575 Cole, William C X00082997 Missouri Representative 1943-49, 1953-55
V3048 Coleman, Dabney 54133721 TV and Movie actor: credits include; Courting Alex, Where the Red
Fern Grows, Stuart Little, You've Got Mail, The Man with One Red
Shoe, and The Muppets Take Manhattan.
V2809 Coleman, Melissa A Captured and held by the Iraqis as a POW for 33 days during Desert
V2200 Coleman, Rodney A Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
V1433 Coleman, Ronald D Texas Representative 1983-97
V2328 Collazo, Raphael L 56707940 March 17, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
Recovered May 17, 1993.
V399 Collins, James M 515108 Texas Representative 1968-83
V1646 Collins, Joseph L
Collins, J. Lawton
5247 Army chief of Staff 1949-53
V1703 Collins, Thomas E Assistant Secretary of Labor
V309 Colmer, William M 1576958 Mississippi Representative 1933-73
V3176 Commiskey, Henry A,
Korean Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Youngdungp'o,
Korea on September 20, 1950. He and his platoon were to attack
hostile forces on Hill 85. Commiskey led the charge, taking out one
emplacement solely and causing heavy enemy casualties with the rest
of the charge.
V1577 Compton, Ranulf
Compton, C.H. Ranulf
X00091678 Connecticut Representative 1943-45
V824 Conable, Barber B, Jr 23499 New York Representative 1965-85.
V825 Conable, Barber B, Jr 516122 New York Representative 1965-85.
V3585 Conaway, Kenneth M Conaway, K. Michael Texas Representative 2005-
V3600 Condon, Gerald Chris 12108103 St. Louis TV newscaster
V2908 Conger, Darva L Selected to marry Multimillionaire Rick Rockwell on ABC-TV's "Who
Wants to Marry a Millionaire" on February 15, 2000. The marriage
was quickly annulled.
V400 Conlan, John B, Jr Arizona Representative 1973-77
V1153 Connally, John B 105734 Texas Governor 1963-69. Shot and wounded in Dallas, TX in the
same volley of gunfire that killed President Kennedy. Prosecuted and
later acquitted for bribery and conspiracy in connection w/ milk prices.
V3938 Connally, Thomas T X00081977 Texas Representative . Senator.
V3237 Connor, Peter S 1280832 Vietnam Medal of Honor posthumously awarded for actions at Quang
Nag Province, Republic of Vietnam on February 25, 1966. While
leading his platoon in a search and destroy operation in an area rift
with enemy cave and tunnel complexes, Connor spotted a spider hole
some 15 meters to his front. He pulled a grenade, intending to charge
the hole and drop it within, however discovered too late that it was
faulty and instead of risking the lives of his men by throwing it,
clenched it to his chest leaving him mortally wounded.
V3884 Connors, Kevin J
Connors, Chuck
15049118 Baseball player. Brooklyn Dodgers, Chicago Cubs, and LA Angels.
Basketball player for the Boston Celtics. Movie and TV actor. Works
include: The Rifleman, Pat and Mike, Branded, and Cowboy in Africa.
Inducted in the Western Performers Hall of Fame in 1991
V754 Conte, Silvio O 6003684 Massachusetts Representative 1959-91
V753 Conte, Silvio O 6003684 Massachusetts Representative 1959-91
V401 Conyers, John J, Jr 1886630 Michigan Representative 1965-03
V1921 Cook, Frank R 20420 Developed special turbo chargers for B-25s used on Doolittle's Tokyo
V1185 Cook, Marlow W 9787332 Kentucky Senator 1968-74
V1942 Cook, Nathan E Last surviving Spanish/ American War Veteran
V3045 Cooke, Charles M, Jr 7553 Commanding officer on Submarine USS S-5 which sank during a
training exercise in September 1920. Responsible for saving the 37
crewmen trapped on the wreck. Was Commanding officer on the USS
Pennsylvania on December 7, 1941. Chief of Naval Plans during
WWII, helping the transition from battleship oriented navy to carrier
battle groups. Naval consultant to General Chaing Kai-Check of
Nationalist China prior to retirement.
V1015 Cooke, Goodwin 62886 Ambassador to Central African Empire
V1014 Cooke, Goodwin 62886 Ambassador to Central African Empire
V1188 Cooley, Harold D 1225965 North Carolina Representative 1934-67
V2392 Cooley, Wester S
Cooley, Wes
56108987 Oregon Representative 1995-97
V2494 Coolidge, Charles H 34286521 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions east of Belmont sur Buttant,
France on October 24-27, 1944. Coolidge was charged with leading a
section of heavy machine guns to cover the right flank of the 3rd
Battalion in support of its actions. His men encountered an infantry
unit in the woods and came under fire. His men were largely green
and he calmly encouraged and directed their fire. Over the next few
days, the enemy repeatly assaulted the position, finally with tanks.
When it became clear that the position would be overrun, Coolidge
ordered a withdrawal.
V3511 Coolidge, Francis L 915905 Member of team serving with the French Resistance in France. Took
part in a parachute drop into the Department of Savoie on 8/1/1944.
Served under Major Peter Ortiz. Taken prisoner by German Forces on
8/16/1944 and released 4/27/1945.
V2873 Coonts, Stephen P Author of action-adventure thrillers. Best known for Flight of the
V3680 Cooper, George C 351956 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V1415 Cooper, Henry F Deputy US Negotiator for Defense and Arms, Arms Reduction
Negotiations in Geneva. Rank of Ambassador
V3734 Cooper, John D 34562464 Execution. Hanged for breaking and entering, assault, and raping four
women in France. ETO
V3421 Cooper, John Dean
Cooper, Jeff
8124 Author. Works include: The Art of the Rifle, Fire Works, Another
Country: Personal Adventures of the Twentieth Century, To Ride,
Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth, and C Stories. Considered to by
one of the foremost experts in the use and history of small arms.
V306 Cooper, John S 1798336 Kentucky Senator 1946-49, 1952-55, 1956-73. Ambassador to India
1955-56, Nepal 1955-56, East Germany 1974-76
V3917 Cooper, Leroy G 41460 Judge Advocate General. Air Research and Development Command
1955-56. Father of Astronaut by same name.
V3179 Cooper, Leroy G
Cooper, Gordon
Astronaut. Member of the original first seven selected as a Mercury
Astronaut in April 1959.
V3180 Cooper, Leroy G
Cooper, Gordon
558718 Astronaut. Member of the original first seven selected as a Mercury
Astronaut in April 1959.
V3323 Cooper, Merian C Movie producer who wrote and produced the original motion picture
King Kong in the 1930s
V2206 Corder, Frank E Died upon impact when crashed small plane into the White House.
V3888 Cordon, Guy 212059 Oregon Senator 1944-55
V1276 Corman, James C 20004 California Representative 1961-81. Floor manager in US House for
Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act in 1960s. Member of the Kerner
Commission on Civil Disorders. Federal building in Van Nuys,
California was named for him.
V288 Corman, James C 20004 California Representative 1961-81. Floor manager in US House for
Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act in 1960s. Member of the Kerner
Commission on Civil Disorders. Federal building in Van Nuys,
California was named for him.
V1578 Cornell, Charles O 1047929 Served on Trotsky's staff in Mexico as a secretary and bodyguard
1939-40, until an assassin killed Trotsky with an ice pick.
V937 Cornwell, David L Indiana Representative 1977-79
V1411 Corr, Edwin G 72559 Ambassador to Peru 1980-81, Bolivia 1981-85, El Salvador 1985
V782 Corrigan, Robert F 83704 US Vice Consul in Rio de Janeiro 1943. Ambassador to Rwanda 1971
V783 Corrigan, Robert F 83704 US Vice Consul in Rio de Janeiro 1943. Ambassador to Rwanda 1971
V3156 Corry, William M, Jr 7567 Peacetime Medal of Honor awarded for action near Hartford,
Connecticut on October 2, 1920. The plane he was a passenger on
crashed and burst into flames. Corry had been thrown clear and
though injured, rushed back to the burning plane to free the pilot. In
doing so, he sustained serious burns that led to his death four days
V2595 Corso, Philip J Corso claimed in his 1997 autobiography, The Day after Roswell, that
he stewarded alien artifacts recovered from Roswell, New Mexico to
high-tech companies in an attempt to reverse engineer the technology.
He claimed this led to the development of fiber optics, lasers,
integrated circuit chips and more. Many scientists strongly disagree
with some of his claims.
V1531 Corson, William R 50484 Author of The Betrayal, a book criticizing US policies in Vietnam,
which nearly got him court-martialed. He retired from service, taught
at the University level as well as continue to write.
V737 Cosby, William H
Cosby, Bill
4823834 Actor and Entertainer of TV, Movies, and Radio
V583 Cosby, William H
Cosby, Bill
4823834 Actor and Entertainer of TV, Movies, and Radio
V2835 Cosell, Howard
Cohen, Howard
1944643 Sportscaster. Polled as both the most-liked and most-hated television
reporter in the country. Commentator for Monday Night Football 1970-
V846 Costle, Douglas M Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency 1981-83
V2698 Coughlin, Paula A Female Naval Aviator whose complaints of sexual harassment brought
the Annual "Tailhook" conventions of Naval Aviators into the news and
eventually out of existence.
V1530 Coughlin, Robert L 51242
Pennsylvania Representative 1969-93
V3518 Coulter, Arthur E 547411 Hockey player
V3277 Courtney, Henry A 6422 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Okinawa
on May 14-15, 1945. After obtaining permission to take the forward
slope of a hill to the fore of him, he and his unit neutralized enemy
units, silencing guns and blasting nearby cave positions. Reaching
the crest, he saw an enemy force preparing for action. He attacked
and forced the enemy to take cover, then dug in to hold the newly
taken position. While moving among his men to get them situated, he
was killed by a mortar burst.
V2751 Covington, Jessie W 1228904 WWI Medal of Honor awarded for actions aboard the USS Stewart on
April 17, 1918. When there was an internal explosion of the Florence
H, it sent boxes of smokeless powder into the sea, where they floated
and repeatedly exploded. Observing a survivor amongst some of the
boxes too weak to help himself, Covington plunged overboard to
rescue him.
V3519 Covington, Warren L 7002984 Musician/ Bandleader
V1837 Cowan, Richard E 37723176 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions near
Krinkelter Wald, Belgium on December 17, 1944. His company was
holding position against a numerically superior German force. They
managed to hold until enemy tank fire began to cause heavy
casualties. Though virtually alone in his section, he stayed at his gun,
devastating enemy infantrymen with his machine gun fire. Even
amidst enemy fire, including rocket and tank fire, he held his position.
When the order to withdraw came, he stayed and continued to fire,
giving his comrades time to evacuate.
V1434 Coyne, William J 52324650 Pennsylvania Representative 1981-2003
V2335 Cozart, Robert G March 3, 1970 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
recovered April 27, 1989
V500 027 Craig, Malin 86 Chief of Staff US Army 1935-1939
V1947 Cramer, Robert E, Jr
Cramer, Bud
Alabama Representative 1991-
V3501 Crandall, Bruce P 533287264 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions during the Battle of la
Drang, November 14, 1965. Crandall flew his helicopter into the battle
22 times bringing supplies and ammunition in and evacuating
wounded from the scene.
V2329 Crandall, Gregory S February 18, 1971 taken as POW in Laos. Remains recovered/
returned February 19, 1991
V1254 Crane, Daniel B Illinois Representative 1979-85. Censured by the House of
Representatives in 1983 for having sexual relations with a teenage
House page in 1980.
V1435 Crane, Philip M 55486978 Illinois Representative 1969-2003
V1993 Crans, Robert E 14759 Part of the "Raven" espionage flight that was forced down inside
U.S.S.R. Returned to US control on July 7, 1958 and cited in US
News and World Report on March 15, 1993.
V402 Cranston, Alan M 33752520 California Senator 1969-93. Sued by Adolf Hitler over his
unexpurgated translation into English of Mein Kampf. Reprimanded
by the Senate over his dealings with Lincoln Savings and Loan
president Charles Keating.
V679 Craven, James
Braxton, Jr
Craven, J. Braxton, Jr
139737 Judge of US District Court for the Western District of North Carolina
1961-66. Judge of US Court of Appeals for 4th Circuit 1966-77
V680 Craven, James
Braxton, Jr
Craven, J. Braxton, Jr
139737 Judge of US District Court for the Western District of North Carolina
1961-66. Judge of US Court of Appeals for 4th Circuit 1966-77
V57 Crawford, William R 513371 Ambassador to Yemen 1972; Cyprus 1974-78
V56 Crawford, William R 513371 Ambassador to Yemen 1972; Cyprus 1974-78
V3896 Crews, Otis B 14057830 Execution. Hanged for shooting another soldier. Italy, MTO
V2237 Crites, Harry R 2945831 Died in crash during the Berlin Airlift. Only Navy casualty during the
Airlift. His record was used in the exhibit "Winning the Peace"
V3327 Crittenberger, Willis D Lieutenant General, Corps level commander in WWII, ETO
V2575 Crommelin, Charles 70011 One of five brothers who all attended USNA and served in WWII. Two
of the brothers, Charles and Richard, were killed in action in the
Pacific. The Navy later named the USS Crommelin in honor of the
V2574 Crommelin, Henry 59421 One of five brothers who all attended USNA and served in WWII. Two
of the brothers, Charles and Richard, were killed in action in the
Pacific. The Navy later named the USS Crommelin in honor of the
V2573 Crommelin, John G 57979 One of five brothers who all attended USNA and served in WWII. Two
of the brothers, Charles and Richard, were killed in action in the
Pacific. The Navy later named the USS Crommelin in honor of the
V2577 Crommelin, Quentin 100228 One of five brothers who all attended USNA and served in WWII. Two
of the brothers, Charles and Richard, were killed in action in the
Pacific. The Navy later named the USS Crommelin in honor of the
V2576 Crommelin, Richard 81127 One of five brothers who all attended USNA and served in WWII. Two
of the brothers, Charles and Richard, were killed in action in the
Pacific. The Navy later named the USS Crommelin in honor of the
V2746 Cromwell, John P 58950 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions on the USS
Sculpin, a submarine patrolling enemy waters off Truk Island, on
November 19, 1943. Captain Cromwell possessed secret intelligence
information about US submarine strategy and tactics, scheduled fleet
movements, and specific attack plans. He established a line of
submarines southeast of the main Japanese stronghold at Truk.
Constantly assaulted by enemy depth charges, his vessel was
damaged and he ordered it to surface and engage the enemy in a gun
fight, allowing the crew to abandon ship. Rather than risk capture the
possibility of the intelligence falling into enemy hands, he remained on
board the sub and it sank.
V1652 Cronauer, Adrian J 13761440 Radio disc jockey best known as the inspiration for the Robin Williams
film, Good Morning Vietnam. Cronauer co-authored the original story.
V1522 Cronin, John R International politics-Africa
V1275 Crosby, George R
Crosby, Bob
38595 Band leader. Had a radio show in the 1940s, The Bob Crosby Show.
Brother of Bing Crosby.
V892 Crosby, Oliver S 171057 Ambassador to Guinea 1977-80
V891 Crosby, Oliver S 171057 Ambassador to Guinea 1977-80
V3096 Crow, Fred T
Crow, Trammell
100940 Real estate magnate and owner of Trammell Crow Company.
V1957 Crowe, William J, Jr Former Navy admiral, served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
under Presidents Reagan and Bush. Served as Ambassador to the
United Kingdom under President Clinton.
V2136 Crowson, Fredrick H May 2, 1970 taken as POW in Cambodia. Returned February 12,
V1811 Crump, Dewey G 8582331 Missouri state representative - Maryland Heights. Indicted for drug
trafficking 1990
V2012 Culin, Curtis G 20244169 Awarded Legion of Merit for inventing "Rhinoceros" device that
allowed US tanks to cut through hedgerows in Normandy, thus ending
the stalemate of June-July 1944.
V1283 Culver, John C 69839 Iowa Representative 1965-75. Senator 1975-81
V371 Culver, John C 69839 Iowa Representative 1965-75. Senator 1975-81
V591 Culver, John C 69839 Iowa Representative 1965-75. Senator 1975-81
V3484 Cunningham, Alfred 211 Marine Aviator #1. First Director of Marine Corps Aviation.
V1872 Cunninham, Randall
Cunningham, Randy
California Representative 1991-2003. Pleaded guilty to federal
charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud, and
tax evasion. Sentenced to eight year in prison and ordered to pay
$1.8 million in restitution.
V792 Curlin, William P, Jr 15536103 Kentucky Representative 1971-73
V3887 Curry, William T 35518555 Execution. Hanged for the murder of another soldier. Oro Bay, New
V1094 Curtis, Kenneth M
Curtis, Ken
479765 Maine Representative 1964. Governor 1967-75. Ambassador to
Canada 1979-81
V1095 Curtis, Kenneth M
Curtis, Ken
479765 Maine Representative 1964. Governor 1967-75. Ambassador to
Canada 1979-81
V344 Curtis, Thomas B 136583 Missouri Representative 1951-69. Chairman, Federal Election
V350 Curtis, Thomas B 136583 Missouri Representative 1951-69. Chairman, Federal Election
V2426 Cushman, Robert E Twenty-fifth Commandant of the US Marine Corps
V2310 Cushman, Thomas J 1358 Head of Marine Air Component during landing at Inchon, Korea
V2309 Cushman, Thomas J 1358 Head of Marine Air Component during landing at Inchon, Korea
V1951 Dabringhaus, Erhard 1821974
Member 970th CIC Detachment in Germany. He was the case worker
in charge of the use of Klaus Barbie (former SS officer- "Butcher of
Lyons") and helped testify against him at War Crimes trial in 1980's.
V1855 Dahmer, Jeffrey L Milwaukee murderer and cannibal believed to have killed 16 men and
boys. He began killing in 1978 and in 1989 he was arrested for child
molestation when a victim complained to the police. At his trial, he
convinced the judge he needed only psychological help and was
released with a five year probation on good behavior. He moved to
Cleveland and continued killing until he an intended victim escaped
and went to the police July 22, 1991. Upon arrest, he had four human
heads in his refrigerator. He was sentenced to the Columbia
Correctional Institute in Portage, Wisconsin where fellow inmate,
Christopher Scarver, killed him.
V2460 Dailey, Joseph W Fifth Sergeant Major of the US Marine Corps 1969-73
V1225 Dailey, Peter H 525060 Ambassador to Ireland 1982-84
V60 Dale, Francis L 269553 UN Ambassador. President of Cincinnati Reds. Publisher of
Cincinnati Enquirer
V61 Dale, Francis L 269553 UN Ambassador. President of Cincinnati Reds. Publisher of
Cincinnati Enquirer
V1354 Dallara, Charles H Department of the Treasury. US Executive Director of the
International Monetary Fund
V2073 Dalton, John H Secretary of the Navy 1993-98
V400 009 Daly, Daniel
Daly, Dan
73086 Recipient of two Medals of Honor, for the Boxer Rebellion and the
Haitian Campaign. He is best remembered for his famous battle cry
during the fighting in the Battle of Belleau Wood, June 1918. Daly's
men were outnumbered, outgunned, and pinned down. He ordered an
attack, yelling to his tired men as he leapt forward, "Come on, you
sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?" On June 26, the battle
ended with the US Marines holding the woods after the bloodiest battle
the US forces fought in WWI.
V2137 Daly, James A January 9, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
16, 1973
V3278 Damato, Anthony P 351179 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions on Engebi
Island, Enwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands on February 19, 1944. That
night, while in a foxhole with two others, he threw himself on an enemy
V715 D'Amours, Noman E 11433780 New Hampshire Representative 1975-85
V3831 Danaher, John A, Jr 4905805 Connecticut Senator 1939-45. Judge US Court of Appeals 1953-80
V1001 Daniel, Wilbur C
Daniel, Dan
9353467 Virginia Representative 1969-88
V1000 Daniel, Wilbur C
Daniel, Dan
9353467 Virginia Representative 1969-88
V3565 Daniels, John T 105791 Surfman who assisted the Wright Brothers in their first successful
flight. Took photos
V59 Danielson, George E 318088 California Representative 1971-82; Judge for California Court of
Appeal 1982-92.
V58 Danielson, George E 318088 California Representative 1971-82; Judge for California Court of
Appeal 1982-92.
V1436 Dannemayer, William 56108476 California Representative 1979-93
V1350 Darby, Harry Kansas Senator 1949-50
V1648 D'Arby, Terence Trent
Howard, Terence Trent
Maitreya, Sananda
Rock singer and songwriter, his works include "If You Let Me Stay,"
"Wishing Well," "Dance Little Sister," and "Sign Your Name"
V1826 Dare, Aldo
Ray, Aldo
3788378 Movie Actor; Saturday's Hero as well as a number of military film, often
with John Wayne
V3377 Darst, James E X00082891 Brother of St. Louis Mayor Joseph Darst. Member of prominent St.
Louis political family. Reporter for St Louis Globe-Democrat. Wrote
extensively of his wartime experiences.
V3941 Darst, Joseph M X00031889 Forty-first Mayor of St. Louis, Missouri
V1324 Daschle, Thomas A South Dakota Representative 1979-87. Senator 1987-2005
V1329 Dastigir, Sabu Movie Actor know for his role as "Abu" in The Thief of Bagdad and
"Mowgli" in Jungle Book. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross and Air
Medal w/ 4 clusters as well as Presidential Unit Citation for flying 42
mission in South Pacific during WWII.
V1437 Daub, Harold J, Jr
Daub, Hal
5531075 Nebraska Representative 1981-89. Mayor of Omaha, Nebraska 1995-
V2138 Daugherty, Lenard E May 11, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 27,
V1908 David, Albert L 146872 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for leading the boarding partly that
captured the German submarine, U-505, off the coast of Africa on
June 4, 1944. This was the first successful boarding and capture of an
enemy man-of-war on the high seas by the US Navy since 1815.
V1781 Davidson, Howard C 3596 Major general, US Army Air Force during WWII. Served as
commanding general of the Tenth Air Force and later Strategic Air
Force, Eastern Air Command, US Army Air Forces, India-Burma
Theater 1942-45. Under his command, the forces established air
supremacy over north Burma, assisted in driving the Japanese from
north Burma and protected the air route and road to China.
V3633 Davidson, Tommie 34485174 Execution. Hanged for rape and assault in France. ETO
V3707 Davis, Arthur E 36788637 Execution. Hanged for rape and assault in France. ETO
V500 012 Davis, Benjamin O 1940 became the first African-American soldier to hold the rank of
general officer in the US Army. His grandfather was a slave who had
purchased his freedom in 1800.
V3298 Davis, Benjamin O, Jr One of the first African Americans to graduate Tuskegee Institute
Flying course in 1942. Fifth in his class
V500 031 Davis, Dwight F 179988 Secretary of War 1925-29. Governor General of the Philippines 1929-
32. Tennis player the Davis Cup is named after. St. Louis born.
V3264 Davis, Geoffrey C
Davis, Geoff
Kentucky Representative 2005-
V3333 Davis, George F 73637 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action as Commanding Officer of
the USS Walke in the Philippine Islands on January 6, 1945. Walke
was supporting minesweeping operations when they detected four
Japanese suicide planes. Davis directed fire even when the third
plane crashed into the ship. He was wounded and severely burned,
but managed to direct the destruction of the fourth plane as well as
directing the fire control to save the ship.
V3668 Davis, Jack B 8930938 Cartoonist and Illustrator. Works include: Beauregard and Yak Yak.
He contributed to: The Saint, Tales from the Crypte, Two-Fisted
Tales, and The Vault of Horror as well as advertisements for: AOL,
AT&T, DreamWorks, Pepsi, Purina, and created the "Raid Bug".
Inducted into the Comic Book Hall of Fame 2003
V2454 Davis, John K 39th Assistant Commandant USMC 1983-86
V1676 Davis, John R 5674091 Ambassador to Poland 1988-90
V1677 Davis, John R 5674091 Ambassador to Poland 1988-90
V307 Davis, John W 34355712 Georgia Representative 1961-75
V3763 Davis, Lee A 18023362 Execution. Hanged for rape and murder in England. ETO
V1235 Davis, Loyal 400284 Stepfather of Nancy Davis Reagan and father-in-law to President
V2275 Davis, Ossie 14067240 Actor, director, and social activist. Works include: No Way Out, Do
the Right Thing, Jungle Fever, She Hate Me, Get on the Bus,
Gladiator, Grumpy Old Men, and The Client.
V2572 Davis, Raymond G Korean Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Hagaru-ri, Korea
from December 1-4, 1950. Davis was leading his battalion to relieve a
rifle company and to seize a mountain pass. They fought nearly every
inch of the way there, but were able to reach the rifle company and
take the mountain pass. Thirty-second Assistant Commandant of the
Marine Corps 1971-72.
V3238 Davis, Rodney M 1978754 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Quang
Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam on September 6, 1967. Davis's
platoon was pinned down by attacking North Vietnamese forces.
Davis was directing fire and shouting encouragement to his men when
an enemy grenade landed in the trench with them. He threw himself
on it, and was killed by the blast.
V1334 Davis, Sammy Singer, actor, and dancer. Recorded 40 albums. Made numerous TV
appearance as well as appeared in several movies. Member of the
"Rat Pack". Active in the Civil Rights movement.
V3928 Davis, Sylvester 38235181
V2139 Davis, Thomas J March 11, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 16,
V3575 Davis, Thomas M Davis, Thomas M. III Davis, Tom Virginia Representative 1995-
V3743 Davis, William E 33541888 Execution. Hanged for rape and murder in France. ETO
V500 035 Dawes, Charles X00082765 Thirtieth Vice President of the US 1925-29. Son of Rufus Dawes.
Comptroller of the Currency, US Department of the Treasury 1897-
1902. First Director of the Bureau of the Budget. Shared the Nobel
Peace Prize in 1925 for his work on the Dawes Plan. Ambassador to
United Kingdom 1929-32. Self-taught pianist and composer
V3314 Dawson, Lawton 2658969 Torpedo man aboard the William D Porter who, while the ship was
escorting FDR to Conference in Tehran aboard the USS Iowa, caused
a live torpedo to be fired during a practice drill, which almost struck the
Iowa. He was court-martialled and sentenced to 14 years of hard
labor, but FDR commuted the sentence.
V2013 Day, George E Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions while as a POW from
August 26, 1967 to March 14, 1973. Day's aircraft was hit by ground
fire and he was forced to eject. He was captured and taken to a prison
camp to be tortured and interrogated. When the guards relaxed their
vigilant watch, he escaped and began a trek to South Vietnam. He
was eventually recaptured and taken back to prison. He was later
moved to Hanoi after giving his captors false information, so as to
save the lives of fellow aviators. He was released March 14, 1973.
V2045 Day, George E 510648 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions while as a POW from
August 26, 1967 to March 14, 1973. Day's aircraft was hit by ground
fire and he was forced to eject. He was captured and taken to a prison
camp to be tortured and interrogated. When the guards relaxed their
vigilant watch, he escaped and began a trek to South Vietnam. He
was eventually recaptured and taken back to prison. He was later
moved to Hanoi after giving his captors false information, so as to
save the lives of fellow aviators. He was released March 14, 1973.
V1749 de la garza, Eligio
de la Garza, Kika
5828425 Texas Representative 1965-97
V403 de la garza, Eligio
de la Garza, Kika
2207734 Texas Representative 1965-97
V3236 de la Garza, Emilio A 2532368 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Da Nang, Republic
of Vietnam on April 11, 1970. While he and two others were
attempting to remove a resisting enemy soldier from a pond, he
observed the enemy pull the pin on a grenade. He stepped in the
way, ensuring the blast would not harm his companions.
V2021 Deal, John N Georgia Representative 1993-2003
V3332 Dealey, Samuel D 6313 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions as Commanding Officer of
the USS Harder during her 5th War Patrol in Japanese-controlled
waters. In the course of two days, the Harder sank five Japanese
destroyers in five short-range torpedo attacks.
V3320 Dean, William F Korea Medal of Honor awarded for action at Taejon, Korea on July 20-
21, 1950.
V1858 Debartolo, Edward J,
11518923 Former owner of the five-time Super Bowl champion San Francisco
49ers of the National Football League.
V2068 DeBlanc, Jefferson WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions off Kolombangara Island,
Solomon Islands on January 31, 1943. His section was acting as
escort for a strike force of dive bombers and torpedo planes preparing
to attack Japanese surface vessels. They encounters a large number
of Japanese Zeros, protecting said enemy vessels, and engaged them
in combat trying to protect the strike team. DeBlanc picked up a call
for assistance from the dive bombers who were being attacked by a
number of float planes. He disengaged the Zeros and went to their
aid, enabling the strike team to complete their attack. As he was
preparing to return to base, he realized two Zeros were closing in on
him, opening fire, he shot them both down, but his plane was so
damaged he was forced to bail out. He was badly wounded and it
took him six hours to swim to shore. He remained by the shore living
off coconuts for two days trying to avoid enemy detection. He was
discovered, tended, and helped back to Allied territory by friendly
V740 DeCair, Thomas P 54973752 Assistant Press Secretary to the President
V1968 Decker, George H 81329335 Four Star General. Chief of Staff of the United States Army 1960-62
V629 DeConcini, Dennis W 5703944 Arizona Senator 1977-95
V1662 DeFazio, Peter A 31361817 Oregon Representative 1987-
V2985 DeFlorez, Luis 72841 Director of Special Devices Division of the Bureau of Aeronautics.
Credited with the conception and design of cockpit instrumentation
and controls.
V3927 Defore, Donald J
Defore, Don
39711888 Actor. Works include: Battle Hymn, A Time to Love and a Time to Die,
and My Friend Irma
V1979 DeGanahl, Joe 59904 Navigator and dog driver of the Supporting Party of the Byrd
expedition to the Artic and Antarctica.
V2201 DeGroat, Joanne E
DeGroat, Joseph
Sex change case. Placed in Vault to protect record
V1266 Dejarnette, Edmund 60300 Ambassador to Central African Republic 1983, Tanzania 1989, Anjola
V3321 Del Valle, Pedro A 234 Commanded the 1st Marine Division at Okinawa
V3461 Delahunt, William D 2058594 Massachusetts Representative 1997-
V2474 Deleau, Emile, Jr 35227927 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at
Oberhoffen, France on February 12, 1945. Deleau and his unit found
their path blocked by machine gun fire coming from a house. He ran
up to the structure and disabled one gun. Needing a clear shot for the
second, he backed out of his sheltered position and was killed by the
gun he sought to destroy.
V2695 Delehanty, William 6753573 Killed by enemy fire while a member of the flight crew of the B-17
piloted by Colin Kelly.
V159 Dellenback, John R 133778 Oregon Representative 1967-75
V238 Dellenback, John R 133778 Oregon Representative 1967-75
V266 Dellums, Ronald V 1505605 California Representative 1971-98
V267 Dellums, Ronald V 1505605 California Representative 1971-98
V994 Demara, Ferdinand W 2244724
dventurer known for "borrowing" and assuming identities of other and
working a wide variety of jobs in his life including: a monk, civil
engineer, sheriff's deputy, assistant prison warden, doctor of applied
psychology, hospital orderly, lawyer, child-care expert, editor, cancer
researcher, and teacher. His most famous was posing as Surgeon
Joseph Cyr aboard HMCS Cayuga, a Canadian Navy destroyer during
the Korean War. The real Cyr's mother, after seeing a picture of him,
debunked him-though the Navy at first refused to believe it.
V3101 DeMille, Nelson R Author. Works include: The General's Daughter, Up Country, and The
Gold Coast
V2517 Dempsey, William H
Dempsey, Jack
X00072395 Boxer. Heavyweight Champion of the World 1919-1926. Inducted into
the International Boxing Hall of Fame 1990.
V1164 DeNardis, Lawrence 48289844 Connecticut Representative 1981-83
V1163 DeNardis, Lawrence 48289844 Connecticut Representative 1981-83
V2954 Dennehy, Brian M 1883170 Movie, TV, and stage actor. Death of a Salesman, Cocoon, Tommy
Boy, The Belly of an Architect, and To Catch a Killer.
V312 Dennis, David W 2052629 Indiana Representative 1969-75
V62 Dent, Frederick B 256493 Secretary of Commerce 1973-75
V63 Dent, Frederick B 256493 Secretary of Commerce 1973-75
V548 Dent, John H 196314 President of Local 18759 United Rubber Workers. Pennsylvania
Representative 1958-79
V549 Dent, John H 196314 President of Local 18759 United Rubber Workers. Pennsylvania
Representative 1958-79
V1253 Denton, Jeremiah A Alabama Senator 1981-87. July 18, 1965 taken as POW in North
Vietnam. Returned February 12, 1973. Best known for the 1966
North Vietnamese television interview he gave as a prisoner. During
the interview he blinked his eyes in Morse code, spelling out torture, to
indicate he was being tortured. Wrote the book When Hell was in
Session, detailing his experience as a POW.
V1248 Derwinski, Edward J 46017795 Illinois Representative 1959-83. US Secretary of Veterans Affairs
V1900 Devereux, James P 3965 Defender of Wake Island, scenario used in A People at War. Prisoner
of War 1941-45. Recipient of Navy Cross. Maryland Representative
V2602 Devers, Jocob L 2599 Commanding General 9th Division 1940-41. Commanding General
Armored Force 1941-43. Commander in Chief US European Theater
of Operations 1943-44. Commander in Chief US Mediterranean
Theater of Operations 1944. Deputy Supreme Allied Commander
Mediterranean 1944. Commander in Chief 6th Army Group, North-
West Europe 1944-45. Commander in Chief Army Ground Forces
V2245 DeVolentine, Joel M 53549 Died in crash during the Berlin Airlift.
V3002 Dewey, George 2792 Admiral of the Navy 1899. Best known for the victory against the
Spanish at Manila Bay, where, within 6 hours, he had sunk or captured
the entire Spanish Pacific fleet and silenced the shore batteries at
Manila without loss of American life.
V3924 Dewitt, John L 742 Army General. 28th Quartermaster General of the Army 1930-34.
Commander Western Defense Command from 1941-43.
Commandant of the Army and Navy Staff College 1943-47
V3235 Dias, Ralph E 2421279 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions in the Que
Son Mountains, Republic of Vietnam on November 12, 1969. When
his and another platoon became pinned down by intense enemy fire,
Dias noted most of the deadly fire coming from one machine gun
emplacement. He made his way within range, getting shot several
times in the process, but managed to take out the gun before he was
shot and killed.
V3234 Dickey, Douglas E 2199321 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions in the
Republic of Vietnam on March 26, 1967. During Operation Beacon
Hill 1, Dickey had come forward to replace the wounded radio operator
when an enemy grenade landed in the midst of a group of marines.
He threw himself on it to absorb the impact of the explosion.
V957 Dickinson, William 2235726 Alabama Representative 1965-93
V555 Dickinson, William 7456156 Alabama Representative 1965-93
V556 Dickinson, William 7456156 Alabama Representative 1965-93
V3863 Dickson, Murry M 37721315 Baseball player. St Louis Cardinals 1939-48, Pittsburgh Pirates 1949-
53, Philadelphia Phillies 1954-56, St. Louis Cardinals 1956-57, Kansas
City Athletics 1958, New York Yankees 1958, Kansas City Athletics
V2094 Dierling, Edward C February 1, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
February 23, 1968
V404 Diggs, Charles C 586611 Michigan Representative 1955-80. First chairman of the
Congressional Black Caucus. Charged in March 1978 w/ taking
kickbacks from staff whose salaries he raised. Convicted Oct. 7,1978
on eleven counts of mail fraud and filing false payroll forms, insisted
he had done nothing wrong and was re-elected while awaiting
sentencing. Censured by the House on July 31,1979. Sentenced to
three years in prison, served 14 months.
V2214 Diggs, Charles H African-American Physician. Physician with CCC before WWII. In
Ethiopia after the war. Specialist in tropical diseases
V3056 Dilliard, Irving 52811 Military Intelligence Officer, SHAEF, on Eisenhower's staff-
psychological warfare Division. Editorial Page Editor, St Louis Post
Dispatch 1949-60
V200 010 Dillinger, John H 2910676 Career criminal driven to robbery by the Depression. He is credited
with the death of ten men, robbing banks and police arsenals across
the Midwest until his death.
V2239 Diltz, Edwin C 423920 Died in crash during the Berlin Airlift. Only Navy casualty during the
Airlift. His record was used in the exhibit "Winning the Peace"
V1175 DiMaggio, Joseph P 39124484 Baseball player with the Yankees for 13 years. Inducted into the
Baseball Hall of Fame in 1955
V2843 Dimaggio, Joseph P, Jr 1976938 Son of Joe DiMaggio
V405 Dingell, John D 1339853 Michigan Representative 1955-2003
V2717 Dinkins, David N 1003518 Mayor of New York City, NY 1990-93, first African-American mayor of
New York City.
V1772 DioGuardi, Joseph J 12686109 New York Representative 1985-89
V1135 Dixon, Alan J 522241 Secretary of state of Illinois 1977-81, Illinois state treasurer 1971-77.
Senator 1981-93
V1438 Dixon, Julian C 56289049 California 1979-2000
V3558 Doby, Larry E 8115292 Baseball player. Second African American to play in the modern
major leagues
V840 Dodd, Christopher J 46360225 Connecticut Representative 1975-81. Senator 1981-
V1644 Dole, Robert J
Dole, Bob
Kansas Representative 1961-69. Senator 1969-96. Received the
Presidential Medal of Freedom 1997
V1687 Donaldson, Samuel A 4026328 News anchor for ABC News known for persistent questioning senior
government officials.
V3716 Donnelly, Robert L 13131982 Execution. Hanged for desertion and the murder of a MP in Italy.
V261 Donohue, Harold D 210041 Massachusetts Representative 1947-74
V260 Donohue, Harold D 210041 Massachusetts Representative 1947-74
V1784 Donovan, William J 102383 Head of Office of Strategic Services during WWII
V1953 Dooley, Earle H 508266 Brother of Dr. Tom Dooley. Killed in Battle of Hurtgen Forest.
V1955 Dooley, Edward M 17407996 Brother of Dr. Tom Dooley.
V1954 Dooley, Malcolm W 2222031 Brother of Dr. Tom Dooley. Highly decorated Air Force pilot in the
Korean War
V200 014 Dooley, Thomas A 568376 Humanitarian known for his aid and anti-Communist activities in South
East Asia during the late 1950's until his death of cancer
V600 010 Doolittle, James H Aviation pioneer. General in the US Army Air Corps during WWII.
WWII Medal of Honor awarded for the Tokyo Raid on April 18, 1942.
80 pilots flew 16 B-25s from the aircraft carrier Hornet to make the first
bombing attack on Japan.
V1720 Doolittle, James H, Jr 10703 Son of James Doolittle. Highly decorated pilot. Committed suicide.
V311 Dorn, William J. B. 14074457 South Carolina Representative 1947-79, 1951-74. Senator 1948
V1009 Dornan, Robert K
Dornan, Bob
3038271 Won two Emmy awards for his television shows Tempo and The
Robert K. Dornan Show. Outspoken and known for some of his
colorful comments, California Representative 1977-83, 1985-97.
V2495 Doss, Desmond T 33158036 WWII Medal of Honor awarded to Doss (a Conscientious Objector) for
actions on Okinawa on April 29-May 21, 1945. Doss, due to religious
beliefs, refused to kill or even carry a weapon. He had voluntarily
enlisted so as to serve his country, and remained though mocked and
nearly given a Section eight. Doss was a medic, braving enemy fire to
help the wounded, friendly or enemy, soldiers. On May 5, the
Japanese made a fierce counter-attack which forced the troop back to
the top of a cliff. Those not wounded had retreated down the cliff.
Doss remained at the top, and for five hours, prayed and lowered
wounded down to relative safety. The official number saved is 75,
however, some assert it was 100 and Doss claims 50. On May 21st,
Doss stepped on an enemy grenade and was severely wounded,
though he didn't lose his leg. When the medics were taking him from
the field, they passed another critically wounded soldier. Doss rolled
off the litter and told the medics to take the other man. He then joined
another wounded soldier and began hobbling off the field. Doss was
shot in the arm he had around the other man's neck- it shattered his
arm, but saved the other man's life. When he discovered his bible
missing, he sent word back, and asked if they would keep an eye open
for it. The battalion scoured the battlefield until it was found and
mailed it back to Doss. Doss was the first noncombatant to ever
receive the Medal of Honor.
V2541 Dougherty, Charles 78014 Pennsylvania Representative 1979-83
V1148 Douglas, Kirk
Demsky, Issur
228042 Actor and film producer, roles include: Champion, The Bad and the
Beautiful, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The War Wagon,
Spartacus, and The Man From Snowy River. Father of Michael
Douglas. Inducted into the Western Performers Hall of Fame 1984.
Received Presidential Medal of Freedom 1981.
V3628 Douglas, Lewis W X070294 Arizona Representative 1927-33. Ambassador Great Britain 1947-50.
Vice President American Cyanamid Co. 1934-38. President Mutual
Life Insurance Company of New York 1940-47
V2679 Douglas, Melvyn 526968 Movie Actor, one of only three actors to win an Oscar (Hud, 1963), an
Emmy (Inherit the Wind), and a Tony (The Best Man, 1960)
V1875 Douglas, William O 5200182 Justice of US Supreme Court 1939-75
V1477 Dowdy, Charles W Mississippi Representative 1981-89
V2964 Down, Donald D 15279288 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V3709 Downes, William C 33519814 Execution. Hanged for raping three women with two other soldiers in
France. ETO
V1294 Downs, Hugh M 36553332 Host of 20/20 until retirement in 1999
V3747 Downs, James 4168055 Influenza victim. Surviving tissue sample is being used for study.
V2101 Drabic, Peter E September 24, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
March 16, 1973
V3569 Draper, Teddy 875345 Navajo Code Talker who sent the message about the second flag
raising at Iwo Jima
V3795 Draper, William H, Jr 148333 Under Secretary of the Army 1947-49, Ambassador to NATO 1951-53
V3331 Drexler, Henry C 58772 Medal of Honor awarded for actions on the USS Trenton on October
20, 1924. When two charges of powder ignited, twenty men were
trapped in the twin mount. When Drexler saw that another charge
was ignited, he tried to wrestle an unignited charge into an immersion
tank, but it ignited before he could.
V1387 Driggs, Michael A 11507083 Special Assistant to the President for Policy Development and
Assistant Director for Commerce and Trade 1982
V1300 Duchin, Peter Pianist and bandleader.
V1231 Duemling Robert W 583235 Ambassador to Suriname 1982-84
V3290 Duggan, Martin L 459059 Noted reporter for the St Louis Globe - Democrat and the St Louis
Post - Dispatch and commentator of the local PBS affiliate talk show
V1635 Dukakis, Michael S Massachusetts Governor 1975-79, 1983-91
V1080 Duke, Angier B 453100 Ambassador to El Salvador 1952-53, Spain 1965-68, Denmark 1968-
69, Morocco 1979-81. Hit by a car while rollerblading and died as a
V2922 Duke, Florimond D POW at Colditz Castle, Germany. Captured after parachuting into
Hungary as part of OSS team trying to discuss a separate peace
V500 001 Dulles, John F 2261 New York Senator 1949. US Secretary of State 1953-59
V1190 Dulski, Thaddeus J 9760820 New York Representative 1959-74
V1528 Duncan, David D 18021 Photographer and writer. Known for his photo narrative of war, "I
wanted to show what war did to a man…"
V406 Duncan, John J 14105608 Tennessee Representative 1965-88
V1775 Duncan, John J, Jr Tennessee Representative 1988-
V810 Duncan, Robert B 173586 Oregon Representative 1963-67, 1975-81
V823 Duncan, Robert B 173586 Oregon Representative 1963-67, 1975-81
V3037 Dunlap, Robert H 249 Served in Philippines during Spanish-American War, China during the
Boxer Rebellion, Mexico during Vera Cruz expedition, Haiti in 1915,
and France during WWI. DSC and Navy Cross recipient.
V3251 Dunlap, Robert Hugo 11440 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Iwo Jima on February 20-
21, 1945. He and his unit advanced uphill toward cliff where the
Japanese were causing devastating Marine casualties. When the
enemy fire became to intense for the unit to advance any further, he
went on alone to spot Japanese guns. Dunlap returned to his unit,
relayed the information, then placed himself in a position to help direct
the supporting fire.
V2330 Dunlap, William C 18704397 December 2, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
returned/recovered January 23, 1989.
V2140 Dunn, John G March 18, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February
12, 1973
V218 Dupont, Pierre S, IV 617382 Delaware Representative 1971-77. Governor 1977-85
V219 Dupont, Pierre S, IV 617382 Delaware Representative 1971-77. Governor 1977-85
V2464 Dupuy, Richard E 6186 Military historian. General Eisenhower's press officer during WWII.
Books include: The Military Heritage of America, The Encyclopedia of
Military History, and Men of West Point
V2465 Dupuy, Trevor N. Military historian. Author of over 90 books some collaborated with his
father, Richard Dupuy. Committed suicide when he learned he had
pancreatic cancer. Books include: Hitler's Last Gamble and The
Compact History of the Civil War
V2205 Duran, Francisco M Disgruntled army veteran known for firing 29 rifle rounds at the White
House on October 29, 1994. He was convicted of attempting to
assassinate President Clinton and sentenced to 40 years in prison.
V2287 Durant, Jack W 279497 Convicted by Military Court Martial in the looting and theft of the Crown
Jewels of Hesse. Nash and Durant were married so Nash could not
testify against Durant.
V2286 Durant, Kathleen B
Nash, Kathleen
918024 Convicted by Military Court Martial in the looting and theft of the Crown
Jewels of Hesse. Nash and Durant were married so Nash could not
testify against Durant.
V1400 Durenberger, David 4041846 Minnesota Senator 1978-95. Investigated in 1990 by the Senate
Select Committee on Ethics over allegations that he had broken rules
restricting Senators' outside income, in particular by laundering about
$100,000 in speaking fees into book royalties. Denounced by
unanimous vote of the Senate in July 1990 for bringing "dishonor and
disrepute" to the body. Disbarred 1995. Pleaded guilty to five
misdemeanor counts of misusing his congressional expense account.
V3506 Durham, Harold B 14862812
Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions in the
Republic of Vietnam, October 17, 1967. While serving as a forward
observer for his company, his battalion came under enemy attack.
Durham directed supporting enemy fire, even when severely wounded,
and administered first aid to the wounded until he died from his
V2965 Durham, Melvin A 15418057 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V2532 Durkin, John A 14283313
New Hampshire Senator 1975-81
V2272 Durning, Charles E 32726378 Stage and screen actor. Works include: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The
Sting, Dog Day Afternoon, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas,
Tootsie, Death of a Salesman, and To Be or Not To Be
V3094 Duvall, Robert S 52346646 Movie actor and director. Films include: To Kill a Mockingbird, The
Godfather, The Godfather II, A Civil Action, and Apocalypse Now
where he recited the line, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."
V2953 Dux, Frank W Character portrayed by Jean Claude Van Damme in the movie Blood
Sport. Alleged "World Champion" martial arts expert who claimed
extensive marine combat experience which did not exist.
V1130 Dwyer, Bernard J 4028517 New Jersey Representative 1981-93
V968 Dwyer, Frederick E 6074597
V969 Dwyer, Frederick E 6074597
V3279 Dyess, Aquilla J 5486 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Namur
Island, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands on February 1-2, 1944. In an
attempt to quicken the offensive against the Japanese, he pushed
himself and his men until victory was assured. He was directing an
attack against the final enemy forces when he was killed by machine
gun fire.
V771 Eagleton, Thomas F 3401693 Missouri state attorney general 1961-65. Lieutenant Governor 1965-
69. Senator 1968-87
V1346 Eagleton, William L 7533452 Ambassador to Syria 1984-88
V3945 Earle, George H, III X00120590 Pennsylvania Governor 1935-39. Emissary to the Balkans 1944.
Compiled information on the Katyn massacre and concluded the
Soviets were guilty of the attack. His report was suppressed and Nazi
Germany was blamed instead.
V914 Early, Joseph D 562984 Massachusetts Representative 1975-93
V915 Early, Joseph D 562984 Massachusetts Representative 1975-93
V11 Early, Stephen T 170445 Secretary to the President. Deputy Secretary of Defense
V1529 East, John P 62954 North Carolina Senator 1981-86. His legs were paralyzed due to
polio. Committed suicide
V3305 Eastwood, Clinton, Jr
Eastwood, Clint
56146734 Actor, producer, composer, and film director. Works include:
Unforgiven, Mystic River, Million Dollar Baby, Bird, Tarantula, A Fistful
of Dollars, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Paint Your Wagon, Dirty
Harry, The Outlaw Josey Wales, and In the Line of Fire. Westerns
and Action
V779 Eberle, William D 370330
Chairman Trade Expansion Act Advisory Committee. Ambassador
V778 Eberle, William D 370330
Chairman Trade Expansion Act Advisory Committee. Ambassador
V3921 Echols, Oliver P 4713 Major General. Air Force Chief of Material Officer in charge of
supplying air craft and equipment during WWII
V351 Eckerd, John M
Eckerd, Jack M
498960 Administrator of GSA
V407 Eckhardt, Robert C
Eckhardt, Rob
38515321 Texas Representative 1967-81. Author of the War Powers Act and the
Toxic Substances Act.
V2379 Eddy, Manton S 4655 Commanded the Zii Army Corps in ETO during WWII, 2nd Army,
USAREUR and 7th Army.
V3078 Edminsten, Jesse N 2181656 Was oldest living WWI veteran in Nebraska when he died at age 109
V2827 Edmonds, Earnest 34065338 Alleged member of the 364th Infantry at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi
1943. One of those identified by Philadelphia Tribune investigative
reporter as involved in the Van Dorn Incident. Incident in which a
number of African American soldiers were allegedly killed in an
attempt to quash racial tensions.
V400 013 Edson, Merritt A 257 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Guadalcanal on
September 13-14, 1942. Edson was a Marine General who trained
and led a battalion known as "Edson's Raiders" against the Japanese.
During a 10 hour Japanese attack on Henderson Field, he rallied and
led his troops, exposing himself to repeated enemy fire. After
Guadalcanal, he was promoted to command the 5th Marine Regiment,
then Chief of Staff for the Pacific Fleet Marine Force, and as
Commanding General of the Pacific Fleet Marine Forces' Service
Command. He served 44 months in the Pacific Combat zone. In
2001, historian James H. Alexander published Edson's Raiders: The
1st Marine Battalion in World War II.
V1187 Edwards, Edwin W 5786382 Louisiana Representative 1965-72. Governor 1972-80, 1984-88,
1992-96. Charged in federal court in 1985 with racketeering involving
hospital licenses, his first trial ended in hung jury, acquitted in second
trial. Convicted in federal court in 2000 on seventeen counts of fraud
and racketeering over a scheme to extort money from applicants for
casino licenses, sentenced in 2001 to ten years in federal prison and
fined $250,000.
V1883 Edwards, Heywood L 60361 Captain of the USS Reuben James when it was torpedoed by the
German submarine U-552 near Iceland. The James was part of a
convoy escorting war materials to the United Kingdom.
V987 Edwards, Jack
Edwards, William
928885 Alabama Representative 1965-85
V986 Edwards, Jack
Edwards, William
928885 Alabama Representative 1965-85
V1179 Edwards, William D
Edwards, Don
166057 California Representative 1963-95
V716 Eger, John M 5218857 Deputy Director, Office of Telecommunications Policy
V228 Ehrlichman, John D 719905 Earned Distinguished Flying Cross during WWII. One of two top
advisors to President Nixon during the Watergate scandal. He
resigned April of 1973 and was convicted two years later for
obstruction of justice, conspiracy and perjury.
V1628 Eichelberger, Robert 2624 Commanding Officer 30th Regiment 1938-40. Superintendent West
Point 1940-42. Commanding General 77th Division 1942.
Commanding General XI Corps 1942. Commanding General I Corps
1942-44. Commanding General 8th Army 1944-48. Commander in
Chief Allied land Forces of Occupation, Japan 1945-48
V142 Eilberg, Joshua 168665 Pennsylvania Representative 1967-79. Pleaded guilty in federal court
to conflict of interest charges, February 1979. Sentenced to five years
probation and fined $10,000.
V141 Eilberg, Joshua 168665 Pennsylvania Representative 1967-79. Pleaded guilty in federal court
to conflict of interest charges, February 1979. Sentenced to five years
probation and fined $10,000.
V500 039 Eisenhower, Dwight 3822 President of Columbia University 1948-53; President of US 1953-61.
Portrait appeared on the US dollar coin 1971-78
V2394 Eisenhower, John S Son of President Eisenhower. Ambassador to Belgium 1969-71.
Military historian
V500 040 Eisenhower, Milton S 4543312 Brother of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Director of Information: US
Department of Agriculture 1928-41. Director of War Relocation
Authority 1942. President of Kansas State University 1943-50,
Pennsylvania States University 1950-56, The Johns Hopkins
University 1956-67, 1971-72
V1029 Eliot, Theodore L, Jr 129050 Ambassador to Afghanistan 1973-78
V1030 Eliot, Theodore L, Jr 129050 Ambassador to Afghanistan 1973-78
V2141 Elliott, Artice W April 26, 1970 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 27,
V2416 Elliott, George F 1137 Tenth Commandant of Marine Corps 1903-1910
V2086 Ellis, Earl H
Ellis, Pete
260 Author of Tentative Manual for Landing Operations, the Marine Corps
amphibious assault doctrine. Predicted the Pacific War two decades
before it began. Died under mysterious circumstances on the
Japanese-held island of Palau in the Caroline Islands. Some believe
he was assassinated by Imperial Japanese authorities for his criticism
of Japanese expansionist tendencies, other believe more natural
causes to blame, such as cirrhosis of the liver as Ellis is alleged to
have been an alcoholic.
V2991 Ellis, Joseph J, III Prominent historian and author: His Excellency: George Washington,
Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation, and American
Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson. Ellis was the subject of
controversy in 2001 when it was revealed that he exaggerated his
involvement in the Vietnam War. He issued a public apology and was
suspended for one year from his teaching position at Mount Holyoke.
V3496 Ellyson, Theodore G 5021
Naval Aviator #1
V3211 Elrod, Henry T 214723
WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Wake
Island December 8-23, 1941. Elrod was attached to the Marine
Fighting Squadron 211 engaging enemy bombers and warships. He
shot down 2 out of a flight of 22 hostile planes and engaged in strafing
runs of a large Japanese vessel, which sank. On the ground he
commanded one flank defending ammunition carriers, leading his men
until he fell, mortally wounded.
V2479 Endl, Gerald L 36207739 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions near Anomo,
New Guinea on July 11, 1944. His platoon was advancing up a jungle
trail when they came under enemy fire. The platoon leader was
wounded and Endl took command directing fire and trying to keep his
men together and into a clearing where they could fight the enemy.
When the enemy flanked them and cut off seven of his comrades, he
went forward alone and held off the enemy while the wounded were
evacuated. Refusing to leave four wounded on the trail, he carried
them one by one until he was mortally wounded. His actions helped
ensure a successful evacuation of all but one man.
V3904 Engel, Albert Joseph 126430 Michigan Representative 1935-51
V2331 Engen, Robert J 18932329 February 18, 1971 taken as POW in Laos. Remains recovered/
returned April 11, 1991.
V3790 England, James B 35655991 Execution. Shot for rape in Belgium. Part of the 451st Bombardment
Squadron 322nd Bombardment Group
V1439 English, Glenn l Oklahoma Representative 1975-94
V2607 Ent, Uzal G 15604 WWII Commander of 2nd Air Force who directed and executed
Operation Tidalwave, the low-level mass bomber attack on the Ploesti
oil complex in Romania August 1943.
V3584 Enzi, Michael B Mayor of Gillette, Wyoming 1975-82, Wyoming Senator 1997-
V3282 Epperson, Harold G 511388 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Saipan
Island, Mariana Islands on June 25, 1944. When a Japanese soldier,
who had appeared to be dead, jumped up and hurled a grenade-
Epperson threw himself on it to save the lives of his comrades.
V1440 Erdreich, Ben L 5007810 Alabama Representative 1983-93
V2241 Erickson, Eugene S 568053 Died in crash during the Berlin Airlift.
V551 Erlenborn, John N 7765315 Illinois Representative 1965-85
V550 Erlenborn, John N 7665315 Illinois Representative 1965-85
V2919 Ermey, Ronald L Actor often portrayed as a military or authority figure. Full Metal
Jacket (Gunnery Sergeant Hartman)
V2709 Erskine, Graves B 268 Commanded 3rd Marine Division at Iwo Jima
V919 Ertel, Allen E 592410 Pennsylvania Representative 1977-83
V918 Ertel, Allen E 592410 Pennsylvania Representative 1977-83
V3791 Ervin, Charlie, Jr 34042926 Execution. Shot for murder and rape in Italy. MTO
V308 Ervin, Samuel J 307981 North Carolina Representative 1946-47. Senator 1954-74
V2610 Erwin, Henry E 14135542 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions on a B29 on April 12, 1945.
Erwin was the radio operator on a B-29 leading an attack on
Koriyama, Japan. He had also been assigned the task of dropping the
phosphoresce smoke bombs that would act as a target. One of the
bombs he launched was faulty and exploded inside the plane striking
him in the face, burning off his nose and blinding him. Realizing the
crew and plane would be lost if the bomb remained on board, he
picked it up and made his way to the copilot's window, where he threw
it out. By this point, Erwin was completely aflame and fell to the floor.
The pilot was able to pull the plane out of its dive and the crew saved.
Despite the surgeons' opinion, Erwin survived, undergoing 43
operations regaining his eyesight and the use of one arm.
V408 Esch, Marvin L 15218693 Michigan Representative 1967-77. Senator 1976
V3446 Eshleman, Edwin D 36744 Pennsylvania Congressman
V2750 Estocin, Michael J Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at
Haiphong, North Vietnam on April 20 and 26, 1967. He was a pilot in
Attack Squadron 192 on USS Ticonderoga. On a strike against two
thermal power plants, he provided warning about surface to air strike
groups, then neutralized said sites. On the 26th, he led an attack
against surface to air sites, during which his plane was seriously
damaged. He continued to attack before eventually leaving the area.
He apparently crashed, though neither he or his plane were found.
V2865 Etheridge, Bobby R North Carolina Representative 1997-
V2112 Ettmueller, Harry L February 5, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
5, 1973
V1725 Evans, Daniel J 457409 Washington Governor 1965-77. Senator 1983-89
V2719 Evans, Donald L Evans went to a police station during the Dahmer case and confessed
to 60 killings. 14 of the murders he claimed checked out across a
variety of states including Washington who believed for a time they
had the "Green River Killer". He agreed to show police the graves in
exchange for the death penalty.
V2718 Evans, Donald L Evans went to a police station during the Dahmer case and confessed
to 60 killings. 14 of the murders he claimed checked out across a
variety of states including Washington who believed for a time they
had the "Green River Killer". He agreed to show police the graves in
exchange for the death penalty.
V3359 Evans, Ernest E 70042 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action aboard the
USS Johnston on October 25, 1944 during the Battle of the Philippine
Sea. As Commander of the Johnston, he, though seriously wounded
early in the engagement, led his men through three hours of fierce
combat, until his ship lay dead in the water.
V3490 Evans, Francis T. 270 Early Marine Aviator
V611 Evans, Frank E 5637974 Colorado Representative 1965-79
V876 Evans, Frank E 5637974 Colorado Representative 1965-79
V1878 Evans, Gene G 2683516 One of 100 crew killed when the USS Reuben James was torpedoed
by the German submarine U-552 near Iceland. The James was part of
a convoy escorting war materials to the United Kingdom.
V1520 Evans, Lane A 2602860 Illinois Representative 1983-
V2720 Evans, Rowland 368898 Journalist best known for his syndicated column and television
partnership with Robert Novak
V3007 Everest, Frank F Commanding General 5th Air Force during Korean War and Tactical
Air Command 1959-61.
V2738 Everett, Chad
Cramton, Raymond L
4722078 Movie and TV actor appeared in Medical Center, Surfside 6, Airplane
II, Melrose Place, and Star Command
V2737 Everett, Chad
Cramton, Raymond L
16479737 Movie and TV actor appeared in Medical Center, Surfside 6, Airplane
II, Melrose Place, and Star Command
V2016 Everett, Robert T 14564330 Alabama Representative 1993-
V3398 Everett, Willis M 179702 Attorney at Nuremberg War Crimes. Trial assigned to defend Waffen
SS Soldiers accused of Malmedy Massacre.
V1317 Everly, Issac D 1903761 One of the Everly Brothers. Rock and roll performers who were highly
successful in the 1950's. "Bye Bye Love," "Wake Up Little Susie," and
"(All I Have to Do Is) Dream"
V1316 Everly, Phillip 1903760 One of the Everly Brothers. Rock and roll performers who were highly
successful in the 1950's. "Bye Bye Love," "Wake Up Little Susie," and
"(All I Have to Do Is) Dream"
V1315 Everly, Phillip 1903760 One of the Everly Brothers. Rock and roll performers who were highly
successful in the 1950's. "Bye Bye Love," "Wake Up Little Susie," and
"(All I Have to Do Is) Dream"
V14 Evers, Medgar W 34874245 Mayor of Fayette, Mississippi. NAACP Field Secretary and civil rights
activist. Byron de la Beckwith was convicted in 1994 of his
V1055 Exon, John J 17078802 Nebraska Governor 1971-79. Senator 1979-97
V2589 Faillace, Gaetano Photographer assigned to General Douglas MacArthur during WWII.
Took picture of MacArthur wading ashore at Leyte, P.I. October 20,
V1363 Fairbanks, Douglas E,
105759 Actor and first husband of Joan Crawford. With the outbreak of WWII,
he enlisted again in the Navy and was posted to Lord Mountbatten's
combined operations staff, where he devised gadgetry intended to
confuse the Germans and was involved in several planned commando
raids. Not content with staff work, he commanded and led a
commando assault on the Casquet Lighthouse on the coast of France
in September 1942. Two months later, he conducted a desert raid on
Sened Station in North Africa. In September, 1943, he and 4 others
conducted a commando raid on Ventotene, and Italian Island off Sicily,
to capture a German radar station. Fairbanks also commanded a
detachment of PT Boats that sailed toward the coast of France to
deceive the Germans into believing an invasion was imminent.
V2672 Faircloth, Duncan M 53250167 North Carolina Governor 1984. Senator 1993-99
V3498 Faison, Samson L 230578 In charge of restitution of works of art collected by Hitler and other
Nazis to their rightful owners.
V1936 Falk, Herman L, Jr 2205202 February 12, 1951 MIA in Korea. One of 6 men whose dog tags were
tuned over by North Korean government in May 1992 along with
V3275 Fardy, John P 849555 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Okinawa
on May 7, 1945. His men were in a drainage ditch, defending against
a Japanese assault when a grenade landed among the marines.
Fardy threw himself on the grenade to absorb the impact.
V505 Farland, Joseph S 408928 Ambassador to Dominican Republic 1957-60, Panama 1960-63,
Pakistan 1969-72, Iran 1972-73
V291 Farland, Joseph S 408928 Ambassador to Dominican Republic 1957-60, Panama 1960-63,
Pakistan 1969-72, Iran 1972-73
V3936 Farley, James A
Farley, Jim
X00053088 Ran Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1928 campaign for New York Governor as
well as aiding in Roosevelt's 1932 Presidential campaign. Postmaster
General 1933-40. Remembered for saying, "As Maine goes, so goes
Vermont" after Roosevelt's 1936 victory over Alf Landon
V3437 Farley, Joseph F 1000 Commandant Coast Guard 1946-1949
V3729 Farrell, Arthur J 32559163 Execution. Hanged for rape in France. ETO
V3563 Farrell, Michael J 1574627 Actor. BJ Hunnicut on M*A*S*H
V3937 Farrington, Joseph X00101597 Delegate for the Territory of Hawaii 1934-42
V409 Fascell, Dante B 1573192 Florida Representative 1955-93. Received Presidential Medal of
Freedom 1998
V2722 Faught, Thomas F 1852731 Former Assistant Secretary of the Navy
V2721 Faught, Thomas F 77411
Former Assistant Secretary of the Navy
V3611 Fay, James H 88507 New York Representative 1939-41, 1943-45
V3932 Feeney, John P
Thomas, John Parnell
Thomas, J. Parnell
X00011675 New Jersey Representative 1937-50. Pleaded no contest to charge of
embezzlement and served prison time.
V3249 Feiffer, Jules R 51079683 Syndicated comic-strip cartoonist and author. Pulitzer Prize for
editorial cartooning in The Village Voice 1986. Inducted into the
Comic Book Hall of Fame. He is also a screenwriter (Carnal
Knowledge) and illustrator for children's books.
V3013 Feller, Robert W 6101180 Major League Baseball pitcher and Hall of Famer. Played for the
Cleveland Indians for 18 years.
V2235 Fellers, Bonner F Military secretary to General Douglas MacArthur and Secretary
General, Allied Council, GHQ, SCAP
V2270 Fender, Harry X00070296 Former performer with the Ziegfeld Follies. Star on KPLR-TV as
Captain Eleven, a children's cartoon show of the 1950s and 60s
V3940 Fenton, Ivor D X00080389 Pennsylvania Representative 1939-63
V2910 Ferebee, Thomas W Bombardier on the Enola Gay when the Atomic Bomb was dropped on
Hiroshima August 6, 1945
V3144 Ferraro, Romano J Roman Catholic priest suspended from the priesthood based upon
accusations of a former alter boy in St. Louis. Ferraro also gained
national notoriety in 1986 for telling a fifth grade student that Santa
Claus was dead.
V1412 Ferriter, John P 1554630 Ambassador to Djibouti 1985-87.
V3440 Fiedler, Arthur 6153067 Conductor Boston Pops
V671 Field, John A, Jr 376798 Judge US Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit 1971-76
V644 Field, John A, Jr 376798 Judge US Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit 1971-76
V1303 Field, Marshall, III 218778 Grandson of Marshall Field-founder of Marshall Field and Co. Owner
of the newspaper New York PM 1940-48, Chicago Times. Started the
Chicago Sun
V1226 Fields, Louis G Rank of Ambassador. US representative to Committee on
V1937 Figueroa, Frank R 19203433 February 13, 1951 MIA in Korea. One of 6 men whose dog tags were
tuned over by North Korean government in May 1992 along with
V2332 Finch, Melvin W 5241834 March 30, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
recovered August 14, 1985
V2387 Finck, Pierre A Pathologist who participated in the Kennedy autopsy
V255 Findley, Paul A 316849 Illinois Representative 1961-83
V254 Findley, Paul A 316849 Illinois Representative 1961-83
V64 Firestone, Leonard 126598 Ambassador to Belgium 1974-77; President of Firestone Tire &
V65 Firestone, Leonard 126598 Ambassador to Belgium 1974-77; President of Firestone Tire &
V3439 Fischer, Anton O X00022382 Artist
V1862 Fish, Hamilton III 92059683 New York Representative 1920-45, Opponent of FDR and the New
Deal. Grandson of Hamilton Fish I, US Congressman, Senator, and
Secretary of State. Son of Hamilton Fish II, US Congressman. Father
of Hamilton Fish IV, Congressman from New York. Grandfather of
Hamilton Fish V.
V743 Fish, Hamilton IV 7134418 New York Representative 1969-95
V744 Fish, Hamilton IV 7134418 New York Representative 1969-95
V3062 Fisher, Antwone Q Real-life inspiration for the movie Antwone Fisher, 2002, which was
directed by Denzel Washington.
V2098 Fisher, John B February 12, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
11, 1969
V3383 Fiske, Bradley A 2497 Invented many mechanical and electrical devices during his service in
the Navy.
V811 Fithian, Floyd J Indiana Representative 1975-83
V868 Fithian, Floyd J 3187940 Indiana Representative 1975-83
V3520 Fithian, Matthew P Rescue swimmer
V2333 Fitts, Richard A 12753387 November 30, 1968 taken as POW in Laos. Remains returned/
recovered March 26, 1989
V1762 Fitzgerald, Francis
Scott Key
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
X00092496 Author. Works include: The Great Gatsby, This Side of Paradise, and
The Beautiful and Damned.
V1358 Fitzgerald, Roy H
Scherer, Roy Harold,
Hudson, Rock
9438057 Actor. First major American celebrity known to have died from an
AIDS-related illness. He was an aircraft mechanic in WWII stationed
in the Philippines. He was responsible for the collision of two aircraft
on the ground, severely damaging one of the craft. Films include:
Giant, Pillow Talk, Lover Come Back, Send Me No Flowers, and
V703 Flaherty, Peter F 13169467
Deputy Attorney General
V211 Flanigan, Peter M 363467 Ambassador and Assistant to the President, name withdrawn for
Ambassadorship and resigned as Assistant to the President
V210 Flanigan, Peter M 363467 Ambassador and Assistant to the President, name withdrawn for
Ambassadorship and resigned as Assistant to the President
V3378 Fleischman, Max C X00012677 Served with F. Scott Fitzgerald during WWI. May have served as the
template for the character Jay Gatsby in Fitzgerald's novel The Great
V1785 Fletcher, Frank J 6132 Navy admiral during WWI and WWII. Operational commander at the
Battle of the Coral Sea 1942, the prelude to the Battle of Midway
V2615 Flinn, Kelly J First female B-52 pilot. Given an under Honorable Conditions
Discharge in lieu of court martial for adultery, 1997.
V2967 Flint, Delos K 16250045 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V2142 Flora, Carroll E July 21, 1967 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V3071 Flores, Robert S Nursing student who shot three University of Arizona faculty members
to death before killing himself.
V2531 Florio, James J New Jersey Representative 1975-90. Governor 1990-94
V2794 Flory, Harry D 1633217 Employed as a WD Civilian by OMGUS immediately upon release
from active duty. Murdered by Soviet Military Police in the Russian
Zone of Berlin on election day in that zone.
V1092 Flowerree, Charles 283004 US Representative to Committee on Disarmament, rank of
V1093 Flowerree, Charles 283004 US Representative to Committee on Disarmament, rank of
V410 Flowers, Walter W, Jr Alabama Representative 1969-79
V3328 Fluckey, Eugene B 1120 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action along the coast of China
from December 19, 1944 to February 15, 1945. Fluckey was the
Commander of the USS Barb, which was completing its 11th war
patrol along the China coast during that time. Fluckey's daring and
steady leadership saw the destruction of several Japanese ships,
damaging many others, and safely bringing the Barb out of each
V1552 Flynt, Larry C 4799448 Magazine publisher and head of Larry Flynt Publications which
publishes, among others, Hustler, In 1978, outside a courthouse in
Georgia, Flynt and his lawyer were shot by Joseph Paul Franklin who
claimed to be outraged by interracial photos in Hustler. The incident
left Flynt paralyzed from the waist down.
V1325 Flynt, Larry C 15589385 Magazine publisher and head of Larry Flynt Publications which
publishes, among others, Hustler, In 1978, outside a courthouse in
Georgia, Flynt and his lawyer were shot by Joseph Paul Franklin who
claimed to be outraged by interracial photos in Hustler. The incident
left Flynt paralyzed from the waist down.
V1199 Fogarty, John E 9280882 Rhode Island Representative 1941-44, 1945-67
V2143 Foley, Michael J Vietnam POW Returnee
V1364 Foley, Thomas S 2284721 Washington Representative 1965-95. Ambassador to Japan 1997-
V200 003 Fonda, Henry J 298335 Actor. Films include: Young Mr. Lincoln, Mister Roberts, The Grapes
of Wrath, and On Golden Pond.
V3754 Fondy, Dee V, Jr 39569940 Baseball player. Chicago Cubs 1951-57, Pittsburgh Pirates 1957,
Cincinnati Redlegs 1958
V50 Fong, Hiram L Hawaii territorial House of Representatives 1939-54; Hawaii Senator
1959-77; first Senator of Asian Ancestry.
V411 Fong, Hiram L 270478 Hawaii territorial House of Representatives 1939-54; Hawaii Senator
1959-77; first Senator of Asian Ancestry.
V2917 Foote, Shelby D 1165017 Historian known for his participation and commentary in Ken Burns'
"Civil War" documentary and his three volume Civil War history.
V2918 Foote, Shelby D 1002375 Historian known for his participation and commentary in Ken Burns'
"Civil War" documentary and his three volume Civil War history.
V2628 Forbes, Charles R 1 First Director of the Veterans Bureau in Harding Administration
V1801 Forbes, Malcolm S 35617834 Founder and publisher of Forbes magazine. Set six world records in
hot air ballooning and was first person to fly coast to coast in a single
V2516 Ford, Edsel B X00110693 Son of Henry Ford I and Clara Bryand. First secretary of Ford Motor
Co. President of Ford Motor Co. 1921-43.
V148 Ford, Gerald R
King, Leslie Lynch
141329 Michigan Representative 1949-73. Vice President of United States
1973-74. 38th President of United States 1974-77. Shot in two
separate incidents in San Francisco in September 1975. Sept. 5,
Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme, follower of Charles Manson, fired a pistol
at close range, but the gun misfired. Sept. 22, Sara Jane Moore fired,
but the shot was deflected by a bystander. Both were convicted and
sentenced to life in prison. Ford received Medal of Freedom 1999.
V147 Ford, Gerald R
King, Leslie Lynch
141329 Michigan Representative 1949-73. Vice President of United States
1973-74. 38th President of United States 1974-77. Shot in two
separate incidents in San Francisco in September 1975. Sept. 5,
Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme, follower of Charles Manson, fired a pistol
at close range, but the gun misfired. Sept. 22, Sara Jane Moore fired,
but the shot was deflected by a bystander. Both were convicted and
sentenced to life in prison. Ford received Medal of Freedom 1999.
V1379 Ford, Glenn
Ford, Gwyllyn Samuel
Actor. Films include: Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence, Gilda, A
Stolen Life, Blackboard Jungle, Pocketful of Miracles, and Superman.
V1527 Ford, Glenn
Ford, Gwyllyn Samuel
516590 Actor. Films include: Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence, Gilda, A
Stolen Life, Blackboard Jungle, Pocketful of Miracles, and Superman.
V1157 Ford, Henry, II 105760 Son of Edsel Ford and grandson of Henry Ford. President of Ford
Motor Company 1945-60
V1395 Ford, John 73847 Director. Head of Photographic unit during WWII. Filmed the
departure of Doolittle's Raiders to attack Tokyo on April 18, 1942.
Wounded while filming Battle of Midway. Awarded two Oscars for
Battle of Midway and December 7th
V521 Ford, Wendell H 981348
Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky 1967-71. Governor 1971-74.
Senator 1974-99.
V287 Ford, William D 3143001 Michigan Representative 1965-95
V290 Ford, William D 1858572 Michigan Representative 1965-95
V1165 Ford, William D 314301 Michigan Representative 1965-95
V1314 Foreman, Carl N 39290298 Screenwriter and film producer. Films include: Champion, High Noon,
and The Bridge on the River Kwai. In the 1950's, Foreman was
blacklisted by the Hollywood studio bosses for being an
"uncooperative witness" for the House Committee on Un-American
Activities. Foreman had been a member of the American Communist
Party during the 1930's, but become disillusioned with the Party and
quit. He and others also blacklisted moved to England to continue
writing under pseudonyms.
V1181 Foreman, Edgar F
Foreman, Ed
4897951 Texas Representative 1963-65. New Mexico Representative 1969-71
V3413 Forester, William C 34686405 Court-martialed in England with Tracey Bryant for killing a black
soldier. Sentence was life imprisonment.
V1920 Forgy, Howell M 87322 Chaplain aboard the USS New Orleans December 7, 1941. When
asked to say a prayer, Forgy uttered "Praise the Lord, and pass the
V1259 Forrestal, James V 23847 Secretary of the Navy 1944-49. He was admitted into Bethesda Naval
Hospital shortly after resigning and diagnosed with depression. His
body was found little over a month later on a third story roof (his room
was on the 16th floor), an apparent suicide. There are various
conspiracy theories surrounding his death, including his exact cause of
death, that a bathrobe sash was found around his neck, and his
suicide note.
V2315 Forsythe, George I 24510 Special Assistant for the Modern Volunteer Army. Had leadership
responsibility for implementation of Nixon's All-Volunteer Army policy
V1182 Fortas, Abe 8368278 Justice of US Supreme Court 1965-69
V1846 Fortensky, Lawrence Eighth husband of actress Elizabeth Taylor.
V3072 Fortier, Michael J Involved as material witness and possible co-conspirator with Timothy
McVeigh in Oklahoma City bombing April 19, 1995.
V1876 Foss, Joseph J 6774 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions in the Pacific 1942. Captain
Foss shot down 23 Japanese planes and led other successful
V3233 Foster, Paul H 1903536 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions near Con
Thien on October 14, 1967. Foster threw himself on a grenade to
save the lives of five comrades.
V3276 Foster, William A 952085 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Okinawa
on May 2, 1945. He and another marine were dug in and engaged in
a hand grenade duel with enemy soldiers. An enemy grenade landed
in the fox hole beyond reach. Foster dived onto the missile absorbing
the charge. Though mortally wounded, he handed his remaining two
grenades to his comrade as said, "Make them count."
V1384 Foulois, Benjamin D 1590 Founder of the Army Air Corps. 1910, he was the Army's only pilot.
Commanded the 1st Aero Squadron and participated in the Pancho
Villa Expedition 1916. First to fly more than 100 miles non-stop. First
to operate a radio in flight.
V2533 Fountain, Lawrence
Fountain, L.H.
North Carolina Representative 1953-83
V1441 Fowler, William W
Fowler, Wyche, Jr
5317138 Georgia Representative 1977-87. Senator 1987-93. Ambassador to
Saudi Arabia 1996-
V1884 Fox, Annie G Awarded Purple Heart and Bronze Star on December 7, 1941 at
Hickamfield, T.H.
V3555 Fox, Daniel R 3071 Was on the USS Arizona when it was attacked by the Japanese during
their attack on Pearl Harbor. Was recommended for the Medal of
Honor for his actions during the attack, but the recommendation was
V2500 Fox, John R 387718 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at
Sommocolonia, Italy on December 26, 1944. An enemy infiltration and
attack of Sommocolonia forced US troops to withdraw from the town.
Fox and other members of his party volunteered to remain behind and
help direct defensive artillery fire. The Germans got closer to his
position and he continued to call for adjustments in artillery fire until he
was warned that the next barrage would bring the artillery on top of his
position. He insisted on the last adjustment. The citizens of
Sommocolonia, Italy erected a monument to nine men who were killed
in the barrage-eight Italian soldiers and Lieutenant Fox. Fox was one
of seven African-American soldiers who had their Medals upgraded in
V863 Fox, Richard K, Jr 8741910 Ambassador to Trinidad and Tabago 1977
V862 Fox, Richard K, Jr 8741910 Ambassador to Trinidad and Tabago 1977
V3232 Fox, Wesley L Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions at the Quang Tri
Province, Republic of Vietnam on February 22, 1969. When his
company came under enemy fire, he devised a plan of attack.
Directing the activity of his company, he neutralized one enemy
position and coordinated aircraft support with his men's activities.
V2144 Frank, Martin S July 12, 1967 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V1634 Frank, Victor H, Jr 9851440 US Director of the Asian Development Bank, rank of Ambassador
V2828 Franklin, Morgan 34066479 Alleged member of the 364th Infantry at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi
1943. One of those identified by Philadelphia Tribune investigative
reporter as involved in the Van Dorn Incident. Incident in which a
number of African American soldiers were allegedly killed in an
attempt to quash racial tensions.
V1442 Franklin, William W Mississippi Representative 1983-87
V908 Fraser, Donald M 338044
Minnesota Representative 1963-79. Mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota
V907 Fraser, Donald M 338044
Minnesota Representative 1963-79. Mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota
V1732 Frederick, Robert T 17196 General and commander of the "Devil's Brigade," a combined US and
Canadian force who fought the Germans in Italy during WWII.
Received eight Purple Hearts for service during WWII
V2646 Freeman, Morgan, Jr 145723399 Actor and director known for such films as: Driving Miss Daisy, The
Shawshank Redemption, Batman Begins, Se7en, Outbreak, Glory,
Unforgiven, and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
V1964 Freeman, Paul L Four Star General
V1365 Freeman, Rowland G 271676237054
Head of GSA
V3919 Freeman, Theodore C 25080 Astronaut. Killed when a goose smashed through the cockpit of his jet
and caused him to eject from the craft. His parachute did not open
properly due to his proximity to the ground.
V258 Frelinghuysen, Pete
Frelinghuysen, Peter
Hood Ballantine, Jr
168723 New Jersey Representative 1953-75
V259 Frelinghuysen, Pete
Frelinghuysen, Peter
Hood Ballantine, Jr
168723 New Jersey Representative 1953-75
V2764 Frelinghuysen, Rodney New Jersey Representative 1995-
V217 Frenzel, William E 354199 Minnesota Representative 1971-91
V216 Frenzel, William E 354199 Minnesota Representative 1971-91
V145 Frey, Louis 602589 Florida Representative 1969-79
V2374 Frink, John W April 2, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
recovered February 8, 1993
V1151 Froehlich, Harold V 4273170 Wisconsin Representative 1973-75
V1443 Frost, Jonas M
Frost, Martin
Texas Representative 1975-2005
V3114 Fryer, Eli T 314 Mexican Campaign Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Vera Cruz,
Mexico on April 21-22, 1914.
V2583 Fuhrman, Mark J Detective in the Los Angeles Police Department who found the bloody
glove linking O.J. Simpson to the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown
V2902 Fulgham, Dan D High altitude balloon pilot/parachutist written about in AF History,
Roswell Report: Case Closed, as man with head injury causing him to
look like an "alien."
V199 Fulton, James G 223518 Pennsylvania Representative 1945-71
V200 Fulton, James G 223518 Pennsylvania Representative 1945-71
V546 Fulton, Richard H 9768936 Tennessee Representative 1963-75. Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee
V547 Fulton, Richard H 9768936 Tennessee Representative 1963-75. Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee
V2876 Funt, Allen A 32868183
Creator and host of Candid Camera 1951-54, 1960-66 on CBS and
Candid Microphone on ABC radio.
V412 Fuqua, John D
Fuqua, Don
Florida Representative 1963-87
V1831 Fuqua, Samuel G 58022 WWII Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. Highest ranking
survivor of the Arizona, directed fire and rescue teams until the ship
had to be abandoned. He later reached the rank of Rear Admiral.
V2210 Furey, Joan A Director of the Women Veterans Programs Office for the Department
of Veterans Affairs in Washington, D.C.
V3774 Furillo, Carl A 33371023 Baseball player.
V2878 Furrow, Buford O Member of the white-supremacist group, Aryan Nations who attempted
a mass murder August 10, 1999. He attacked a daycare of North
Valley Jewish Community Center, Los Angeles injuring three children,
a counselor, and a receptionist. A US Postal carrier of Filipino origin
was killed.
V1686 Gabaldon, Guy L 517054 Japanese language interpreter for the 2nd Marine Division that
assaulted Saipan and repeatedly risked his life to talk to Japanese
civilians and military into surrendering rather than committing suicide.
Gabaldon is personally credited with capturing more than half of the
2000 Japanese taken between June 15 and August 1, 1944.
V1685 Gabaldon, Guy L 517054 Japanese language interpreter for the 2nd Marine Division that
assaulted Saipan and repeatedly risked his life to talk to Japanese
civilians and military into surrendering rather than committing suicide.
Gabaldon is personally credited with capturing more than half of the
2000 Japanese taken between June 15 and August 1, 1944.
V500 014 Gable, Clark
Gable, William Clark
565390 Actor who appeared in 92 movies including: Gone With the Wind and
It Happened One Night
V1896 Gabreski, Francis S 406131 Highest ranking Ace in European Theater of Operations also an Ace in
Korea. Had 37 kills in both WWII and Korea.
V1897 Gabreski, Francis S 406131 Highest ranking Ace in European Theater of Operations also an Ace in
Korea. Had 37 kills in both WWII and Korea.
V1906 Gagnon, Rene A 808276 One of the Marines who raised the flag on Iwo Jima
V2841 Gaines, Clarence L 1307961 Assigned 364th Infantry Regiment. Served with Regiment throughout
war. Was at Camp Van Dorn in 1943 and helped to quell rebellion of
troops in May of that year.
V3108 Galantin, Ignatius Retired as a full admiral in 1970, he was a submarine officer from
1935 until post-war years. Commanded USS Halibut during WWII,
awarded Navy Cross and Silver Star
V3194 Galer, Robert E 5253 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions in the Solomon Islands
during WWII. Galer led his squadron in aerial raids against Japanese
forces. Over 29 days, he shot down 11 enemy bomber and fighter
aircraft himself, his squad-27 Japanese planes.
V3193 Galer, Robert E 5253 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions in the Solomon Islands
during WWII. Galer led his squadron in aerial raids against Japanese
forces. Over 29 days, he shot down 11 enemy bomber and fighter
aircraft himself, his squad-27 Japanese planes.
V1907 Gallery, Daniel V 56881
dmiral. Commanded or the escort carrier USS Guadalcanal. Led the
taskforce that captured U-505, the only foreign man-of-war captured,
in battle, on the high seas by the United States Navy since the War of
V2040 Gallo, Dean A New Jersey Representative 1985-94
V2220 Galloway, Irene O 4th Director of WAC 1953-57
V310 Gambrell, David H 968419 Georgia Senator 1971-72
V990 Gandal, Alvin H 2286667 Postal Rate Commission Chairman
V2218 Ganske, John G
Ganske, Greg
Iowa Representative 1995-2003
V1121 Garagiola, Joseph H,
Garagiola, Joe
37638788 Major League Baseball catcher for the St. Louis Cardinals, Pittsburgh
Pirates, Chicago Cubs, and New York Giants. After he retired from
baseball, he became a baseball announcer, a host for The Today
Show, and various game shows.
V2295 Garcia, Jerome J
Garcia, Jerry
19666366 Grateful Dead' musician/singer/songwriter.
V2592 Garcia, Marcario 38246362 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Grosshau, Germany
on November 27, 1944. While wounded, Garcia took out two enemy
emplacements allowing his company to advance and obtain their
V1478 Garcia, Robert 12327052 New York Representative 1978-90
V2670 Gardiner, Ruth M 745280 First Army nurse killed in WWII
V793 Gardner, James C 53225106 North Carolina Representative 1967-69. Lieutenant Governor of North
Carolina 1989-93
V870 Gardner, John W 30567 US Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare 1965-68. Received
the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1964
V1024 Gardner, John W 30567 US Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare 1965-68. Received
the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1964
V293 Garn, Edwin J
Garn, Jake
559656 Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah 1971-74. Senator 1975-93. Flew on
space shuttle Discovery April 1985
V349 Garn, Edwin J
Garn, Jake
559656 Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah 1971-74. Senator 1975-93. Flew on
space shuttle Discovery April 1985
V3089 Garner, Jay M First Reconstruction Administrator for Iraq 2003. Served briefly
V1546 Garrett, Henry L DOD General Counsel
V2661 Garwood, Robert R Marine who was a POW/ MIA in Vietnam since 1965, was still in North
Vietnam in 1979 and asked a UN representative to help him return to
the US. Court Martialled upon his return for going AWOL, Deserting,
and being an enemy Collaborator.
V2666 Gates, Daryl F 5664419 Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department 1978-92. Chief during
Rodney King and O.J. Simpson trials
V1845 Gates, Robert M Director of the Central Intelligence Agency 1991-93
V1860 Gavin, James M Became the youngest Division commander since the Civil War, 1944.
Military strategist, he advocated the use of mobility in warfare and saw
airpower as a major way to contribute to that. Ambassador to France
V1923 Gay, George H 104367 Member of Torpedo Squadron 8 operating from the USS Hornet (CV-
8) in the Pacific Theater during WWII. During the Battle of Midway, his
entire squadron was killed, leaving Gay to witness the battle from a life
raft. He was the only American to observe the dive bombing attack
that destroyed three of the four Japanese carriers there.
V2956 Gay, Hobart R 7323 Commander of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V600 003 Gay, Marvin Pentz, Jr
Gaye, Marvin
13599961 Singer, arranger, musician, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and
record producer. Motown artist, songs include Stubborn Kind of
Fellow, How Sweet It Is, and I Heard It Through the Grapevine.
V616 Gaydos, Joseph M 2516959 Pennsylvania Representative 1969-93
V617 Gaydos, Joseph M 2516959 Pennsylvania Representative 1969-93
V1854 Gebaur, Arthur W 726369 Fighter pilot killed over Korea. Air Force Base in Kansas City, Mo. re-
named in his honor.
V1853 Gebaur, Arthur W 11583 Fighter pilot killed over Korea. Air Force Base in Kansas City, Mo. re-
named in his honor.
V3157 Geiger, Roy S 332 Fifth Marine officer to complete pilot training 1917. Led the invasion of
Guan and the capture of the southern Palau Islands in 1944. Led the
Marines in assault on Okinawa 1945. First Marine officer to command
a field army 1945.
V1851 Geisel, Theodore S 921507 Author and illustrator known largely for his children's books such as:
The Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, and Green Eggs and Ham
V1444 Gekas, George W 52281765 Pennsylvania Representative 1983-2003
V2560 Genaust, William H 813945 Marine who filmed the raising of the second American Flag on Mount
Suribachi on Iwo Jima February 23, 1945. He was shot nine days
later by Japanese soldiers hiding in a cave. The cave was bulldozed
and his body not recovered.
V3123 George, Harold L Office of Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1946-recalled to HQ, AF in 1955
V927 Gephardt, Richard A 27538737 Missouri Representative 1977-
V2972 Gerber, Daniel F 281436 Founder of the Gerber Product Company. His daughter Sally was ill
as a child and a doctor recommended a diet of fruits and vegetables.
V1929 Gergen, David R Presidential advisor during the administrations of Nixon, Ford, and
Reagan. Editor at U.S. News & World Report
V3379 Gerlach, Max Stork X00101885 Served with F. Scott Fitzgerald during WWI. May have served as the
template for the character Jay Gatsby in Fitzgerald's novel The Great
V2509 Gerow, Leonard T Commanded V Corps during Battle of the Bulge, WWII. Later the 15th
V3797 Gerson, Simon W
Gerson, Si
42067462 Journalist and advocate of working class political representation
V138 Gettys, Thomas S 139956 South Carolina Representative 1964-76
V137 Gettys, Thomas S 139956 South Carolina Representative 1964-76
V413 Giaimo, Robert N 1997399 Connecticut Representative 1959-81
V1759 Gibbons, Sam M 419937 Florida Representative 1963-97
V3798 Gibson, Andrew 33758950 Execution.
V3521 Gibson, Charles D 2057655 News anchorman
V3776 Gibson, Clarence D 18023334 Execution. Shot for the murder of a guard in Louisiana. The guard
was killed when Gibson and another prisoner escaped confinement.
Spent two years on the run.
V2833 Gibson, Elmer P 29145 Chaplain of 364th Infantry at Papago Park, Camp Van Dorn, and Adak
Island, Aleutians
V1856 Gilchrest, Wayne T 2029953 Maryland Representative 1991-
V1569 Giles, Barney M 10828 WWII General. Commanding General of the Fourth Air Force 1943.
Assistant to Chief of the Air Staff, then Chief 1943-45. Commander of
US Army Air Forces Pacific Ocean Areas 1945. Commanding General
of US Strategic Air Forces Pacific 1945-46
V904 Gilligan, John J 7001225
Ohio Representative 1965-67. Governor 1971-75. Administrator for
US Agency for International Development 1977-79. Director of
Institute for Public Policy 1979-86.
V982 Gilligan, John J 227088 Ohio Representative 1965-67. Governor 1971-75. Administrator for
US Agency for International Development 1977-79. Director of
Institute for Public Policy 1979-86.
V2041 Gillmor, Paul E Oho Representative 1989-
V1206 Gillum, Charles R Inspector General, GSA
V1445 Gilman, Benjamin A 13178820 New York Representative 1973-2003
V3024 Gilmore, Howard W 60210 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions on the USS
Growler on February 7, 1943. The Growler was a submarine patrolling
the Southwest Pacific. On the night in question, an enemy gunboat
closed range and prepared to ram the sub. Gilmore, commander at
the time, maneuvered to avoid crash and instead rammed the
attacker. His final orders were to "Take her down," Gilmore, severely
wounded refused to clear the bridge to the safely below. The Growler
was damaged, but made it safely to port.
V3561 Gilormini, Mihiel 885325 Co-founder of the Puerto Rico Air National Guard
V2653 Ginsburg, William H Attorney at Law who was the lawyer for Monica Lewinsky, former
White House intern who suggested improper activity by President
V2863 Gitchell, Albert M 2201444 Reputedly first victim of Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918-19,
though not a fatality
V3552 Givens, Edward G 23346 Astronaut. Killed in an automobile accident. Member of the "Original
19" group of astronauts.
V153 Glenn, John H 21149 Astronaut, first American to orbit the earth, February 1962. Ohio
Senator 1975-99
V3363 Goat, Billy
Bill the Goat
X41694 Goat that served as mascot aboard the USS Atlanta and the USS
V3384 Goddard, George W Pioneer of Aerial and Space photography systems. Inducted into the
International Aerospace Hall of Fame 1976
V3855 Goddard, Robert Owen 37613308 Sports writer
V962 Godfrey, Arthur M 83805 Broadcaster and entertainer.
V1337 Godfrey, Arthur M Broadcaster and entertainer.
V949 Godfrey, Arthur M 83805 Broadcaster and entertainer.
V1152 Godfrey, Arthur M 2827656 Broadcaster and entertainer.
V300 002 Godfrey, Arthur M 6175005 Broadcaster and entertainer.
V541 Godley, George M 82898 Ambassador to Congo (Leopoldville) 1964-66; Laos 1969-73; Lebanon
V1805 Goebel, George L 705231 Comedian: television, motion pictures, and radio
V1986 Goforth, Oscar L 3053269 Was lost and presumed dead in crash during espionage flight July 1,
1960 in Barents Sea Area. Flight with John R McKone and Freeman
B. Olmstead captured and imprisoned in Lebyanka Prison, Moscow.
Released January 1961.
V707 Goheen, Robert F 1283413 Ambassador to India 1977-80
V3583 Gohmert, Louis B Gohmert, Louie Texas Representative 2005-
V877 Goldberg, Arthur J 924186 US Secretary of Labor 1961-62. Justice of US Supreme Court 1962-
65. United Nations US Representative 1965-68. Ambassador 1977-
78. Received Presidential Medal of Freedom 1978
V2680 Goldwater, Barry M 270184 Arizona Senator 1953-65, 1969-87. Received Presidential Medal of
Freedom 1986.
V3281 Gonsalves, Harold 522559 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Okinawa
on April 15, 1945. Aided his observation team in directing artillery fire
on a Japanese stronghold at Mount Yaetake. When an enemy
grenade landed near his group, he sacrificed his life to save his
V2788 Gonzales, Richard A 5675941 Tennis player. Dominated pro tour 1950-61. 1969, played the longest
Wimbledon match ever, 5:12, beating Charlie Pasarell.
V3164 Gonzalez, Alfredo 2142473 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions near Thua
Thien, Republic of Vietnam on February 4, 1968. While moving
toward Hue City, his troops came under heavy enemy fire. He
maneuvered his platoon and directed their fire to clear the area of
snipers. Just south of Hue, they were again hit by enemy fire. When
one of his marines was hit and fell in an exposed area, Gonzalez ran
to his assistance. Despite receiving injuries, he carried his comrade to
safety. He next led his troops against and enemy bunker, receiving
more injuries. The resistance continued on into the following day,
Gonzalez led his men, directing them until he fell mortally wounded.
V3582 Goode, Virgil H Goode, Virgil H, Jr Virginia Representative 1997-
V1183 Goodell, Charles E, Jr 8987952 New York Representative 1959-68; New York Senator 1968-71.
V15 Goodell, Charles E, Jr 2252830 New York Representative 1959-68; New York Senator 1968-71.
V520 Goodling, William F
Goodling, Bill
13221904 Pennsylvania Representative 1975-2001.
V1945 Goodrell, Mancil C 1147
Served during Civil War and into 20th Century. Unique and unusual
V3681 Goodwin, Reginald E 351957 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V2641 Gordon, Barton J Tennessee Representative 1985-
V2851 Gordon, Gary I Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Mogadishu,
Somalia on October 3, 1993. Gordon was part of a sniper team
providing fire during assaults. He and another sniper, Randall
Shughart, requested to be inserted in a position to protect four
wounded personnel. They made there way to the crashed helicopter
and pulled out the pilot, provided covering fire to repel enemy forces.
The pilot was saved, but both snipers were lost.
V3723 Gordon, Tom 34091950 Execution. Hanged for assaulting and killing a soldier in France. ETO
V3010 Gordy, Berry 55152080 Founder of Motown Records, 1959. Signed such artists as Mary
Wells, The Supremes, Marvin Gaye, The Temptations, The Four Tops,
and Stevie Wonder
V1258 Gore, Albert A, Jr
Gore, Al
Tennessee Representative 1977-85. Senator 1985-93. Vice
President of the United States 1993-2001
V2952 Gore, Reggie 2265654 Uncle of Al Gore. WWI veteran whom Gore claimed suffered from
mustard gas exposure during the war
V3299 Gorshin, Frank J 52314745 Actor and comedian. Works include: The Riddler on the Batman
television series, Where the Boys Are, Skidoo, Jimmy, Guys and Dolls,
and Say Goodnight Gracie
V1446 Gorton, Thomas S
Gorton, Slade
Washington Senator 1981-87, 1989-2001
V1700 Goss, Porter J 5007812 Florida Representative 1989-2004. Director of Central Intelligence
V2118 Gostas, Theodore W February 1, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
16, 1973
V2145 Gouin, Donat J February 5, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
5, 1973
V3522 Gracey, James S 4225 Commandant 1982-1986
V2115 Graening, Bruce A March 9, 1967 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 18,
V1824 Graham, Calvin L 6254241 Youngest United States serviceman during WWII, he enlisted in the
Navy at age 12 following the attack on Pearl Harbor. He was
wounded at the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal while helping in fire
control aboard the USS South Dakota. He was awarded the Bronze
star and the Purple Heart for his actions, but when his mother later
revealed his age, they were revoked and Graham was thrown in the
brig and dishonorably discharged for lying about his age. After a fight,
he was awarded an honorable discharge in 1978, his disability and
back pay was received in 1988, and his Purple Heart was reinstated
two years after his death. Subject of the TV movie Too Young the
V3336 Graham, Calvin L 1158369 Youngest United States serviceman during WWII, he enlisted in the
Navy at age 12 following the attack on Pearl Harbor. He was
wounded at the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal while helping in fire
control aboard the USS South Dakota. He was awarded the Bronze
star and the Purple Heart for his actions, but when his mother later
revealed his age, they were revoked and Graham was thrown in the
brig and dishonorably discharged for lying about his age. After a fight,
he was awarded an honorable discharge in 1978, his disability and
back pay was received in 1988, and his Purple Heart was reinstated
two years after his death. Subject of the TV movie Too Young the
V3161 Graham, James A 88847 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions in
Republic of Vietnam on June 2, 1967. When his company came under
fierce enemy fire, he led a small assault group to take out two hidden
machine gun positions. When it became apparent that the second
position would not be silenced, and evacuation was ordered. Graham
remained behind to protect a wounded man who could not be moved.
V3523 Graham, Otto E 7245 Football player and coach
V2795 Graham, Philip L 860372 Publisher of Washington "Post" from 1946-63. Committed suicide.
V81 Graham, Pierre R 89978 Ambassador to Upper Volta 1974-78
V80 Graham, Pierre R 89978 Ambassador to Upper Volta 1974-78
V3302 Graham, Stedman S African American educator, author, businessman and speaker as well
as long-time companion of Oprah Winfrey.
V3093 Grange, David E Inducted into Ranger Hall of Fame, served as Airborne/Ranger in
WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.
V3703 Grant, General L 34557976 Execution. Hanged for murder in Italy. MTO
V500 019 Grant, Ulysses S 1790 Grandson of President Grant. Served in both WWI and WWII.
Chairman of the National Park and Planning Commission in
Washington. Vice President of George Washington University 1946-
V3616 Grant, Vernon E Cartoonist for Stars and Stripes during Vietnam
V1061 Graul, Donald P General Officer per Shrader
V414 Gravel, Maurice R
Gravel, Mike
1935945 Alaska Senator 1969-81
V2700 Gravely, Samuel L First African-American promoted to Admiral rank in US Navy
V3162 Graves, Terrence C 101090 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions in the
Republic of Vietnam on February 16, 1968. While on patrol, Grave
and the others with him observed seven enemy soldiers approaching.
After fire had ceased, he and two others searched the area and came
under heavy enemy fire. . He requested air support and after killing
some of the enemy soldiers moved his patrol to the extraction point,
where they came under enemy fire again. Graves once again directed
air strikes and moved his men to a new landing zone. While loading
the helicopters, Graves noticed one wounded who had not embarked.
Enemy fire, however, hit the second helicopter and all aboard were
V2898 Gray, Alfred M 56067 Twenty-ninth Commandant of the Marine Corps
V314 Gray, Kenneth J 36741389 Illinois Representative 1955-75, 1985-89
V1933 Gray, Louis P 85100 Assistant Attorney General 1971-72. Acting Director FBI 1972-73
V2978 Gray, Robert C Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V3704 Green, George, Jr 38476751 Execution. Hanged for the murder of a soldier in France. ETO
V99 Green, Marshall 236722 US Consul General in Hong Kong 1961-63; Ambassador to Indonesia
1965-69, Australia 1973-75, Nauru 1974-76
V98 Green, Marshall 236722 US Consul General in Hong Kong 1961-63; Ambassador to Indonesia
1965-69, Australia 1973-75, Nauru 1974-76
V1447 Green, Sedgwick W 2271234 New York Representative 1978-93
V500 003 Greenberg, Henry
Greenberg, Hank
36114611 Baseball player. Played for the Detroit Tigers 1930-46 and the
Pittsburgh Pirates 1947. Inducted into the Hall of Fame 1956.
V3966 Greene, Leroy E 14036733 Execution. Hanged with three others for the assault and/or rape of two
Army nurses.
V2424 Greene, Wallace M 9282077
Twenty-third Commandant of the Marine Corps 1964-67
V2677 Gregory, James 6478669 Actor. Films include: The Scarlet Hour, X-15, PT 109, The Sons of
Katie Elder, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, and Miracle on 34th
V2102 Gregory, Kenneth R August 25, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned May 26,
V1144 Greigg, Stanley L 3199811 Iowa Representative 1965-67. Deputy director of Democratic National
Committee 1970-72. Filed the original complaint that led to the
Watergate investigation.
V1184 Griffin, Charles H 9407165 Mississippi Representative 1968-73
V2039 Griffin, Michael F Christian terrorist who murdered Dr. David Gunn, an abortion provider,
on March 11, 1993
V415 Griffin, Robert P 16144770 Michigan Representative 1957-66. Senator 1966-79
V3765 Griffiss, Townsend 15010 First US Airman to be killed in the line of duty during WWII
V1911 Griffith, Samuel B 4436 General officer who led the Marines at Guadalcanal.
V1834 Griggs, Leonard L Former Director of Lambert International Airport. Official with FAA
V1509 Grillo, Gustavo M Mercenary in Angola, imprisoned in Angola
V3766 Grissom, Marvin E
Grissom, Marv
39082999 Baseball player. New York Giants 1946, Detroit Tigers 1949, Chicago
White Sox 1952, Boston Red Sox 1953, New York Giants 1953-57,
San Francisco Giants 1958, St. Louis Cardinals 1959
V600 001 Grissom, Virgil I 22450 One of the first American astronauts, first to go into space twice. One
of the first to die in the US space program, during the Apollo 1 fire.
V3621 Griswold, Dwight P 165484 Nebraska Governor 1941-47, Senator 1952-54
V1560 Griswold, Oscar W 2883 Army General. Commanded 14th Corps throughout it's WWII
campaigns in South Pacific and Philippines. Served as machine-gun
officer of the 84th Division during WWI.
V847 Gronouski, John A 703735
US Postmaster General 1963-65. Ambassador to Poland 1965-68
V1699 Groseclose, Fred S 13016576 High official of the Red Cross. Awarded Presidential Medal of
Freedom by Harry Truman for his work in Korea During the UN action
V315 Gross, Harold R 1432380 Iowa Representative 1949-75
V2685 Grossel, Ira
Chandler, Jeff
Actor and singer. Appeared in: Johnny O'clock, Broken Arrow, The
Battle of Apache Pass, Man in the Shadow, Foxfire and Merrill's
V1342 Grove, Brandon H 588668 Ambassador to Zaire 1984-87
V3875 Grover, James R, Jr 577782 New York Representative 1963-75
V1296 Grover, Wayne C 921462 Archivist of US
V500 038 Groves, Leslie R Army General. Director of the Manhattan Project
V2079 Grow, Malcolm C 27 First Air Surgeon (Surgeon General) of the US Air Force. Crucial in
development of medical for air crew on long range, high altitude
bombing missions in WWII.
V1976 Grow, Robert W Retired Major General - court martialled in 1952 for security violations
during Cold War. Specifically having a personal diary stolen in
Moscow and "war-mongering" statements being released in the press.
V1571 Grunert, George WWII General. Director War Plans Army War College 1935-36.
Commanding Officer 26th Cavalry Regiment 1938-40. Commanding
General Philippine Department 1940-42. Commanding General 6th
Corps Area 1942-43. Deputy Chief of Staff Army Service Forces
1943. Commanding General 1st Army 1943. General Officer
Commander in Chief Eastern Defense Command 1943-45.
V1366 Guarini, Frank J 7475850
New Jersey Representative 1979-93
V2992 Gubiutsi, Michael
Blake, Robert
56198629 Actor. Most famous for TV series Baretta. Other films include: The
Purple Gang, Ensign Pulver, The Greatest Story Ever Told, and In
Cold Blood. Arrested April 18, 2002 in connection with the murder of
his wife, Bonnie Lee Bakley. He was charged with one count of
murder with special circumstances, two counts of solicitation of
murder, and one count of murder conspiracy. He pled not guilty. He
was acquitted March 2005. Bakley's four children filed a civil suit
against him for wrongful death and were awarded $30 million. Blake
filed for bankruptcy February 2006.
V416 Gude, Gilbert 33549491 Maryland Representative 1967-77
V3826 Guerra, Augustine M 38458023 Execution. Hanged for the rape and murder of a fifteen year old in
England. ETO
V1877 Guest, Raymond J 86741 Cousin of Winston Churchill and a member of OSS team that landed in
occupied Norway.
V2100 Guffey, Jerry L March 4, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 4,
V2146 Guggenberger, Gary January 14, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
February 12, 1973.
V1506 Gunnels, Aubrey A 14170 Staff assistant Sub Committee on Treasury, Post Office and
Courthouse Appropriations Committee
V3300 Gunther, Henry N 1779820 Officially recognized as the last soldier in the AEF killed in WWI before
the ceasefire at 11:00 am on November 11, 1918
V3280 Gurke, Henry 380428 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at
Bougainvile Island on November 9, 1943. He and another marine
where in a shallow fox hole defending against advancing Japanese
forces. When a grenade landed in their foxhole, he pushed his
comrade to the side and absorbed the force of the explosion with his
V2147 Gurnsey, Earl F November 27, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
January 6, 1969
V1396 Guthrie, Woodrow W 42234634 Singer and Social Reformer. "So Long, It's Been Good to Know You,"
Pastures of Plenty," "1913 Massacre," and "Union Maid."
V2276 Hacker, Leonard
Hackett, Buddy
32896751 Comedian and actor. Works include: Lunatics and Lovers, Stanley,
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, The Love Bug, Bud and Lou, and
The Little Mermaid
V2604 Hackman, Gene A 643310 Actor. Films include: Lilith, Bonnie and Clyde, The French Connection,
Unforgiven, Runaway Jury, Behind Enemy Lines, and The Birdcage.
V2522 Hackworth, David H Author of About Face and Hazardous Duty. Columnist for
V331 Hagan, George E 2310690 Georgia Representative 1961-73
V872 Hagedorn, Thomas M 5926366 Minnesota Representative 1975-83
V871 Hagedorn, Thomas M 5926366 Minnesota Representative 1975-83
V2842 Hagel, Charles T Nebraska Senator 1997-
V2565 Hagen, Loren D Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions on August 7, 1971. He
was team leader of a reconnaissance team in enemy territory when
they came under attack. The team repelled the first onslaught and he
deployed his men to better defensive locations. Hagen constantly
exposed himself to enemy fire while moving around the perimeter,
rallying his men, restocking ammo, and returning fire. When an
enemy rocket destroyed one of their bunkers, Hagen crawled through
enemy fire in an attempt to reach the bunker.
V2692 Hagen, Michael E Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report. Hagen claims that his
current neuro-muscular problems are caused by alleged exposure to
the nerve gas "Sarin" during the operation.
V1746 Hagman, Larry M 10610908 Actor most famous for playing J.R. Ewing on the TV soap opera
V2395 Haig, Alexander M Military Assistant to the Presidential Assistant for National Security
Affairs, Henry Kissinger 1969-70. Deputy Assistant to the President
for National Security Affairs 1970-73. Vice Chief of Staff of the Army
1973. White House Chief of Staff. SACEUR and CinCUSEUR 1974-
79. Secretary of State 1981-82.
V971 Halaby, Najeeb E 306728 Administrator of Federal Aviation Administration 1961-65. Father of
Queen Noor of Jordan
V970 Halaby, Najeeb E 306728 Administrator of Federal Aviation Administration 1961-65. Father of
Queen Noor of Jordan
V3293 Halas, George S 50066
V300 000 Haley, Alexander P 212548 Author. Most noted for Roots: The Saga of an American Family. In
1978 plagiarism charges were brought against him to which he settled
out of court. Hales admitted to copying large passages of Roots from
The African by Harold Courlander.
V417 Haley, James A 679214 Florida Representative 1953-77. Former president and director of
Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus
V2681 Halkyard, James E 932909
Right waist gunner on Colin Kelly's B-17 when the plane was shot
down. After being shot down, he was picked up and served with
Philippine guerillas before rejoining US forces.
V1866 Hall, John R 3463995 Died in the USS Arizona during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
V1849 Hall, John R 3463995 Died in the USS Arizona during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
V3566 Hall, Norman B 1051 Coast Guard who aided Elmer Stone in the NC Transatlantic flight.
Instrumental in est. aviation in the CG
V1131 Hall, Ralph M 430207 Texas Representative 1981-
V3956 Hall, Willie 33268841 Died of an accidental gunshot wound in North Africa. Hall had shot
and killed another soldier and was scheduled to be dishonorably
discharged and imprisoned for life in the United States. While enroute
aboard a train, other prisoners were attempting to escape their
wooden boxcar by trying to saw through the wall. The guard fired
warning shots which ricocheted and struck Hall in the stomach and
chest. It was determined that he had not been trying to escape.
V2222 Hallaren, Mary A 115009 3rd Director of Women's Army Corps. Director at the time it became
part of the US Army and first woman to officially join the US Army.
V16 Halleck, Charles A 168141 Indiana Representative 1935-69; delegate to Republican National
Convention from Indiana 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948.
V959 Halsey, William F 5035 Commanded the US Third Fleet in the Pacific during much of WWII
V983 Halsey, William F 5035 Commanded the US Third Fleet in the Pacific during much of WWII
V2847 Halverson, Harry A 11444 Aviation Pioneer. Alternate pilot aboard the Question Mark, an early
air refueling flight, assisted with NC-4 around the world flight. Led first
bombing mission against Ploesti Oilfields in WWII.
V2253 Halvorsen, Gail S During the Berlin airlift dropped candy attached to parachutes to
children in Berlin. By the end of the airlift, about 25 planes had taken
up the practice and 23 tons of chocolate, gum, and candy had been
dropped in Operation Little Vittles.
V2741 Halyburton, William 8338195 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Okinawa
on May 10, 1945. He ran across a fire-swept field where the company
was pinned down in order to assist casualties. He reached a wounded
marine and shielded the man until he fell mortally wounded.
V400 014 Hamilton, John
Walter, Sterling Relyea
Hayden, Sterling
22085 Actor. Films include The Asphalt Jungle, Johnny Guitar, The Killings,
The Godfather, Dr. Strangelove, and Novecento. He had run away to
sea at age 17 and received his first command at age 19. Served in
the OSS during WWII as well as running guns through German lines to
Yugoslavia. He was briefly involved with the Communist Party and
cooperated with the House Un-American Activities Committee,
confessing his time with the party and "naming names," which he later
V3455 Hamlet, Harry G 1001 Commandant 1932-1936
V1268 Hammerschmidt, John Arkansas Representative 1967-93
V3929 Hammond, Creed C X00100974
V2748 Hammond, Francis C 4242266 Korean War Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions on
March 26-27, 1953. Hammond's platoon was assaulted by enemy
mortar fire, artillery fire, as well as enemy troops. For four hours,
despite his own injuries, he moved among his wounded comrades,
administering aid. When the unit was ordered to withdraw, he directed
the evacuation of casualties until he was mortally wounded.
V1715 Hancock, Melton D 17311776
Missouri Representative 1989-97
V418 Hanley, James M 32545385 New York Representative 1965-81
V803 Hanna, Richard T 6327635 Helped bring about the establishment of the University of California at
Irvine and California State University at Fullerton. California
Representative 1963-74. 1970's, received payments of about
$200,000 from Korean businessman Tongsun Park in "Koreagate"
scandal. Pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 6-30 months in federal
prison, served one year.
V804 Hanna, Richard T 6327635 Helped bring about the establishment of the University of California at
Irvine and California State University at Fullerton. California
Representative 1963-74. 1970's, received payments of about
$200,000 from Korean businessman Tongsun Park in "Koreagate"
scandal. Pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 6-30 months in federal
prison, served one year.
V517 Hannaford, Mark W 35138769 California Representative 1975-79
V3115 Hanneken, Herman H 392 Medal of Honor for action near Grande Riviere, Haiti, October 31
through November 1, 1919. Leader in the conflict against outlaws in
Haiti which led to the death of Charlemagne Peralte and the dispersal
of 1,200 of his followers.
V3124 Hansell, Haywood S Commander of 3rd and 1st BombWgs in 8th AF, WWII. Chief of Staff
of 20th AF. Author of The Strategic Air War Against Germany and
Japan: A Memoir.
V3319 Hansen, George V 677656 Idaho Representative 1965-69, 1975-85. Convicted in 1984 of failing
to include four transactions on federal disclosure forms. Sentenced to
15 months in prison and fined $40,000. Reprimanded by House,
conviction was reversed in 1995.
V225 Hansen, George V 19345414 Idaho Representative 1965-69, 1975-85. Convicted in 1984 of failing
to include four transactions on federal disclosure forms. Sentenced to
15 months in prison and fined $40,000. Reprimanded by House,
conviction was reversed in 1995.
V3537 Hansen, Henry O 266047 Part of Iwo Jima 1st flag raising
V1706 Hansen, James V 2604504 Utah Representative 1981-2003
V614 Hansen, Orval H 5543250 Idaho Representative 1969-75
V615 Hansen, Orval H 5543250 Idaho Representative 1969-75
V2875 Hanson, Phyllis M 424250 First African-American Woman commissioned in US Navy 1945
V3524 Harbach, William O 661322 Producer
V1869 Harbison, Earle H 974175 President and Chief Operating Officer at Monsanto Company
V3466 Hardeman, Thomas C 1587021 Marine recruit who died in Ribbon Creek incident at Parris Island
V2913 Harding, Ralph R Idaho Representative 1961-65
V2912 Harding, Ralph R 1933728 Idaho Representative 1961-65
V3509 Hardy, Moses 3784069 One of the last living WWI veterans
V2148 Hardy, William H June 29, 1967 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February
12, 1973.
V3682 Hare, James E 352036 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V3581 Hare, Philip G 1797096 Illinois Representative 2007-
V2238 Hargis, Willis F 760457 Died in crash during the Berlin Airlift. His record was used in the
exhibit "Winning the Peace"
V2149 Harker, David N January 8, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V1832 Harkin, Thomas R Iowa Representative 1975-85. Senator 1985-
V653 Harkin, Thomas R 656660 Iowa Representative 1975-85. Senator 1985-
V2195 Harlan, John M 1708251 Judge of US Court of Appeals 1954-55. Justice of US Supreme Court
V2196 Harlan, John M 52810 Judge of US Court of Appeals 1954-55. Justice of US Supreme Court
V2662 Harmon, Clarence 17479306 Mayor of St. Louis
V3113 Harmon, Hubert R 3856 Acted as Senior AF Member of Military and Naval Staff Committee to
the UN. Superintendent of the USAF Academy 1954-56
V2678 Harmon, Thomas D 732545 Football player and announcer. Won the Heisman Trophy 1940.
Father of actors Kelly, Kristin, and Mark Harmon
V1972 Harrell, Ben Four Star General
V2647 Harrell, Ernest J President of the Board of Public Services for St. Louis
V3393 Harris, Charles Albert 2023737 Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk.
V727 Harris, Herbert E, II 7570807
Virginia Representative 1975-81
V726 Harris, Herbert E, II 7570807 Virginia Representative 1975-81
V2150 Harris, Jessie B 89449063 June 8, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned October 20,
V2858 Harris, Wayne N Father of Eric Harris, who, with Dyland Klebold, were perpetrators of
the Columbine High School (Littleton, Co) massacre on April 20, 1999
V3808 Harris, Wiley, Jr 6924547 Execution. Hanged for murder in England. Shepton Mallet. ETO. He
had paid to have sex with a woman, but her pimp interrupted before
the act could be completed. Harris stabbed him to death. Anglo-
American tensions were raised when Harris was acquitted by a British
V3752 Harrison, William H, III 2545751 Wyoming Representative 1951-55, 1961-65, 1967-69. Grandson of
Benjamin Harrison. Great, great grandson of William Harrison
V3706 Harrison, William, Jr 15089828 Execution. Hanged for the rape and murder of a seven year old girl in
England. Shepton Mallet. ETO
V1081 Harrop, William C 1184349 Ambassador to Guinea 1975-77, Kenya 1980, Seychelles 1980, Zaire
1987-91, Israel 1991.
V1281 Harsha, William H 389608 Ohio Representative 1961-81
V2537 Hart, Gary W Colorado Senator 1975-87
V1250 Hart, Samuel F 4042828 Ambassador Ecuador 1982-85
V3033 Hartinger, James V 35758378 Former commander of NDRAD and space command
V239 Hartke, Rupert V 528417 Mayor of Evanville, Indiana 1956-58. Senator 1959-77. Early
opponent of the Vietnam War.
V240 Hartke, Rupert V 276871 Mayor of Evanville, Indiana 1956-58. Senator 1959-77. Early
opponent of the Vietnam War.
V241 Hartke, Rupert V 276871 Mayor of Evanville, Indiana 1956-58. Senator 1959-77. Early
opponent of the Vietnam War.
V829 Hartmann, Robert T 107371 Counselor to the President
V828 Hartmann, Robert T 107371 Counselor to the President
V1943 Hartnett, Thomas F South Carolina Representative 1981-87
V236 Haskell, Floyd K 1010732 Colorado Senator 1973-79
V612 Hastings, James F 8057278 New York Representative 1969-76
V613 Hastings, James F 8057278 New York Representative 1969-76
V3580 Hastings, Richard N 19762527 Washington Representative 1995-
V1110 Hatcher, Charles F 14658091 Georgia Representative 1981-93
V286 Hatfield, Mark O 370021 Oregon Governor 1959-67. Senator 1967-97
V343 Hatfield, Mark O 370021 Oregon Governor 1959-67. Senator 1967-97
V1067 Hathaway, Dale E 451906 Under Secretary of Agriculture
V1066 Hathaway, Dale E 451906 Under Secretary of Agriculture
V733 Hathaway, William D 702114
Maine Representative 1965-73. Senator 1973-79
V3073 Hathcock, Carlos N Marine sniper during Vietnam. Subject of two biographies, Marine
Sniper and Silent Warrior, both by Charles Henderson. Won the
Wimbledon Cup 1965. Had a confirmed 93 North Vietnamese and
Viet Cong kills, though his actual total is believed to be higher. North
Vietnam put a $50,000 bounty on his life. He received his nickname
from the Viet Cong because he always wore a white feather in the
band of his bush hat. His career came to an end when his vehicle
struck an anti-tank mine. Hathcock pulled seven marines out of the
wreckage, receiving burns over ninety percent of his body. He was
evacuated and underwent 13 skin graft operations.
V2334 Hatley, Joel C 12814053 March 5, 1971 taken as POW in Laos. Remains returned/ recovered
January 10, 1990.
V2263 Hauge, Osborne I 408971 Served as government analyst in SCAP during the Occupation of
V2705 Hausman, James H Served with KMAG establishing the Korean Constablilary. The
genesis of the RKA, Immediately after WWII through beginning of
hostilities in June 1950.
V2481 Hawk, John D 39211731 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action near Chambois, France
August 20,1944. During an enemy counterattack, his position was
threatened by tanks and infantry. His fire forced back the infantry, but
artillery knocked out his gun. He secured a bazooka and he, with
another comrade, stalked the tanks and forced them to withdraw. He
then reorganized two machine gun squads and directed the assembly
on one working gun from the parts of two damaged weapons. In
response to an enemy assault, he ran directions to Allied destroyers
for a more effective assault. He continued his efforts, though wounded
until two of the enemy tanks were destroyed and the third withdrew
and enemy forces surrendered.
V2062 Hawkins, William D 349694 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Tarawa
November 20-21, 1943. Hawkins led attacks on enemy installations
and pill boxes until he fell, mortally wounded.
V3598 Hawthorne, Samuel 16086008 Execution. Hanged for assaulting and killing two officers in New
Guinea. South Pacific Theater
V1819 Hayden, John M Kansas Governor 1987-91
V2448 Hayes, Charles H 4554 Twenty-eighth Assistant Commandant of Marine Corps 1963-65
V1904 Hayes, Ira H 448803 One of the flag raisers at Iwo Jima. He was a Pima Indian who
returned to the reservation in Arizona after the war. Peter LaFarge
wrote The Ballad of Ira Hayes in 1964 which was performed by Johnny
Cash and Bob Dylan.
V2036 Hayes, James A Louisiana Representative 1987-97
V3525 Hayes, John B 3759 Commandant
V3599 Hayes, Peter L
Lind, Joseph Conrad
19093441 Actor. Works include: Winged Pigeons and The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T
V1657 Hayes, Wayne W
Hayes, Woody
College football coach at Denison University, Miami University of Ohio
and Ohio State University. His record was 205 wins, 68 losses, and
10 ties. Coached three Heisman trophy winners and three Outland
trophy honorees. He was inducted into the College Football Hall of
Fame 1983
V2093 Hayhurst, Robert E February 1, 1968 taken as POW. Escaped and returned February 23,
V3502 Haynes, Fred E 10728 Headed Haynes Committee to decide the direction of the Marines after
V562 Haynsworth, Clement 141685 Judge of US Court of Appeals 1957-81
V561 Haynsworth, Clement 141685 Judge of US Court of Appeals 1957-81
V3018 Hays, Anna M First woman in the US Military to be promoted to a general officer rank
June 11, 1970. Chief of Army Nurse Corps 1967-71. Elizabeth
Hoisington was promoted immediately after her.
V2867 Hays, George P 7149 WWI Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Greves Farm, France
July 14-15, 1918. When his line of communication was destroyed, he
set out to establish contact with the neighboring post of command as
well as with two French batteries. He had seven horses shot out from
beneath him and was himself severely wounded.
V419 Hays, Wayne L 308306 Ohio Representative 1949-76
V1277 Hayward, Charles
Louis Napolean
Hayward, Louis
Grant, Seafield
11703 British born actor. Was in charge of the combat photography of the
Battle of Tarawa. Works include: The Vinegar Tree, Another
Language, Hay Fever, and Ladies in Retirement. First husband of Ida
V3775 Heard, Haze 34562354 Execution. Hanged for murder in France. ETO
V500 043 Hearst, William R X00042963 Founder of the Hearst Corporation and builder of Hearst Castle in
California. His father had built a fortune from gold and silver mining.
When his father acquired a local newspaper, the "San Francisco
Examiner," Hearst asked his father for the chance to run it. He
nicknamed it "The Monarch of the Dailies" and modeled it after Pulitzer
style sensationalism, creating an instant success. Eight years later, he
was able to purchase "The New York morning Journal," putting him in
direct competition with his former mentor, Joseph Pulitzer. He
continued purchases newspapers; at his peak, he would own over two
dozen. He would spread his interest to magazines shortly after his
marriage to Millicent Wilson in 1903. New York Representative 1902-
06. Other media interests were radio, television, comic strips, and
V3414 Hearst, William R 2062552 Founder of the Hearst Corporation and builder of Hearst Castle in
California. His father had built a fortune from gold and silver mining.
When his father acquired a local newspaper, the "San Francisco
Examiner," Hearst asked his father for the chance to run it. He
nicknamed it "The Monarch of the Dailies" and modeled it after Pulitzer
style sensationalism, creating an instant success. Eight years later, he
was able to purchase "The New York morning Journal," putting him in
direct competition with his former mentor, Joseph Pulitzer. He
continued purchases newspapers; at his peak, he would own over two
dozen. He would spread his interest to magazines shortly after his
marriage to Millicent Wilson in 1903. New York Representative 1902-
06. Other media interests were radio, television, comic strips, and
V1257 Hecht, Mayer J
Hecht, Jacob Chic
Hecht, Chic
Nevada Senator 1983-89. Ambassador to Bahamas 1989-93
V3934 Hedrick, Erland H
Hedrick, E. H.
X00080994 West Virginia Representative 1945-53
V2151 Hefel, Daniel H February 5, 1970 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
27, 1973
V1505 Heflin, Howell T 13956 Alabama Senator 1979-97
V3172 Hefner, Hugh M 16185869 Founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine
V1449 Heftel, Cecil L 36744996 Hawaii Senator 1970. Representative 1977-86
V3447 Hegan, James E 3005240 Baseball player and coach
V2390 Heimberger, Edward
Albert, Eddie
223268 Stage, film, and character actor. Starred in the Brother Rat films and
in Green Acres
V2247 Heinig, Herbert F 15061938 Died in crash during the Berlin Airlift. His record was used in the
exhibit "Winning the Peace"
V1510 Heinl, Robert D 5625 Marine Corps Historian; writer and journalist
V3547 Heinlein, Robert A 62624 Science Fiction Author
V526 Heinz, Henry J, III 13771269 Pennsylvania Senator 1977-91. Died when a helicopter crashed into
his plane.
V2892 Heller, Joseph 759930
Author. Works include Catch-22, Something Happened, We Bombed
in New Haven, and No Laughing Matter
V1178 Helmich, Joseph G Spy for the USSR 1963-67
V295 Helms, Jesse A, Jr 6563972 North Carolina Senator 1973-2003
V294 Helms, Jesse A, Jr 6563972 North Carolina Senator 1973-2003
V822 Helms, Richard M 173586 Ambassador to Iran 1973-77. Director of Central Intelligence Agency
V821 Helms, Richard M 170590 Ambassador to Iran 1973-77. Director of Central Intelligence Agency
V420 Helstoski, Henry 32762477 New Jersey Representative 1965-77. Indicted in 1976 on charges of
receiving a bribe, never tried.
V1857 Hempstone, Smith, Jr 1140389 Ambassador to Kenya 1989
V229 Henderson, David N 442621 North Carolina Representative 1961-77
V2600 Henderson, Lyle R
Henderson, Skitch
763187 Pianist, conductor, and composer. Musical director for Frank Sinatra's
Lucky Strike Show, Bing Crosby's The Philco Hour, and played on Bob
Hope's Pepsodent Show. Conductor of the orchestras for The Tonight
Show and The Today Show.
V2999 Henderson, Ronald Former Chief of St. Louis Police Department.
V2336 Henderson, William 52516065 January 23, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
recovered/ returned January 27, 1976.
V3705 Hendricks, James E 33453189 Execution. Hanged for rape and murder in France. ETO
V882 Hendrie, Joseph M 36853782 Chairman of Nuclear Regulatory Commission
V500 024 Hendrix, James M
Hendrix, Johnny Allen
Hendrix, Jimi
19693532 Musician, singer, songwriter, and guitarist in rock music. One of the
most influential electric guitarists in rock history
V2152 Henry, Nathan B July 12, 1967 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V3649 Hepburn, Arthur J 787 Navy Admiral. Commander-in-Chief of the United States Fleet 1936.
Chairman of the General Board of the Navy 1942
V3399 Herbert, Anthony Officer relieved from command of a battalion of the 173rd Airborne in
Vietnam April 4, 1969 for unsatisfactory performance. Relief believed
to have been in retaliation for reports of atrocities his soldiers
committed that he reported upward.
V3481 Herbster, Victor Daniel 6613 Naval Aviator #4
V1656 Hering, Harold L Career missile officer who questioned Nuclear Launch Procedures.
V2119 Herlik, Querin E February 12, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
11, 1969
V3825 Herlong, Albert S, Jr 271761 Florida Representative 1949-69
V2262 Herman, Robert G One of two Air Force members who acted as technical advisors to
20th Century Fox during the filming of The Big Lift
V2472 Herrera, Silvestre 39864749 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Merrwiller, France on
March 15, 1945. Herrera and his squad were moving along a road
when they came under enemy fire, Herrera, instead of taking cover,
moved forward and shot three German soldiers, causing eight others
to surrender. Moving forward again, they came under enemy fire
again, Herrera, moving to take cover, stepped on a landmine and was
blown into the air. When he landed, he hit another landmine; both of
his legs were lost below the knee. Through this he managed to keep
hold of his rifle which, after binding his legs, he used to fire at the
enemy forcing them to cease fire and take cover.
V1970 Hershey, Lewis B Secretary Joint Army & Navy Selective Service Committee 1936-40.
Deputy Director Selective Service 1940. Director Selective Service
until 1970.
V2645 Hess, Dean E While serving in Korea, began a program to give aid to children who
had lost their parents and homes. Established an orphanage on Cheju
Island. Author of Battle Hymn. Founder of CARE, Inc
V2966 Hesselman, Eugene S 15420439 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V2099 Hestand, James H March 17, 1971 taken as POW in Cambodia. Returned February 12,
V2304 Heston, Charlton L
Carter, John Charles
16170644 Actor. Films include: Dark City, The Greatest Show on Earth, The
Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, El Cid, Planet of the Apes, Touch of
Evil, and Tombstone. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom
V2415 Heywood, Charles 2547 Ninth Commandant of the Marine Corps
V3526 Hibler, Christopher A 2060675 Producer Director
V3785 Hickey, John J
Hickey, J. J.
1845900 Wyoming Governor 1959-61, Senator 1961-62, Judge US Court of
Appeals 1966-70
V1620 Hicks, Donald A 39918316 Under Secretary Department of Defense for Research and
V3876 Hicks, Floyd V 577906 Washington Representative 1965-77
V1367 Hidalgo, Edward 149526 Secretary of the Navy 1979-1981
V2846 Higgins, William R 101316 Marine Col on mission for UN in Lebanon, was taken hostage on
February 17, 1988. He was murdered sometime during the next
couple years and declared dead July 6, 1990. He was honored by the
Navy with the USS HIGGINS DDG 76 named in his memory.
V1368 Hightower, Jack E 3583033 Texas Representative 1975-85
V3012 Hill, Donald G 19353976 Died while on "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly
were lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near
the Kamchatka Peninsula.
V3950 Hill, Joseph L
Hill, Lister
X00122494 Alabama Representative 1923-38. Senator 1938-69
V3090 Hillenkoetter, Roscoe 20485 Third Director of the Central Intelligence Agency 1947-50. Third
Captain of the Battleship USS Missouri
V421 Hillis, Elwood H 1338464 Indiana Representative 1971-87
V2024 Hinchey, Maurice D 5128323 New York Representative 1993-2003
V2921 Hindman, Ronald L Director NPRC 2000-
V3287 Hines, John L 23 Chief of Staff of the Army 1924-26
V2894 Hingle, Martin P
Hingle, Pat
5762927 Actor. Films include: Batman, Maximum Overdrive, The Grifters,
Citizen Cohn, Shaft and Noon Wine
V801 Hinshaw, Andrew J 5629920 California Representative 1973-77
V802 Hinshaw, Andrew J 5629920 California Representative 1973-77
V3620 Hinshaw, John C X072894 California Representative 1938-56
V3858 Hinshaw, John Carl
X00072894 California Representative 1938-56
V3147 Hinton, Walter 1458824
Pilot of the Curtiss NC flying boat NC-4, the first aircraft to make a
transatlantic flight 1919
V2553 Hirt, Alois M 18150962 Trumpeter and bandleader. Performed with Tommy Dorsey, Jimmy
Dorsey, Benny Goodman, and Ina Rae Hutton
V2582 Hirt, John B Placed in vault at request of HQMC and CW03 Shattuck, MCLNO.
Case is MG reduced to BG and allowed to resign in lieu of admin
separation. Code of ethics violations- false travel claims.
V337 Hitch, Charles J 886328 Assistant Secretary of Defense
V2893 Hitler, William P
Stuart, Patrick A
9076580 Nephew of Adolf Hitler who fled Germany 1938 when asked to
relinquish his British citizenship. He and his mother came to the US in
1939 for a lecture tour and were stranded with the start of the war.
V3111 Hittle, James D 5627 Recalled to AD to serve as Legislative Assistant to Commandant of
the Marine Corps and as Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense, Office of Legislative Affairs
V3272 Hix, Charles E 34002331 Military Policeman who, in shooting William Walker, started riot at
Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi in May 1943. 364th Infantry Regiment
V1701 Hoagland, Peter J 5709623 Nebraska Representative 1989-95
V2224 Hobby, Oveta C 1 First secretary of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare
1953, first Director of the Women's Army Corps, and chairman of the
board of the Houston Post
V1865 Hobson, David L 23559261 Ohio Representative 1991-
V2596 Hobson, Richard P
Hobson, Richmond
1418 Spanish American War Medal of Honor awarded for actions in
connection with the sinking of the USS Merrimac at the entrance to the
fortified harbor of Santiago de Cuba on June 3, 1898.
V1713 Hochbrueckner,
5126316 New York Representative 1987-95
V2236 Hodge, John R 7285 Commander of US Army forces in Korea at time occupation ended
V1658 Hodges, Courtney H WWII General. Commanded US First Army 1944-45. Failed out of
West Point his first year.
V2849 Hodges, G R
Hodges, Gil
894196 Major League Baseball player. He played for the Brooklyn and LA
Dodgers 1943, 1947-61 as well as the New York Mets 1962-63. He
went on the manage the Washington Senators 1963-67 and the New
York Mets 1968-71. Received three Gold Glove Awards between
V114 Hodgson, James D 252729 Secretary of Labor 1970-73; Ambassador to Japan 1974
V115 Hodgson, James D 252729 Secretary of Labor 1970-73; Ambassador to Japan 1974
V3801 Hofman, Robert G
Hofman, Bobby
37642263 Baseball player. New York Giants 1949-57
V3159 Hogan, Stanley G Former employee-- NON PEP
V2657 Hogan, William B
Hogan, Ben
583273 Professional golf player. Began his professional career 1931. 1953
won five of the six tournaments he entered
V2421 Holcomb, Thomas 436 Marine Corps General. Seventeenth Commandant of the Marine
Corps. Promoted to rank of Lieutenant General in 1942, the first
Marine to wear three stars. Ambassador to South Africa 1944-48.
V3640 Holden, Mervin 38226564 Execution. Hanged for rape and assault in Belgium. ETO
V2291 Hollindale, Edith
Hollindale, Amy
X00102193 WWI Army Nurse. Received the Purple Heart Medal--awarded by J. J.
Pershing for exceptionally meritorious service in the St. Mihiel, Mouse-
Arjonne, Aisne-Marne, and Chateau-Theiry fronts. One of only three
women to receive the Purple Heart in WWI.
V422 Hollings, Ernest F 461134 South Carolina Lieutenant Governor 1955-59. Governor 1959-63.
Senator 1966-
V1990 Holman, James G Part of "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly were
lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near the
Kamchatka Peninsula.
V508 Holmquist, Richard 216647 Chairman of Renegotiation Board
V509 Holmquist, Richard 216647 Chairman of Renegotiation Board
V3352 Holzman, William 6591103 Head coach of the New York Knicks basketball team 1967-82. Played
basketball on the Norfolk Naval Base team for two years during WWII.
V1999 Homer, William R 7025704 Died while on "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly
were lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near
the Kamchatka Peninsula.
V500 030 Hooper, Joe R Most Decorated soldier during the Vietnam War. Vietnam Medal of
Honor awarded for actions at When his Company was assaulting a
heavily defended enemy position, he led his men in the storming of
enemy bunkers on the opposite side of the river. Without regard to his
safety, he moved through the heavy fire to pull back wounded and was
seriously wounded. Refusing medical aid, he stormed three enemy
bunkers and a house, adding to his injuries, but seeing to the safety of
his men. Attacking several more bunkers with grenades and running
to the aid of a wounded soldier, he finally passed out from blood loss.
He had been wounded seven times that day and woke up in a field
hospital. He was so worried about his men that he stole a rifle and
hitched a ride back to his outfit.
V2227 Hooper, Joe R Most Decorated soldier during the Vietnam War. Vietnam Medal of
Honor awarded for actions at When his Company was assaulting a
heavily defended enemy position, he led his men in the storming of
enemy bunkers on the opposite side of the river. Without regard to his
safety, he moved through the heavy fire to pull back wounded and was
seriously wounded. Refusing medical aid, he stormed three enemy
bunkers and a house, adding to his injuries, but seeing to the safety of
his men. Attacking several more bunkers with grenades and running
to the aid of a wounded soldier, he finally passed out from blood loss.
He had been wounded seven times that day and woke up in a field
hospital. He was so worried about his men that he stole a rifle and
hitched a ride back to his outfit.
V1508 Hopkins, Larry J 1474337 Kentucky Representative 1979-93
V3722 Hopper, Benjamin F 32720571 Execution. Hanged for murdering a soldier in Belgium. Executed in
France. ETO
V3107 Hopper, Earl P 80425 Shot down over North Vietnam, remained in MIA status until July 14,
1982. Remains returned from North Vietnam April 21, 1998
V2048 Hopper, Grace M Rear Admiral. Computer scientist and first programmer of the Mark I
Calculator as well as developing the first compiler for a computer
programming language
V3460 Hopper, William D 634849 Actor
V2153 Horio, Thomas T May 11, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 27,
V3721 Horn, Charles A 33507636 Execution. Hanged for rape, assault, and disobeying orders. New
V2838 Hornberger, Hiester
Hooker, Richard
Writer and surgeon. Best remembered for writing M*A*S*H* which the
movie and TV series were based off of. He based the character of
Hawkeye Pierce off himself.
V2931 Horton, Frank J New York Representative 1963-93
V887 Horvitz, Wayne L 861672
Director, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
V590 Hosmer, Chester C 97960 California Representative 1953-74
V1592 Houghton, Amory, Jr 565100 New York Representative 1987-2003
V1642 Howard, James D 1967954 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
V1641 Howard, James D 1967954 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
V773 Howard, James J 7151584 New Jersey Representative 1965-88
V3210 Howard, Jimmie E 1130610 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions in Vietnam on June 16,
1966. Howard and his platoon were occupying an observation post in
enemy territory when they came under enemy attack. He organized,
directed and encouraged his men through the enemy assaults helping
them to withstand the attacks. An enemy grenade wounded him
severely, leaving him without the use of his legs, he redistributed his
ammunition and used the radio to direct air strikes on the enemy that
led to their safe evacuation
V3209 Howard, Jimmie E 1130610 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions in Vietnam on June 16,
1966. Howard and his platoon were occupying an observation post in
enemy territory when they came under enemy attack. He organized,
directed and encouraged his men through the enemy assaults helping
them to withstand the attacks. An enemy grenade wounded him
severely, leaving him without the use of his legs, he redistributed his
ammunition and used the radio to direct air strikes on the enemy that
led to their safe evacuation
V2568 Howard, Robert L Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions in Vietnam on December
30, 1968. He and his platoon were on a mission to rescue a missing
American soldier in enemy territory. During an enemy attack, Howard
was wounded and his weapon destroyed by an enemy grenade.
When he saw his platoon leader seriously wounded, he crawled
through enemy fire to him (he was unable to walk and was
weaponless). Dragging the leader back to the platoon area, Howard
began to rally the platoon, which had become disorganized in the
enemy attack. The assault lasted for over three hours, during which
time he tended the wounded and directed fire until the rescue
helicopters could arrive.
V2259 Howard, William R 789573 Died in crash during the Berlin Airlift.
V3152 Howe, James D 2462231 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions in Quang
Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam on May 6, 1970. Howe and two
others were in a defensive position when an enemy attack began in
the form of grenades. They moved to a move advantageous position,
but when an enemy grenade landed in their midst, Howe threw himself
on it to save his comrades.
V1037 Hubbard, Carroll, Jr Kentucky Representative 1975-93. Pleaded guilty in 1994 to
conspiring to defraud the Federal Elections Commission and to theft of
government property. Sentenced to three years in prison.
V1352 Hubbard, Lafayette R
Hubbard, L. Ron
227219 Founder of Scientology. Science Fiction Writer
V1351 Hubbard, Lafayette R
Hubbard, L. Ron
113392 Founder of Scientology. Science Fiction Writer
V791 Huber, Robert J 1559094
President of Michigan Chrome and Chemical Inc. Mayor of Troy,
Michigan 1959-64. Michigan Representative 1973-75
V3958 Hudner, Thomas J 31300356 Korea Medal of Honor awarded for actions near the Chosin Reservoir
December 4, 1950. When squadron mate Jesse Brown was forced
down behind enemy lines, Hudner landed as well to try to help the
Brown who was trapped in his plane.
V2382 Huebner, Clarence R 4552
During WWII, commanded First Division campaigns in Sicily, France,
Belgium, and Germany. Chief of Staff of US Forces in Europe in
1946. Acting Commander in Chief of European Command 1949.
V3427 Huerta, Baldemar
Fender, Freddy
Scotty Wayne
1454403 Singer and guitarist. Songs include: "Before the Next Teardrop Falls,"
"Wasted Days and Wasted Nights," "Secret Love," and "You'll Lose a
Good Thing"
V423 Hughes, Harold E 37651588 Iowa Governor 1963-69. Senator 1969-75
V26 Hull, Cordell X00100271 Tennessee Representative 1907-1931. Wrote the income inheritance
tax laws still used. Senator 1931-33. Secretary of State (with record
for longest holder of that position) 1933-44. Won the Nobel Peace
Prize 1945. Helped organize the United Nations, dubbed by FDR
"Father of the United Nations."
V2813 Hultgreen, Kara S First American woman Fighter Pilot to actively participate in war. First
Gulf War, she was killed when the left engine on her F-14 Tomcat
failed on final approach to USS Abraham Lincoln.
V2386 Humes, James J 497831 Physician participating in the Kennedy autopsy
V1729 Humphrey, Gordon J 11359275 New Hampshire Senator 1979-90
V424 Hungate, William L 37624609 Missouri Representative 1964-77. Judge of US District Court 1979-92
V3127 Hunkin, Eni F
Faleomavaega, Eni
Fa'aua'a Hunkin, Jr
Lieutenant Governor of American Samoa 1985-89. Delegate to US
Congress from American Samoa 1989-
V2087 Hunt, Everette H
Hunt, E Howard
587241 Worked for the White House under President Nixon. Figure in the
Watergate Scandal. He was convicted of burglary, conspiracy, and
wiretapping, eventually serving 33 months in prison
V2088 Hunt, Everette H
Hunt, E Howard
97532 Worked for the White House under President Nixon. Figure in the
Watergate Scandal. He was convicted of burglary, conspiracy, and
wiretapping, eventually serving 33 months in prison
V1255 Hunter, Duncan L California Representative 1981-2003
V1939 Hunter, Frank O WWI Fighter Ace with 8 kills.
V672 Hurd, John G 73192 Ambassador to South Africa 1970-75
V645 Hurd, John G 73192 Ambassador to South Africa 1970-75
V3556 Husband, Rick D Astronaut. Died when the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated upon
V3334 Hutchins, Carlton B 60407 Medal of Honor awarded for actions off the coast of California
February 2, 1938. When his plane was badly damaged in tactical
exercises, he remained at the controls to allow the crew to escape via
V992 Hutchinson, Jesse E 36150700 Michigan Representative 1963-77
V1369 Hutto, Earl D 9758751 Florida Representative 1979-95
V3675 Huval, Ivan Joseph 2744856 Died on the USS Arizona
V911 Hyde, Henry J 386437 Illinois Representative 1975-
V912 Hyde, Henry J 386437 Illinois Representative 1975-
V2689 Hyland, Robert F 253893 CBS Regional Vice President and General Manager of radio station
KMOX in St. Louis for four decades. Introduced the first talk radio
format and the first listener call-in programs.
V3646 Iams, Ross L 464 Haiti Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Fort Riviere, Haiti on
November 17, 1915. During the attack, Iams engaged the resisters,
even under constant enemy fire. Iams had over 30 years of service.
V1818 Icahn, Carl C 12603025 1985 hostile takeover of TWA. Director of Blockbuster Inc and
chairman of American Real Estate Partners LP, XO Communications
Inc and American Railcar. Beneficial owner of Adventrx
Pharmaceuticals Inc, Hollywood Entertainment, National Energy
Group Inc, Vector Group Ltd and has holding in Time Warner Inc, and
casino interests in Las Vegas, Nevada.
V533 Ichord, Richard H 3388245 Missouri Representative 1961-81
V534 Ichord, Richard H 3388245 Missouri Representative 1961-81
V2535 Ichord, Richard H Missouri Representative 1961-81
V3085 Idema, Jonathan K
Idema, Jack
Vigilante and bounty hunter who operated in Afghanistan, has made
many unsubstantiated claims as to his military past and connections.
He was taken as hostage during a riot outside Kabul February 25,
V2381 Imus, John D, Jr
Imus, Don
1802222 Radio talk show host. Best known for his sarcasm and harsh
language directed toward his guests. Inducted into the Radio Hall of
Fame 1989.
V3311 Ingalls, David S 16007 Only Naval Aviator to attain "Ace" status during WWI with 5 enemy
aircraft destroyed.
V606 Ingersoll, Robert S 80044 Ambassador to Japan 1972. Assistant Secretary for East Asian and
Pacific Affairs 1973 Deputy Secretary of State 1974-76
V607 Ingersoll, Robert S 80044 Ambassador to Japan 1972. Assistant Secretary for East Asian and
Pacific Affairs 1973 Deputy Secretary of State 1974-76
V1743 Inhofe, James M 54193988 Mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma 1978-84. Oklahoma Representative 1987-
1994. Senator 1994- . Inhofe stated, after the Oklahoma City
Bombing, on National television that there probably weren't many
casualties because federal employees wouldn't be at their desks at
9:00; they would be off having coffee somewhere.
V2072 Inman, Bobby R Director of Naval Intelligence 1974-76. Defense Intelligence Agency
Vice President 1976-77. Director of National Security Agency 1977-
81. Deputy Director of the CIA 1981-82.
V17 Inouye, Daniel Ken
Inouye, Ken
Member Hawaii territorial senate 1958-59; Hawaii Representative at-
large 1959-63; Hawaii Senator 1963-; Medal of Honor as of 2000; First
American of Japanese descent to serve in Congress.
V425 Inouye, Daniel Ken
Inouye, Ken
Member Hawaii territorial senate 1958-59; Hawaii Representative at-
large 1959-63; Hawaii Senator 1963-; Medal of Honor as of 2000; First
American of Japanese descent to serve in Congress.
V1588 Irsay, Robert 8537658 Owner of National Football League's Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts
franchise. Had also owned the Los Angeles Rams before trading
them to Carroll Rosenbloom in 1972 for the Colts.
V3597 Irvin, Leslie 35725105 Robber/ killer in the Midwest during the 1950s
V852 Irving, Frederick 706528 Ambassador to Iceland 1972, Jamaica 1977-78
V3835 Irwin, Monford
Irvin, Monford
Irvin, Montford Merrill
32773241 Baseball player. New York Giants 1949-55 and the Chicago Cubs
1956. Was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame 1973.
V3587 Isakson, John H Isakson, Johnny Georgia Representative 1999-2005, Senator 2005-
V3126 Issa, Darrell E California Representative 2001-
V816 Ives, George S 6662822
Chairman National Mediation Board
V815 Ives, George S 312220 Chairman National Mediation Board
V3874 Ives, Irving McNeil X12496 New York Senator 1947-59
V200 015 Izac, Edouard V. M. 9101 WWI Medal of Honor awarded for actions aboard German submarine
U-90 as a prisoner of war, May 21, 1918. When the USS President
Lincoln was attacked and sunk by the German submarine, Izac was
captured and held as a prisoner onboard U-90 until he was transferred
to a German prison camp. While on the sub, he gathered information
about the movements of German submarines. While being
transferred, he first attempted to escape by jumping out of the window
of a moving train. He was recaptured, but made a second, successful,
attempt and made is way back to Allied territory and made available
the information he had gathered.
V2289 Jabara, James First jet ace May 1951. Second-highest scoring American ace of the
Korean conflict. He scored 15 Korean War Kills and 1.5 WWII kills,
though Soviet sources claim only 13.
V3836 Jablonski, Raymond
Jablonski, Ray
46032400 Baseball player. St. Louis Cardinals 1953-54, Cincinnati Redlegs
1955-56, New York Giants 1957, San Francisco Giants 1958, St. Louis
Cardinals 1959, Kansas City Athletics 1959-60.
V426 Jackson, Henry M 2270232 Washington Representative 1941-53. Senator 1953-83. Chairman of
Democratic National Committee 1960-61. Awarded Presidential
Medal of Freedom posthumously in 1984
V2514 Jackson, James E July 5, 1966 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Released to custody of
Tom Hayden November 11, 1967 as a gesture of solidarity with the
"colored people of the US" who opposed to imperialist war.
V2611 Jackson, Joe M Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Da Nang, Republic of
Vietnam on May 12, 1968. Jackson was pilot of a C-123 aircraft who
volunteered to attempt a rescue of a three man USAF Combat Control
Team at Kham Duc. Enemy forces had overrun part of the outpost
and were destroying planes, ammunitions dumps, and firing on the
camp. The runway was reduced to 2,200 usable feet. Despite the
odds and the increasingly bad weather, Jackson managed to land
despite enemy fire, pick up the combat team, and take off again.
V500 051 Jackson, Robert H X00021392 US Attorney General 1940-41. Justice of US Supreme Court 1941-54.
Served as the Chief Counsel for the Allied powers prosecution team at
the Nuremberg war-crimes trials.
V1507 Jacobs, Andrew, Jr 1104816 Indiana Representative 1965-73, 1975-97
V3543 Jacobs, Raymond E 517178 Part of Iwo Jima 1st flag raising
V2154 Jacquez, Jaun L May 11, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 27,
V3216 Jamerson, George H 432 Intact record of retired general officer which has documents which
date prior to creation of officers 201 file in 1917
V3274 James, Brion H
James, Brion
ctor. Films include: Blade Runner, 48 Hrs., Another 48 Hours, Tango
& Cash, Silverado, Red Heat, and The Player
V2612 James, Daniel, Jr First African American to reach rank of four star General. Former
Tuskegee Airman
V2501 James, Willy F, Jr 37223753 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Lippoldsberg,
Germany on April 7, 1945. James was a lead scout during a
maneuver to secure and expand a bridgehead, and as such, was the
first to draw enemy fire. He was pinned down, but observed the
enemy positions so that he was able to work out a new plan when he
returned to his platoon. He then led the assault until he was killed
attempting to go to the aid of his wounded platoon leader.
V2793 Janos, James G
Ventura, Jesse
Former Navy SEAL, professional wrestler, actor, mayor, and radio talk
show host. Governor of Minnesota 1999-2003.
V427 Jarman, John H, Jr 18084677 Oklahoma Representative 1951-77
V1553 Jarvis, Gregory B Astronaut killed during the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion
V2452 Jaskilka, Samuel Thirty-fifth Assistant Commandant USMC 1975-78
V2525 Javits, Jacob K Lt Col in Chemical Warfare Service during WWII. New York
Representative 1947-54; Attorney General of New York 1954-57;
Senator 1957-81.
V1289 Jaworski, Leon 909207 Special Prosecutor during the Watergate Scandal, appointed
November 1, 1973. He demanded unedited tapes from Nixon.
V3813 Jeffcoat, Harold B
Jeffcoat, Hal
34658030 Baseball player. Chicago Cubs 1948-55, Cincinnati Redlegs 1956-58,
St. Louis Cardinals 1959
V3712 Jefferies, Charles 33181343 Execution. Hanged for assaulting a soldier and others in Italy. MTO
V2540 Jeffords, James M 560234 Vermont Representative 1975-89. Senator 1989-
V1033 Jenkins, Edgar L 297415 Georgia Representative 1977-93
V3163 Jenkins, Robert H 2428700 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Fire
Support Base Argonne, Republic of Vietnam on March 5, 1969. When
Jenkins' team was assaulted by North Vietnamese, he and another
employed machine gun fire in an attempt to hold the enemy back.
When an enemy grenade landed nearby, he threw himself on it and
was killed by the wounds caused
V3946 Jenkins, Thomas A X00102880 Ohio Representative 1925-59
V3449 Jenkins, Verlin Elmer 588414 Boxer
V3514 Jenkins, Verlin Elmer 6268551 Boxer
V1232 Jenrette, John W South Carolina Representative 1975-80. Implicated in the Abscam
sting. Indicted and convicted on bribery and conspiracy charges 1980
and sentenced to prison.
V2731 Jenrette, John W South Carolina Representative 1975-80. Implicated in the Abscam
sting. Indicted and convicted on bribery and conspiracy charges 1980
and sentenced to prison.
V1355 Jepsen, Roger W 2210437 Iowa Lieutenant Governor 1969-72, Senator 1979-85
V3130 Jeremiah, David E Acting Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1990-
1994. Commander in Chief for the US Pacific Fleet 1987-91
V3148 Jimenez, Jose F 2472949 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Quang
Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam on August 28, 1969. When his
unit came under enemy fire, he charged forward toward the enemy
positions. He destroyed an antiaircraft weapon and killed several.
Through heavy fire, he continued forward until he fell mortally
V3671 Joel, Lawrence Vietnam Medal of Honor received for action in the Republic of Vietnam
April 5, 1967.
V2337 Johns, Vernon Z 51668131 February 3, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
recovered/ returned April 16, 1991
V2109 Johnson, Bobby L August 25, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February
12, 1973
V2017 Johnson, Clete D, Jr Georgia Representative 1993-95
V3663 Johnson, Dwight H 54953674 "Skip" Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for action near Dak To,
Kontum Province, Republic of Vietnam on January 15, 1968. When
the tank that Johnson was driving became immobilized, he held off the
advancing enemy with both small arms and a tank mounted .50 caliber
machine gun until the situation could be controlled again. Johnson
was shot and killed when he tried to rob a grocery store.
V2513 Johnson, Edward R July 21, 1964 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Released to custody
of Tom Hayden November 11, 1967 as a gesture of solidarity with the
"colored people of the US" who opposed to imperialist war.
V2609 Johnson, Garnett P Murder victim in Elk Creek, Virginia of Louis J. Ceparano. Johnson
was set afire and then beheaded. Appeared racial in motivation
V1963 Johnson, Harold K Four Star General. Army Chief of Staff 1964-68
V1777 Johnson, Harry H Commanding Officer 112th Cavalry Regiment 1941. Commanding
Officer 2nd Cavalry Brigade 1941-42. Commanding Officer 56th
Cavalry Brigade 1942-43. Commanding General 2nd Cavalry Division
1943-44. Military-Governor of Rome 1944. Commanding General
93rd Division, Pacific-New Guinea 1944-45
V139 Johnson, James P 57196 Colorado Representative 1973-81
V140 Johnson, James P 57196 Colorado Representative 1973-81
V3761 Johnson, John Monroe
Johnson, J. Monroe
146220 Assistant Secretary of Commerce 1935. Interstate Commerce
Commission 1941
V3651 Johnson, Johnnie C 850947 Musician. Blues musician and piano player. Played with Chuck Berry
off and on for several decades. Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of
Fame 2001. Has a Star on the St. Louis Walk of Fame.
V3760 Johnson, Justin Leroy
Johnson, J. Leroy
234291 California Representative 1943-57
V3125 Johnson, Leon W WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions during the Ploesti Raid,
Rumania on August 1, 1943. Part of the 9th US Air Force formation
that bombed the Ploesti oil refineries. While on his way, he became
separated and then lost before reestablishing communication with the
mass formation. His unit made it to the prearranged point of attack,
but found it had been attacked and damaged by a preceding element.
Though the enemy was now alerted to them, he decided to continue
the assault through antiaircraft fire and enemy fighter planes. With his
leadership, the target was completely destroyed.
V2688 Johnson, Louis A 153593 Second US Secretary of Defense 1949-50
V200 001 Johnson, Lyndon B 86243 Texas Representative 1937-49. Senator 1949-61. Chaired the Senate
Space Committee and sponsored the law establishing NASA. Vice
President of the United States 1961-63. 36th President of the United
States 1963-69 after the assassination of President Kennedy.
Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously in 1980.
Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, Texas was renamed the
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in his honor.
V1048 Johnson, Marilyn P 7490343
Ambassador to Togo 1978
V1049 Johnson, Marilyn P 7490343
Ambassador to Togo 1978
V3084 Johnson, Melvin M 4855 Inventor of the Johnson Semi-automatic Rifle, Armaments R & D
advisor and consultant to the OSRD during WWII and Bureau of
Ordinance, Department of the Navy during WWII.
V3083 Johnson, Melvin M 974435 Inventor of the Johnson Semi-automatic Rifle, Armaments R & D
advisor and consultant to the OSRD during WWII and Bureau of
Ordinance, Department of the Navy during WWII.
V2658 Johnson, Opha M 125123 First woman to enlist in the Marine Corps, August 13, 1918.
V3167 Johnson, Ralph H 2356797 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions near the
Quan Duc Valley, Republic of Vietnam on March 5, 1968. Johnson
was part of a reconnaissance patrol manning an observation post in
enemy controlled territory when they were attacked by enemy forces.
When an enemy grenade landed in the three-man fighting hole with he
and his comrades, he threw himself on it and was killed by the
V2823 Johnson, Raymond 34066051 Alleged member of the 364th Infantry at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi
1943. One of those identified by Philadelphia Tribune investigative
reporter as involved in the Van Dorn Incident. Incident in which a
number of African American soldiers were allegedly killed in an
attempt to quash racial tensions.
V3032 Johnson, Russell D 765497
Actor. Best known for role of The Professor on Gilligan's Island.
Other films include For Men Only, It Came from Outer Space, This
Island Earth, and Attack of the Crab Monsters.
V2909 Johnson, Samuel R Texas Representative 1991- . April 16, 1966 taken as POW in North
Vietnam. Returned February 12, 1973.
V1611 Johnson, Timothy P South Dakota Representative 1987-97. Senator 1997-
V3710 Johnson, Willie 38270465 Execution. Hanged for rape and murder in France. Killed a woman by
driving over her head with a gasoline tanker truck. ETO
V1742 Johnston, Harry A 4001649 Florida Representative 1989-97
V1738 Johnston, John B
Johnston, J. Bennett
2284206 Louisiana Senator 1972-97
V1893.1 Johnston, Philip 469044 Proposed and developed the idea of the Navajo Code Talkers of WWII
V1893 Johnston, Philip Proposed and developed the idea of the Navajo Code Talkers of WWII
V3395 Johnston, William 6060757 Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk.
V2473 Johnston, William J, Sr 31341252 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Padiglione, Italy on
February 17-19, 1944. Johnston manned a gun, subject to enemy fire
but holding the advancing Germans at bay. When the rifleman
protecting his position was killed, he moved his gun to get a better field
of fire. When his platoon was withdrawing, he volunteered to remain
behind and cover their exit. He did the same on the 18th. He was
seen by a passing soldier, wounded and trying to crawl up an
embankment. The soldier aided him to return to his gun and his
machine gun was heard for about ten minutes. Though reported dead,
he was seen working his way through enemy lines. He was able to
give information about new enemy dispositions
V3802 Jolly, David 34774108 Baseball player. Milwaukee Braves 1953-57
V2824 Jones, Clarence, Sr 14079166 Alleged member of the 364th Infantry at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi
1943. One of those identified by Philadelphia Tribune investigative
reporter as involved in the Van Dorn Incident. Incident in which a
number of African American soldiers were allegedly killed in an
attempt to quash racial tensions.
V3804 Jones, Cubia 34563790 Execution. Rape in England
V3803 Jones, Edwin P 15045804 Execution. Hanged for the murder of a MP in Algeria, North Africa.
V2819 Jones, George 1223231 Country music singer, know for his alcoholism, drug addiction and
marriage to Tammy Wynette. Songs include: One, Wild Irish Rose,
Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes, and He Stopped Loving Her Today.
V3711 Jones, James L 34221343 Execution. Hanged for rape and murder in France. ETO
V500 044 Jones, James R 6915544 Author. Works include: From Here to Eternity and The Thin Red Line
V835 Jones, James Robert 5412443 Oklahoma Representative 1973-87
V3811 Jones, John T 38315973 Execution. Hanged for rape, assault, and theft in Southern Italy. MTO
V3810 Jones, Kinney 34120505 Execution. Hanged for shooting an officer in Italy. MTO
V2050 Jones, Minnie J
Elders, Minnie
US Surgeon General 1993-94. She was asked to resign due to
political pressure
V2664 Jones, Richard L 381925 Ambassador to Liberia 1955. African-American Brigadier General.
Worked under Benjamin O Davis, Sr during WWII
V262 Jones, Robert E 222973 Alabama Representative 1947-77
V263 Jones, Robert E 222973 Alabama Representative 1947-77
V2212 Jones, Virvus St. Louis comptroller
V3660 Jones, Walter B 24974994 North Carolina Representative 1995-
V313 Jordan, Benjamine E 3778099 North Carolina Senator 1958-73
V3809 Jordan, Charlie H 14066430 Execution. Hanged for felony, rape, and assault. France. ETO
V1292 Jorgensen, George W,
Jorgensen, Christine
42259077 One of the first people to have sex reassignment surgery (male to
female) She toured university campuses to speak about her
experiences. She also worked as an actress and nightclub
V709 Joseph, James A 4071306 Ambassador to South Africa 1995. Under Secretary of the Interior
V2990 Josephs, Devereux C X00101693 President of Carnegie Corps. Chairman New York Life. Chair of
Lincoln Center. Director of New York Public Library and Met Museum.
Army buddy of F. Scott Fitzgerald who may have served as a model
for character(s) in his novels.
V87 Jova, Joseph J 135051 Ambassador to Honduras 1965, Mexico 1974-77
V86 Jova, Joseph J 135051 Ambassador to Honduras 1965, Mexico 1974-77
V18 Judd, Walter H 131941 Minnesota Representative 1943-63; Received the Presidential Medal
of Freedom in 1981
V2047 Justice, Floyd B 14715862 NARA Inspector General -1995
V299 Kahn, Sara J
Moore, Sara J
8207064 September 22,1975 tried to assassinate President Gerald Ford. She
fired a shot, but her aim was deflected by a bystander. She was
convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
V1356 Kalb, Bernard B 33742283 Newscaster. Appointment as State Department Spokesman
V3881 Kalodiner, Harry E 3603885 Judge believed to have lied about his military service for WWI. He did
not--had originally been inducted, 1917, but was discharged for a
physical disability then re-inducted in 1918.
V2273 Kaminsky, Melvin
Brooks, Mel
12233183 Actor, writer, director, and producer. Works include: Robin Hood:
Men in Tights, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, The Producers,
Spaceballs, and Dracula: Dead and Loving It
V1501 Kampelman, Max M 69638 Disarmament Negotiator. Prominent Washington Attorney,
Congressional advisor. Former head of the American delegation to
the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Co-Chair of
the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya.
V1987 Kane, James T 797015 Part of the "Raven" espionage flight that was forced down inside
U.S.S.R. Returned to US control on July 7, 1958 and cited in US
News and World Report on March 15, 1993.
V3110 Kane, John D 37260517 US Representative to military Committee, NATO in Brussels. After
recall headed the Naval Historical Center
V1835 Kane, John R 6227080
WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions against the Ploesti oil
refineries on August 1, 1943. On route, Kane's element became
separated from the leading portion of the massed formation in avoiding
dense cloud conditions over mountainous terrain. Rather than turn
back, he elected to proceed to his target. Upon arrival, it was
discovered that another group had apparently missed its target and
then bombed the area assigned to Kane's 98th Bomb Group. Despite
enemy fire, they bombed the area again, destroying the target.
V1450 Kanjorski, Paul E Pennsylvania Representative 1985-
V3170 Kapaun, Emil J 558217 Most highly decorated Chaplain in military receiving Bronze Star,
Distinguished Service Cross, Purple Heart and Korean Service Medal
presented by Republic of Korea. POW in 1950 of Chinese in a camp in
North Korea. Died of starvation and pneumonia then buried in a mass
grave along the Yalu River. After the war, the site became a rice field.
V3373 Kaplan, Burton 9125020 New York drug dealer who became the main witness against the
"Mafia Cops" Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa who were
convicted in 2006
V428 Karth, Joseph E 37550572 International representative of Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers
union. Minnesota Representative 1959-77
V2860 Kaschko, Harold L December 1, 1950 taken as POW at the Naktong Perimeter, Korea.
Held in a prison camp "Death Valley". Released September 6, 1953.
Subjected to lengthy board proceedings because of his possible
"collaboration" of which he was acquitted.
V873 Kasten, Robert W, Jr 27981760 Wisconsin Representative 1975-79. Senator 1981-93
V429 Kastenmeier, Robert 1330434 Wisconsin Representative 1959-91
V1057 Kazen, Abraham 672361 Texas Representative 1967-85
V563 Keating, Kenneth B New York Representative 1947-59. Senator 1959-65. Judge of New
York Court of Appeals 1966-68. Ambassador to India 1969-72, Israel
V1196 Keating, William J 2801456 Ohio Representative 1971-74
V253 Keating, William J 2801456 Ohio Representative 1971-74
V2877 Keaton, Joseph R
Keaton, Buster
1646852 Actor, writer, producer, and director of motion pictures from the 1910s
thru 1960s. Films include: The Butcher Boy, Three Ages, The
General, and Limelight.
V2563 Kedenburg, John J 12757212 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions in the Republic of
Vietnam on June 13, 1968. As an advisor to a long-range
reconnaissance team of South Vietnamese irregular troops,
Kedenburg's team was conducting counter-guerrilla operations in
enemy territory when they were attacked by an enemy force. With his
leadership the group broke out of the attempted encirclement and
moved to an area to be extracted by helicopter. He directed his men
and air strikes against the enemy to ensure the helicopters could
hover and begin the evacuation. When he and the last three
accounted members were preparing to leave, a lost member of his
team arrived. Kedenburg gave up his seat to the man and ordered the
helicopter to leave. He engaged the enemy until he was overrun.
V316 Kee, James 35780282 West Virginia Representative 1965-73
V1082 Keeley, Robert V 40340 Ambassador to Mauritius 1976, Zimbabwe 1980-84, Greece 1985-89
V2630 Keenan, Hugh C
Keenan, Bud
7638576 Life portrayed in television movie A Thousand Men and a Baby, 1997,
in which Dr. Keenan leaves the Navy so that he can adopt an
orphaned Korean/American child during the Korean War. Keenan is
played by Richard Thomas
V2587 Keeshan, Robert J 577540 Actor, comedian, entertainer, television producer. Best remembered
as "Captain Kangaroo" Also played "Clarabell the Clown" on the
Howdy Doody Show
V1975 Keitel, Harvey 1591190 Actor. Films include: Reservoir Dogs, Thelma and Louise, The Piano,
Bugsy, Sister Act, Pulp Fiction, From Dusk Till Dawn, Red Dragon,
and U-571
V3160 Keith, Miguel 2517987 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Quang Ngai Province,
Republic of Vietnam on May 8, 1970. Was serving as a machine
gunner when he was badly wounded by enemy attack. Despite these
wounds, he ran across fire-swept terrain to check vital defensive
positions and then deliver machine gun fire on the enemy. He then,
despite further wounds, fired on enemy troops as they amassed an
attack until he was mortally wounded.
V2683 Keith, Robert A, Jr
Keith, Brian
385253 Stage, film, and television actor. Works include: Pied Piper Malone,
Family Affair (Uncle Bill), and Heartland
V3805 Kellert, Frank W 18194262 Baseball player. St. Louis Browns 1953, Baltimore Orioles 1954,
Brooklyn Dodgers 1955, Chicago Cubs 1956
V2790 Kelley, Jackson
Kelley, DeForest
39563856 Actor. Best remembered for his role as Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
on the original series Star Trek as well as the first six Star Trek
V2888 Kelley, Paul X 21202302 Twenty-eighth Commandant of the Marine Corps 1983-87
V25 Kelly, Charles E 13085671 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Altavilla, Italy on
September 13, 1943. Kelly volunteered to join a patrol which located
and neutralized enemy machine gun positions. Afterwards, he
volunteered to establish contact with a battalion on a hill a mile distant,
returning with valuable enemy positions information. He again
volunteered to join a patrol destroying two enemy machine gun nests.
Kelly used all his ammunition and made his way to an ammunition
dump where he found Germans attacking. He was given the mission
to protect the rear of a storehouse. He held his position throughout
the night and the next morning took position in a window to continue
firing on the enemy until his weapon overheated and locked up. He
found another rifle and used it until it, too, locked up. With the enemy
threatening to overrun the position, Kelly picked up mortar shells and
used them like grenades. When a withdrawal was ordered, Kelly
stayed behind and used a rocket launcher to cover their retreat.
V20 Kelly, Colin P 20811 America's first hero of WWII and was the first West Point graduate
KIA. Kelly was piloting a B-17 and attacked Japanese shipping that
was invading the Philippines. He was shot down on the return flight on
December 10,1941 by Japanese Ace Saburo Saki. Kelly held the
plane level so that the crew could bail out, but could not get out
himself. He died in the crash of the first B-17 to be lost in combat in
V2312 Kelly, Eugene C
Kelly, Gene
446134 Actor, choreographer, dancer, and director. Films include: Singin' In
The Rain, An American in Paris, and For Me and My Gal
V2311 Kelly, Eugene C
Kelly, Gene
446134 Actor, choreographer, dancer, and director. Films include: Singin' In
The Rain, An American in Paris, and For Me and My Gal
V2471 Kelly, Thomas J 32785904 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Alemert, Germany on
April 5, 1945. His platoon was involved in a flanking maneuver when
their progress was halted by fierce enemy fire. He and others
managed to retreat to relative safety. When he realized how many
men had been left behind, he voluntarily returned, under enemy fire
and crawling most of the way, to begin evacuating his comrades. In
total, he made 10 trips and helped to save nearly twenty men.
V3046 Kelso, Frank B 604112 Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic 1975-77. Commander Sixth
Fleet 1985. Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic and Commander in
Chief, US Atlantic Command 1988. Chief of Naval Operations 1990-
94. Involved in the Tailhook scandal 1991 and had to retire early
because of it.
V430 Kemp, Jack F Professional football player, National and American Football Leagues,
1957-70. Co-founder of the American Football League Players
Association and president 1966-70. New York Representative 1971-
89. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
V3955 Kendrick, James E 14026995 Execution. Hanged in Algiers
V2356 Kennedy, Allan S 18922388 November 4, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
recovered/ returned July 9, 1973.
V3371 Kennedy, Bernard R First Director of the Federal Register - NARA
V431 Kennedy, Edward M 11233980 Massachusetts Senator 1962- . Pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of
an accident after his car plunged off the Dike Bridge on
Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts, killing passenger Mary Jo
Kopechne on July 18,1969.
V257 Kennedy, John F 116071 Massachusetts Representative 1947-53. Senator 1953-60. President
of United States 1961-63. Shot by sniper, Lee Harvey Oswald while
riding in a motorcade and died in Parkland Hospital, Dallas, Texas.
Received a Pulitzer Prize in 1957 for his book Profi
V256 Kennedy, John F 116071 Massachusetts Representative 1947-53. Senator 1953-60. President
of United States 1961-63. Shot by sniper, Lee Harvey Oswald while
riding in a motorcade and died in Parkland Hospital, Dallas, Texas.
Received a Pulitzer Prize in 1957 for his book Profi
V200 002 Kennedy, Joseph P, Jr 116667 Oldest of the nine children born to Joseph and Rose Kennedy. He
was a naval aviator piloting a PB4Y Liberator on anti-submarine and
other missions 1943-44. He volunteered for a special mission in 1944
to counter the German V-2 rocket attacks on England. His plane was
loaded with explosives to be crashed in the V-2 base, however, the
plane exploded before he was able to jump from it.
V200 007 Kennedy, Robert F 7487727 US Attorney General 1961-64. New York Senator 1965-68. June 5,
1968 while running for president, having just won the California
presidential primary, was shot by Sirhan Sirhan, in the Ambassador
V600 005 Kenney, George C United States Army Air Force general during WWII. Commander of
the Allied air forces in the Southwest Pacific Area 1942-45.
V552 Kerner, Otto, Jr 358530 US District Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois 1947-54. Illinois
Governor 1961-68. Judge of US Court of Appeals 1968-74. While
serving as Governor, he and another official made a gain of over
$300,000 in a questionable stock deal which prosecutors later
characterized as bribery. Convicted in 1973 on 17 counts of bribery,
conspiracy, perjury, and related charges. Sentenced to three years in
federal prison and fined $50,000
V2156 Kerns, Gail M March 27, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V2977 Kerns, James T 14283634 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V200 008 Kerouac, John L
Kerouac, Jean-Louis
Lebris de
7325822 Novelist, writer, poet, artist, and part of the Beat generation. Works
include: On the Road, and The Dharma Burns, Visions of Gerard, and
The Town and the City
V1841 Kerrey, Joseph R
Kerrey, Bob
Nebraska Governor 1983-87. Senator 1989-2001. Vietnam Medal of
Honor awarded for actions as a SEAL team leader. Kerrey led his
team to capture members of the enemy's are political cadre located on
an island in the bay of Nha Trang. His team scaled a 350 foot cliff in
order to surprise the enemy. As they were descending into the enemy
camp, they were hit by enemy fire. Kerrey was thrown when a
grenade exploded near his feet, landing on jagged rocks. He kept his
wits about him and directed his teams fire on the enemy, effectively
suppressing them. He continued to direct his men until he was
evacuated. He lost his leg during the operation
V1360 Kerry, John F 44383515 Married the widow of Henry John Heinz, III. Massachusetts Lieutenant
Governor 1983-85. Senator 1985-
V3215 Kidd, Isaac 5715 Congressional Medal of Honor. Admiral on board USS Arizona during
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. He was on the bridge of the
Arizona when the ship was bombed. Only his Naval Academy ring
was recovered. Two US Navy destroyers have been named in his
V2747 Kilmer, John E 3610560 Korean Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions as a
medical corpsman on August 13, 1952. Kilmer moved through his
company administering aid to the wounded and expediting the
evacuation. Even when wounded, he continued his efforts and coming
upon a wounded man, he shielded the soldier with his body, falling
mortally wounded by flying shrapnel.
V3527 Kime, John W 5932 Commandant 1990-1994
V1106 Kimelman, Henry L 269857 Ambassador to Haiti 1980-81
V1085 Kimelman, Henry L 269857 Ambassador to Haiti 1980-81
V200 016 Kimmel, Husband E 5015 Rear Admiral. Commander in Chief, US 1941, when the Japanese
attacked Pearly Harbor. He was suspended from command ten days
later. 1942, a presidential board of inquiry found Kimmel and General
Short guilty of dereliction of duty. 1944 and 1946 inquiries found no
dereliction of duty. No court-martial was ever held.
V2734 Kincheloe, Iven C, Jr 22797 Test Pilot. Piloted the Bell X-2 research rocket plane to a world's
record of 126,200 feet September 7, 1956.
V1326 King, Edward P, Jr 2442 Commandant Fort Stotsenberg, Philippines 1940-42. Commanding
General Northern Luzon 1941-42. Commander in Chief Luzon 1942.
Prisoner of War 1942-45. Retired 1946. Gained prominence for
leading the defense of the Bataan Peninsula in the Battle of Bataan
against the Japanese invasion of the Philippines. April 12, 1942, King
was forced to surrender as his forces were low on ammunition and
food. Over 70,000 surrendered in one of the largest surrenders of a
military force in American history. He spent three and half years as a
POW, mistreated due to his rank.
V200 006 King, Ernest J 1518 Commander in Chief, United States Fleet and Chief of Naval
Operations during WWII. King is remembered as rude and abrasive.
V2581 King, Jerry L 1915941
V2355 King, Michael E March 5, 1971 taken as POW in Laos. Remains returned/ recovered
January 10, 1990.
V2020 King, Peter T 99347417 New York Representative 1993-
V1734 Kinkaid, Thomas C
Kincaid, Thomas
6585 Commander of US Seventh Fleet in the Pacific during WWII. Also
commanded the naval forces for the invasion of Attu Island on May 12,
V1197 Kirbon, Charles B 6375220 Former presidential staff member
V1312 Kirby, George 36962444 African-America comedian, singer and actor. 1977 sold heroin to an
undercover cop, he plea bargained to a ten year prison term and was
released after 42 months. Later diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease
V545 Kirk, Roger 2221194 Ambassador to Somalia 1973-75, Romania 1985
V3386 Kirksey, Andrew
6366765 Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk.
V3488 Kirtland, Roy C 1372 Early Army Aviator
V21 Kissinger, Henry A
Kissinger, Heinz Alfred
956049 Secretary of State 1973-77; Received Nobel Peace Prize 1973;
Received Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977.
V3354 Kitner, William R 23068 Ambassador to Thailand 1973-75. Member, Council on Foreign
V2903 Kittinger, Joseph W Pilot in Air Force. Part of Project Man High and Project Excelsior. He
set records for highest balloon ascent, highest parachute jump,
longest freefall, and fastest speed by a man through the atmosphere
(mach 0.9). Author of The Long, Lonely Leap
V1726 Kleczka, Gerald D 28002779 Wisconsin Representative 1984-2005
V2901 Kleindiest, Richard 2074455 US Attorney General 1972-73. Pleaded guilty 1974 to failing to testify
fully in Senate investigation of favoritism toward ITT Corporation; the
sentence was suspended. Tried and found not guilty of perjury in
1981, but his license to practice law was suspended for a year.
V432 Kleppe, Thomas 2118752 Mayor of Bismarck, North Dakota 1950-54. North Dakota
Representative 1967-71. Secretary of the Interior 1975-77
V3573 Kline, John P Minnesota Representative 2003-
V1158 Kline, Raymond A 13159850 Assistant Director of V.A.
V1475 Klinghoffer, Leon 32331339 A retired appliance manufacturer who was murdered when Palestinian
terrorists hijacked the cruise ship Achille Lauro. Klinghoffer was shot
in his wheelchair, then thrown overboard still alive.
V2070 Klinker, Mary T Only US Air Force nurse killed in Vietnam. Killed in the crash of a C5A
aircraft during Operation Babylift
V317 Kluczynski, John C 1360212 Illinois Representative 1951-75
V3951 Kluxdal, Paul M 36395076 Execution. Hanged for shooting an officer in France.
V3822 Knapp, George S 37288675 Execution. Hanged for rape, murder, and larceny.
V3577 Knollenberg, Joseph 17436531 Knollenberg, Joe Michigan Representative 1993-
V3109 Knotts, Jesse D
Knotts, Don
35756363 Actor. Best known for role as Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show.
Other works include: Three's Company, The Incredible Mr. Limpet,
The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, The Apple Dumpling Gang, and Chicken
V978 Knowles, Warren P 150937 Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor 1955-59. Governor 1965-71. Died
suddenly while participating in the annual "Governor's Open" fishing
V979 Knowles, Warren P 150937 Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor 1955-59. Governor 1965-71. Died
suddenly while participating in the annual "Governor's Open" fishing
V3088 Knox, Dudley W 1722 Naval historian. Oversaw the Navy Department's historical archives
1921-1946 . Maintained historical files during WWII and organized the
Naval Historical Foundation. Works include: The Eclipse of American
Sea Power, The Naval Genius of George Washington, and A History
of the United States Navy.
V500 025 Knox, Frank
Knox, William Franklin
184152 Secretary of the Navy 1940-44. Served in Cuba with the Rough
Riders during the Spanish-
merican War. Publisher and part owner of
the Chicago Daily News
V2338 Knuckey, Thomas W May 27, 1971 taken as a POW in Cambodia. Remains returned/
recovered February 26, 1993
V2375 Knutson, Richard A January 8, 1973 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
recovered/ recovered February 7, 1994
V2157 Kobashigawa, Tom Y February 5, 1970 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
27, 1973
V1357 Koch, Edward I 32893014 New York Representative 1969-77. Mayor of New York City, New
York 1978-89
V560 Koch, Noel C 13626296 Special Assistant to the President
V3039 Koelsch, John K 424476 Korean Medal of Honor awarded for actions in North Korea July 3,
1951. Koelsch was a Navy helicopter pilot who voluntarily flew deep
into enemy territory to attempt to rescue a Marine aviator who had
been shot down. Despite enemy fire, he continued his search in
overcast conditions until he found him. While the Marine was being
loaded, the helicopter was hit by enemy fire and crashed into the side
of a mountain. Koelsch evacuated his crew and led them away to
escape enemy soldiers. They managed for nine days, when they were
all captured. He died in captivity.
V1612 Kolbe, James T Arizona Representative 1985-
V1451 Kolter, Joseph P 13191789 Pennsylvania Representative 1983-93. Indicted 1994 by a Federal
grand jury on five felony charges of embezzlement at the US House
post office. Pleaded guilty May 1996
V3636 Konopka, Theodore C 31325919 Actor. Shows include: Mary Tyler Moore Show, Bonanza, Get Smart,
Twilight Zone, and Too Close for Comfort. Ted Knight
V3026 Kopell, Bernard M
Kopell, Bernie
4882939 Television actor. Played Siegfried on Get Smart, Jerry Bauman on
That Girl, and Dr. Adam Bricker on The Love Boat
V3055 Koski, Dale H Repeatedly tried to claim awards and decorations he is not entitled to,
including the Medal of Honor
V3004 Koski, Dale H 1955138 Repeatedly tried to claim awards and decorations he is not entitled to,
including the Medal of Honor
V1889 Kotzebue, Albert L Led first patrol to meet Russians in WWII
V1287 Kovic, Ronald L
Kovic, Ron
2030261 Anti-war activist paralyzed in the Vietnam war. Author of Born on the
Fourth of July
V1790 Kovic, Ronald L
Kovic, Ron
2030261 Anti-war activist paralyzed in the Vietnam war. Author of Born on the
Fourth of July
V3077 Kramek, Robert E Twentieth Commandant of the United States Coast Guard 1994-98
V1452 Kramer, Kenneth B Colorado Representative 1979-87
V2551 Krampe, Hugh C
O'Brian, Hugh
849656 Actor. Most noted for his portrayal of Wyatt Earp in The Life and
Legend of Wyatt Earp. Inducted into the Western Performers Hall of
V2232 Kraus, Paul S 918027 Military Police Officer who discovered General Hideki Tojo's Hari-Kari
attempt in September 1945 and stopped him from dying. Tojo had
shot himself in the chest.
V519 Krebs, John H 56128139 California Representative 1975-79.
V738 Krebs, Max V 2114295 Ambassador to Guyana 1974-76
V3837 Krebs, Richard Julius
Valtin, Jan
32995730 German-born. Prior to 1938, served as both a German and Soviet
Secret Agent. When his wife and son were killed by the Gestapo, he
defected to the United States. He was granted citizenship in 1947.
V1290 Kristofferson, Kris Country music singer, songwriter, and actor. Songs include: Me and
Bobby McGee, Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down, The Best of All Possible
Worlds, and Help me Make it Through the Night. Films include:
Blume in Love, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, A Star is Born, and
Repossessed. He, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, and Johnny Cash
formed The Highwaymen. Rhodes Scholar. Inducted into the
Songwriters Hall of Fame, Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame, and the
Country Music Hall of Fame
V2626 Kroft, Stephen F
Kroft, Steve
Journalist on 60 Minutes
V1220 Krogh, Egil, Jr
Krogh, Bud
Official in the Nixon administration. Jailed for his role in the Watergate
six months, released June 21, 1974. scandal. Wrote The Day Elvis
met Nixon.
V1221 Krogh, Egil, Jr
Krogh, Bud
662165 Official in the Nixon administration. Jailed for his role in the Watergate
six months, released June 21, 1974. scandal. Wrote The Day Elvis
met Nixon.
V3890 Krueger, Otto G 2779269 North Dakota Representative 1953-59
V1731 Krueger, Walter 1531 Army General. Had been selected to command the allied forces
during the Invasion of Japan in November 1945, had the war
continued that long. Commanded 6th US Army in Southwest Pacific.
Never suffered a defeat in his career.
V1806 Krukar-Bryant, Joann
Webb, Joann
Director of the National Cemetery Service, DVA
V2891 Krulak, Victor H Author of First to Fight: An Inside View of the U.S. Marine Corps.
Father of Charles C Krulak: Thirty-first Commandant of the Marine
V1051 Kryza, Elmer G
Kryza, E. Gregory
Ambassador to Mauritania 1977
V1050 Kryza, Elmer G
Kryza, E. Gregory
Ambassador to Mauritania 1977
V2973 Krzyzewski, Michael Head coach of the Duke University men's basketball team 1981- .
Led Duke to Final Fours in 1994, 1999, 2001, and 2004. 1992
assistant on the Dream Team. Basketball Hall of Fame 2001.
V1335 Kubelsky, Ben B
Benny, Jack
1032794 Comedian, vaudeville performer, radio, television, and film actor. The
Jack Benny Program,
V93 Kubish, Jack B 188954 Ambassador to Greece 1974-77
V92 Kubish, Jack B 188954 Ambassador to Greece 1974-77
V1917 Kuhl, Charles H 35536908 August 1943, while in a hospital, Patton slapped and verbally abused
Kuhl for exhibiting what Patton believed to be cowardly behavior. Kuhl
is believed to have been suffering from "shell shock" or Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder
V3308 Kulka, Bruce M March 11, 1958 while on-board US Air Force B-47 Stratojet released,
accidentally, a Mk-6 nuclear bomb on Mars Bluff, South Carolina. The
bomb did not have its nuclear core, but did have conventional
explosives. No one was directly killed from the blast.
V2339 Kulland, Byron K April 2, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
recovered February 8, 1993
V2622 Kunstler, William M 1633347 Lawyer and civil rights activist. Director of the American Civil Liberties
Union 1964-72. Co-founded the Center for Constitutional Rights 1969.
Defended many controversial clients, including: Lenny Bruce, Jack
Ruby, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, El Sayyid Nosair, Qubilah
Shabazz, and the Chicago Seven.
V24 Kunzig, Robert L 404982 US Court of Claims Judge 1971. GSA Administrator
V711 Kurtz, Jerome 52412453 Commissioner of Internal Revenue
V2158 Kushner, Floyd H November 30, 1967 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
March 16, 1973.
V2248 Kuter, Laurence S 1st Commander of Military Air Transport Service during the Berlin
V785 Kuykendall, Jerome K 399735 Chairman Indian Claims Commission
V784 Kuykendall, Jerome K 399735 Chairman Indian Claims Commission
V173 Kyros, Peter N 498269 Maine Representative 1967-75
V172 Kyros, Peter N 498269 Maine Representative 1967-75
V3949 La Follette, Robert
Marion, Jr
X00020695 Wisconsin Senator 1925-47
V2274 La Rosa, Julius 7182341 Pop singer. Sang on Arthur Godfrey and his Friends 1951-53. Songs
include: "Eh, Cumpari", "Anywhere I Wander", and "Domani". He was
fired by Godfrey on the air.
V864 LaBerge, Walter B 340917
Under Secretary of the Army
V865 LaBerge, Walter B 340917 Under Secretary of the Army
V2340 Labohn, Gary R 16931557 November 30, 1968 taken as POW in Laos. Remains
returned/recovered March 26, 1989
V500 050 Ladd, Alan W, Jr 39554839 Actor. Films include: This Gun for Hire, Shane, The Blue Dahlia, The
Great Gatsby, and The Carpetbaggers
V717 LaFalce, John J 5010461 New York Representative 1975-2003
V667 Lagomarsino, Robert 5659810 California Representative 1974-93
V640 Lagomarsino, Robert 5659810 California Representative 1974-93
V500 008 LaGuardia, Fiorello X00121182 US Consular Agent in Fiume 1904-06. New York Representative
1917-19, 1923-33. Mayor of New York City, New York 1934-45.
LaGuardia Airport in Queens, New York is named for him.
V3489 Lahm, Frank P 1334 Early Army Aviator
V696 Laingen, Lowell B 7020997 US Vice Consul in Hamburg 1951-53. Ambassador to Malta 1976
V695 Laingen, Lowell B 7020997 US Vice Consul in Hamburg 1951-53. Ambassador to Malta 1976
V345 Laird, Melvin R, Jr 331064 Wisconsin Representative 1953-69. Secretary of Defense 1969-73.
Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1974
V271 Laird, Melvin R, Jr 331064 Wisconsin Representative 1953-69. Secretary of Defense 1969-73.
Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1974
V3029 Lake, Leonard T 2080594 Serial killer together with Charles Ng. 1985, Charles Ng was seen
shoplifting, but left by the time police arrived. Lake had been with him
and was arrested when, upon his car being searched, a pistol with a
silencer was found. He gave a false name with a license to back it,
however, the police were suspicious due to the discrepancy in age. At
the police station he swallowed a cyanide pill and, though rushed to a
hospital, he died four days later. Lake was identified and his ranch
was searched. The police found a stash of weapons, graphic videos
of Lake and Ng raping women, as well as twelve corpses and the
charred remains of other, unidentified humans. Lake's younger
brother as well as a military buddy, Charles Gunnar, were found later.
V3317 Lambers, Paul R 54967240 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions in Tayninh Province,
Vietnam on August 20, 1968.
V3931 Lambertson, William P X00032380 Kansas Representative 1929-45
V3103 L'Amour, Louis
Louis Dearborn
Western Novelist. Hondo, Flint and Education of a Wandering Man.
He won numerous awards: Western Writers of America Award,
Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award, National Gold Medal
(awarded him by Congress), Medal of Freedom (awarded by President
V500 015 Lancaster, Burton S
Lancaster, Burt
32694076 Actor. He started out as a circus acrobat until an injury forced him to
stop. Films include: The Killers, The Flame and the Arrow, The
Crimson Pirate, Elmer Gantry, Atlantic City, and Field of Dreams.
V500 042 Landon, Alfred M
Landon, Alf M
1089 Kansas Governor 1933-37. He was the 1936 nomination as the
Republican opponent of Franklin D. Roosevelt
V2694 Landon, Peter E Platoon Leader for Operation Tailwind. Operation Tailwind was a
mission in Laos designed for reconnaissance, intelligence collection,
and as a diversion for a larger operation to the north, Honorable
Dragon. The operation received negative attention when CNN/Time
reported the use of nerve gas during the operation. They were forced
to retract the story when confronted to provide support for their claim.
The newsgroup conducted an independent investigation and
concluded it had insufficient evidence to support the report.
V433 Landrum, Phillip M 575281 Georgia Representative 1953-77. Co-author of Landrum-Griffin Act
V1716 Landry, Thomas W 2063644 Football player and coach. He played for the New York Bulldogs
1949. New York Giants 1950. He became the defensive coordinator
for the Giants in1956. First head coach for the Dallas Cowboys 1960-
V3296 Lane, Stanley S
LeVine, Samuel
WWI Veteran who died at age 103. Provided much information to the
Library of Congress' Veterans History Project on WWI Army and other
V3880 Lane, Thomas Joseph 4918638 Massachusetts Representative 1941-63
V3662 Langhorn, Garfield 052768385 Vietnam Medal of Honor received posthumously for action near Plei
Djereng in the Pleiku province January 15, 1969. Langhorn's unit was
attempting the rescue of two helicopter pilots that had been shot down
by enemy fire. The bodies were located and the unit turned to leave
when they came under enemy attack. Langhorn threw himself on an
enemy grenade to save the lives of several soldiers and was killed in
the ensuing blast.
V3891 Larcade, Henry D, Jr 122787 Louisiana Representative 1943-53
V1840 LaRocco, Lawrence
LaRocco, Larry
Idaho Representative 1991-95
V1650 Larroquette, John B B00787237 Actor. Best known for his role as Dan Fielding on Night Court. Other
shows and movies include: The John Larroquette Show, Second
Sight, Madhouse, Blind Date, Stripes, Star Trek III: The Search for
Spock, JFK, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
V1649 Larroquette, John B B00787237 Actor. Best known for his role as Dan Fielding on Night Court. Other
shows and movies include: The John Larroquette Show, Second
Sight, Madhouse, Blind Date, Stripes, Star Trek III: The Search for
Spock, JFK, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
V3474 Lasalle, Robert E 264321 Member of team serving with the French Resistance in France. Took
part in a parachute drop into the Department of Savoie on 8/1/1944.
Served under Major Peter Ortiz.
V2651 Lasorda, Thomas C 43011925 Major League baseball player and manager. 1999 marked his 50th
year of involvement with the Brooklyn and Los Angeles Dodgers.
Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame 1997. He was the manager of
the US Olympic team in 2000.
V434 Latta, Delbert L 20504814 Ohio Representative 1959-89
V1504 Latta, Delbert L 484200 Ohio Representative 1959-89
V1564 Lauder, Ronald S 72456 Ambassador to Austria 1986-87. Son of Estee Lauder
V2958 Lauren, Ralph
Lipschitz, Ralph
12613644 Fashion designer of Polo Ralph Lauren.
V1267 Lautenberg, Frank R 12204800 New Jersey Senator 1982-2001, 2003-
V1393 Lawn, John C
Lawn, Jack
73308 Administrator of Drug Enforcement Administration 1985-90
V3528 Lawrence, Jacob A 7021097 African American Artist
V1069 Lawrence, Loren E 17200008 Ambassador to Jamaica 1979-82
V523 Laxalt, Paul D 19152611 Lieutenant Governor of Nevada 1963-67. Nevada Governor 1967-71.
Senator 1974-87.
V2625 Lay, Beirne 6845464
Author and Screenwriter who wrote "12 O' Clock High" and "Strategic
Air Command"
V666 Lay, Donald P 3222032 Circuit Judge, 8th Circuit
V639 Lay, Donald P 3222032 Circuit Judge, 8th Circuit
V3368 Lay, Kenneth L Former chairman/ CEO of the Enron Corporation. Found guilty May
25, 2006 of ten charges of securities fraud and other financial
V2663 Leahy, Emmett J 213147 Director of Records Administration for the Navy during WWII, first as a
civilian employee and then as a Naval Officer. Also former employee
of the National Archives, a letter of recommendation was signed by S.
J. Buck, an early Archivist of the US
V1091 Leahy, William D 1811 Governor of Puerto Rico 1939-40. Ambassador to France 1940-42.
Fleet Admiral of the US Navy 1944.
V1090 Leahy, William D 1811 Governor of Puerto Rico 1939-40. Ambassador to France 1940-42.
Fleet Admiral of the US Navy 1944.
V1562 Lear, Ben 1179 Commanding General 1st Cavalry Division 1936-38. Commanding
General Pacific Sector Panama Canal Zone 1938-40. Commanding
General 2nd Army 1940-43. General Officer Commander in Chief
Central Defense Command 1941-43. Retired then Recalled 1943.
Member Secretary of War's Personnel Board 1943-44. Commander in
Chief Army Ground Force 1944-45. Deputy Commander in Chief
Army Forces US European Theater of Operations 1945. Retired 1945
V3683 Lear, Charles B 351960 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V1647 Lear, Norman M Television writer and producer. Shows include: All in the Family,
Sanford and Son, Who's the Boss, and Maude. Awarded the National
Medal of Arts 1999
V1453 Leath, James M
Leath, Marvin
1940842 Texas Representative 1979-91
V3730 Leatherberry, J. C. 34472451 Execution. Hanged for theft and strangling a man in England. ETO
V1282 LeBaron, Edward W 51436 Football player. Played for the Dallas Cowboys and the Redskins
during the 50s and 60s
V1288 LeBaron, Robert F
LeBarron, Robert
Deputy Secretary of Defense for atomic energy matters. Aide to
President Wilson at the Versailles Peace Conference
V3375 Lebzelter, John W, Jr
Warden, Jack
2872482 Actor. Works include: The Wackiest Ship in the Army, Crazy like a
Fox, Heaven can Wait, Twelve Angry Men, From Here to Eternity, and
While You Were Sleeping.
V3376 Lebzelter, John W, Jr
Warden, Jack
12165797 Actor. Works include: The Wackiest Ship in the Army, Crazy like a
Fox, Heaven can Wait, Twelve Angry Men, From Here to Eternity, and
While You Were Sleeping.
V1370 Lee, Gary A 2361679 New York Representative 1979-83
V2257 Lee, Henry F Korean-American interpreter.
V3150 Lee, Howard V 69961 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Cam Lo, Republic
of Vietnam on August 8-9, 1966. A platoon was attacked while deep
in enemy territory. Lee took seven men by helicopter to lend aid,
landed and moved into the perimeter, lending aid and encouragement.
Though wounded by enemy grenades, he continued to direct a
defense through the night. He collapsed in the morning, but he and
the rest of the marines were evacuated 6 hours later
V2579 Lee, William A Won three Navy Crosses in Nicaragua in the 1930's. POW in
Japanese hands during WWII- had been an Embassy Guard at
Peiping, China
V3119 Lee, Willis A 7239 Commander of a Task Force in the South Pacific during naval action in
Solomon Islands November 1942 when 5 Japanese ships were sunk
V2234 Leemon, Donald J 929355 Died in crash during the Berlin Airlift. His record was used in the
exhibit "Winning the Peace"
V3830 LeFevre, Jay 4742123 New York Representative 1943-51
V690 Leggett, Robert L 7597445 California Representative 1963-79
V691 Leggett, Robert L 7597445 California Representative 1963-79
V2787 Lehrer, James C
Lehrer, Jim
News anchor for The News Hour with Jim Lehrer. Author, works
include: The Franklin Affair, False Moves, Flying Crows: A Novel, No
Certain Rest, and The Special Prisoner
V1580 Leib, Joseph H 33742331 WWII Columnist and advisor to Truman
V1272 Leidel, Donald C 2219875 Ambassador to Bahrain 1983-86
V1273 Leidel, Donald C 13419721 Ambassador to Bahrain 1983-86
V400 003 Lejeune, John A 550 Thirteenth Commandant of the Marine Corps 1920-29
V600 000 LeMay, Curtis E Fifth Chief of Staff US Air Force 1961-65. Commander Strategic Air
Command 1949-57. Commander, 20th Bomber Command during
firebombing of Japan during WWII. Headed Berlin Airlift 1948. Vice
Presidential candidate with George Wallace's Independent Party ticket
V722 LeMelle, Wilbert J 54200714 Ambassador to Kenya 1977, Seychelles 1977
V1966 Lemnitzer, Lyman L Commanding Officer 34th Anti-Aircraft Brigade 1942. Assistant Chief
of Staff to Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean 1942-43.
Deputy Chief of Staff 5th Army 1943. Commanding Officer 34th Anti-
Aircraft Brigade, Tunisia 1943. Deputy Chief of Staff 15th Army
Group, Italy 1943-44. Deputy Chief of Staff to Supreme Allied
Commander Mediterranean 1944-45. Deputy Commandant National
War College 1947-49. Commanding General 11th Airborne
Division1950-51. Commanding General 7th Division, Korea 1951-52.
Deputy Chief of Staff US Army 1952-55. Commander in Chief United
Nations Command Korea 1955-57. Vice Chief of Staff US Army 1957-
59. Chief of Staff US Army 1959-60. Chief Joint Chiefs of Staff 1960-
62. Commander in Chief US Forces Europe 1962-63. Commander in
Chief NATO Europe 1963-69. Retired 1969
V3044 Lemon, Meadow
53143006 Basketball player. Played for the Harlem Globetrotters for 22 years.
Inducted in the Basketball Hall of Fame 2003.
V2113 Lenker, Michael R February 8, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
16, 1973
V220 Lent, Norman F 557759 New York Representative 1971-93
V221 Lent, Norman F 557759 New York Representative 1971-93
V2635 Leonski, Edward J
Leonski, Eddie
32007432 Execution. Serial killer in Australia. He was an American serviceman
stationed in Melbourne during WWII. He confessed and was
sentenced to death on November 4, 1942 by an American military
court. Leonski was hanged five days later. Death of a Soldier is
based on him.
V3497 Leopold, John F 13792 Combat photographer. Documented the battle of Tarawa. Was
awarded the Bronze Star for his actions during the battle.
V2159 Leopold, Stephen R May 9, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V1038 Leppert, Charles, Jr. 1391320
Special Assistant to the President
V1039 Leppert, Charles, Jr. 1391320
Special Assistant to the President
V2745 Lester, Fred F 7269925 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions as a Medical
Corpsman at Okinawa on June 8, 1945. Upon see a wounded marine
laying in an open field, he crawled toward him despite enemy fire,
which wounded him. He pulled his comrade to safely, even as he was
wounded again. Realizing his wounds were mortal, he refused
medical aid, directing the treatment of two other marines instead. He
died shortly after.
V578 Leventhal, Harold 35362 Circuit Judge District of Columbia Circuit
V2696 Levin, Meyer 6975479 Bombardier on the B-17 flown by Colin P. Kelly.
V851 Levitas, Elliott H Georgia Representative 1975-85
V2959 Levitow, John L 11797740
Vietnam Medal of Honor for actions on an AC-47 gunship, Spooky 71
on February 24, 1969. The crew was getting ready to drop a flare,
when the plane was hit by a 82-mm mortar shell. The flare rolled
through the plane amidst live ammunition. Levitow, who had suffered
40 shrapnel wounds, saw one of the crew lying dangerously near the
open cargo door and dragged him to safety. He then tried,
unsuccessfully, to pick up the flare. Finally, he threw himself on it and
dragged it to the door. Just as he threw it out, it exploded.
V2987 Levitt, William J 324143 Real-estate developer, credited as the father of modern American
suburbia. Planned a housing project after WWII near Hempstead,
Long Island to provide affordable housing to returning veterans. The
development came to be named Levittown.
V2204 Levy, Marvin 16174871 General Manager and Vice President of Football Operations for the
Buffalo Bills. Coach of Montreal Alouettes 1973-77, Kansas City
Chiefs 1978-82, Buffalo Bills 1986-97
V2341 Lewellen, Walter E 11745927 February 18, 1971 taken as POW in Laos. Remains recovered/
returned April 11, 1991.
V1263 Lewis, Arthur W Ambassador to Sierra Leone 1983-86
V1262 Lewis, Arthur W 7116134 Ambassador to Sierra Leone 1983-86
V1327 Lewis, Gary 56700913 Musician. Gary Lewis and the Playboys was a 1960s pop group,
songs include: "This Diamond Ring," "Count Me In," "Save Your Heart
For Me," and "Sure Gonna Miss Her." Son of Jerry Lewis
V3827 Lewis, Lawrence 4744505 Colorado Representative 1933-43
V2160 Lewis, Robert January 5, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V2203 Lewis, Ronald E
Lewis, Ron
Kentucky Representative 1994-
V1271 Lewis, Thomas F 33583403 Florida Representative 1983-95
V3838 Leyden, William T, Jr 841080 TV and Radio celebrity
V1796 Libby, George D 31153010 Korea Medal of Honor awarded for action near Taejon, Korea on July
20, 1950. Libby's group was in a truck when they encountered an
enemy roadblock that wounded all the passengers save Libby, and
disabled the vehicle. He flagged down a passing artillery tractor and
loaded all his wounded comrades onboard, then shielded the driver
with his body when the enemy fired on them. He did this several times
when the vehicle was forced to stop until he finally lost consciousness
from loss of blood due to the wounds he had received.
V3637 Lieber, Stanley M 12184201 Marvel Comic founder. Writer and author of comic books from 1941.
Stan Lee
V1747 Lightfoot, James R 17453301 Iowa Representative 1985-97
V1601 Lilley, James R 1295249 Ambassador to South Korea 1986-89, China 1989-91
V3540 Lindberg, Charles W 338184 Part of Iwo Jima 1st flag raising
V600 004 Lindbergh, Charles, Jr 215724 Pioneering aviator. Piloted the first solo, non-stop flight across the
Atlantic, from New York to Paris, France, in 1927. The plane was
named The Spirit of St. Louis; the single-engine plane made the trip in
33.5 hours. It is now on display in the National Air and Space
Museum in Washington DC. March 21, 1929, he was presented the
Medal of Honor for the flight. In 1932, his eldest child Charles, Jr was
kidnapped and found dead a few weeks later. Bruno Hauptmann was
accused and executed for the crime. Co-author of The Culture of
Organs, a work summarizing he and Dr Carrel's study of the perfusion
of organs outside the body. Lindbergh contributed greatly to the early
study of Nazi aviation development.
V2015 Linder, John E Georgia Representative 1993-
V1159 Lindsay, John V 276324 New York Representative 1959-65. Mayor of New York City, New
York 1966-73. He is credited with helping New York City survive the
1960s without a major riot, but blamed for the fiscal crisis of the late
V3828 Linehan, Neil J 2822075 Illinois Representative 1949-51
V3418 Link, Theodore C 458900
V886 Linowes, David F 1649374 Chair Privacy Protection Study Commission
V741 Linowitz, Sol M 352817 Ambassador Panama Canal Negotiations, which returned the Panama
Canal to Panama.
V742 Linowitz, Sol M 352817 Ambassador Panama Canal Negotiations, which returned the Panama
Canal to Panama.
V1479 Lipinski, William O 16689340 Illinois Representative 1983-2003
V1776 List, John E
Clark, Robert P
978253 Murderer of five. List, facing financial ruin and what he believed to be
the "fall" of his family to sin and damnation, murdered his wife, mother
and three children then fled New Jersey in December of 1971. He
changed his name and lived undetected for nearly twenty years when
he was arrested. April 12, 1990 he was found guilty of five counts of
murder and sentenced to life in prison, five consecutive terms.
V2049 Liteky, Angelo J
Liteky, Charles
Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Phuoc-Lac, Bien
Hoa province, Republic of Vietnam on December 6, 1967. When his
battalion came under fire, Liteky observed two wounded men and
crawled to them, placing himself between them and the enemy.
During a brief respite, he pulled them to safely. The battalion rallied
and answered the enemies attack with heavy fire. Liteky moved
through the fire, administering aid and evacuating the wounded and
last rites to the dying. Observing a wounded, trapped soldier, he
crawled to him but determined he was too heavy to carry. He rolled on
his back and dragged the wounded man on his chest and using his
elbows and heals, crawled to safety. Another man he rescued from
dense, thorny underbrush in which the soldier had become trapped in.
Chaplain Liteky, despite wounds in his neck and foot, had carried over
twenty men to safety during the encounter. After Vietnam, Liteky
became involved in social justice activities and on July 29, 1986, he
renounced his Medal of Honor, placing it in an envelope addressed to
President Ronald Reagan. It is on display at the national Museum of
American History.
V110 Little, Edward S 143557 Ambassador to Chad 1974-76
V111 Little, Edward S 143557 Ambassador to Chad 1974-76
V2437 Little, Louis M 562 Eleventh Assistant Commandant USMC 1935-37
V2617 Liversedge, Harry B 563 Commander of Third Marine Raider Battalion during WWII.
Regimental Commander at Iwo Jima. Participated in the 1920
Olympics in Antwerp, winning third place in the shot put.
V2035 Livingston, Robert, Jr 5490466 Louisiana Representative 1977-99
V839 Lloyd, James F
Lloyd, Jim
Mayor of West Covina, California 1973. California Representative
V723 Lodge, John D 84620 Grandson of Henry Cabot Lodge. Connecticut Representative 1947-
51. Governor 1951-55. Ambassador to Spain 1955-61, Argentina
1969-73, Switzerland 1983-85. Actor 1933-40, films include: Little
Women, The Scarlet Empress, The Little Colonel, and In Like Flint
V3839 LoDolce, Carl G 32687257 Believed to have acted with Aldo Lorenzo Icardi in the shooting of
Major Holohan.
V2624 Logan, Joshua 575381
Broadway and Hollywood producer
V3350 Lonetree, Clayton John Convicted by General Court Martial of espionage for assisting the
Soviets in obtaining information regarding layout of embassies in
Moscow and Vienna
V2433 Long, Charles G 572 Third Assistant Commandant USMC 1917-1920
V174 Long, Clarence D 308344 Maryland Representative 1963-85
V175 Long, Clarence D 308344 Maryland Representative 1963-85
V3829 Long, George Shannon 4281026 Louisiana Representative 1953-58
V435 Long, Gillis W 531119 Louisiana Representative 1963-65, 1973-85
V2161 Long, Julius W, Jr May 12, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 16,
V162 Long, Russell B 186302 Louisiana Senator 1948-87
V198 Long, Russell B 186302 Louisiana Senator 1948-87
V1192 Long, Speedy O 2762963 Louisiana Representative 1965-73
V1407 Lord, Winston 22013965 Ambassador to China 1985-89. President of the Council on Foreign
Relations 1977-85. National Security Council member 1969-73.
V2920 Loring, Charles J, Jr 13008 Korea Medal of Honor awarded for action near Sniper Ridge, North
Korea on November 22, 1952. Loring was provided air support,
aggressively dive-bombing enemy gun positions until his plane was
hit. He then turned his plane and sacrificed himself by diving his plane
into the middle of enemy emplacements
V3059 Lovell, James A, Jr
Lovell, Jim
Astronaut who commanded and brought the crippled Apollo 13 back
safely. CEO of Bay-Houston Towing Company 1975. President of
Fisk Telephone Systems 1977. In the movie Apollo 13, he is played
by Tom Hanks, Lovell himself appears as the ship's captain on the
recovery ship, USS Iwo Jima.
V2269 Lovett, Robert A 14474 Assistant Secretary of War for Air 1941-45. Under Secretary of State
1947-49, Fourth Secretary of Defense1951-53
V705 Low, Stephen 15239743 Ambassador to Zambia 1976-79, Nigeria 1979-81
V878 Lowenstein, Allard
Lowenstein, Al
53249720 New York Representative 1969-71. Served as an alternate United
States Representative for Special Political Affairs to the United Nations
1977-78. Shot to death by Dennis Sweeney, a former student of
Stanford University where Lowenstein had been dean during the
1960s. Sweeney was mentally ill at the time of the shooting and
believed Lowenstein was plotting against him.
V888 Lowenstein, James G 504607
Ambassador to Luxembourg 1977-81
V2561 Lowery, Louis R 50345
Photographed the first American Flag raising on Mount Surabachi on
Iwo Jima
V3285 Loy, James Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security 2003-
2005. Commandant of the Coast Guard 1998-2002.
V3545 Lucas, Jacklyn H 2305446 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Iwo Jima on February 20,
1945. Lucas and three others were ambushed by an enemy patrol.
When two enemy grenades landed nearby, Lucas landed on one and
pulled the other beneath him to save the lives of his companions.
V3175 Lucas, Jacklyn H 403248 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Iwo Jima on February 20,
1945. Lucas and three others were ambushed by an enemy patrol.
When two enemy grenades landed nearby, Lucas landed on one and
pulled the other beneath him to save the lives of his companions.
V2786 Lucas, James D Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V2864 Lucas, Kenneth R Kentucky Representative 1999-2005
V27 Lucas, Scott W 120008 Illinois Representative 1935-39; Illinois Senator 1939-51; Professional
baseball player
V3886 Lucas, Wingate H, Sr 38628356 Texas Representative 1947-55
V1044 Luers, William H 554179
Ambassador to Venezuela 1978, Czechoslovakia 1983-86
V1045 Luers, William H 554179
Ambassador to Venezuela 1978, Czechoslovakia 1983-86
V1020 Lugar, Richard G 617563 Rhodes scholar. Mayor of Indianapolis, Indiana 1968-75. Indiana
Senator 1977-
V1019 Lugar, Richard G 617563 Rhodes scholar. Mayor of Indianapolis, Indiana 1968-75. Indiana
Senator 1977-
V3052 Luke, Frank, Jr X00051997
WWI Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. Succeeded David
Putnam as "ace of aces" in US Air Service during WWI. Member of
27th Pursuit Squadron. Shot down 18 enemy balloons and planes in
17 days before he was shot down by enemy ground fire. Luke Air
Force Base was named in his honor.
V922 Luken, Thomas A 532575
Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio 1971-72. Ohio Representative 1974-75,
V921 Luken, Thomas A 532575
Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio 1971-72. Ohio Representative 1974-75,
V3225 Lummus, Jack 17298
WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions on Iwo Jima on March 8,
1945. When his rifle platoon was pinned down by enemy fire,
Lummus charged forward, and despite wounds, destroyed three
enemy installations. He was mortally wounded by an exploding land
mine and died later that day. Lummus played football and baseball for
Baylor University, baseball with the Wichita Falls Team and football
with the New York Giants.
V2342 Luster, Robert L 11710378 January 23, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
recovered/ returned January 27, 1969.
V1989 Luther, James N Part of "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly were
lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near the
Kamchatka Peninsula June 27, 1958. Returned to US control July 7,
V2669 Lutz, Aleda E 730648 First Army nurse killed in combat during WWII
V3862 Lyle, John E, Jr 1048081 Texas Representative 1945-55,
V1983 Lyles, Luther W Part of the "Raven" espionage flight that was forced down inside
U.S.S.R. Returned to US control on July 7, 1958 and cited in US
News and World Report on March 15, 1993.
V1114 Lyng, Richard E 19065199 US Secretary of Agriculture 1986-89
V596 Lynn, James T 2862813 US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 1973-75
V603 Lynn, James T 2862813 US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 1973-75
V1931 Lynn, Laurence E 5704277 Assistant Secretary of Defense 1965-69
V3009 MacArthur, Arthur III 2722 Brother of General Douglas MacArthur. Son of Army General Arthur
MacArthur, Jr.
V500 023 MacArthur, Douglas 57 Army General. Supreme Commander of Allied forces in the South
West Pacific Area during WWII. Oversaw the occupation of Japan
1945-51. Led UN forces defending South Korea against the North
Korean invasion 1950-51. WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions
on the Bataan Peninsula, Philippine Islands in leading the defense
against invading Japanese forces.
V3472 Macaulay, Theodore 166800 Aviator. Flight instructor with Curtiss Aeroplanes 1912-1914, setting
records with Curtiss Flying Boats. Served during WWI, and returned
to Active Duty for WWII, acting as Air Corps liaison with the RAF in
North Africa and London.
V3889 MacAvoy, Joseph T 6908385 Civil Execution. Electrocuted in Nebraska for the rape and murder of
sixteen year old Anna Milroy
V2897 MacDonald, Charles Fighter pilot in the Pacific Theatre of Operations. Fifth ranking WWII
Air Force "Ace"
V1617 MacDonald, Donald I Department of Health and Human Services 1986. US Public Health
Service 1985-86. Special Assistant to the President for Drug Abuse
Policy. Director of White House Drug Abuse Policy Office
V1269 MacDonald, Jeffrey Former Green Beret who became a physician. February 17, 1970
MacDonald called the MPs for assistance. When they arrived, they
found his two daughters and wife dead by bludgeoning and stabbing.
Jeffrey, wounded and with a collapsed lung, told the MPs three men
and a woman had committed the crime. The investigator in charge
believed MacDonald was solely behind the attack, even with evidence
of multiple individuals. When the poor investigation was brought to
light in the trial, the case against MacDonald was dismissed, though
not forgotten. 1975, the now well respected doctor was indicted
through rather hazy means. Evidence was held back from the defense
team and restrictions placed on its handling and testing. Two
individuals even came forward about their presence at murder, but that
information was downplayed or simply not presented to the jury. Even
the judge seemed to be siding with the prosecution. MacDonald was
painted as a monster through testimony and evidence, some of which
was withheld outright and others tampered. The jury found him guilty
and he was sentenced to three life terms. The book Fatal Vision also
portrays MacDonald as a monster, though the author seemed more
interested in what would sell than the truth of the case. MacDonald
sued the author for fraud but the trial ended in mistrial and MacDonald
settled for $325,000. Through the nineties, the case has been
touched on and they are still trying to prove MacDonald's innocence
V1793 MacDonald, Peter 1000079 Chairman Navajo Tribal Council 1970-82, 1986
V163 MacDonald, Torbert 128190 Massachusetts Representative 1955-76
V2089 MacDonald, Torbert 128190 Massachusetts Representative 1955-76
V3642 Mack, John H 34042053 Execution. Hanged for the murder of three people in Italy. MTO
V3735 Mack, William 32620461 Execution. Hanged for rape and murder in France. ETO
V3438 Mackahan, Alan H
Hale, Alan
533993 Actor
V1728 Mackay, Kenneth H, Jr
Mackay, Buddy
2210536 Florida Representative 1983-89. Lieutenant Governor 1991-98.
Governor 1998-99
V85 MacKinnon, George E 128513 Minnesota Rep 1947-49; District Attorney 1953-58; Judge US Court of
Appeals beginning 1969.
V84 MacKinnon, George E 128513 Minnesota Rep 1947-49; District Attorney 1953-58; Judge US Court of
Appeals beginning 1969.
V3546 MacNider, Hanford 108101 Army General and US Diplomat. Assist. Sec of War (Coolidge)
V665 Macomber, William B,
400913 Ambassador to Jordan 1961-64, Turkey 1973-77
V638 Macomber, William B,
400913 Ambassador to Jordan 1961-64, Turkey 1973-77
V2105 MacPhail, Don A February 8, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
16, 1973.
V1191 Madden, Ray J 1411508 Indiana Representative 1943-77
V2278 Madison, Thomas 38265363 Execution. Tried and convicted of rape by court martial. Hanged at
Shepton Mallet, England.
V164 Magnuson, Warren G 78144 Washington Representative 1937-44. Senator 1944-81
V197 Magnuson, Warren G 78144 Washington Representative 1937-44. Senator 1944-81
V1249 Magsaysay, Ramon 29789 Philippine President 1953-1957. Died in a plane crash enroute to
V3387 Maguire, John Edward 6475601 Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk.
V1969 Mahaffey, Fred K Four Star General.
V2872 Mahar, Paul George Clouse went AWOL in 1966 to avoid going to Vietnam. He and a
childhood friend, Paul G Mahar, came up with a plan to get him out of
service. They traded places and Mahar reported for service as
Clouse. Mahar had been rejected by the army previously due to a
metal plate in his arm. Mahar wrote to the Army in 1991 with the story
asking for the medals and citations he earned as Frank Clouse.
V3748 Mahoney, Joseph J 12008332 General Prisoner in Algeria for rape of young boy. Attempted to
escape train and was run over, died shortly from shock and
hemorrhaging due to amputation of both legs and part of one hand.
V2850 Mahoney, Peter P One of the Gainesville 8 (Scott Camil, John Kniffen, Alton Foss,
Donald Perdue, William Patterson, Stan Michelsen, Peter Mahoney,
and John Briggs) They were indicted on charges of conspiracy to
disrupt the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami. John
Briggs was the only non-veteran in the group. They were protesting
the war in Vietnam.
V2389 Mahurin, Walker M
Mahurin, Bud
Aerial ace in WWII with 20.75 planes (German and Japanese) shot
down. Korea, 3.5 shot down before shot down and taken as a POW.
V165 Mailliard, William 82891 California Representative 1953-74
V3773 Maines, George H 141514 Author of the Pamphlet "Why Germany will Win the War" six months
before the US entered into WWI. It was written prior to his
commission and resulted in his release after his commission. He was
reaccepted in 1918 and found to be loyal and enthusiastic.
V1230 Maino, Theodore C 262866 Ambassador to Botswana 1982
V3301 Malden, Karl
Sekulovich, Mladen
32980601 Actor. Works include: A Streetcar Named Desire, On the Waterfront,
Patton, Baby Doll, How the West Was Won, The Streets of San
Francisco, and They Knew What They Wanted
V1932 Malek, Frederic V 87236 Watergate Deputy Chairman of the 1972 Presidential campaign.
Director of the 1988 Republican Convention and 1992 Campaign
Manager for President Bush
V2110 Malo, Isaako F April 24, 1971 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 27,
V2791 Manchester, William 424760 Historian and biographer. Books of note include: Goodbye Darkness:
A Memoir of the Pacific War, Death of a President, American Caesar:
Douglas MacArthur 1880-1964, and A World Lit Only by Fire: The
Medieval Mind & the Renaissance--Portrait of an Age
V2449 Mangrum, Richard C 4412 Twenty-ninth Assistant Commandant USMC 1965-67
V2014 Mann, David S Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio 1980-82, 1991. Ohio Representative 1993-
V2491 Mann, Joe 39188121 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Best, Holland on
September 18, 1944. While his platoon was attempting to seize a
bridge, they became surrounded by enemy troops. He went forward
as a scout and destroyed an 88mm gun, ammunition dump, and
enemy soldiers until he was wounded and forced to cover. The next
day, the enemy made an advance and when a grenade landed near
Mann, he yelled warning and then threw himself over the grenade.
V358 Mansfield, Michael 170433 Montana Representative 1943-53. Senator 1953-77. Ambassador to
Japan 1977-88. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1989.
V272 Mansfield, Michael 114834 Montana Representative 1943-53. Senator 1953-77. Ambassador to
Japan 1977-88. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1989.
V357 Mansfield, Michael 1412624 Montana Representative 1943-53. Senator 1953-77. Ambassador to
Japan 1977-88. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1989.
V436 Mansfield, Michael 6508512 Montana Representative 1943-53. Senator 1953-77. Ambassador to
Japan 1977-88. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1989.
V1711 Manton, Thomas J 1122968 New York Representative 1985-99
V1959 Manzelman, Earle H 873528 Father of Earle H. Dooley, the half-brother of Thomas A Dooley
V2080 Marble, Alexander 22093951 Researcher, contributed to the research of diabetes and insulin
V2550 Marchbanks, Tom E First Chief of the US Air Force Reserve 1968
V500 052 Marchegiano, Rocco
Marciano, Rocky
31301298 Boxer. World Heavyweight Boxing Champion 1952-56. Retired
undefeated and without any draws.
V1940 Marcinko, Richard
Marcinko, Dick
Founder of SEAL Team SIX and Red Cell (counter-terrorist units).
Author of Rogue Warrior, Leadership Secrets of the Rogue Warrior: A
Commando's Guide to Success, Red Cell, Violence of Action, and
Vengeance. CEO of SOS Temps, Inc and Richard Marcinko, Inc
V1111 Marcos, Ferdinand E 41394 Philippine President 1965-86. Survivor of the Bataan Death March
during WWII. His body is on display in a refrigerated crypt until the
family can get it buried with full military honors
V3736 Mariano, Blake W 38011593 Execution. Hanged for murdering a woman and raping two others in
France. ETO
V3448 Mariucci, John 547539 Hockey player
V936 Markey, Edward J 21361736 Massachusetts Representative 1976-
V3529 Markham, Monte W 60167 Actor and producer
V879 Marks, Edward 52428657 Ambassador to Cape Verde 1977, Guinea-Bissau 1977
V3390 Marney, Harold William 2127352 Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk.
V2251 Marquat, William F 6533 Major General. Reporter for The Seattle Times. Head of the
Economics and Science Section General Headquarters for the
Supreme Allied Powers 1945-52. Chief of Civil Affairs and Military
Government 1952-55.
V569 Marshall, Anthony D 537892
US Consul in Istanbul 1958-59. Ambassador to Malagasy Republic
1969-71, Trinidad and Tobago 1972-74, Kenya 1973, Seychelles 1976
V566 Marshall, Anthony D 537892
US Consul in Istanbul 1958-59. Ambassador to Malagasy Republic
1969-71, Trinidad and Tobago 1972-74, Kenya 1973, Seychelles 1976
V1237 Marshall, George C 1616 Army Chief of Staff 1939-45. 1944 awarded the 5-star rank, known as
General of the Army. Marshall was instrumental in the reorganization
and preparation of the Army and Army Air Corps for combat.
Secretary of State 1947-49. Author of the European Recovery Plan,
which became known as the Marshall Plan. Secretary of Defense
1950-51. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the Marshall Plan 1953
V3653 Marshall, James C Marshall, Jim Mayor of Macon, Georgia 1995-99. Georgia
Representative 2003-
V1787 Marshall, Samuel L
Marshall, Sam
Military historian and author. Blitzkrieg, The River and the Cauntlet,
and Pork Chop Hill
V1079 Marthinsen, Charles 2097784 Ambassador to Qatar 1980-83
V1537 Martin, David C CBS News Pentagon Correspondent
V1521 Martin, David O 65343921 New York Representative 1981-93
V3609 Martin, Dean P Son of Dean Martin. Actor and musician. Died when his F-4C
Phantom struck a mountainside during a blizzard.
V3915 Martin, Edward 147122 Pennsylvania Senator 1947-59, Governor 1943-47, Adjutant General
of Pennsylvania 1939-43
V3684 Martin, Graham E 352039 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V2854 Martin, Lecil T Country music singer.
V948 Martin, Tony
Morris, Alvin
6622310 Actor and singer. Songs include: To Each His Own, There's No
Tomorrow, I Get Ideas, and Here. Films include: Follow the Fleet,
Back to Nature, The Holy Terror, The Big Store, Casbah, and Hit the
V1007 Martin, Tony
Morris, Alvin
39549073 Actor and singer. Songs include: To Each His Own, There's No
Tomorrow, I Get Ideas, and Here. Films include: Follow the Fleet,
Back to Nature, The Holy Terror, The Big Store, Casbah, and Hit the
V3742 Martinez, Aniceto 38168482 Execution. Hanged for rape in England. ETO
V1502 Martinez, Matthew G 650440 California Representative 1982-2001
V3151 Martini, Gary W 2217825 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Binh
Son, Republic of Vietnam on April 21, 1967. During Operation
UNION, Martini's platoon assaulted enemy trench lines and were
received with enemy mortar, grenades, and small arms fire. The unit
was pinned down behind a shallow dike. Martini first crawled forward
and assaulted the enemy with hand grenades, then observing
wounded laying in the open, moved to pull them to safety. The
brought the first back and though wounded, went out to aid a second.
He was mortally wounded, but continued to drag the man to safely.
When others moved to help him, he asked them to remain under cover
and managed to drag the man to an area where he could be pulled to
safety before he succumbed to his wounds.
V1795 Martinsen, Peter N 19775265 Former military participant and anti-US witness in the Bertrand Russell
Vietnam War Crimes Trial in Copenhagen November 1967. The
Russell Tribunal was designed to investigate and publicize war crimes
and conduct of the American forces and its allies during the Vietnam
V2832 Martzall, William P 33514631 Alleged member of the 364th Infantry at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi
1943. Used in Carroll Case's book The Slaughter: An American
Atrocity which details the supposed incident. Incident in which a
number of African American soldiers were allegedly killed in an
attempt to quash racial tensions.
V1503 Marvin, Lee 439673 Actor in many western and military movies such as The Dirty Dozen,
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Cat Ballou, and Sergeant Riker.
V2162 Maslowski, Daniel F May 2, 1970 taken as POW in Cambodia. Returned February 12,
V3357 Mason, Charles P 7854 Very early naval aviator (#52) who went on to become an admiral,
commanding the USS Hornet during WWII
V1565 Mathers, Gerald P Actor. Best known for his role as Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver in Leave
it to Beaver. Other works include, Still the Beaver, This Is My Love,
Men of the Fighting Lady, The Seven Little Foys, and The Trouble with
V558 Mathews, Forrest D 5304027 Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare 1975-77. Served in
President Ford's cabinet. CEO and President of the Kettering
Foundation 1981-
V273 Mathias, Charles M 410433 Maryland Representative 1961-69. Senator 1969-87
V3692 Mathien, Harold R 3369602 USS Arizona
V1383 Matlovich, Leonard 1975 court case involving the discharge of homosexuals from military
service. Matlovich became a symbol in the gay rights movement.
Though he was initially discharged, a later court case ordered him
reinstated with back pay. The Air Force offered him a settlement of
$160,000 tax-free to drop his case and accept the honorable
discharge. Rather than face hostility, he accepted the settlement.
V1752 Matsunaga, Masayuki
Matsunaga, Spark
415100 Hawaii Representative 1963-77. Senator 1977-90
V2949 Matthow, Walter
Matthau, Walter
12062683 Actor. Works include: The Kentuckian, King Creole, The Odd Couple,
The Fortune Cookie, Grumpy Old Men, The Grass Harp, and Hello,
Dolly! During WWII he served in the same bomb group as Jimmy
V3764 Matusow, Daniel B 12121523 Part of a daytime bombing raid over Nuremberg in the plane "Miss Fall
River," a B17G. It was hit by anti-aircraft fire and exploded in the air
V3392 Mauer, Edman Edgar 3377482 Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk.
V1261 Mauldin, William H
Mauldin, Bill
20836470 Political cartoonist originally for Stars and Stripes, the American
soldiers' newspaper. Won the Pulitzer Prize 1945 and 1959. 1958
began cartooning the editorial pages of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
1962-1991, he worked for the Chicago Sun-Times.
V3198 Maxam, Larry L 2141892 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for action at the Cam Lo District
Headquarters, Quang Tri Province on February 2, 1968. When an
attack come, Maxam let his team to a weakened area along the
perimeter. Though wounded, he used an abandoned machine gun in
an effort to hold back the enemy. He held the perimeter until he
succumbed to multiple wounds.
V3183 Maxam, Larry L 2141892 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for action at the Cam Lo District
Headquarters, Quang Tri Province on February 2, 1968. When an
attack come, Maxam let his team to a weakened area along the
perimeter. Though wounded, he used an abandoned machine gun in
an effort to hold back the enemy. He held the perimeter until he
succumbed to multiple wounds.
V3639 Maxey, Curtis L 34554198 Execution. Hanged for the rape of a French woman in Italy. MTO
V1871 Maxwell, Russell L 3350 Administrator of Export Control 1940-41. Head US Military Mission to
Cairo 1941-42. Commanding General US Army Forces Middle East
1942-43. Commandant Army Service Forces Unit Training Center
1943. Assistant Chief of Staff War Department General Staff 1943-46.
Retired 1946
V2631 May, Geraldine P 903021 WAC Colonel. First member of the WAC to fly over the Himalayas
(the "Hump") during WWII
V208 Mayne, Wiley E 328518 Iowa Representative 1967-75
V209 Mayne, Wiley E 328518 Iowa Representative 1967-75
V437 Mazzoli, Romano l Kentucky Representative 1971-95
V3700 McAbee, Eugene G 2055295 Finance Officer, US Military Mission to Hungary. Corrupt use of office-
buying and reselling high price cameras and other items. Possessed
large sums of money as well as sending home large sums of money.
V2256 McAfee, Mildred H
Horton, Mildred H
183626 First Director of the WAVES
V1890 McAuliffe, Anthony Army general who commanded the 101st Airborne during the Battle of
Bastogne, Belgium (during the Battle of the Bulge, WWII). His troops
were surrounded and the Germans demanded their surrender. His
reply to General Heinrich von Luettwitz is remembered as "NUTS!!",
though he and others have stated it was actually something stronger.
His forces were able to hold off the Germans until reinforcements
V2711 McCaffrey, Barry R Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (Drug Policy)
V2883 McCain, John S 5368 Navy Admiral. Commander of the Fast Carrier Task Force during
V1605 McCain, John S, III Arizona Representative 1983-87. Senator 1987- . October 26, 1967
taken as POW in North Vietnam. Returned March 14, 1973.
V2882 McCain, John S, Jr
McCain, Jack
Navy Admiral. Father of Arizona Senator John McCain, III and son of
John McCain, Sr, also a Naval Admiral.
V2343 McCain, Marvin R 14746330 June 20, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
recovered August 17, 1973
V3346 McCampbell, David 72487 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action on June 19, 1944 when he
shot down 7 Japanese planes during the Battle of Philippine Sea; and
October 24, 1944 when he shot down 9.
V1500 McCandless, Alfred
McCandless, Al
53656 California Representative 1983-95
V1839 McCandless, Bruce 71628 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action at Iron Bottom Sound, off
Savo Island, Solomon Island group. McCandless was the
communication officer on the USS San Francisco when it was
engaged in battle against the Japanese. When a particularly vicious
attack killed or wounded most of the upper command around him, he
assumed command and ordered course and fire against the enemy.
His actions helped to seal a victory and saw the ship returned safely to
V3425 McCandless, Bruce II Astronaut. First untethered, free flight using the Manned Maneuvering
V2691 McCarley, Eugene C Commanded SOG Company which conducted "Operation Tailwind" in
September 1970. Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed
for reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a
larger operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation
received negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve
gas during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V3701 McCarter, William J 34675988 Execution. Hanged for the murder of a soldier in France. ETO
V2266 McCarthy, Frank Military Aide to George C. Marshall
V1496 McCarthy, Joseph R 12588 Wisconsin Senator 1947-57. 1950 made speech to Republican
Women's Club of Wheeling, West Virginia in which he accused the
government of employing numerous communist sympathizers, fitting
into the Second Red Scare 1948-56. In 1954, the Senate condemned
McCarthy for dishonorable/disreputable conduct.
V2446 McCaul, Verne J 3987 Twenty-sixth Assistant Commandant USMC 1957-59
V3054 McClary, Patrick C
McClary, Clebe
102130 Motivational and Inspirational Speaker who lost his left arm and eye on
patrol in Vietnam. He spent over two years in hospitals and underwent
over 30 major surgeries.
V438 McClellan, John L X00022596 Arkansas Representative 1935-39. Senator 1943-77
V598 McClory, Robert 239220 Illinois Representative 1963-83
V597 McClory, Robert 239220 Illinois Representative 1963-83
V1247 McCloskey, Francis X
McCloskey, Frank
13609326 Mayor of Bloomington, Indiana 1972-82. Indiana Representative
1983-85, 1985-95
V572 McCloskey, Paul N, Jr 1141513 California Representative 1967-83
V570 McCloskey, Paul N, Jr 7365885 California Representative 1967-83
V571 McCloskey, Paul N, Jr 50232 California Representative 1967-83
V573 McCloskey, Paul N, Jr 7365885 California Representative 1967-83
V724 McCloskey, Robert J 452880 Ambassador to Cyprus 1973-74, 1974-75, Netherlands 1976-78,
Greece 1978-81
V725 McCloskey, Robert J 452880 Ambassador to Cyprus 1973-74, 1974-75, Netherlands 1976-78,
Greece 1978-81
V3964 McCloud, Ellis 34052264 Execution. Hanged for shooting an officer with a rifle.
V2742 McCloy, John 3933 Assistant Secretary of War 1941. President of the World Bank 1947-
49. Chairman of the Ford Foundation 1958-65. United States High
Commissioner for Germany 1949-52. Chief Disarmament Adviser
1961. Member of the Warren Commission in the 1960's.
V1377 McClure, James A 5542078 Idaho Representative 1967-73. Senator 1973-91
V1922 McClusky, Clarence
McClusky, C. Wade, Jr
60447 Command of the Fighting Squadron Six (VF-6) on the USS Enterprise
during WWII. Later in the war, he commanded the escort carrier
V157 McCollister, John Y 268504 Nebraska Representative 1971-77
V1589 McConkey, Philip J Football Player. Played for the New York Giants 1984-88, Phoenix
Cardinals 1989, and San Diego Chargers 1989
V2503 McConnell, Addison M,
McConnell, Mitch
15767801 Kentucky Senator 1985-
V2874 McConnell, John P Chief of Staff of the Air Force 1965-69
V3358 McCool, Richard M 389817 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action on June 10-11, 1945 off the
coast of Okinawa aboard the USS LSC (L)(3)122. He aided in the
evacuation of sinking destroyer. When enemy planes threatened
suicide actions, he orders his guns against them, shooting one down
and damaging a second before it crashed into his ship. He quickly
rallied his men to begin fire-fighting measures, and helped evacuate
men himself despite severe burns and wounds.
V439 McCormack, Claude G
McCormack, Mike
1329028 Washington Representative 1971-81
V3429 McCormick, Robert R 73080
Publisher of the Chicago Tribune
V3360 McCoy, Richard F Similar to D. B. Cooper. McCoy hijacked a commercial airliner on April
7, 1972 and escaped by parachute. Arrested and convicted, he
escaped prison in August and was killed in a shootout with the FBI.
V318 McCulloch, William 535545 Ohio Representative 1947-73
V1952 McCurdy, David K Oklahoma Representative 1981-95
V2450 McCutcheon, Keith B 5631 Thirty-second Assistant Commandant USMC 1971
V1698 McDermott, James A
McDermott, Jim
682644 Washington Representative 1989-
V859 McDonald, Alonzo L 1087422 Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations--Rank of
V925 McDonald, Alonzo L 1087422 Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations--Rank of
V657 McDonald, Lawrence
McDonald, Larry
612451 Georgia Representative 1975-83. Killed when the Korean Airlines jet
he was a passenger on was shot down by the Soviet military over the
Sea of Japan.
V658 McDonald, Lawrence
McDonald, Larry
612451 Georgia Representative 1975-83. Killed when the Korean Airlines jet
he was a passenger on was shot down by the Soviet military over the
Sea of Japan.
V1996 McDonnell, Robert J 2222264 Died while on "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly
were lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near
the Kamchatka Peninsula.
V2436 McDougal, Douglas C 625 Tenth Assistant Commandant USMC 1933-34
V440 McEwen, Robert C 12140310 New York Representative 1965-81
V441 McFall, John J 39399632 California Representative 1957-79
V1539 McFarlane, Robert C
McFarlane, Bud
National Security Advisor 1983-85. Heavily involved in the Iran-Contra
Affair. 1987 attempted suicide by overdosing on Valium. 1988
pleaded guilty to four counts of withholding information from Congress
and sentenced to two years' probation and a $20,000 fine. Pardoned
December 1992 by President Bush.
V3422 McFerrin, Robert K 36388326
V3965 McGann, Theron W 39332102 Execution. Hanged for the rape of a woman in France. ETO
V3787 McGhee, Shelton 34529025 Execution. Hanged for shooting another soldier. Italy, MTO
V3185 McGinty, John J, III Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions in the Republic of
Vietnam July 18, 1966. McGinty's platoon was providing cover for a
withdrawing force and had been under fire for three days. The enemy
launched a fierce 4 hour attack during which McGinty continually
rallied his men. When two squads became separated from the
platoon, he rushed through enemy fire to their position. While tending
the wounded, he shouted encouragement and directed their fire until
the enemy was forced to withdraw.
V3186 McGinty, John J, III Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions in the Republic of
Vietnam July 18, 1966. McGinty's platoon was providing cover for a
withdrawing force and had been under fire for three days. The enemy
launched a fierce 4 hour attack during which McGinty continually
rallied his men. When two squads became separated from the
platoon, he rushed through enemy fire to their position. While tending
the wounded, he shouted encouragement and directed their fire until
the enemy was forced to withdraw.
V3322 McGovern, Daniel A Film producer and photographer in charge of all film created in Japan
at Nagasaki and Hiroshima of the effects of atomic bombs
V442 McGovern, George S 721153 South Dakota Representative 1957-61. Senator 1963-81. Author of
The Third Freedom: Ending Hunger in Our Time (2001); Terry: My
Daughter's Life-and -Death Struggle with Alcoholism (1996);
Grassroots: The Autobiography of George McGovern (1977)
V97 McGowan, Carl E 193620 Judge of US Court of Appeals for DC Circuit 1963-86
V96 McGowan, Carl E 193620 Judge of US Court of Appeals for DC Circuit 1963-86
V3070 McGowan, William G 13212603 Founder of telecommunications giant MCI
V1639 McGrady, Samme W 2722522 Record recovered from USS Arizona
V3252 McGraw, Frank E, Jr
McGraw, Tug
2111858 Major League baseball relief pitcher. Played for the New York Mets
and Philadelphia Phillies, compiling 180 saves in his career. Inducted
into the New York Mets Hall of Fame 1993. Father of country music
singer Tim McGraw
V2376 McGuire, Fred H 1325008 Philippine Insurrection Medal of Honor awarded for action at Mundang
on Basilan Island, Philippine Islands on September 24, 1911. While
part of a group ordered to take a station, his unit was ambushed by
enemy troops. McGuire called for help, then charged the position. He
emptied his rifle into the attacker then proceeded to use it as a club
until reinforcements arrived. Despite wounds he, himself suffered, he
administered first aid to the wounded and is credited with saving the
lives of at least two men.
V2285 McGuire, James H 920436 Dismissed from service due to theft, looting, and black market
activities in Europe
V91 McGuire, Ralph J 173522 Ambassador to Mali 1973
V90 McGuire, Ralph J 173522 Ambassador to Mali 1973
V2458 McHugh, Thomas J 268302 Third Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps 1962-65
V3491 McIlvain, William
632 Early Marine Aviator
V3465 McKeon, Matthew C 668581 Drill Instructor at Parris Island who led his platoon in a "punishment"
march into Ribbon Creek, resulting in the death of 6 of his "boots,"
4/8/1956. Court martialed yet not discharged or sent to prison.
Served until 1959 at a reduced rank.
V1480 McKernan, John R, Jr 6462680 Maine Representative 1983-87. Governor 1987-95
V676 McKesson, John A, III 235884 Ambassador to Gabon 1970-75. Department of the State 1947-77
V675 McKesson, John A, III 235884 Ambassador to Gabon 1970-75. Department of the State 1947-77
V1619 McKinley, Brunson Ambassador to Haiti 1986-89
V584 McKinney, Stewart B 11231364 Connecticut Representative 1971-87
V3168 McKinnis, Henry H, Jr
Hunter, Jeffrey
9603980 TV and movie actor. Works include: Fourteen Hours, The Searchers,
The Last Hurrah, The Longest Day, Captain Christopher Pike in the
pilot of Star Trek, Brainstorm, and King of Kings.
V585 McKneally, Martin B 1000416 New York Representative 1969-71
V1385 McKone, John R Was lost and presumed dead in crash during espionage flight July 1,
1960 in Barents Sea Area. Flight with John R McKone and Freeman
B. Olmstead captured and imprisoned in Lebyanka Prison, Moscow.
Released January 1961.
V2453 McLennan, Kenneth Thirty-Seventh Assistant Commandant USMC 1979-81
V529 McLucas, John L 295048 Department of Defense 1962-64, 1969-73. Secretary of the Air Force
V528 McLucas, John L 295048 Department of Defense 1962-64, 1969-73. Secretary of the Air Force
V1497 McMahon, Edward L,
36713 Announcer for Johnny Carson's Tonight Show. Hosted Star Search.
Movies include: The Incident, Fun With Dick and Jane, Full Moon
High, and Butterfly
V2929 McMahon, Edward L,
7059367 Announcer for Johnny Carson's Tonight Show. Hosted Star Search.
Movies include: The Incident, Fun With Dick and Jane, Full Moon
High, and Butterfly
V3391 McMahon, Patrick
5626726 Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk. Kennedy towed him to
safety by clenching the strap of McMahon's life vest between his teeth.
V1331 McManaway, Clayton
E, Jr
546408 Ambassador to Haiti 1983-86
V660 McMichael, Guy H 55745738 Chief Counsel in VA
V2163 McMillan, Isiah March 11, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 16,
V1481 McMillan, John A, III
McMillan, J. Alex
53246961 North Carolina Representative 1985-95
V1194 McMillan, John L 1335115 South Carolina Representative 1939-73
V1409 McMinn, Douglas W Assistant Secretary Department of State
V2164 McMurray, Cordine July 12, 1967 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V3719 McMurray, Fred A 38184335 Execution. Hanged for shooting a woman and raping two others in
Italy. MTO
V2165 McMurry, William G February 7, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
16, 1973.
V500 032 McNair, Lesley J 1891 Army General. He was killed near St. Lo during Operation Cobra, by a
misplaced Allied aerial bombardment. He was known largely for his
training skills, which are related in Louisiana Maneuvers, a book by
Chris Gabel.
V1584 McNamara, Robert S 885931 Secretary of Defense 1961-68. President of the World Bank 1968-81
V3043 McNarney, Joseph T Commanding General, US Forces in the European Theater and
Commander in Chief, US Forces of Occupation of Germany 1945-47
V1332 McNary, Gene 16650486 Chief Executive St. Louis County, Mo
V3122 McNiece, James E
McNiece, Jake
18131236 Served with 506th Parachute Infantry, 101st AB Division throughout
the war. Author and subject of WWII Memoir The Filthy Thirteen
V32 McNutt, Paul V 122001 Indiana Governor 1933-37. High Commissioner to the Philippines.
Ambassador to Philippines 1946-47. Head of the War Manpower
Commission. Director of Defense.
V2938 McQuain, Charles Roy 35261935 One of 11 McQuain Brothers in WWII
V2944 McQuain, Dennis Gene 79019830 One of 11 McQuain Brothers in WWII
V2941 McQuain, George
7557504 One of 11 McQuain Brothers in WWII
V2945 McQuain, Harry Paul 756461 One of 11 McQuain Brothers in WWII
V2936 McQuain, Herbert Lee 8281286 One of 11 McQuain Brothers in WWII
V2940 McQuain, John Albert 6987240 One of 11 McQuain Brothers in WWII
V2934 McQuain, Porter Ray 15411083 One of 11 McQuain Brothers in WWII
V2939 McQuain, Samuel
35743775 One of 11 McQuain Brothers in WWII
V2942 McQuain, Thomas
McQuain, Jack
35262036 One of 11 McQuain Brothers in WWII
V2937 McQuain, William
6028495 One of 11 McQuain Brothers in WWII
V400 006 McQueen, Terrance S
McQueen, Steve
649015 Actor. Works include: Wanted: Dead or Alive, The Blob, The
Magnificent Seven, The Great Escape, and Bullitt. McQueen was also
a motorcycle and racecar enthusiast. He was inducted into the
Motorcycle Hall of Fame posthumously in 1999
V576 McSpadden, Clem R 8851996
Oklahoma Representative 1973-75
V574 McSpadden, Clem R 8851996
Oklahoma Representative 1973-75
V1838 McTureous, Robert M,
997525 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions on Okinawa June 7, 1945.
McTureous saw a group of stretcher bearers come under enemy fire
while attempting to evacuate wounded from the field. He charged the
enemy caves, throwing grenades in an attempt to cease the hostile
fire. He continued his one-man assault until he was too wounded to
V1813 McVay, Charles B, III 20240 Commanding officer of the USS Indianapolis when it was lost at sea in
1945. He was blamed for the incident and finally committed suicide.
Congress posthumously exonerated him 2000. The Indianapolis had
just dropped off the parts and material for the atomic bombs to Tinian
when she was attacked by Japanese submarine I-58 and sank. About
900 men survived the attack to wait in the water for rescue. The
rescue did not come for five days. Between the sharks and lack of
supplies, only 316 survived to be rescued.
V2988 McVeigh, Timothy J Domestic terrorist who, with Terry Nichols, was responsible for the
Oklahoma City bombing April 19, 1995 that killed 167 individuals at the
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. McVeigh was executed by lethal
injection June 11, 2001 at the US Federal Penitentiary in Terre Haute,
V3871 McWilliams, John D 406275 Connecticut Representative 1943-45
V3181 Meader, Abbott V
Meader, Vaughn
12441301 Comedian and impersonator who rose to fame with The First Family,
an album spoofing President Kennedy. His career faded with the
Kennedy assassination
V2621 Meadlo, Paul D Soldier involved, as a major shooter, in the My Lai massacre March
16, 1968
V2294 Meador, Joe T Serviceman who stole the Quedinburg church treasures as well as
other objects d' art at the end of WWII. The matter of the theft was
eventually settled out of court in the 1990's
V1640 Mecham, Evan 781951 Arizona Governor 1987-88. Indicted 1988 on six felony counts of
perjury and filing a false campaign report, specifically of failing to
report a $350,000 loan to his campaign by Barry Wolfson, a real estate
developer. He was later acquitted of the charges. Impeached
February 5, 1988 on charges of obstructing justice and illegally lending
state money to his business. Convicted and removed from office April
4, 1988.
V2344 Medaris, Rick E 54985962 November 4, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
recovered/ returned July 9, 1973.
V2619 Medina, Ernest l Commanding Officer of HHC and Co C 1/20 11th Infantry Brigade,
American Division during the My Lai Massacre March 16, 1968.
Calley's CO.
V772 Meeds, Edwin L
Meeds, Lloyd
3876658 Washington Representative 1965-79
V2523 Meese, Edwin, III
Meese, Ed
US Attorney General 1985-88. Advisor to Ronald Reagan as both
Governor of California and President.
V2445 Megee, Vernon E 3772 Twenty-fifth Assistant Commandant USMC 1956-57
V3416 Mehrer, Gustav December 25, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
March 16, 1973
V2166 Mehrer, Gustav December 25, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
March 16, 1973
V2345 Mein, Michael H 11972788 November 30, 1968 taken as POW in Laos. Remains
returned/recovered March 26, 1989
V443 Melcher, John D Montana Representative 1969-77. Senator 1977-89
V83 Meloy, Francis E 126428 Ambassador to Dominican Republic 1969-73; Guatemala 1973-76;
Lebanon 1976, Assassinated in Beirut, Lebanon.
V82 Meloy, Francis E 126428 Ambassador to Dominican Republic 1969-73; Guatemala 1973-76;
Lebanon 1976, Assassinated in Beirut, Lebanon.
V731 Mendenhall, Joseph 33101502 Ambassador to Malagasy Republic 1972-75
V1168 Menjou, Adolph X00021890 Actor. Works include: The Sheik, The Blue Envelope Mystery, The
Three Musketeers, A Woman of Paris, and The Front Page.
V2915 Meoni, Brenda S
Warner, Brenda
Carney, Brenda
Wife of Quarterback Kurt Warner
V3879 Meredith, James H 16379456 First African American student at the University of Mississippi. Author.
Works include: Mississippi: A Volume of Eleven Books and Three
Years in Mississippi
V2821 Merriam, Gordon P X00072999 Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs. Member of the
Secretary's Policy Planning staff. Helped to draft the text of the
Truman Doctrine.
V3786 Merrill, D. Bailey 1179535 Indiana Representative 1953-55
V2556 Meservey, Robert P
Preston, Robert
575591 Actor. Films include: The Music Man, Mack and Mabel, Mame,
Victor/Victoria, and Outrage!
V3878 Meskill, Thomas J, Jr 2219294 US Judge for the Court of Appeals 1975-93. Mayor of New Britain,
Connecticut 1965-66. Representative 1967-71, Governor 1971-75
V2820 Metcalf, Jack H 19196848 Washington Representative 1995-2001
V444 Metcalf, Lee 1824895 Montana Representative 1953-61. Senator 1961-78
V445 Metcalfe, Ralph H 1947513 Won gold, silver and bronze Olympic medals in 1932 and 1936.
Illinois Representative 1971-78
V2396 Meyer, Edward C Army Chief of Staff 1979-83
V3870 Meyer, Herbert Alton 150869 Kansas Representative 1947-50
V3823 Meyer, Russell C
Meyer, Russ
36479101 Baseball player. Chicago Cubs 1946-48, Philadelphia Phillies 1949-
52, Brooklyn Dodgers 1953-55, Boston Red Sox 1957, Kansas City
Athletics 1959
V1638 Meyers, Bennett E 11293 Major General. Dismissed from the service of the United States on
July 16, 1948 pursuant to Article of War 118.
V2469 Michael, Harry J 929268 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions near
Neiderzerf, Germany on March 14, 1945. Michael was the leader of a
rifle platoon that was assaulting a wooded area near the village of
Neiderzerf. Over three days, he led his platoon in the assault,
destroying machine gun nests and artillery pieces as well as capturing
well over 80 Germans before he was shot and killed.
V1626 Michaelis, John H General Officer. 101st Airborne Division 1944-45. Aide to Eisenhower
1947-48. 27th Infantry 1950. 25th Infantry 1950-51
V446 Michel, Robert H 36447708 Administrative assistant to US Rep Harold Velde 1949-56. Illinois
Representative 1957-95. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom
V3539 Michels, James R 937616 Part of Iwo Jima 1st flag raising
V3348 Michelson, Albert
35979 Awarded Nobel Prize in Physics 1907 for his work in measuring the
speed of light. The first American citizen to received the Nobel Prize
in the Sciences. Worked on development of a range finder and
binoculars for night time use for the Navy during WWI.
V3943 Michener, Earl C X00113076 Michigan Representative 1919-33, 1935-51
V1556 Michener, James A 230897 Author. Works include: Tales of the South Pacific, Hawaii, The
Drifters, Centennial, The Source, Chesapeake, and Caribbean
V3604 Mickles, Garlon 38510084 Execution. Hanged for rape and theft while in Guam, Marianas
Islands. Execution took place at Schofield Barracks, Oahn, Territory
of Hawaii
V910 Middendorf, John
William, II
Secretary of the Navy 1974-77
V909 Middendorf, John
William, II
Secretary of the Navy 1974-77
V2510 Middleton, Troy Commanded VIII Corps during the Battle of the Bulge. President of
V518 Mikva, Abner J 2090603 Illinois Representative 1969-73, 1975-79 (different Districts) Judge of
US Court of Appeals 1979-.
V2052 Mildren, Frank T Four Star General. Commanded units in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.
V296 Milford, Homer D
Milford, Dale
1341564 Texas Representative 1973-79
V600 002 Miller, Alton G
Miller, Glenn
505273 Jazz musician and band leader during the swing era. Among his most
noted recordings are: "In the Mood", "Tuxedo Junction", "Chattanooga
Choo Choo", "Moonlight Serenade", and "Pennsylvania 6-5000".
Leader of the American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force when
he disappeared on-route to Paris to play for the troops there.
V3873 Miller, Arthur Lewis
Miller, A. L.
2678057 Nebraska Representative 1943-59
V200 004 Miller, Doris
Miller, Dorie
3561235 African American cook in the Navy during the attack on Pearl Harbor.
He was aboard the West Virginia when the attack came. He took
control of an unattended .50 caliber anti-aircraft gun and began firing
at the Japanese planes, downing at least one of them before he ran
out of ammunition and was ordered to abandon ship.
V674 Miller, Edward B 252369 Chairman, National Labor Relations Board 1970-74
V3959 Miller, Forrest Newton 3414814 Died on the USS Arizona when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor
V3588 Miller, Gary G 18853510 California Representative 1999-
V300 Miller, George P 207671 California Representative 1945-73
V2167 Miller, Roger A April 15, 1970 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V3867 Miller, Thomas
147064 Delaware Representative 1915-17. Alien Property Custodian 1921-25.
Spent 18 months in a Federal Penitentiary for conspiring to defraud
the government.
V3050 Miller, Wayne F 122998 Navy Combat photographer WWII
V2714 Miller, Zell B 1432893 Lieutenant Governor of Georgia 1975-81. Governor of Georgia 1991-
99. Senator 2000-05
V2765 Millett, Lewis L Korean Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Soam-Ni, Korea on
February 7, 1951. While leading his company, he noted a platoon
pinned down by enemy fire. He ordered a bayonet charge up the hill
and led him men through the charge even when wounded by grenade
V3868 Millikin, Eugene D 185415 Colorado Senator 1941-57
V2511 Millikin, John 2856 Commanding Officer 6th Cavalry Regiment 1939-40. Commanding
General 2nd Cavalry Division 1941. Commanding General 33rd
Division, New Guinea 1941-43. Commanding General III Corps,
North-West Europe 1943-45 (Battle of the Bulge). Commanding
General 13th Armored Division, North-West Europe 1945. Retired
V3495 Milling, Thomas D 2620 Early Army Aviator
V506 Mineta, Norman Y Mayor of San Jose, California 1971-74. California Representative
1975-95. Secretary of Commerce 2000-01. Secretary of
Transportation 2001-
V447 Minish, Joseph G 20302075 New Jersey Representative 1963-85
V3767 Minner, Paul E 3343385 Baseball player. Knoxville Smokies, Dodgers 1946-49, Chicago Cubs
V319 Minshall, William E 454447 Ohio Representative 1955-74
V2781 Minton, Denver G Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V500 026 Minton, Sherman 119273 Indiana Senator 1935-41. Judge of US Court of Appeals for the 7th
Circuit 1941-49. Justice of US Supreme Court 1949-56
V3768 Miranda, Alex F 39297382 Execution. Shot for murder of an officer. England. ETO
V176 Mitchell, Donald J 363885 New York Representative 1973-83
V177 Mitchell, Donald J 363885 New York Representative 1973-83
V1454 Mitchell, George J 4036650 Judge of US District Court 1979-80. Maine Senator 1980-95.
Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom March 17, 1999
V146 Mitchell, James L 670553 Under Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development
1973-74, 1974-75. Department of Commerce 1972-73. Office of
Management and Budget 1975-77.
V339 Mitchell, John N 324736 US Attorney General 1969-72. A central figure in the Watergate
scandal, convicted and served time in prison
V292 Mitchell, John N 324736 US Attorney General 1969-72. A central figure in the Watergate
scandal, convicted and served time in prison
V1919 Mitchell, John W Led 16 P-38 Lightenings on a mission to intercept the aircraft
containing Isoroku Yamamoto April 18, 1943. Yamamoto's plane was
shot down over Bougainville, no one survived. Admiral Ugaki,
Yamamoto's chief of staff was in a second plane, also shot down, but
V448 Mitchell, Parren J 1323895 Maryland Representative 1971-87
V3755 Mitchell, William Dewitt 4743372 Attorney General 1929-33
V600 006 Mitchell, William L
Mitchell, Billy
63 General. Commanded all American air combat units in France during
WWI. Planned and led the air phase of the Battle of Saint-Mihiel.
Advocated the development of bombsights, ski-equipped aircraft,
engine superchargers and aerial torpedoes. Mitchell predicted future
war with Japan, including the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1924. His
report, for the most part, was ignored.
V1117 Mitchum, Robert
Charles Durman
39744068 Actor and Singer. Songs include: "River of No Return", The Night of
the Hunter", Calypso--Is Like So...", and "The Ballad of Thunder Road"
Movies include: Nevada, The Story of G.I. Joe, West of the Pecos, Till
the End of Time, The Locket, Pursued, Out of the Past, Cape Fear,
and Crossfire.
V3068 Mitscher, Marc A 7591 Naval Admiral. Commander of the Fast Carrier Task Force in the
Pacific during the latter half of WWII. Commander of the Hornet
during the Doolittle Raid in 1942.
V320 Mizell, Wilmer D 53209732 North Carolina Representative 1969-75. Professional baseball player,
pitcher for 9 seasons (1952 to 1953, 1956 to 1962) with the St. Louis
Cardinals, Pittsburgh Pirates, New York Mets, and the Chicago White
Sox. Career totals were 90 Wins-88 Losses, 268 Games Pitched,
918 Strike Outs, and a 3.85 career ERA.
V1372 Moakley, John F 192055
V664 Moakley, John J 7618463 Massachusetts Representative 1973-2001
V701 Moakley, John J 7618463 Massachusetts Representative 1973-2001
V2806 Mohamed, Ali A 70707686 Associate of Osama Bin Laden--terrorist leader thought to be
mastermind of US Embassy bombings in Africa. In 2000, he pled
guilty to five counts of conspiracy to kill nationals of the US, to murder
and kidnap, and to destroy US property.
V1514 Molinari, Guy V 1214587 New York Representative 1981-90. Borough president of Staten
Island, New York 1990-2001
V1455 Mollohan, Alan B West Virginia Representative 1983-
V2914 Momsen, Charles 56064 Invented the Momsen Lung used for deep sea rescue. May 1939 he
directed the rescue of the crew of the Squalus. The Lung consists of a
canister of soda lime and two tubes running from the canister
(strapped around the waist) to a mouth piece. The submariner
exhaled in one tube and inhaled through the other. The soda lime
removed carbon dioxide from the exhaled air and replaced it with
V449 Mondale, Fritz W
Mondale, Walter
55146358 Minnesota Senator 1964-76. Vice President of the United States
1977-81. Ambassador to Japan 1993.
V2002 Monserrat, Miguel W 13164064 Died while on "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly
were lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near
the Kamchatka Peninsula.
V1755 Montgomery, Gillespie
Montgomery, Sonny
514367 Mississippi Representative 1967-97. Awarded Presidential Medal of
Freedom November 9, 2005
V2546 Montgomery, Gillespie
Montgomery, Sonny
514367 Mississippi Representative 1967-97. Awarded Presidential Medal of
Freedom November 9, 2005
V2074 Montgomery, Henry, Jr
Montgomery, Robert
108044 Actor and Director. Works include: So This is College, Private Lives,
Night Must Fall, Here Comes Mr. Jordan, and Lady in the Lake. He is
the father of actress Elizabeth Montgomery (Bewitched) and
grandfather of Belinda Montgomery
V2485 Montgomery, Jack C 2055139 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Padiglione, Italy on
February 22, 1944. When a strong enemy force attacked his platoon's
position, Montgomery single-handedly attacked the enemy forces
which had divided into three different sections. His actions accounted
for 11 enemy dead, 32 prisoners, and untold wounded.
V2519 Monti, Martin J
Weithaupt, Martin
Monti went AWOL October 1944 and flew to Milan in a stolen P-38
and surrendered to the Germans. May of 1945, he surrendered to US
Forces in Italy, he was wearing his SS uniform with a German P-38
pistol and ammunition. August 1945 was the beginning of his court
martial; he was found guilty of going AWOL and the theft of a P-38 and
sentenced to 15 years hard labor. 1946, Truman remitted the
unexecuted portion of Monti's sentence effective upon Monti's
enlistment in the Army as a private. November 1946, Monti was
identified as Weithaupt and his activities in Germany came to light.
August 1948 he was discharged from the Army and picked up by the
FBI. Monti was charged with treason in 1948 and jailed. He was
paroled in 1960.
V2003 Moore, David L 15229915 Died while on "Raven" flight over Sea of Japan. Twelve crew reportly
were lost when their plane what shot down by Russian fighters near
the Kamchatka Peninsula.
V3589 Moore, Dennis W Kansas Representative 1999-
V3020 Moore, Harold G
Moore, Hal
401162390 Commander of the 1st battalion at the Battle of la Drang, November
14-16, 1965. Portrayed in We Were Soldiers which is based on
Moore's book We Were Soldiers Once…And Young
V3769 Moore, Terry Bluford 10200253 Baseball player. St. Louis Cardinals 1935-42, 1946-48. Coached
Cardinals and managed the Philadelphia Phillies
V338 Moore, William H Louisiana Representative 1975-87. Senator 1986
V245 Moorer, Thomas H Was one of the first aviators to take to the air in response to the
Japanese attack December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor. Advanced
rapidly after the war, Captain 1950; Rear Admiral 1957; Commander
of Pacific Fleet 1964; Commander of Atlantic Fleet 1965 (first naval
officer to command both Pacific and Atlantic Fleets). Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff 1970. Awarded various medals, military, civilian
as well as decorated by 13 foreign governments.
V230 Moorer, Thomas H Was one of the first aviators to take to the air in response to the
Japanese attack December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor. Advanced
rapidly after the war, Captain 1950; Rear Admiral 1957; Commander
of Pacific Fleet 1964; Commander of Atlantic Fleet 1965 (first naval
officer to command both Pacific and Atlantic Fleets). Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff 1970. Awarded various medals, military, civilian
as well as decorated by 13 foreign governments.
V2544 Moorhead, Carlos J 1332291 California Representative 1973-97
V268 Moorhead, William S,
338804 Pennsylvania Representative 1959-81
V346 Moorhead, William S,
338804 Pennsylvania Representative 1959-81
V2364 Moorman, Frank D 11763879 January 23, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
recovered/ returned January 27, 1969.
V3133 Moreell, Ben 16718 Chief of Navy's Bureau of Yards and Docks and of the Civil Engineer
Corps. Founded the Seabees in 1941
V2346 Moreira, Ralph A, Jr 52864742 March 5, 1971 taken as POW in Laos. Remains returned/ recovered
January 10, 1990.
V1139 Morgan, Robert B 456753 North Carolina Senator 1978-81
V1559 Morgan, Robert B North Carolina Senator 1978-81
V1161 Morgan, Robert B North Carolina Senator 1978-81
V1823 Morgan, Robert K Commander of the Memphis Belle B-17. Morgan died at an air show
when he fell off the entry ladder of a B-17 and hit his head on the
pavement. The Memphis Belle flew 148 hours in the European
Theater and dropped 60 tons of bombs.
V2455 Morgan, Thomas R Fortieth Assistant Commandant USMC 1986-88
V3202 Morgan, William D 2337025 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at
Vandegrift Combat Base in Quang Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam
on February 25, 1969. While participating in Operation Dewey
Canyon, one squad in Morgan's platoon got pinned down by enemy
fire and began taking casualties. Observing two wounded men in an
exposed position, Morgan assaulted the enemy bunker, allowing the
men to be retrieved and the enemy position to be taken. He was
mortally wounded in his charge.
V3201 Morgan, William D 2337025 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at
Vandegrift Combat Base in Quang Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam
on February 25, 1969. While participating in Operation Dewey
Canyon, one squad in Morgan's platoon got pinned down by enemy
fire and began taking casualties. Observing two wounded men in an
exposed position, Morgan assaulted the enemy bunker, allowing the
men to be retrieved and the enemy position to be taken. He was
mortally wounded in his charge.
V1859 Morris, Bert D, Jr
Morris, Wayne
109771 Actor. Films include: Paths of Glory, Kid Galahad, Beyond the Law,
and Flight Angels
V1200 Morris, Thomas G 3560822 New Mexico Representative 1959-69
V1456 Morrison, Sidney W
Morrison, Sid
1924399 Washington Representative 1981-93
V200 009 Morrow, Victor
Morrow, Vic
2270622 Actor and director. Works include: Blackboard Jungle and COMBAT!
Killed while filming Twilight Zone: The Movie. A helicopter being used
spun out of control, crashed, and killed Morrow and the two children
on the set with him.
V321 Morse, Frank B 1950019 Massachusetts Representative 1961-72
V2410 Moseley, Robert O
Madison, Guy
5640479 Actor. Works include: Since You Went Away, The Adventures of Wild
Bill Hickok, Till the End of Time and Honeymoon
V2409 Moseley, Robert O
Madison, Guy
5640479 Actor. Works include: Since You Went Away, The Adventures of Wild
Bill Hickok, Till the End of Time and Honeymoon
V232 Moss, Frank E Utah Senator 1959-77. The Federal courthouse in Salt Lake City is
named for him.
V365 Moss, John E 8868853 California Representative 1953-78.
V364 Moss, John E 8868853 California Representative 1953-78.
V450 Moss, John E California Representative 1953-78.
V362 Moss, John E 39414277 California Representative 1953-78.
V2557 Mostel, Samuel J
Mostel, Zero
32816776 Stage actor and comic. Works include: The Front, A Funny Thing
Happened on the Way to the Forum, Fiddler on the Roof, Ulysses in
Nighttown, and Rhinoceros. Was called to testify before the House
Un-American Activities Committee October 1955 but did not
cooperate. He was blacklisted for several years.
V844 Moynihan, Daniel P 7965442
Ambassador to India 1973-75. US Representative to United Nations
1975-76. New York Senator 1977-2001
V843 Moynihan, Daniel P 7965442
Ambassador to India 1973-75. US Representative to United Nations
1975-76. New York Senator 1977-2001
V1709 Mrazek, Robert J New York Representative 1983-93
V2687 Muchnick, Sam 37184115 Professional wrestling promoter. President of National Wrestling
Alliance 1950-60, 1963-75.
V2989 Mueller, Robert S, III 105600 Assistant United States Attorney 1982. Assistant to Attorney General
1989. United States Attorney in San Francisco 1998-2001. Acting
Deputy Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice
2001. FBI Director 2001- .
V2890 Mundy, Carl E, Jr Thirtieth Commandant of Marine Corps 1991-95
V2447 Munn, John C 4273 Twenty-seventh Assistant Commandant USMC 1960-63
V300 001 Munro, Douglas A 217739 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Point
Cruz, Guadalcanal on September 27, 1942. Munro was aiding the
evacuation of a battalion of Marines who had become trapped by
Japanese forces. He led five craft toward the shore and ordered the
others to land and load up. He used his craft to draw the Japanese
fire and act as a shield for the evacuation. He was killed by enemy
fire. Munro is the only Medal of Honor recipient from the Coast Guard.
V3860 Murff, John R 38411766 Baseball player. Milwaukee Braves 1956
V1707 Murkowski, Frank H 2043017 Alaska Representative 1970. Senator 1981-2002. Governor 2002-
V500 009 Murphy, Audie L 1692509 Actor, author, and songwriter. Works include (western): Bad Boy,
Beyond Glory, To Hell and Back, and The Unforgiven. Most decorated
Army soldier of WWII. WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near
Holtzwihr, France on January 26, 1945. When his company was
attacked by German forces, he ordered his men to withdraw into the
woods while he remained at his command post and directed artillery
fire. When they continued their advance, Murphy climbed on a
burning tank to use its machine gun to hold the Germans back until he
ran out of ammunition. His actions helped ensure the woods were not
lost to the Germans.
V1499 Murphy, Austin J 571426 Pennsylvania Representative 1977-95
V2198 Murphy, Frank
Murphy, William
476227 US Supreme Court Justice 1940-49. Mayor of Detroit 1930-33.
Governor of Michigan 1937-39. Governor-General of the Philippines
1933-35. High Commissioner of the Philippines 1935-36. United
States Attorney General 1939-40.
V2529 Murphy, John M 64229256 New York Representative 1963-81. Implicated in the Abscam sting, in
which FBI agents impersonating Arab businessmen offered bribes to
political figures. Indicted June 18 and convicted December 3, 1980 of
conspiracy, conflict of interest, and accepting an illegal gratuity.
Sentenced to three years in prison and fined $20,000 and paroled in
V274 Murphy, Morgan F 69302 Illinois Representative 1971-81
V3184 Murphy, Raymond G
Murphy, Jerry
54837 Korean Medal of Honor awarded for actions in Korea February 3,
1953. Murphy was leading an evacuation platoon to support assault
units engaging entrenched enemy forces. Though wounded by mortar
fire, he refused to be evacuated, rather directed the evacuation and
helped carry wounded from the field. When reinforcements were
needed by the assault units, he directed part of his unit to aid. Upon
achieving the base of the hill, he organized a final search party,
determined not to leave any Marines behind.
V1842 Murray, George D 7728 Commander of the USS Enterprise from March 1941-June 1942.
Battles included the Doolittle Raid and Battle of Midway. Accepted the
Japanese surrender of the Caroline Islands aboard the USS Portland
V3487 Murray, James M 6962 Naval Aviator #10. Died in a plane crash
V3014 Murray, Robert C Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Hiep Duc, Republic
of Vietnam June 7, 1970. Murray was leading a squad in the search
for enemy mortar that had been threatening friendly positions. A
member of his squad tripped a grenade booby trap and shouted
warning to the squad. Murray, assessing the danger, threw himself
over the grenade absorbing the impact.
V200 013 Murrow, Edward R
Murrow, Egbert
640057 Journalist. First prominently noted through a series of radio news
broadcast during WWII. He was also a pioneer in TV broadcasting.
Aided in the censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy. He is famous for
two phrases, "This is London" and "Good night, and good luck" both of
which he used while stationed in London, England during WWII.
V920 Murtha, John P, Jr 1333625
Pennsylvania Representative 1974- . Implicated in the Abscam sting,
in which FBI agents impersonating Arab businessmen offered bribes
to political figures, never charged, but cited by the grand jury 1980 as
an unindicted co-conspirator
V1035 Murtha, John P, Jr 1333625 Pennsylvania Representative 1974- . Implicated in the Abscam sting,
in which FBI agents impersonating Arab businessmen offered bribes
to political figures, never charged, but cited by the grand jury 1980 as
an unindicted co-conspirator
V2723 Murtha, John P, Jr Pennsylvania Representative 1974- . Implicated in the Abscam sting,
in which FBI agents impersonating Arab businessmen offered bribes
to political figures, never charged, but cited by the grand jury 1980 as
an unindicted co-conspirator
V3372 Musial, Stanley F 9255925 Baseball player for the St. Louis Cardinals 1941-63. Inducted into the
Baseball Hall of Fame in 1969
V179 Muskie, Edmund S 187778 Maine Governor 1955-59. Senator 1959-80. US Secretary of State
1980-81. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1981
V178 Muskie, Edmund S 187778 Maine Governor 1955-59. Senator 1959-80. US Secretary of State
1980-81. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1981
V1653 Muzio, Miles S St. Louis Weatherman
V842 Myers, Gary A 13711206 Pennsylvania Representative 1975-79
V2435 Myers, John T 703 Eighth Assistant Commandant USMC 1930-33
V2397 Myers, John Thomas Director of Defense Communications Agency
V1758 Myers, John Thomas * 45016668 Indiana Representative 1967-97
V1406 Myers, Peter C 4016319 Assistant Secretary of Agriculture 1982-
V3192 Myers, Reginald R 8160 Korean Medal of Honor awarded for action at the Chosin Reservoir
November 29, 1950. Myers assumed command of a composite unit of
about 250 Army and Marine forces during the defense of a base at
Hagaru-ri. Myers organized a counter-assault against and enemy
force numbering 4,000. Though outnumbered and lacking trained
personnel, he valiantly led his men to restoration of the perimeter.
V3191 Myers, Reginald R 8160 Korean Medal of Honor awarded for action at the Chosin Reservoir
November 29, 1950. Myers assumed command of a composite unit of
about 250 Army and Marine forces during the defense of a base at
Hagaru-ri. Myers organized a counter-assault against and enemy
force numbering 4,000. Though outnumbered and lacking trained
personnel, he valiantly led his men to restoration of the perimeter.
V1405 Nassif, Thomas A 28274625 Ambassador to Morocco 1985-88
V819 Nassikas, John N 168583 Chairman Federal Power Commission 1969-75
V820 Nassikas, John N 168583 Chairman Federal Power Commission 1969-75
V196 Natcher, William H 223707 Kentucky Representative 1953-94
V166 Natcher, William H 223707 Kentucky Representative 1953-94
V2886 Neal, Richard I Assistant Commandant 1996-98
V2168 Necoquinones, Felix July 16, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February
12, 1973
V451 Nedzi, Lucien N 36469754 Michigan Representative 1961-81
V1482 Nelson, Clarence W
Nelson, Bill
Florida Representative 1979-91. Senator 2001- . Flew on the space
shuttle Columbia January 1986
V2347 Nelson, David L March 5, 1971 taken as POW in Laos. Remains returned/ recovered
January 10, 1990.
V3685 Nelson, Dennis D 351962 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V452 Nelson, Gaylord A Governor of Wisconsin 1959-63. Senator 1963-81. Founder of "Earth
V3872 Nelson, Henry W 35726029 Execution. Hanged in Italy for rape. MTO
V3602 Neuberger, Richard L 910430 Oregon Senator 1955-60
V2419 Neville, Wendell C 711 Fourteenth Commandant of Marine Corps. Vera Cruz Medal of Honor
V3451 Newcomb, Frank H 1 Spanish American War Cardenas Medal of Honor
V3534 Newcomb, Frank H 1 Spanish American War Cardenas Medal of Honor
V2170 Newell, Stanley A July 12, 1967 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V3177 Newlin, Melvin E 2229466 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action at Quang
Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam July 4, 1967. While he and four
other marines were manning a machine gun position on the perimeter
of the Nong Son outpost, the enemy launched a fierce assault. His
companions were killed and he was severely wounded, but managed
to remain at his gun and repel two charges on his position. With the
third charge, he was hit by a grenade explosion and lost
consciousness. The enemy bypassed him, believing him dead. When
Newlin regained consciousness, he crawled back to his gun and fired
into the enemies rear, ultimately causing them to falter in their attack.
V3178 Newlin, Melvin E 2229466 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action at Quang
Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam July 4, 1967. While he and four
other marines were manning a machine gun position on the perimeter
of the Nong Son outpost, the enemy launched a fierce assault. His
companions were killed and he was severely wounded, but managed
to remain at his gun and repel two charges on his position. With the
third charge, he was hit by a grenade explosion and lost
consciousness. The enemy bypassed him, believing him dead. When
Newlin regained consciousness, he crawled back to his gun and fired
into the enemies rear, ultimately causing them to falter in their attack.
V3635 Newman, Oscar N 35226382 Execution. Hanged for rape in France. ETO
V1241 Newman, Paul L 7038495 Actor, director, philanthropist and race car driver. Works include: The
Silver Chalice, Cars, The Color of Money, Our Town, Empire Falls, Cat
on a Hot Tin Roof, Cool Hand Luke, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance
Kid, and The Sting.
V1242 Newman, Paul L 7038495 Actor, director, philanthropist and race car driver. Works include: The
Silver Chalice, Cars, The Color of Money, Our Town, Empire Falls, Cat
on a Hot Tin Roof, Cool Hand Luke, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance
Kid, and The Sting.
V88 Newsom, David D 150971 Ambassador to Libya 1965, Indonesia 1973, Philippines 1977-78
V89 Newsom, David D 150971 Ambassador to Libya 1965, Indonesia 1973, Philippines 1977-78
V3935 Newsome, John P X00021393 Alabama Representative 1943-45
V1408 Newton, David G 4085737 Ambassador to Iraq 1985, Yemen 1994
V3028 Ng, Charles C Serial killer along with Leonard Lake. They are suspected of killing up
to twenty-five people at Lake's ranch in California. Many of their
victims were women, which they filmed as they raped and tortured
them. The crimes were revealed after Lake committed suicide. Ng
had fled to Canada where he was arrested and convicted for
shoplifting. He stood trial on twelve counts of murder in 1998, was
convicted of eleven, and was sentenced to death
V1861 Nichols, Richard D
Nichols, Dick
7570779 Kansas Representative 1991-93
V3182 Nichols, Terry L Convicted of being an accomplice of Timothy McVeigh in the bombing
of the Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, April 19,
1995. His trial began March 1, 2004 and on August 9th, he was
convicted to serve 161 counts of first-degree murder--sentences to
run consecutively, but was spared the death penalty.
V2527 Nichols, William F 379281 Alabama Representative 1967-88
V807 Nickerson, Herman, Jr 5128 Administrator, National Credit Union Administration
V1458 Nickles, Donald L Oklahoma Senator 1981-2005
V1323 Nielson, Howard C 39912803 Utah Representative 1983-91
V2770 Niland, Edward F 32251492 One of four brothers went MIA @ same time. Two other brothers KIA,
causing Army to pull last brother from combat. Inspiration for movie
Saving Private Ryan
V2771 Niland, Frederick W 12051971 One of four brothers, Frederick was pulled from combat by Father
Sampson, 101st Division Chaplain on Marshall's orders after two of his
brothers were killed and one was MIA. Inspiration for movie Saving
Private Ryan
V2769 Niland, Preston T 1305819 One of four brothers, Preston was KIA at the same time as one other
brother was KIA and a third was MIA, causing the Army to pull the last
brother from Combat. Inspiration for movie Saving Private Ryan
V2768 Niland, Robert J 32200180 One of four brothers, Robert was KIA at the same time as one other
brother was KIA and a third was MIA, causing the Army to pull the last
brother from Combat. Inspiration for movie Saving Private Ryan
V200 005 Nimitz, Chester W 5502 Fleet admiral. Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces for US and Allied
forces during WWII. Chief of Naval Operations 1945-47. Submarine
authority. He lost part of a finger in an accident with a diesel engine;
the machine jammed against his Annapolis ring saving the rest of it.
He was also partially deaf.
V3047 Nimitz, Chester W, Jr 77207 Son of Chester Nimitz, Sr. Admiral. Most of his naval service was on
submarines. Chairman of the Board of Perkin-Elmer Corporation
1969-80. He and his wife killed themselves in an apparent suicide
V1143 Nimmo, Robert P Head of VA
V3053 Nimoy, Leonard S 11229770 Actor, director, poet, and photographer. Best known for his role as
Spock in Star Trek. Other works include: Fiddler on the Roof,
Shekhina, Mission Impossible, Catlow, A Woman Called Golda,
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Camelot, The King and I, and My Fair
V453 Nix, Robert C 5123430 Pennsylvania Representative 1958-79
V200 000 Nixon, Richard M 169340 California Representative 1947-50. Senator 1950-53. Vice President
of the United States 1953-61. 37th President of the United States
1969-74, resigned under threat of impeachment as a result of the
Watergate scandal. Pardoned 1974 by President Gerald Ford.
V2085 Noce, Daniel Commander of Engineer Amphibian Command at time of
establishment during development of equipment and tactics leading up
to D-Day 1942-44
V2943 Noe, Arthur McDonald
Noe, Donald
15336674 One of 11 McQuain Brothers in WWII, step brother
V3898 Noe, James Albert 1979287 Louisiana Lt. Governor 1936, Governor 1936
V3362 Nofziger, Franklin
Nofziger, Lyn
19180825 Served as press secretary and political advisor to President Ronald
V3217 Nolde, William B Last American soldier killed in Vietnam before the 1973 Ceasefire
V3197 Noonan, Thomas P, Jr 2292900 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions near
Vandergrift Combat Base, A Shau Valley, Republic of Vietnam on
February 5, 1969. While he and his company were moving down a hill
slope made slippery by heavy rains, they came under enemy fire.
Four wounded men were laying on the slope and rescue attempts
were failing due to enemy fire. Noonan made his way to them,
grabbed the most seriously wounded and began dragging him to
cover. Before he could obtain shelter, however, he was shot and
killed. His efforts inspired his men to make a charge so fierce, the
enemy was forced to withdraw.
V3199 Noonan, Thomas P, Jr 2292900 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions near
Vandergrift Combat Base, A Shau Valley, Republic of Vietnam on
February 5, 1969. While he and his company were moving down a hill
slope made slippery by heavy rains, they came under enemy fire.
Four wounded men were laying on the slope and rescue attempts
were failing due to enemy fire. Noonan made his way to them,
grabbed the most seriously wounded and began dragging him to
cover. Before he could obtain shelter, however, he was shot and
killed. His efforts inspired his men to make a charge so fierce, the
enemy was forced to withdraw.
V3409 Nordeen, William E
V796 Norland, Donald R 385198
Ambassador to Botswana 1976, Lesotho 1976, Swaziland 1976, Chad
V795 Norland, Donald R 385198
Ambassador to Botswana 1976, Lesotho 1976, Swaziland 1976, Chad
V3866 Norman, James 34951904 Execution. Hanged for the murder of a prostitute in Manila,
Philippines. PTO
V2552 Norris, Carlos R
Norris, Chuck
19618934 Actor and martial artist. He began his training in martial arts while
stationed in South Korea. Films and shows include: The Wrecking
Crew, Walker, Texas Ranger, Way of the Dragon, Missing in Action,
Lone Wolf McQuade, and Dodgeball.
V3749 Norris, Clete O 37082314 Execution. Hanged in France
V2570 Norris, Thomas R Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for action in Quang Tri Province
April 10-13, 1972. Norris was acting as a SEAL Advisor. He led a
five-man patrol on a mission to rescue two downed pilots in enemy
territory. The first was found and returned swiftly. The second pilot
was found a few days later and Norris and one Vietnamese traveled
as fishermen to his location and carried him beneath bamboo and
vegetation back to base camp.
V1109 North, Jerrold M Ambassador to Djibouti 1980-82
V1616 North, Oliver C 351715 Father of Marine Lt-Col Oliver North
V2081 North, Oliver L
North, Ollie
69349827 Key figure in the Iran-Contra Affair, the clandestine and illegal selling
of weapons to Iran in order to raise money for the Contra rebel group
during the 1980s. Political commentator and host of War Stories
V1284 Norton, Kenneth H
Norton, Ken
2050002 Heavyweight boxer 1967-81. 1973 he broke Muhammad Ali's jaw in
the early rounds of their match. He fought 50 matches: 42 wins, 7
lost, 1 draw. Father of Ken Norton, Jr who played football in the NFL.
V3463 Norword, Charles W
Norwood, Charlie
5252572 Georgia Representative 1995-2007
V827 Nowak, Henry J 4085703 New York Representative 1975-93
V2171 Nowicki, James E November 2, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
27, 1973
V1763 Nunn, Samuel A
Nunn, Sam
2021326 Georgia Senator 1972-97
V454 Nutter, Gilbert W 960841 Assistant Secretary of Defense 1969-73
V1100 Oakley, Robert B 566389 Ambassador to Zaire 1979-82, Somalia 1982, Pakistan 1988-91
V1101 Oakley, Robert B 566389 Ambassador to Zaire 1979-82, Somalia 1982, Pakistan 1988-91
V3345 O'Brien, Edwin F Catholic Archbishop for the Military Services of the US (5th). Served
as Army Chaplain 1970-73, including Vietnam Service
V3897 O'Brien, George
5280800 Michigan Representative 1937-39, 1941-47, 1949-55
V3206 O'Brien, George H Korea Medal of Honor awarded for actions in Korea October 27, 1952.
While preparing an assault on a hill position, his platoon came under
intense mortar and artillery bombardment. When the order to attack
came he ran forward, and though wounded, continued to crawl
forward. He refused to be evacuated, tending the wounded, leading
and encouraging his men.
V3205 O'Brien, George H Korea Medal of Honor awarded for actions in Korea October 27, 1952.
While preparing an assault on a hill position, his platoon came under
intense mortar and artillery bombardment. When the order to attack
came he ran forward, and though wounded, continued to crawl
forward. He refused to be evacuated, tending the wounded, leading
and encouraging his men.
V2837 O'Brien, George J 117870
Actor. Films include: The Iron Horse, Sunrise, She Wore a Yellow
Ribbon, Fort Apache, Lawless Valley and Cheyenne Autumn. He
starred in several John Ford films and was starred largely in Westerns
V702 O'Brien, George M 394220 Illinois Representative 1973-86
V1885 O'Callahan, Joseph T 87280 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action aboard USS Franklin on
March 19, 1945. O'Callahan was serving as Chaplain on the Franklin
the ship was damaged by a Japanese air attack. He fought his way to
the open flight deck amid explosions and debris, ministered to the
wounded and dying, organized and led fire-fighting crews fighting the
fire on the deck, and directed the jettisoning of live ammunition. The
ship was saved and managed to return to port.
V3355 O'Connor, John J 554793 Eleventh Bishop (Eighth Archbishop) of the Archdiocese of New York
(Catholic) 1984-2000. Had been a Navy Chaplain and Auxiliary
Bishop of the Archdiocese for the Military Services
V1318 O'Connor, John J, III 2271969 Husband of former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
V2125 O'Connor, Michael F February 4, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
5, 1973.
V3969 O'Donnell, Joseph
527506 Photographer most noted for his work documenting the aftermath of
the atomic bombs at Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
V3622 O'Dwyer, William 464406 Mayor of New York City, New York 1946-50. Ambassador to Mexico
V455 O'Hara, James G 16177281 Michigan Representative 1959-77
V1836 O'Hare, Edward H 78672 Medal of Honor recipient. Was the first aviation "Ace" of WWII. His
plane was shot down by friendly fire (ball-turret gunner) during the
Great Marians "Turkey Shoot." Namesake of O'Hare International
Airport. Father was partner with Al Capone in the dog-racing business
and later agreed to inform on Capone.
V3329 O'Kane, Richard H 73324 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action as Commanding Officer of
the USS Tang October 23-24, 1944. O'Kane took on two Japanese
convoys, breaking their strength with his daring before his ship went
V1075 Okun, Herbert S 51209322 Ambassador to East Germany 1980
V3016 Old, Archie J Part of the first round the world flight of three Boeing B-52 bombers
1957. Led the 1943 raid on a German ball-bearings works and the
first shuttle bomb run from England to Russia in 1944.
V3385 Oldendorf, Jesse B 7230 Admiral. Famous for crossing the "T" on the Japanese force in
Surigao Strait during the Battle of Leyte Gulf in WWII.
V1459 Olin, James R 12102653 Virginia Representative 1983-93
V3672 Olive, Milton L 16810165 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action at Phu
Cuong October 22, 1965. When an enemy grenade landed in a group
of soldiers, he threw himself on it to smother the explosion.
V1660 Olmstead, Freeman B Was lost and presumed dead in crash during espionage flight July 1,
1960 in Barents Sea Area. Flight with John R McKone and Freeman
B. Olmstead captured and imprisoned in Lebyanka Prison, Moscow.
Released January 1961.
V3286 Olmstead, Jerauld L 57699
s a midshipman editor of the Lucky Bag, was reprimanded for placing
an item for a Jewish midshipman (Leonard Kaplan) on a perforated
V2483 Olson, Arlo L 386969 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action at Monte San
Nicola, Italy October, 13-27, 1943. Olson's company spearheaded an
advance through 30 miles of mountainous, enemy territory in 13 days.
During that time, Olson was a determined leader, undaunted by
enemy fire directed in his direction. Even when mortally wounded, he
completed is mission and oversaw the needs of his men until he died.
V694 Olson, Jack B 354373
Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin 1963-65, 1967-71. Ambassador to
Bahamas 1976-77
V693 Olson, Jack B 354373
Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin 1963-65, 1967-71. Ambassador to
Bahamas 1976-77
V1792 O'Mahoney, Jacques J
Mahoney, Jacques
Mahoney, Jock
875832 Actor and stuntman. Portrayed largely in Westerns, he works include:
Range Rider, Yancy Derringer, Tarzan the Magnificent, Tarzan Goes
to India, and The End
V3204 O'Malley, Robert E 1972161 Vietnam Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam August 18, 1965. He
led his squad to aid another unit and helped to evacuate the wounded.
He single-handedly killed a number of Viet Cong soldiers with rifle fire
and grenades. When ordered to evacuate his squad, he covered their
boarding of the helicopter from an exposed position until all were
V3203 O'Malley, Robert E 1972161 Vietnam Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam August 18, 1965. He
led his squad to aid another unit and helped to evacuate the wounded.
He single-handedly killed a number of Viet Cong soldiers with rifle fire
and grenades. When ordered to evacuate his squad, he covered their
boarding of the helicopter from an exposed position until all were
V3426 O'Neil, John Jordan
O'Neil, Buck
8666092 Baseball player and manager. First African American coach in Major
League Baseball. Posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of
Freedom 12/7/2006. Teams include: Memphis Red Sox, Kansas City
Monarchs, Chicago Cubs, and the Kansas City Royals. Second oldest
person to appear in a professional baseball game, 2006.
V3459 O'Neill, Merlin 1009 Commandant 1949-1954
V1566 Onizuka, Ellison S Astronaut killed in Challenger explosion
V2785 Orozco, Manuel J Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V1404 Orr, George V
Orr, Verne
135497 Secretary of Air Force 1981-85
V2869 Ortiz, Peter J 12779 Served with Naval Command, Office of Strategic Services in Europe
behind enemy lines (German). POW August 16, 1944-April 27, 1945.
Also former member of French Foreign Legion
V3265 Ortiz, Soloman P 54225269 Texas Representative 1983-
V3957 Ortiz, Victor 30405077 Execution. Hanged for the murder of a soldier in France. ETO
V3415 Ortiz-Rivera, Luis A
V646 Osborn, David L 236732 US Consul General in Hong Kong 1970-74. Ambassador to Burma
V673 Osborn, David L 236732 US Consul General in Hong Kong 1970-74. Ambassador to Burma
V2975 Osborne, George M 16289295 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V3570 Osborne, Weeden E 15023 WWI Medal of Honor received for actions at Chateau Thiery, France
June 6, 1918. Osborne was a corpsman attached to the 6th Marine
Regiment at the Battle of Belleau Wood.
V2103 Osburn, Laird P February 12, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
11, 1969
V3471 O'Shea, Donald F 1550900 Marine recruit who died in Ribbon Creek incident at Parris Island
V3105 Ostermann, Edward A 734 Haiti Medal of Honor awarded for action at Fort Dipitie on October 24,
1915. On advancing toward the Fort, the Marines were fired upon and
forced to take cover. The fire continued through the night and the next
morning, Ostermann and two others formed three attack squads and
advanced on the fort. The fort was taken and destroyed, the troops
garrisoned there forced to flee
V189 Oswald, Lee H 1653230 Accused assassin of President John F Kennedy. Oswald was
arrested for the murder of Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit. He was
shot and killed by Jack Ruby in the Dallas Police Station on live
V188 Oswald, Lee H 1653230 Accused assassin of President John F Kennedy. Oswald was
arrested for the murder of Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit. He was
shot and killed by Jack Ruby in the Dallas Police Station on live
V984 Oswald, Robert L 1344985 Brother of Lee Harvey Oswald
V985 Oswald, Robert L 1344985 Brother of Lee Harvey Oswald
V2885 Overstreet, Harold 2193476 Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps 1991-95
V1697 Oviedo, Eleno O 55683856 Prisoner for 26 years in Castro prison. A Cuban national who came to
the US in 1959 as a political refugee. Was drafted into the US Army
1960. Requested discharge to join Cuban exiles attempt to overthrow
Castro in 1961. Request was denied. Discharged in 1962. Attempted
a raid on Cuba in 1963 with fellow exiles, was pursued by Cuban
forces to Bahamas whence he was kidnapped and taken to Havana
and imprisoned. Released and returned to US 1989
V2829 Owens, Arthur L 34200937 Alleged member of the 364th Infantry at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi
1943. As referenced in the Carroll Case book The Slaughter: An
American Atrocity. Incident in which a number of African American
soldiers were allegedly killed in an attempt to quash racial tensions.
V861 Owens, Hugh F 128945 Chair of Securities Investor Protection Corp.
V860 Owens, Hugh F 128945 Chair of Securities Investor Protection Corp.
V1116 Paar, Jack H 36465400 Radio and TV talk show host. Include: The Tonight Show and The
Jack Paar Show,
V3939 Pace, Stephen X00030991 Georgia Representative 1937-51
V1623 Packard, Ronald C 603385 Mayor of Carlsbad, California 1978-82. California Representative
V1980 Paddock, Charles W 11755 Olympic champion. Won two gold medals and a silver in 1920. Won
silver in 1924
V3751 Paddock, George A 167515 Illinois Representative 1941-43
V2398 Pagonis, William G Logistics Commander during Desert Storm
V2076 Paige, Mitchell WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Guadalcanal on October
26, 1942. When the enemy broke through the line directly in front of
his position, Paige continued to direct his men's fire until all of his men
were dead or wounded. He continued the defense until
reinforcements arrived. He was used as the model of the GI Joe
Marine doll.
V2971 Paige, Roderick R 4775107 Seventh Secretary of Education 2001-05
Paige, Rod
V1678 Paisley, Melvyn R 774289 Assistant Secretary of the Navy implicated in Pentagon Kickback
V2001 Palm, Willard G 16077577 Died while on "Raven" espionage flight shot down in Barents Sea
area. Cited in US News and World Report March 15, 1993
V2508 Palmer, Arnold D 282917 Golfer. Helped to popularize televised golf. Began his professional
career 1955 and has won seven major championships. Won the
Hickok Belt and "Sportsman of the Year" in 1960.
V934 Panetta, Leon E California Representative 1977-93. Director, Office of Management
and Budget 1993-94. White House chief of staff 1994-96
V1568 Park, Richard 19080 Franklin D. Roosevelt's Military Aide and Advance Man to Yalta
V3445 Parker, Edmund K 267399 Martial Artist
V1036 Parker, Richard B 551272
Ambassador to Algeria 1974-77, Lebanon 1977, Morocco 1978-79
V3953 Parker, Woodrow 34561139 Execution. ETO
V2599 Parks, Floyd L 10582 Secretary of the War Department General Staff 1941-42. Deputy
Chief of Staff US Army Ground Forces 1942. Chief of Staff US Army
Ground Forces 1942-43. Assistant Commanding General 69th
Division 1943-44. Chief of Staff 1st Allied Airborne Army 1944-45.
Chief of Information Department of the Army 1949-53. Commanding
General 2nd Army 1953-56
V1322 Parris, Stanford E
Parris, Stan
2209298 Virginia Representative 1973-75, 1981-91
V2348 Parrish, Frank C 18338856 January 16, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
returned/ recovered April 27, 1989
V1830 Parrish, Robert R 4121198 Film editor, director, and actor. Films include: City Lights, All Quiet on
the Western Front, Body and Soul, and All the King's Men. Combat
photographer for The Battle of Midway
V2172 Parsels, John W February 5, 1970 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
27, 1973
V3815 Parsons, Claude Van
2758273 Illinois Representative 1930-41
V1886 Parsons, William S
Parsons, Deak
57706 Military engineer. Armed the Atomic Bomb in the air on the Enola Gay
when it dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Deputy Task Force
Commander for the Technical Direction of Crossroads. "Rear Admiral
William S. Parsons Award for Scientific and Technical Progress" was
established by the Navy in his name.
V3129 Partridge, Earle E Commanding General Continental Air Defense Command and
NORAD 1955-59
V2349 Paschall, Ronald P April 2, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
recovered February 8, 1993
V3590 Pascrell, William J 12604686 Pascrell, William J, Jr Pascrell, Bill New Jersey Representative 1997-
V2870 Pash, Boris T 275706 Head of WWII "ALSOS Mission" Military intelligence unit that tracked
down Nazi scientists in closing days of the war.
V3266 Pashayan, Charles S
Pashayan, Chip
California Representative 1979-91
V195 Passman, Otto E 209755 Louisiana Representative 1947-77: Charged with accepting $200,000
from Korean businessman Tongsun Park,
V167 Passman, Otto E 209755 Louisiana Representative 1947-77: Charged with accepting $200,000
from Korean businessman Tongsun Park,
V1246 Patch, Alexander M 3589 WWII Army General, Commander of US 7th Army in Europe.
V2423 Pate, Randolph M 3747 Saw service in Santo Domingo 1923-24. Was Lt Col with the First
Marine Division during campaigns on Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, and
Okinawa during WWII. Promoted to Brigadier Gen. in 1948, Major
Gen. 1952, commanded First Marine Division in Korea 1953-54. 21st
Commandant of Marine Corps 1956-1960.
V456 Patman, John W 841016 Texas Representative 1929-76
V2974 Patterson, Herman 14337614 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V889 Patterson, Jerry M 310932 Mayor of Santa Ana, California 1973-74. California Representative
V3753 Patterson, Robert P 100687 Judge of US District Court 1930-39, Judge US Court of Appeals 1939-
40, Assistant Secretary, Under Secretary of War 1940-45, Secretary of
War 1945-47
V507 Pattison, Edward W 4020143 New York Representative 1975-79
V2399 Patton, George S Son of General Patton of WWII
V500 016 Patton, George S, Jr 2605 Army General. Commanded major units in the North African, Sicilian,
and European Theater of Operations during WWII. Noted for his
brilliance as a military leader, insubordination, and apparent instability.
Quoted as saying, "Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way."
Participated in the 1912 Olympics in the first Modern Pentathlon. One
act that brought Patton to the spotlight was slapping and verbally
abusing Privates Bennet and Kuhl, whom he believed were displaying
cowardly behavior. They were suffering from what would later be
termed as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Died as the result of an
auto accident in Germany.
V3942 Patton, Nat X00022681 Texas Representative 1935-45
V3227 Paul, Joe C 2033358 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action near Chu
Lai, Republic of Vietnam on August 18, 1965. When his platoon was
pinned down by enemy fire, Paul raced forward and placed himself
between the enemy troops and his wounded comrades allowing them
to be evacuated. He held his position, even when wounded, until he
V3572 Paul, Ronald E Paul, Ron Texas Representative 1976-77, 1979-85, 1997-
V2350 Payne, John A 52765672 November 4, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
recovered/ returned July 9, 1973.
V954 Peabody, Edwin E
Peabody, Eddie
74338 Musical entertainer. Played violin, mandolin, guitar, and banjo-the
latter is what he is remembered for.
V963 Peabody, Edwin E
Peabody, Eddie
74338 Musical entertainer. Played violin, mandolin, guitar, and banjo-the
latter is what he is remembered for.
V3082 Pearce, Stevan E New Mexico Representative 2003-
V3833 Pearson, Andrew R
Pearson, Drew
5115351 Author and journalist. United States Daily 1926-33, Baltimore Sun
1920-32. Part of the Pan-Am Conference in Havana 1928, Anti War
Treaty 1928, London Naval Conference 1930. Best known for the
"Washington Merry-Go-Round" and muckraking journalism. Was
critical of Patton, McCarthy, Forrestal, and Congressman John
V1058 Pearson, James B 263422 Kansas Senator 1962-78
V276 Pearson, James B 263422 Kansas Senator 1962-78
V960 Pearson, Robert A 35201718 Execution. Hanged for killing Frederick D. Johnson, a private in the
368th Infantry. Guadalcanal
V3789 Pearson, Robert L 38326741 Execution. Hanged for rape, held at Shepton Mallet. England. ETO
V3693 Pearson, Robert S 3685336 USS Arizona
V3477 Peary, Robert E 1438 Claimed to be the first explorer to reach the North Pole on 4/6/1909.
Accompanied by Matthew Henson. There are others who claim he did
not accomplish it.
V1418 Pease, Donald J 4003576 Ohio Representative 1977-93. Served five years on the board of
directors of Amtrak
V2440 Peck, Dewitt 750 Eighteenth Assistant Commandant of USMC 1944-45
V2682 Peckinpah, David S
Peckinpah, Sam
543123 Film director know for his explicitly violent works as well as a
revisionist approach to Westerns. Works include: The Deadly
Companions, Ride the High Country, Major Dundee, The Wild Bunch,
The Ballad of Cable Hogue, and Straw Dogs. Charlton Heston
threatened to hit Peckinpah with his cavalry saber during the filming of
Major Dundee because he was being abusive towards his actors.
Peckinpah was an alcoholic and drug addict.
V1132 Pegler, Westbrook J 1525483 Journalist and author. Youngest American war correspondent in WWI.
Initially a support of Franklin D. Roosevelt, he became one of
Roosevelt's harshest critics. 1941 won a Pulitzer Prize for his work
exposing racketeering in Hollywood labor unions.
V1604 Pell, Claiborne Rhode Island Senator 1961-97
V3962 Pellagrini, Edward
6112033 Baseball player. Teams include: Boston Red Sox, St. Louis Browns,
Philadelphia Phillies, Cincinnati Reds, and Pittsburgh Pirates.
V1938 Pelletier, Joseph N 21634244 One of six men whose Dog Tags were returned with remains by North
Koreans on May 13, 1992
V2468 Pendleton, Jack J 39179563 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action at Bardenberg, Germany on
October 12, 1944. When the advance of his company was halted by a
well placed enemy machine gun nest, Pendleton volunteered to lead a
squad forward to take out the gun. He crawled ahead of his unit until
he was killed by the gun, but acted as a distraction, allowing both that
gun and another to be taken.
V400 011 Pendleton, Joseph H 753 Major General of the Marine Corps. Camp Pendleton, California was
named for him.
V3726 Pennyfeather, William 32801627 Execution. Hanged for rape in France. ETO
V101 Pepitone, Byron V Director Selective Service System
V1285 Peppard, George W, Jr 622100 Film and television actor. Works include: Breakfast at Tiffany's, The
A-Team, Banacek, Doctors' Hospital, The Carpetbaggers, and The
V34 Pepper, Claude D 4464328 Florida Senator 1936-51; Florida Representative 1963-89. Received
Presidential Medal of Freedom 1989
V119 Percy, Charles H 237288 Illinois Senator 1967-85. President and CEO of Bell & Howell in 1949-
V120 Percy, Charles H 237288 Illinois Senator 1967-85. President and CEO of Bell & Howell in 1949-
V933 Perez, Frank H 1536211 State Department SALT Representative (rank of minister)
V458 Perkins, Carl D 35776873 Kentucky Representative 1949-84
V3226 Perkins, William T 2296240 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Quang
Tri Province in the Republic of Vietnam on October 12, 1967. While
serving as a combat photographer during Operation MEDINA, an
enemy grenade landed near he and three other marines. Perkins
threw himself on the grenade, absorbing the full impact. He is the only
combat photographer to receive the Medal of Honor
V1353 Perot, Henry R
Perot, Ross
570207 Businessman. Founded Electronic Data Systems 1962 and Perot
Systems. He ran for President in 1992 and 1996
V2097 Perricone, Richard July 12, 1967 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V3473 Perry, Charles R 324306 Member of team serving with the French Resistance in France who
was killed during a parachute drop into the Department of Savoie on
8/1/1944. Served under Major Peter Ortiz.
V3732 Perry, Herman 13074419 Execution. Hanged for desertion, disobeying orders, and killing an
officer in Ledo, India. Only execution in the China/Burma/India
V739 Perry, Lowell W 3020221 Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
V2431 Perry, William J 13204713 US Secretary of Defense 1994-97. Received the Presidential Medal of
Freedom 1997
V2906 Pershing, John J 1
Army General. Led the American Expeditionary Force in WWI.
Greatly supported by Theodore Roosevelt at the turn of the century,
who had petitioned Congress to authorize the appointment of Pershing
as a Brigadier General. 1920 promoted to General of the Armies of
the United States, the highest rank at the time. Chief of Staff of the
United States Army 1921-24. Awarded the 1932 Pulitzer Prize for his
memoirs My Experiences in the World War
V3228 Peters, Lawrence D 2004158 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Quang
Tin Province, Republic of Vietnam on September 4, 1967. During
Operation SWIFT, the marines in his platoon were pinned down by
enemy fire. Peters led a squad to assault the enemy, exposing
himself to fire in order to better direct the assault. He continued to
lead his men, though wounded several times, until he was finally killed
by the enemy fire. His actions so motivated his men that they
regained the offensive and carried their assault to the enemy.
V2983 Petersen, Donald E 48947 CEO of Ford Motor Company 1985-90
V1899 Peterson, Chesley G Commanded the first Eagle Squadron, RAF, prior to US entry into
V3656 Peterson, Collin C Minnesota Representative 1991-
V1864 Peterson, Douglas B Florida Representative 1991-97. Ambassador to Vietnam 1997
V2173 Peterson, Michael T November 2, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
December 10, 1969
V1105 Petree, Richard W 421883 Deputy Representative in Security Council, rank of Ambassador
V1086 Petree, Richard W 421883 Deputy Representative in Security Council, rank of Ambassador
V1011 Petterson, Donald K 5691105 Ambassador to Somalia 1978, Tanzania 1986, Sudan 1992
V1010 Petterson, Donald K 5691105 Ambassador to Somalia 1978, Tanzania 1986, Sudan 1992
V459 Peyser, Peter A 955538 New York Representative 1971-77, 1979-83
V2117 Pfister, James F January 5, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 5,
V2743 Pharris, Jackson C 100703
WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions on the USS California
during the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. The first
torpedo that struck the California left Pharris severely wounded and
stunned. Despite this, he organized a hand-supply ammunition train
for the anti-aircraft guns, ordered the ship fitters to counterflood the
ship when it began listing, and risked his life to drag unconscious
shipmates to safely. His actions saved many lives and kept the
California in action during the attack.
V2261 Phelps, Billy E 55141 Died in crash during the Berlin Airlift. His record was used in the
exhibit "Winning the Peace"
V2667 Philbin, Regis F 525917 Talk show host. Has appeared on television since the 1960s. Shows
include: The Regis Philbin Show, The Joey Bishop Show, A.M. Los
Angeles, The Morning Show, and Live with Regis and Kathie Lee.
V3273 Phillips, Cecil F 1309961 Officer disciplined for his actions at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi 1943.
Incident in which a number of African American soldiers were allegedly
killed in an attempt to quash racial tensions.
V2000 Phillips, Dean B Died while on "Raven" espionage flight shot down in Barents Sea
area. Cited in US News and World Report March 15, 1993
V3731 Philpot, Henry C 39080069 Execution. Hanged for killing an officer in Germany. ETO
V3229 Phipps, Jimmy W 2412145 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action near An
Hoa, Republic of Vietnam on May 27, 1969. Phipps was part of a
combat engineer demolition team that was locating and destroying
enemy artillery and concealed firing devices. After having used all of
their explosives and blasting caps, they came upon a 175mm high
explosive artillery round. Phipps was preparing to destroy it with a
hand grenade when a secondary explosive device ignited. To save
the lives of his team, he threw himself and the grenade over the
explosive and the artillery round.
V2226 Pic, John E Step-brother of Lee Harvey Oswald who allegedly assassinated John
F. Kennedy November 22, 1963
V833 Pickering, Thomas R 4881020
Ambassador to Jordan 1974-78, Nigeria 1981-83, El Salvador 1983-
85, Israel 1985-88, India 1992, Russia 1993-96. US Representative to
United Nations 1989
V1264 Pickering, Thomas R Ambassador to Jordan 1974-78, Nigeria 1981-83, El Salvador 1983-
85, Israel 1985-88, India 1992, Russia 1993-96. US Representative to
United Nations 1989
V2950 Pickett, Robert W Brandished a gun outside the White House February 7, 2001 and was
shot in the knee by Secret Service Agents.
V154 Pickle, James J
Pickle, Jake
170219 Texas Representative 1963-94; Social Security Reform raising the age
from 65 to 67.
V155 Pickle, James J
Pickle, Jake
170219 Texas Representative 1963-94; Social Security Reform raising the age
from 65 to 67.
V3022 Pierce, Francis, Jr 3217243 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Iwo Jima on March 15-
16, 1945. Pierce served as a corpsman during the campaign. When
his party was wounded trying to evacuate marines, Pierce took charge
of the party and drawing enemy fire, covered the litter bearers until
they reached safety. He then carried one of the wounded on his back
to safety. Despite the risk, he returned to the remaining wounded
marine and carried him to safety as well.
V3779 Pierce, Palmer E 13409 Brigadier General
V1145 Pierce, Samuel R, Jr 989235 US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 1981-89. First
black partner of a major New York City law firm. First black member of
the board of directors of a Fortune 500 corporation. Only black
member of the Reagan Cabinet. Independent counsel appointed in
March 1990 found "a pervasive pattern of improper and illegal
behavior" within HUD, amounting to a "monumental and calculated
abuse of the public trust." Pierce acknowledged that he helped create
a climate in which the corruption took place, and in return for that
statement, prosecutors agreed not to pursue charges against him.
V3510 Pierro, Antonio 1914966 One of the last living WWI veterans
V947 Pike, James A 236023 Episcopal bishop. Fifth Bishop of California 1958-66. A controversial
figure who was one of the first to recognize the ordained ministry of
women in the Episcopal Church. He was an advocate of civil rights
and marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr to Selma, Alabama. He
was censured by his brother bishops for some of his theological views
and was forced to resign his position.
V964 Pike, James A 236023 Episcopal bishop. Fifth Bishop of California 1958-66. A controversial
figure who was one of the first to recognize the ordained ministry of
women in the Episcopal Church. He was an advocate of civil rights
and marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr to Selma, Alabama. He
was censured by his brother bishops for some of his theological views
and was forced to resign his position.
V902 Pike, Otis G 26587 New York Representative 1961-79
V903 Pike, Otis G 4042529 New York Representative 1961-79
V3778 Pittman, Willie A 34400976 Execution. Hanged for rape. Sicily. NATO
V3576 Pitts, Joseph R 15695614 Pennsylvania Representative 1997-
V3673 Pitts, Riley L 96787 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Ap
Dong, South Vietnam October 31, 1967.
V2515 Pitzer, Daniel L October 29, 1963 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Released to
custody of Tom Hayden November 13, 1967 as a gesture of solidarity
with the "colored people of the US" who opposed to imperialist war.
V3382 Pitzer, William B 416681 Doctor who performed the autopsy on John F. Kennedy
V2783 Plancich, Keith E Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V2229 Plant, Thomas G Commander of "Small Ships" in General MacArthur's Southwest
Pacific Area during WWII
V2230 Plant, Thomas G 62422 Commander of "Small Ships" in General MacArthur's Southwest
Pacific Area during WWII
V1216 Platt, John B 878364 Administrator, Region 6, General Services Administration, Kansas
City, Missouri
V3259 Pless, Stephen W 79156 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Quang Nai,
Republic of Vietnam on August 19, 1967. During an escort mission,
Pless monitored an emergency call of 4 American soldiers stranded on
a nearby beach. Upon flying to the area, Pless launched a rocket and
machinegun attack on the enemy driving them back, allowing the
wounded to be picked up. The helicopter was now overloaded and as
Pless turned the craft out to sea, the helicopter settled in the water
four times before gaining the air. Survived 780 helicopter missions in
Vietnam and was killed when his motorcycle plunged off an open
drawbridge in Florida.
V3076 Plumley, Basil L Sergeant Major of the Army's 7th Cavalry Regiment at the Battle of la
Drang 1965
V582 Plummer, Chester M 13825147 Shot on the White House lawn. He had scaled the fence with a length
of pipe and refused to halt when ordered to. Plummer was shot in the
V663 Poage, William R 3508106 Texas Representative 1937-78
V637 Poage, William R 3508106 Texas Representative 1937-78
V564 Podell, Bertram L 9095320 New York Representative 1968-75
V565 Podell, Bertram L 9095320 New York Representative 1968-75
V3655 Poe, Lloyd T Poe, Ted Texas Representative 2005-
V3042 Pogue, William R Astronaut. Member of the USAF Thunderbirds 1955-57. Pilot of
Skylab 4 1973-74. Author: How Do You Go to the Bathroom in
V1802 Poindexter, John M Deputy National Security Advisor 1983-85. National Security Advisor
for the Reagan administration 1985-86. Convicted on multiple felony
counts April 7, 1990 for conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and lying to
Congress, defrauding the government, and the alteration and
destruction of evidence pertaining to the Iran-Contra Affair. Conviction
was reversed 1991 on the grounds that the prosecution's evidence
may have been tainted. They were not able to re-try the case. Co-
founder of TP Systems, Inc. Senior vice president for SYNTEK
Technologies 1996-2002. Director of DARPA 2002-03
V1295 Poitier, Sidney 42057787 Actor. Films include: Blackboard Jungle, Lilies of the Field, A Raisin
in the Sun and The Defiant Ones. Knighted in 1974 by Queen
Elizabeth II
V3799 Polk, James Gould 3862012 Ohio Representative 1931-41, 1949-59
V2800 Pool, Lafayette G 38032791 "Ace of Tankers" during WWII in the European Theater of Operation
with 3rd Air Division
V2957 Pope, Edmund D Tried and held as a spy in Russia, pardoned 2000. Author of book
Torpedoed which details his experience. Was believed to have
purchased top-secret plans for an underwater missile.
V2351 Port, William D 51916433 January 12, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned
August 14, 1985
V3267 Porter, John E 16607651 Illinois Representative 1980-2001
V2707 Posa, Eugene E 2088613 Was lost and presumed dead in crash during espionage flight July 1,
1960 in Barents Sea Area. Flight with John R McKone and Freeman
B. Olmstead captured and imprisoned in Lebyanka Prison, Moscow.
V2955 Potts, John O 19186442 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V2400 Powell, Colin L General. Sixty-fifth Secretary of States 2001-05. National Security
Advisor 1987-89. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1989-93
V2380 Powell, James W 14776021 Assigned to 112th Intelligence Corps Group Ft Sam Houston, Tx.
Was in the Dealey Plaza are in Dallas at the time of the Kennedy
assassination November 22, 1963
V2735 Powell, Lewis F 903679 Justice of US Supreme Court 1972-87
V3250 Power, James D, III 40598 Chairman of J. D. Power and Associates, marketing and customer
satisfaction firm usually involved with the automobile industry founded
in 1968
V400 005 Power, Tyrone E, Jr 24356 Actor. Films include: The Mark of Zorro, The Black Swan, Prince of
Foxes, The Black Rose, and Captain from Castile.
V3619 Powers, David L X072997 New Jersey Representative 1933-45
V2839 Powers, Francis G 2226340 Pilot of U-2 spy plane that was shot down while over the Soviet Union
May 1, 1960. Convicted of espionage against the Soviet Union and
sentenced to three years imprisonment and seven years hard labor.
He was exchanged with Frederic Pryor in February 1962 for Soviet
Colonel Vilyam Fishier (Rudolf Abel) in Potsdam, Germany. Author of
Operation Overflight: A Memoir of the U-2 Incident
V3330 Powers, John James 74968 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action in the Coral Sea area May 4-
8, 1942. Powers was a pilot in a Bombing Squadron that participated
in five engagements with Japanese forces. He was known for diving
very low to ensure a hit on enemy ships.
V3478 Pownall, Charles Alan 7234 Navy Aviator. Rear Admiral. Governor of Guam.
V2124 Prather, Phillip D March 8, 1971 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 27,
V3118 Pratt, William V 2236 Navy admiral. President of the Naval War College. Chief of Naval
Operations 1930-33
V2962 Preece, George D 15272188 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V500 022 Presley, Elvis A 53310761 Singer, music producer, and actor. Movies include: Jailhouse Rock,
King Creole, Blue Hawaii, Viva Las Vegas, and Flaming Star. Songs
include: "Suspicious Minds," "Burning Love," "A Little Less
Conversation," and "In The Ghetto"
V3479 Presley, Russell Alger 77004 Marine Aviator #8
V712 Pressler, Larry L 5251248 Rhodes scholar. South Dakota Representative 1975-79. Senator
V122 Preyer, Lunsford R 118283 Judge US District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina 1961-
63. North Carolina Representative 1969-81. The federal building in
Greensboro, North Carolina was named for him in 1988
V121 Preyer, Lunsford R 118283 Judge US District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina 1961-
63. North Carolina Representative 1969-81. The federal building in
Greensboro, North Carolina was named for him in 1988
V460 Price, Charles M 13142030 Illinois Representative 1945-88
V3117 Principi, Anthony J Secretary of Department of Veterans Affairs
V1798 Provoo, John D
Shaka, Nichijo
19052533 Provoo was a POW on Corregidor who was arrested in 1949 and
charged with Treason. During his time as a POW, he broadcast
propaganda for the Japanese, though he claimed it was under duress.
He was found guilty of four acts of treason in 1953, though his
conviction was overturned due to be denied a speedy trial (he had
spent five years in prison awaiting trial, during which time most of the
witnesses he would have called to his defense, had died.)
V461 Proxmire, Edward W Wisconsin Senator 1957-89
V3316 Pruitt, Wendell O 794600 Tuskegee Airman fighter pilot who was from St. Louis and was one of
two individuals for whom the Housing Project "Pruitt-Igoe" was named
V2111 Pryor, Robert J February, 12, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
11, 1969
V3153 Pucket, Donald D 692817 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions on the Ploesti Raid,
Rumania on July 9, 1944. After dropping bombs on the oil installation
in Ploesti, Rumania, his plane was badly damaged from antiaircraft
fire. Pucket worked to aid his wounded crew members and to regain
control of the plane. When the plane continued to loose altitude, he
ordered all crew to abandon ship, however, three men were hysterical
and refused to jump. Unwilling to leave them, he remained, trying to
regain control of the plane until it crashed into the side of a mountain.
V2461 Puckett, Clinton A Sixth Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps 1973-75
V200 011 Pulitzer, Joseph, II 47456 Publisher of St. Louis Post Dispatch. Son of Joseph Pulitzer of the
Pulitzer Prize
V2055 Pulitzer, Joseph, III 134967 Newspaper editor and publisher (St. Louis Post Dispatch). Son of
Joseph Pulitzer II.
V400 002 Puller, Lewis B
Puller, Chesty
3158 Most decorated US Marine in history. General in the Marine Corps. Is
the symbol of the esprit de corps of the Marines. Credited with several
quotes, among them: "All right, they're on our left, they're on our right,
they're in front of us, they're behind us…they can't get away this time."
"Take me to the Brig. I want to see the real Marines." "We're
surrounded. That simplifies our problem of getting to these people
and killing them."
V2970 Puller, Lewis B, Jr 105622 Attorney and author. Served in Vietnam where he was wounded by a
landmine October 11, 1968 and lost both legs as well as most of his
hands. Told his story in Fortunate Son which won the Pulitzer Prize.
Committed suicide. Son of General Lewis "Chesty" Puller.
V2174 Purcell, Benjamin H February 8, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
27, 1973
V935 Pursell, Carl D 5504245 Michigan Representative 1977-93
V3814 Purtell, William A 387577 Connecticut Senator 1952, 1953-59. Governor 1950
V2260 Putnam, Charles S 17146457 Died in a crash during the Berlin Airlift
V2729 Putt, Donald L General. Director of Research and Development, HQ USAF during
the 1940s and 50s
V2796 Puzo, Mario F 32398169 Author. Works include: The Dark Arena, The Godfather, Omerta, and
Inside Las Vegas
V3772 Pygate, Benjamin 33741021 Execution. Shot for the murder of another soldier. ETO
V1717 Pyle, Ernest T
Pyle, Ernie
2987211 Journalist. During WWII became a war correspondent writing from the
perspective of the soldier. Won the Pulitzer Prize 1944. Wartime
works collected in Brave Men, Here is Your War, and Ernie Pyle in
England. Died on le Shima an island off Okinawa due to enemy
machine gun fire.
V3344 Pynchon, Thomas R 4881936 Author. Works include: V, Gravity's Rainbow, Vineland, and Mason
and Dixon
V1025 Pyne, Joseph E 452876 Radio and TV talk show host. Lost a leg in WWII. Confrontational, he
often argued with guests and the audience. One of his famous insults
was "go gargle with razor blades."
V1026 Pyne, Joseph E 452876 Radio and TV talk show host. Lost a leg in WWII. Confrontational, he
often argued with guests and the audience. One of his famous insults
was "go gargle with razor blades."
V2352 Quamo, George April 14, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remain recovered/
returned June 28, 1974
V2724 Quayle, Christopher Brother of former Vice President Dan Quayle
V1803 Quayle, James C 850598 Father of Dan Quayle, former Vice President. Newspaper publisher
and businessman. Owned several newspapers, including the
Huntingdon Herald-Press and the Wickenburg Sun.
V2797 Quick, John H 68644 Spanish American War Medal of Honor awarded for actions in the
Battle of Cuzco, Cuba on June 14, 1898. When it was decided to take
the Cuzco Well, a major water source for the Spanish, the Marines
utilized the fire-power of the USS Dolphin to drive the Spanish back.
The signal sent to the Dolphin was misinterpreted, however, and the
Marine forces were bombarded. Quick moved to the top of a hill and,
though subjected to enemy fire, signaled the ship to shift her fire in a
cool, confident manner then resumed his place in the firing line.
V341 Quie, Albert H
Quie, Al
471075 Minnesota Representative 1958-79. Governor 1979-83
V277 Quie, Albert H
Quie, Al
471075 Minnesota Representative 1958-79. Governor 1979-83
V123 Quillen, James H 235897 Tennessee Representative 1963-97
V124 Quillen, James H 235897 Tennessee Representative 1963-97
V3453 Quine, Richard H 633808 Actor
V2175 Quinn, Francis April 8, 1962 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned May 1, 1962
V1140 Rabb, Maxwell M 349591 Ambassador to Italy 1981-89
V3087 Raborn, William F 621024606453
Director of CIA under President Johnson 1965-66
V3284 Rader, Dennis L 16955244 BTK (Bind, Torture, and Kill) Strangler. Serial killer in the Wichita,
Kansas area from 1974-1991. He was apprehended in 2005 and
sentenced to serve 10 consecutive life sentences (one per victim).
V3128 Radford, Arthur W Navy admiral. Commander-in-Chief of the United States Pacific
Command 1949-53. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1953-57.
V2007 Radlein, Earl W 14370732 Killed in crash of RB-50 "Raven" espionage flight over Sea of Japan,
shot down by MIG-15 fighters
V1180 Rafshoon, Gerald M 605228 Cabinet member
V462 Railsback, Thomas F Illinois Representative 1967-83
V3356 Ramage, Lawson P 70337 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action aboard the submarine USS
Parche on July 31, 1944 during a pre-dawn attack on a Japanese
convoy. He called for a dangerous surface attack on the convoy, and
despite attempts to shoot and ram the Parche, managed to sink at
least four and damage several other enemy ships.
V3507 Ramsey, Howard V 892061 One of the last living WWI veterans
V1895 Ramsey, Logan C 34971 Warned of Japanese ambitions in Pacific before the war--even of
danger at Pearl Harbor
V3591 Ramstad, James M 17787112 Ramstad, Jim Minnesota Representative1991-
V463 Randall, William J 37513695 Missouri Representative 1959-77
V2176 Rander, Donald J February 1, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
27, 1973
V464 Rangel, Charles B 57156282 New York Representative 1971-2003
V3864 Rankin, John E 4744369 Mississippi Representative 1921-53
V322 Rarick, John R 970608 Louisiana Representative 1967-75
V2033 Rassieur, William T 58184 Rear Admiral. First Commander Patuxent River, NAS. Served aboard
USS Curtiss, seaplane tender, at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Native of St. Louis
V1512 Rather, Dan I, Jr 1442539 Television Newscaster. With CBS Evening News 1981-2005
V1843 Rather, Dan I, Jr 18387640 Television Newscaster. With CBS Evening News 1981-2005
V2859 Rauber, Francis D 179427 Second Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps 1959-62
V2353 Ravencraft, James A 51880416 June 18, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains recovered/
returned February 3, 1969
V1591 Ravenel, Arthur, Jr 545251 South Carolina Representative 1987-95
V1600 Rawlings, James W 2223294 Ambassador to Zimbabwe 1986-89
V3325 Rawls, Louis
Rawls, Lou
55522299 Soul, jazz, and blues singer and actor. Songs include: "Love Is a
Hurtin' Thing," "Natural Man," and "You'll Never Find Another Love
Like Mine." He appeared in Leaving Las Vegas, Blues Brothers 2000,
and Angel, Angel, Down We Go
V2754 Ray, David R 8308634 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions near An
Hoa, Quang Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam on March 19, 1969.
During an enemy assault, corpsman Ray moved from position to
position tending the wounded even though severely wounded himself.
On at least two occasions, he was forced to defend himself and his
wounded comrades. In his final act, he threw his body over a marine
he was treating to save him from the explosion of a nearby enemy
V2059 Ray, James Earl 16163129 Confessed assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, he pleaded guilty on
the advice of his lawyer in order to avoid the death penalty. He later
recanted his confession and claimed til his death that the
assassination had been part of a greater conspiracy. Ray never got
the retrial he wanted.
V581 Ray, James Earl 16163129 Confessed assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, he pleaded guilty on
the advice of his lawyer in order to avoid the death penalty. He later
recanted his confession and claimed til his death that the
assassination had been part of a greater conspiracy. Ray never got
the retrial he wanted.
V2104 Ray, Johnnie L April 8, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February 12,
V1398 Ray, Richard B 9648716 Georgia Representative 1983-93
V2096 Rayford, King D,Jr July 2, 1967 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 16,
V3669 Raymond, Alexander G 036075 Cartoonist. Works include: Jungle Jim and Flash Gordon
V3158 Read, Albert C 5843 Rear Admiral. Designated Naval Aviator No. 24 in 1915. Commanded
the NC-4 flying boat in the first transatlantic flight, 1919
V1881 Read, Robert F 4030282 Photographer of famous picture of bomb exploding on USS Enterprise.
He died while taking the picture
V3686 Reagan, John W 351963 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V35 Reagan, Ronald W 357403 Actor 1937-64 in movies such as Kings Row, Dark Victory, Santa Fe
Trail and The Winning Team. Governor of California 1967-75. 40th
President of United States 1981-89. Received Presidential Medal of
Freedom 1993.
V1988 Reamer, Earl H 17285183 One of a crew of nine shot down by Soviet fighter about 30 miles
inside Soviet airspace near Yerevan, Armenia. Five parachuted from
the craft, 4 crashed, all survived and were picked up by Soviets-
released July 7, 1958. The US admitted intrusion, claiming
navigational error, and expressed regret.
V3832 Reams, Henry Frazier
Reams, Frazier
147443 Ohio Representative 1951-55
V3253 Reasoner, Frank S 85378
Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action at Da
Nang, Vietnam on July 12, 1965. While deep in enemy territory,
Reasoner and a party of five were cut off from the main body of their
force by fierce enemy fire. Reasoner tended his men and attempted to
evacuate them when he fell, mortally wounded.
V1115 Reasoner, Harry T 37553948 Journalist. Part of 60 Minutes when it began in 1968.
V3794 Reco, Charles J 38051913 Assaulted while on furlough in Beaumont City, Tx by three police
officers for violating Jim Crow Laws. He had been standing at the
partition on a full bus. Received multiple gunshot wounds. Had been
wearing his military uniform.
V2430 Reed, John F 37306504 Rhode Island Representative 1991-97. Senator 1997-
V830 Reed, John H 297943 Maine Governor 1959-67. Ambassador to Sri Lanka 1976, 1981,
Maldive Islands 1976, 1981
V831 Reed, John H 297943 Maine Governor 1959-67. Ambassador to Sri Lanka 1976, 1981,
Maldive Islands 1976, 1981
V369 Reed, Thomas C 3067345 Department of Defense 1973-75. Secretary of the Air Force 1975-76.
Author of At the Abyss: An Insider's History of the Cold War
V2177 Reeder, William S, Jr May 9, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 27,
V1585 Reedy, George E Staff member in Senate 1951-60. Vice Presidential staff 1961-63.
Press Secretary to Lyndon Johnson 1964-65.
V465 Rees, Thomas M 39701595 California Representative 1965-77
V3023 Regan, Brian P Sentenced to life in prison without parole on March 20, 2003 for
V1494 Regan, Donald T 7427 Secretary of the Treasury 1981-85. White House Chief of Staff 1985-
87, resigned from this position due to his involvement in the Iran-
Contra affair. Author of For the Record: From Wall Street to
Washington. Artist: painted landscapes
V3784 Regan, Kenneth M
Regan, Ken
491629 Texas Representative 1947-55. Mayor of Pecos, Texas 1929-32
V1928 Regele, Susan R Commander of First all female air lift crew June 1980
V1373 Regula, Ralph S 523243
Ohio Representative 1973-
V588 Rehnquist, William 15360333 Justice of US Supreme Court 1972-86. Chief Justice of US Supreme
Court 1986-2005
V3592 Reichert, David G Washington Representative 2005
V3783 Reichl, Edward J 36346011 Execution. Hanged for shooting an officer at Del Mar Detachment
Camp, California
V332 Reid, Ogden R 1328638 New York 1963-75
V3467 Reilly, Charles F 1566628 Marine recruit who died in Ribbon Creek incident at Parris Island
V2354 Reilly, Edward D, Jr 23933241 April 26, 1966 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remain recovered/
returned April 27, 1989
V3063 Reimer, Dennis J Army Chief of Staff 1995-99
V3008 Rescorla, Richard C
Rescorla, Cyril R
Rescorla, Rick
British born. Served in the British Army in 1957. Vietnam war hero as
described in We Were Soldiers Once…And Young. 1985 began
working for Morgan Stanley as security. During the World Trade
Center bombing in 1993, he was instrumental in the evacuation of the
building--the last man out. He believed another attack would come
and insisted that all employees practice quarterly emergency
evacuations. When the attack came September 11, 2001, Rescorla
began evacuation of Morgan Stanley's nearly 4,000 employees. He
sang God Bless America and other songs over his bullhorn to keep
everyone calm. In the sixteen minutes between the planes, he had
most of them out as well as others. He was last seen going back into
the building to rescue others still inside. Heart of a Soldier is a
biography written by James B Stewart.
V2526 Reuss, Henry S 1325518 Wisconsin Representative 1955-83. Reuss Federal Plaza in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin is named for him.
V3571 Reuterdahl, Henry 12720 Artist. Commissioned by the Navy to paint a series of naval works
including portrayals of the Great White Fleet. He was instrumental in
enlisting the aid of other artists to assist the Navy in recruitment for
V3865 Revercomb, William
2729778 West Virginia Senator 1943-49, 1956-59
V3263 Reyes, Silvestre Texas Representative 1997-
V3777 Reynolds, John W, Jr 1596971 Wisconsin Governor 1963-65
V2034 Reynolds, Robert D 389950 Crew of ten Missing and presumed dead in crash of PB4Y2 in the
Baltic Sea April 8, 1950. There have been rumors that USSR had this
man in prison (Newsweek)
V3574 Reynolds, Thomas M New York Representative 1999-
V3456 Reynolds, William E 1 Commandant 1919-1924
V652 Rhatican, William F Special Assistant to the President
V524 Rhinelander, John B 51372791 Under Secretary for Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Department of Defense 1966-68. Department of Commerce 1968-69.
Department of State 1969-72. Department of HEW 1973-77
V1948 Rhoades, Everett R 32031 US assistant Surgeon General
V2671 Rhoades, Rex H 1501 Performed dental work on President Calvin Coolidge while serving at
Walter Reed AA
V3905 Rhodes, George M 5132222 Pennsylvania Representative 1949-69
V1874 Rhodes, John J, III Arizona Representative 1987-93
V1032 Rhodes, John J, Jr 363206 Arizona Representative 1953-83
V1748 Ribaudo, Anthony D 17599772 Missouri House of Representatives, 65th District, and Majority Leader,
Missouri House of Representatives
V1850 Rich, Claude E 2685370 Died aboard USS Arizona during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
V1680 Rich, Robert G 556311 Ambassador to Belize 1987-90
V1679 Rich, Robert G 556311 Ambassador to Belize 1987-90
V466 Richardson, Elliot 1545552 US District Attorney for Massachusetts 1959-61. Massachusetts
Lieutenant Governor 1965-67. Secretary of Health, Education and
Welfare 1970-73. Secretary of Defense 1973. US Attorney General
1973. Ambassador to Great Britain 1975-76. Secretary of Commerce
1976-77. Received Presidential Medal of Freedom 1999
V3434 Richmond, Alfred C 1086 Coast Guard Commandant 1954-1962
V636 Richmond, Frederick 7057338 New York Representative 1975-82. Arrested in Washington, D.C. in
1978 for soliciting sex from a minor and from an undercover police
officer. Pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor. Charged with tax evasion,
marijuana possession, and improper payments to a federal employee
1982. Pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a year and a day in
V662 Richmond, Frederick 7057338 New York Representative 1975-82. Arrested in Washington, D.C. in
1978 for soliciting sex from a minor and from an undercover police
officer. Pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor. Charged with tax evasion,
marijuana possession, and improper payments to a federal employee
1982. Pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a year and a day in
V500 004 Rickenbacker, Edward
Rickenbacker, Eddie
263812 Fighter pilot during WWI. Indianapolis racecar driver. Shot down 26
enemy aircraft, including enemy balloons. He flew 300 combat hours
during the war. In his book, Fighting the Flying Circus, he described
his flying experiences during WWI. WWI Medal of Honor awarded for
actions near Billy, France on September 25, 1918. While on patrol,
Rickenbacker attacked seven enemy aircraft, shooting down two.
Inducted into the: International Motor sports Hall of Fame (1992),
National Sprint Car Hall of Fame (1992), Motor sports Hall of Fame of
America (1994).
V3457 Rickert, Marvin A 584914 "Twitch" Baseball player
V3335 Ricketts, Milton E 75002 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions on the USS Yorktown on
May 8, 1942. When a bomb exploded directly below Rickett's battle
station; killing, wounding, or stunning all of the men, Rickett's opened
the fire plug and using the fire hose, began to fight the fire. He died
with his efforts.
V3968 Rickey, Branch X122181 Baseball player
V967 Rickles, Donald J
Rickles, Don
7131948 Comedian and actor. Know largely as an "insult comedian," heckling
the audience. Movies include: Run Silent, Run Deep, Toy Story I and
II, Casino, and The Aristocrats
V946 Rickles, Donald J
Rickles, Don
7131948 Comedian and actor. Know largely as an "insult comedian," heckling
the audience. Movies include: Run Silent, Run Deep, Toy Story I and
II, Casino, and The Aristocrats
V1204 Rickover, Eleonore Wife of Hyman Rickover
V2868 Rickover, Hyman G Admiral with 63 years of continuous service in the Navy. Head of the
Electrical Section in the Bureau of Ships during WWII. Director of the
Naval Reactors Branch 1949. Oversaw creation of USS Nautilus as
well as the first US commercial nuclear power plant in Shippingport,
V3694 Riddell, Eugene E 2797351 USS Arizona
V2620 Ridenhour, Ronald L Investigative journalist who first broke story in the US of the My Lai
Massacre. He had heard of the massacre while serving in Vietnam
and upon his return to the US sent letters that led to the investigation.
V1256 Ridge, Thomas J Pennsylvania Representative 1983-95. Governor of Pennsylvania
1995-2001. US Secretary of Homeland Security 2003-05
V2053 Ridgway, Matthew
Assistant Chief of Staff VI Corps 1935-36. Deputy Chief of Staff 2nd
Army 1936-37. Assistant Chief of Staff 4th Army 1937-39. Assistant
Commanding General 82nd Division 1942. Commanding General
82nd Airborne Division, Sicily-North-West Europe 1942-44.
Commanding General XVIII Airborne Corps, North-West Europe 1944-
45. Commander in Chief Luzon 1945. Commander in Chief US
Forces US Mediterranean Theater of Operations 1945-46. Deputy
Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean 1945-46. US Army
Representative on Military Staff Committee, United Nations 1946-48.
Deputy Chief of Staff US Army 1949-50. Commanding General 8th
Army 1950-51. Commander in Chief Far East 1951-52. Commander
in Chief UN Forces, Korea 1951-52. Commander in Chief Allied
Forces Europe 1952-53. Chief of Staff US Army 1953-55. Retired
1955. Took part in the Normandy invasion, Battle of the Bulge and
Battle of Ruhr Pocket.
V3650 Riefkohl, Frederick L 7697 First Puerto Rican to graduate from the United States Naval Academy
and the first to be awarded the Navy Cross.
V3494 Riley, Marion L 2955206 Motion picture photographer who captured the three bomb hits on the
USS Enterprise August 24, 1942
V1535 Risenhoover,
18475577 Oklahoma Representative 1975-79
V3475 Risler, Jack R 287888 Member of team serving with the French Resistance in France. Took
part in a parachute drop into the Department of Savoie on 8/1/1944.
Served under Major Peter Ortiz. Taken prisoner by German Forces on
8/16/1944 and released 4/27/1945.
V1388 Ritcheson, Charles 421959 Cultural Attache London, England 1974
V3121 Ritter, William S Head of UN inspection team in Iraq, circa 1991-96
V3120 Ritter, William S Head of UN inspection team in Iraq, circa 1991-96
V2038 Rittichier, Jack C 8148 June 9, 1968 taken as POW in Laos. Remains returned/ recovered
February 14, 2003. Only Coast Guard member who was in an MIA
status in Vietnam
V2308 Rivera, Jose A 513618 One of the doctors who performed the autopsy on President John F.
Kennedy after the assassination. Reviewed by Assassination Records
Review Board 1995
V2911 Rivera, Manuel J
Rivera, Jim
12125157 Baseball player. Played for the St. Louis Browns 1952, Chicago White
Sox 1952-61 and Kansas City Athletics 1961.
V2502 Rivers, Ruben 38063493 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions near
Guebling, France on November 15-19, 1944. Rivers, though
wounded, took control of a tank, directing its fire and covering
company A as they withdrew from enemy fire.
V2357 Roach, Marion L 56838001 November 4, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
recovered/ returned July 9, 1973.
V1766 Robards, Jason N, Jr 3822545 Actor. Films include: The Iceman Cometh, The Disenchanted, All the
President's Men, Julia, Melvin and Howard, Inherit the Wind, and Tora!
Tora! Tora!
V1511 Robb, Charles S 82102 Son-in-law of Lyndon B Johnson. Lieutenant Governor of Virginia
1978-82. Governor 1982-86. Senator 1989-2001
V1688 Robb, Charles S 82102 Son-in-law of Lyndon B Johnson. Lieutenant Governor of Virginia
1978-82. Governor 1982-86. Senator 1989-2001
V3605 Robbins, Charles
100889 Assistant Secretary of War 1928. Presumed Dead
V1540 Roberts, Charles P
Roberts, Pat
77305 Kansas Representative 1981-97. Senator 1997-
V2058 Roberts, Ellis J 34967810 Soldier's New Testament was found on a troop ship and forwarded to
this center from New Zealand . No next of Kin are available and
soldier was KIA
V1099 Roberts, George B, Jr 581926 Ambassador to Guyana 1979-81
V1098 Roberts, George B, Jr 581926 Ambassador to Guyana 1979-81
V1887 Roberts, George S Among the first African American Cadets to graduate from the
Tuskegee Institute
V2252 Roberts, William L 3597 Commanding General Korean military Assistance Group prior to start
of Korean War.
V3541 Robeson, James A 536784 Part of Iwo Jima 1st flag raising
V3840 Robins, Donald D 6567654 Was taken as POW when Clark Field, Manila, Philippine Islands was
captured by the Japanese. He was on a Japanese transport when it
was sunk by American forces
V3626 Robinson, Arthur R X031281 Indiana Senator 1925-35
V3913 Robinson, Arthur
Raymond, Sr
X00031281 Indiana Senator 1925-35
V2702 Robinson, Bernard W 170170
First African-American commissioned as a doctor, however, not first to
serve active duty
V3727 Robinson, Charles M 38164425 Execution. Hanged for killing a woman in France. ETO
V95 Robinson, Charles W 189102 Under Secretary Dept of State
V94 Robinson, Charles W 189102 Under Secretary Dept of State
V500 013 Robinson, Jack R
Robinson, Jackie
1031586 First African-American Major League Baseball player of the "modern"
era, 1947. His uniform number, 42, has been retired by each Major
League team. Played for the Brooklyn Dodgers 1947-56. Inducted
into the Baseball Hall of Fame 1962
V2490 Robinson, James E, Jr 1181988 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action near Untergriesheim,
Germany on April 6, 1945. When his Company was being decimated
by enemy , he rallied about twenty men for two assaults. After the
objectives had been met, he walked to an aid station and died from the
mortal throat wound he received at the beginning of the second
V2538 Robinson, James K 352466 Virginia Representative 1971-85
V3295 Robinson, Martin D
Robbins, Marty
5558896 Country music singer, songwriter, and racecar driver. Songs include:
"El Paso", My Woman, My Woman, My Wife", "A White Sport Coat",
"Devil Woman", "Cowboy in the Continental Suit", and "Ruby Ann".
Inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame 1982 and the Nashville
Songwriters Hall of Fame 1975.
V3549 Robinson, Robert Guy 1658 Medal of Honor Marine Aviator
V1380 Robinson, Tommy F 3503258 Arkansas Representative 1985-91
V323 Robison, Howard W 32470128 New York Representative 1958-75
V2009 Roche, John E Sole survivor of RB-50 "Raven" espionage flight shot down over Sea
of Japan by MIG-15 jet fighters on July 29, 1953
V1416 Rochefort, Joseph J 54196 Major figure in the Navy's cryptographic and intelligence operations
1925-47. Broke Japanese code in WWII, enabling US forces to win at
V2439 Rockey, Keller E 838 Seventeenth Assistant Commandant USMC 1943-44
V3806 Rockey, Ordean 642715 Rhodes Scholar 1917
V500 034 Rockne, Knute K
Rokne, Knut
1098 Football player and college football coach. Head coach of the
University of Notre Dame 1918-1930 with 105 wins, 12 losses, 5 ties,
six national championships, and five undefeated season. Players
included George "Gipper" Gip, and the Four Horsemen (Harry
Stuhldreher, Don Miller, Jim Crowley, and Elmer Layden.
V3568 Rockwell, Norman 1367613 Artist. Most famous for the cover illustrations he created for The
Saturday Evening Post. Other works include: Rosie the Riveter, the
Four Freedoms series, and Shuffleton's Barber Shop. Rest of Navy
Record is located at Dielman.
V1925 Roddenberry, Eugene
662606 Father of Gene Roddenberry
V1848 Roddenberry, Eugene
Roddenberry, Gene
662606 Creator of Star Trek. After the service, he worked as a Pilot and later
as a police officer. He wrote "The Cage" in 1965, which became the
pilot for Star Trek, the original series. During WWII, he had a friend
named Kim Noonien Singh. He used variations on the name for two
different characters in hopes that his friend would contact him. His
friend didn't.
V3483 Rodgers, John 1832 Naval Aviator # 2. First to attempt flight from California to Hawaii, but
died in the attempt.
V2031 Rodham, Hugh E 7250850 Father of Hillary Clinton, Father-in-law of President Bill Clinton
V2223 Rodham, Russell D 511152 Uncle of Hillary Clinton
V467 Rodino, Peter W 2040709 New Jersey Representative 1949-89. Chaired the Impeachment
hearings of President Nixon in 1973-74.
V2594 Rodriguez, Cleto L 38456591 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at the Paco Railroad Station
Manila, Philippine Islands on February 9, 1945. He led an assault on
the area up to the station, his team killed more than 82 Japanese,
disorganizing them and allowing for the securing of the strongpoint.
V2178 Rodriguez, Ferdinand April 14, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February
12, 1973.
V2429 Rodriguez, Joseph C Korea Medal of Honor awarded for actions in Korea May 21, 1951. As
part of a Platoon attacking a well-fortified enemy position, Rodriguez
conducted a one-man assault against the enemy forces resulting in 15
enemy dead and the Platoons ability to rout the enemy and secure the
V3268 Roe, Robert A 32767471 New Jersey Representative 1969-93
V2401 Rogers, Bernard W Army Chief of Staff 1976-1979. Commander in Chief, United States
European Command 1979-87
V3654 Rogers, Michael J Rogers, Mike Michigan Representative 2001-
V468 Rogers, Paul G 462615 Florida Representative 1955-79
V3596 Rogers, Thomas S 1840373 Served aboard the USS Arizona when it was sunk by the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor
V248 Rogers, William P 149104 US Attorney General 1957-61. Secretary of State 1969-73. Received
the Medal of Freedom 1973
V247 Rogers, William P 149104 US Attorney General 1957-61. Secretary of State 1969-73. Received
the Medal of Freedom 1973
V3436 Roland, Edwin J 1240 Commandant Coast Guard
V3641 Rollins, Alvin R 34716953 Execution. Hanged for the murder of a soldier in France. ETO
V469 Roncalio, Teno 1298441 Staff member for Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney 1941. Chairman of
board, Cheyenne National Bank 1960-68. Wyoming Representative
1965-67, 1971-78
V2202 Rooney, Andrew A 32135400 Journalist and commentator. 60 Minutes. Began is career writing for
Stars and Stripes.
V470 Rooney, Fred B 33836678 Pennsylvania Representative 1963-79
V1113 Rooney, Mickey
Yule, Joseph, Jr
39589703 Actor. Films include: Hoosier Schoolboy, Boys Town, Babes in Arms,
The Human Comedy, National Velvet, and Babe: Pig in the City
V1298 Roos, Lawrence K 1633500 St. Louis County Supervisor (Missouri). Chairman, St. Louis Federal
Reserve Bank
V3424 Roosevelt, Archibald 57032238 Fourth child of Theodore Roosevelt. Only servicemen to retire on full
disability from both WWI and WWII.
V1627 Roosevelt, Elliott 398475 Son of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mayor of Miami Beach, Florida. Author
V1828 Roosevelt, Elliott, Jr
Roosevelt, Tony
5507473 Grandson of Franklin D. Roosevelt
V500 041 Roosevelt, Franklin D X00013082 Thirty-second President of the United States. Only President to be
elected to more than two terms in office, serving from 1933-1945.
Creator of the New Deal, a program designed to provide relief in the
environment of the Great Depression. 1921 contracted what was
believed to be polio (as study in 2003 found it more likely to have been
Guillain-Barre syndrome), which left him paralyzed from the waist
down. Helped to found the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
(the March of Dimes). Famous for his series of radio speeches known
as Fireside Chats. Governor of New York 1929-33
V880 Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr 83685 Son of Franklin D. Roosevelt. New York Representative 1949-55
V881 Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr 83685 Son of Franklin D. Roosevelt. New York Representative 1949-55
V1293 Roosevelt, Gracie H
Roosevelt, Hall
137969 Brother of Eleanor Roosevelt and nephew of Theodore Roosevelt.
V400 001 Roosevelt, James 5477 Son of Franklin D Roosevelt. California Representative 1955-65. He
suffered from flat feet and as a result, wore sneakers instead of
combat boots in the military
V200 017 Roosevelt, John A 105312 Sixth son of Franklin D Roosevelt.
V500 018 Roosevelt, Kermit 188985 Son of Theodore Roosevelt. Writer. Works include: Through the
Brazilian Wilderness, War in the Garden of Eden, and The Happy
Hunting Grounds. Fought a life-long battle with depression and in
1943 committed suicide.
V500 017 Roosevelt, Quentin X00111897 Youngest son of Theodore Roosevelt. Shot down in France by the
German ace Karl Thom in WWI
V500 020 Roosevelt, Theodore,
Roosevelt, Ted
139726 Son of Theodore Roosevelt. Assistant Secretary of the Navy .
Governor of Puerto Rico 1929-32. Governor general of the Philippines
1932-33. Chairman of the board of American Express Company.
Vice-President at Doubleday Books. Brigadier General in the Army
V732 Root, John F 33101502 Ambassador to Ivory Coast 1969-74
V2693 Rose, Gary M 18846904 Combat medic in SOG Operation Tailwind. Operation Tailwind was a
mission in Laos designed for reconnaissance, intelligence collection,
and as a diversion for a larger operation to the north, Honorable
Dragon. The operation received negative attention when CNN/Time
reported the use of nerve gas during the operation. They were forced
to retract the story when confronted to provide support for their claim.
The newsgroup conducted an independent investigation and
concluded it had insufficient evidence to support the report.
V2106 Rose, Joseph, III February 8, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
5, 1973
V2928 Rose, Morton H Medical officer in 9th Armored Division, involved in liberation of Colditz
Castle POW camp. Colditz Castle, otherwise known as Offizier Lager
IVc, was a high-security POW camp for allied officers who had
escaped other camps as well as for volksfeindlich (those "treasonous
against the people").
V3695 Rosenberry, Orval A 2999268 USS Arizona
V42 Rosenman, Samuel I 21392 Justice of New York Supreme Court 1936-43
V471 Rosenthal, Benjamin 12149429 New York Representative 1962-83
V1279 Ross, Barney 386521 Boxer, Welterweight Champion 1934-38. Fought at Guadalcanal.
V3397 Ross, George H. R. 162311 Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk.
V1053 Ross, Thomas B 551403 Assistant Secretary of Defense
V1052 Ross, Thomas B 551403 Assistant Secretary of Defense
V3443 Ross, Worth G 1 Revenue Cutter Service 1905-1911
V500 007 Rossi, Marie T Female helicopter killed in non-battle crash during "Desert Storm"
V472 Rostenkowski, Daniel
Rostenkowski, Dan
16228849 Illinois Representative 1959-95. Indicted 1994 on 17 felony charges,
pleaded guilty April 1996 to two counts of misuse of public funds.
Sentenced to 17 months in federal prison, released 1997.
V1464 Roth, Tobias A
Roth, Toby
Wisconsin Representative 1979-97
V473 Roth, William V 536330 Delaware Representative 1967-70. Senator 1971-2001
V1946 Rothapfel, Samuel L
Rothafel, Roxy
1665 Director and manager of theaters. Opened the Radio City Music Hall
featuring the Roxyettes who were later renamed the Rockettes.
V3338 Roths, Madalyn M
Murray O'Hair,
300818 Social Activist who fought against religion in school and government.
Disappeared in 1995
V790 Rourke, Russell A Special Assistant to the President
V3627 Routzohn, Harry N X110481 Ohio Representative 1939-41
V1583 Rowan, Carl T 4337415 African-American columnist for the Washington Post and the Chicago
Sun-Times. Delegate to the United Nations. Deputy Secretary of
State 1961. Ambassador to Finland 1963. Rowan, an advocate of
strict gun control, shot a teenager trespassing on his property with an
unregistered gun.
V3970 Rowan, Dan H
David, Daniel Hale
736143 Comedian. Half of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-in comedy team.
V2092 Rowe, James N October 29, 1963 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Escaped
December 31, 1968
V1465 Rowland, James R
Rowland, J. Roy
14154432 Georgia Representative 1983-95
V41 Royall, Kenneth C 472978 Under Secretary of War. Secretary of War. Secretary of Army
V474 Roybal, Edward R 39743674 California Representative 1963-93, retired when his daughter Lucille
Roybal-Allard was elected to Congress
V700 Rubenstein, Jack
Rubenstein, Jacob
Ruby, Jack
36666107 Nightclub owner in Dallas, Texas. Shot and fatally wounded Lee
Harvey Oswald November 24, 1963 while Oswald was being
transferred to jail. The incident was captured and televised in the first
live broadcast of a homicide in television history. He was arrested and
on March 14, 1964, convicted of murder with malice and sentenced to
death. This was later overturned and a new trial schedules. Ruby
died of a pulmonary embolism shortly before the trial started.
V3303 Rubin, Tibor 19363581 Korea Medal of Honor awarded for actions as a POW in Korea, July
23, 1950 to April 20, 1953. Rubin spent 30 months in a POW camp.
During that time, he helped to keep his fellow prisoners alive by
sneaking out of camp to steal food and caring for them, saving the
lives of as many as forty fellow prisoners.
V1517 Rudd, Eldon D 24939 Arizona Representative 1977-87
V2997 Rudder, James E 294916 Army Major General. Commander of the 2nd Ranger Battalion which
stormed the beach at Pointe du Hoc and scaled the cliffs to reach and
destroy the German gun batteries. Mayor of Brady, Texas 1946-52.
Vice President of Brady Aviation Company 1953. President of Texas
A&M 1959
V720 Rudman, Warren B 1893245 New Hampshire Senator 1980-93
V2727 Rudolph, Eric R Committed a series of bombings across the United States.
Responsible for the bombing of the Centennial Olympic Park in
Atlanta, Georgia July 27, 1996; an abortion clinic in Sandy Springs
January 16, 1997; a gay and lesbian nightclub in Atlanta February 21,
1997; and an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama January 29,
1998. He was sentenced to two consecutive life terms for the murder
of a police officer and three consecutive life terms without parole for
his various bombings in Atlanta.
V3337 Ruiz, Alejandro R 38442412 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action on Okinawa on April 28,
1945. When his squad was pinned down by enemy fire, he charged
forward on his own, killing twelve enemy troops and destroying the
enemy position.
V3057 Rumsfeld, Donald H Illinois Representative 1963-69. Secretary of Defense 1975-77, 2001-
06. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1977.
V214 Rumsfeld, Donald H 536268 Illinois Representative 1963-69. Secretary of Defense 1975-77, 2001-
06. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1977.
V475 Runnels, Harold L 18242153 New Mexico Representative 1971-80
V2571 Rupertus, William H 852 Commander of 1st Marine Division during invasion of Peleliu Island
V125 Ruppe, Philip E 502271 U.S. Representative from Michigan 11th District, 1967-79; defeated;
candidate for U.S. Senator from Michigan, 1982.
V126 Ruppe, Philip E 502271 U.S. Representative from Michigan 11th District, 1967-79; defeated;
candidate for U.S. Senator from Michigan, 1982.
V2019 Rush, Bobby L Illinois Representative 1993- . As a Black Panther, he spent six
months in prison on a weapons charge.
V3603 Rush, Robert R 35909799 Baseball player. Chicago Cubs 1948-57, Milwaukee Braves 1958-60,
Chicago White Sox 1960
V1797 Russel, Edgar 185 Chief Signal Officer, AEF, WWI
V2420 Russell, John H 854 Served in the Spanish-American War 1898, the occupation of Vera
Cruz, 1914, and Haiti 1917-31. Sixteenth Commandant of Marine
Corps 1934-36.
V1516 Russell, Mark 1078600 Comedian, pianist, and singer. He uses politics in much of his
V1308 Russell, Richard B X00110297 Georgia Governor 1931-33. Senator 1933-71
V2584 Russell, Shirley G
Gibbs, Shirley
Placed in vault at request of HQMC and CWO Shettuck, MCLNO.
Disappeared while on active duty as Captain at Quantico, March 4,
1989. Foul play suspected-perhaps her husband, Robert Russell, was
V1629 Rutan, Richard G Builder and pilot of The Voyager, the first non-stop circumnavigation
flight around the globe
V213 Ruth, Earl B 149241 North Carolina Representative 1969-75
V212 Ruth, Earl B 149241 North Carolina Representative 1969-75
V3003 Ryan, John D 21117 Seventh Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force 1969-1973.
V746 Ryan, Leo J 8020342 Mayor of South San Francisco, California 1962. California
Representative 1973-78. Killed during an ambush at Port Kaituma,
Guyana by followers of Jim Jones' People's Temple cult.
V745 Ryan, Leo J 8020342 Mayor of South San Francisco, California 1962. California
Representative 1973-78. Killed during an ambush at Port Kaituma,
Guyana by followers of Jim Jones' People's Temple cult.
V3361 Ryan, Thomas J 56850 Awarded Medal of Honor for action at Yokohama, Japan on
September 1, 1923. After an earthquake, he ran into the burning
Grand Hotel and rescued a woman.
V324 Ryan, William F 548477 New York Representative 1961-72. First member of the US House to
speak out against the Vietnam War
V2065 Ryland, Harvey G 14632356 Presidential Appointee for cabinet position
V1547 Sable, Ronald K National Security Council 1983. White House Staff 1982-83.
Department of the Air Force 1979-82.
V1812 Sadler, Barry A 17517390 Writer of "Ballad of the Green Berets" in 1966. Author of I'm a Lucky
One. He was shot in the stomach while riding in a taxi for unknown
reasons and died a year later.
V1769 Sadler, Barry A 17517390 Writer of "Ballad of the Green Berets" in 1966. Author of I'm a Lucky
One. He was shot in the stomach while riding in a taxi for unknown
reasons and died a year later.
V1891 Saefke, Frederick E 292316 POW on Corregidor Island, Philippine Islands
V2845 Sajdak, Patrick L
Sajak, Pat
Television and radio host. Host of Wheel of Fortune game show since
V3593 Salazar, John T Colorado Representative 2005-
V2760 Salinger, Pierre E 361147
White House Press Secretary 1961-64. California Senator 1964.
Television Journalist and News correspondent, covered the American
hostage crisis in Iran, the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, and the
crash of TWA flight 800.
V856 Salzman, Herbert W 99367 Representative of the US to the Organ. For Economic Cooperation,
rank of Ambassador
V855 Salzman, Herbert W 99367 Representative of the US to the Organ. For Economic Cooperation,
rank of Ambassador
V2766 Sampson, Francis L Catholic priest attached as chaplain to 101st Airborne Division.
Assigned task of finding the surviving Niland brother, Frederick. He
found and escorted Niland to Utah Beach to be evacuated. Sampson
was captured in the Battle of the Bulge and served time in a war camp.
Saving Private Ryan is based on his exploits.
V3967 Sampson, William T Navy admiral known for his victory in the Battle of Santiago de Cuba
during the Spanish American War. Was President of the Board of
Inquiry to investigate the sinking of the Maine. The Navy authorized a
service medal, the Sampson Medal, to recognize men who served
under him during the Spanish American War.
V2358 Sanderlin, William 18754854 December 2, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
returned/ recovered January 23, 1989
V3739 Sanders, James B 34124233 Execution. Hanged for rape in France. ETO
V2005 Sanderson, Warren J 2066184 Killed in crash of RB-50 "Raven" espionage flight over Sea of Japan,
shot down by MIG-15 fighters
V334 Sandman, Charles W 4054979 New Jersey Representative 1967-75
V325 Sandman, Charles W 127622 New Jersey Representative 1967-75
V335 Sandman, Charles W 4054979 New Jersey Representative 1967-75
V1750 Sanford, James T
Sanford, Terry
1325525 North Carolina Governor 1961-65. President of Duke University 1969-
85. Senator 1986-93
V1730 Sangmeister, George 26378376 Illinois Representative 1989-95
V841 Santini, James D
Santini, Jim
5703993 Nevada Representative 1975-83
V1867 Sapp, Diane E Supreme Court Case/Appeal. Post-traumatic stress
V764 Sarasin, Ronald A 4641835 Connecticut Representative 1973-79
V763 Sarasin, Ronald A 4641835 Connecticut Representative 1973-79
V3674 Sargent, Ruppert L 5326973 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action at Hau
Nghia Province, Republic of Vietnam on March 15, 1967.
V1615 Sarnoff, David 60039424 General Manager of Radio Corporation of America (RCA) from 1919
until 1970. President of RCA 1930. Television advocate, helped push
the launch of the TV. Claimed to have been one of the operators that
picked up the news of the sinking of Titanic, but that claim is disputed.
V3351 Sarnoski, Joseph R 888520 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action on June 16,
1943 during a photo reconnaissance mission in the South Pacific.
Same mission for which Jay Zeamer was awarded the Medal of Honor
V3664 Sasser, Clarence E 54511001 Vietnam Medal of Honor received for action in Ding Tuong Province,
Republic of Vietnam on January 10, 1968. Sasser was serving as a
Corpsman when his company came under enemy fire. Sasser ran
through the fire to search for and assist any wounded. Even when his
legs were rendered useless by wounds, he continued to crawl through
the mud and treat wounds until they were evacuated five hours later.
V1043 Sasser, James R
Sasser, Jim
1545261 Tennessee Senator 1977-95. Ambassador to China 1995-99
V1042 Sasser, James R
Sasser, Jim
1545261 Tennessee Senator 1977-95. Ambassador to China 1995-99
V2530 Satterfield, David, III 146143 Virginia Representative 1965-81
V1417 Savage, Augustus
Savage, Gus
36788797 Illinois Representative 1981-93
V2811 Savalas, Telly A 32894903 Film and Television Actor. Works include: Birdman of Alcatraz, Kojak,
On Her Majesty's Secret Service, The Young Savages, The Greatest
Story Ever Told, The Dirty Dozen, and Inside Out
V848 Sawyer, Harold S, Jr 324344 Michigan Representative 1977-85
V849 Sawyer, Harold S, Jr 264472 Michigan Representative 1977-85
V850 Sawyer, Harold S, Jr 324344 Michigan Representative 1977-85
V279 Saylor, John P 307961 Pennsylvania Representative 1949-73
V995 Saylor, John P 307961 Pennsylvania Representative 1949-73
V1413 Scanlan, John D 7872689 Ambassador to Yugoslavia 1985
V3817 Scanlon, Thomas E 4023682 Pennsylvania Representative 1941-45
V1515 Schaefer, Daniel L
Schaefer, Dan
1535687 Colorado Representative 1983-99
V2927 Schaefer, William H 15616 POW at Colditz Castle, Germany
V3818 Schafer, John C 163784 Wisconsin Representative 1923-33, 1939-41. Senator 1957
V2778 Scherer, William J Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V477 Scheuer, James H New York Representative 1965-73, 1975-93
V3189 Schilt, Christian F 863 Haitian Campaign Medal of Honor awarded for action at Quilali,
Nicaragua January 6-8, 1928. Volunteered to evacuate by air
wounded as well as bring in relief which he did under extreme
conditions a total of 10 times.
V3190 Schilt, Christian F 863 Haitian Campaign Medal of Honor awarded for action at Quilali,
Nicaragua January 6-8, 1928. Volunteered to evacuate by air
wounded as well as bring in relief which he did under extreme
conditions a total of 10 times.
V3557 Schirra, Walter M 447891 Astronaut. One of the Original Mercury 7 astronauts chosen for
Project Mercury.
V2281 Schlachta, Dennis F
Franz, Dennis
68055265 Actor. Roles and works include: Andy Sipowicz in NYPD Blue, Hill
Street Blues, Beverly Hills Buntz, City of Angels, Die Hard 2, Psycho
II, and The Fury.
V1202 Schmidhauser, John 6020125 Iowa Representative 1965-67
V2438 Schmidt, Harry 865 Sixteenth Assistant Commandant USMC 1942-43
V3740 Schmiedel, Werner E 7041115 Execution. Hanged for desertion, armed robbery, and murder in Italy.
V1815 Schmitt, Aloysius H 83472 Navy Chaplain. Was on the USS Oklahoma during the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor. Was the first Catholic Chaplin to die in WWII
V156 Schmults, Edward C 62791 Under Secretary for Department of the Treasury 1973-
V478 Schneebeli, Herman Pennsylvania Representative 1960-77
V2728 Schneider, Leonard
Bruce, Lenny
2251738 Comedian and satirist. He was arrested in 1951 for impersonating a
pries. Bruce had stolen clergy shirts and collars, set up an
organization soliciting donations for a leper colony in British Guiana.
He claimed to have raised $8,000 in three weeks, sending $2,500 to
the colony. He was found not guilty. He was arrested regularly for the
use of obscenities in his act, banned in some cities, as well as being
blacklisted from night clubs. He died, age 40, with what appeared to
be a morphine overdose. Voted #3 in the Comedy Central 100
Greatest Standup Comedians of all Time
V3513 Schoedsack, Ernest
468038 Motion Picture Cinematographer, Director, and Producer. Films
include: King Kong, Grass, Chang, The Four Feathers, The Most
Dangerous Game, Long Lost Father, and The Last Days of Pompeii.
V1306 Schoendienst, Albert 42142034 Baseball player and manager. Played for the St. Louis Cardinals
1945-56, 1961-63, New York Giants 1956-57, and Milwaukee Braves
1957-60. Managed the St. Louis Cardinals 1965-76. Inducted into the
Baseball Hall of Fame 1989. St. Louis Walk of Fame 1989
V2359 Scholz, Klaus D 54352274 November 11, 1968 taken as POW in Laos. Remains returned/
recovered March 26, 1989
V2749 Schonland, Herbert 59448 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Savo Island November
12-13, 1942. Schonland was recently made Damage Control Officer
on the USS San Francisco. The San Francisco was leading an assault
between a column of Japanes warships (there were three columns
totalling 14 Japanese ships). The ship was immediately hit twice,
Schonland countered each hit, but battle raged on the bridge where all
the officers were killed or severly wounded, leaving Schonland as
senior officer. He decided he was needed more controlling the
damage and left Bruce McCandless in charge. They coordinated their
efforts (communications were out and steering and engine control had
to be run down below) through messengers. As a result of their
combined efforts, San Francisco was able to remain active in the
battle without being slowed down or impaired. The next day, four
wounded ships, including the USS Juneau were limping along when
they detected four enemy torpedoes coming their way. The San
Francisco was able to move out of the way, but the Juneau was not
and exploded, taking the five Sullivan Brothers with it.
V3536 Schrier, Harold G 19234 Part of Iwo Jima 1st flag raising
V2199 Schroeder, Rudolph 115588 Aviation pioneer. First pilot to wear the new free-type parachute pack
invented by Floyd Smith 1919. Reached an altitude record in 1919 of
28,900 feet and later of 31,796. Between 1918 and 1920, he set five
world altitude records. In his last record-breaking flight, he was
struggling to find his oxygen and raised his goggles to locate the
supply. The moisture on his eyeballs and under his eyelids froze. His
plane fell into a vertical dive and he lost consciousness, but managed
to come to and pull out at an altitude of 2,000 feet. The event
permanently affected his eyesight.
V2121 Schrump, Raymond C May 23, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February
12, 1973
V2255 Schuffert, John H
Schuffert, Jake
15071415 Cartoonist. Drew a series of cartoons for Airman Magazine for over
thirty years, as well as for "Task Force Times" during the Berlin Airlift.
V1498 Schultz, George P 15662 Secretary of Labor 1969-70. Secretary of the Treasury 1972-74.
Secretary of State 1982-89
V2907 Schulz, Charles M 37550437 Cartoonist best known for his comic strip Peanuts. Inducted into the
United States Hockey hall of Fame 1993
V516 Schulze, Richard T 52099896 Pennsylvania Representative 1975-93
V2675 Schwartz, Bernard
Curtis, Toni
8150981 Actor. Films include: Some Like it Hot, The Defiant Ones, Forbidden,
Johnny Dark, The Vikings, Spartacus, Rosemary's Baby, and The
Immortals. Father of Jamie Lee Curtis and Kelly Curtis
V896 Schwartz, William B, Jr 185283
Ambassador to Bahamas 1977-81
V895 Schwartz, William B, Jr 185283
Ambassador to Bahamas 1977-81
V2402 Schwarzkopf, H
Norman, Jr
Army General. As Commander-in-Chief of US Central Command was
commander of the Coalition Forces in the Gulf War of 1991
V1829 Schwarzkopf, Herber
Norman Sr.
82895 Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police and led investigation of
the Lindbergh baby kidnapping case. Father of General H. Norman
V765 Schweiker, Richard 2466516 Pennsylvania Representative 1961-69. Senator 1969-81. US
Secretary of Health and Human Services 1981-83
V766 Schweiker, Richard 2466516 Pennsylvania Representative 1961-69. Senator 1969-81. US
Secretary of Health and Human Services 1981-83
V1598 Scobee, Francis R
Scobee, Dick
Astronaut. Commander of the Space Shuttle Challenger when it
V1513 Scott, George C 572744 Film and Stage actor, director, and producer. Works include: Patton,
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the
Bomb, Anatomy of a Murder, The Hospital, Firestarter, and 12 Angry
V190 Scott, Hugh D 86355 Pennsylvania Representative 1941-45, 1947-59. Senator 1959-77.
Chairman of Republican National Committee 1948-89
V168 Scott, Hugh D 86355 Pennsylvania Representative 1941-45, 1947-59. Senator 1959-77.
Chairman of Republican National Committee 1948-89
V2740 Scott, Norman 7749 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action on the USS
Atlanta in the Battle of Savo Island October 11-12 and November 12-
13, 1942. Scott was a Rear Admiral in the Pacific Theater. Twice he
coordinated forces to repel and destroy hostile vessels attempting to
invade Allied-held island positions.
V3733 Scott, Richard B 38040012 Execution. Hanged for rape and assault with a bayonet in France.
V2018 Scott, Robert C Virginia Representative 1993- .
V3407 Scott, Robert L 640
V883 Scott, Robert W 53189396 Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina 1965-69. Governor 1969-73
V2812 Scott, Willard H, Jr 5135243 Weatherman for the Today show until his retirement
V479 Scott, William L 33992383 Virginia Representative 1967-73. Senator 1973-79
V527 Scranton, William W 790413 Pennsylvania Representative 1961-63. Pennsylvania Governor 1963-
67. US Representative to United Nations 1976-77.
V2528 Sebelius, Keith G Kansas Representative 1969-81
V3551 See, Elliot M 467479 Astronaut. He and Charles Bassett were killed when their plane
crashed into a building at Lambert Airport at St. Louis.
V2725 Segrest, Fred W
Hart, Freddie
492675 Country music singer and songwriter. Songs include: "Easy Loving",
"Loose Talk", "My Tears are Overdue" and "The First Time"
V1222 Segretti, Donald H Figure in the Watergate Scandal. Part of the Committee to Re-elect
the President (Nixon) during which he used a campaign of dirty tricks.
1974 went to prison after pleading guilty to three misdemeanor counts
of distributing illegal campaign literature, including a fake letter
accusing a Senator of having an illegitimate child with a 17 year old
V480 Seiberling, John F Ohio Representative 1971-87
V543 Selden, Armistead I, Jr Alabama Representative 1953-69. Ambassador to Fiji 1974-79, New
Zealand 1974-79, Tonga 1974-79, Western Samoa 1974-79.
V814 Selden, Armistead I, Jr 4079499 Alabama Representative 1953-69. Ambassador to Fiji 1974-79, New
Zealand 1974-79, Tonga 1974-79, Western Samoa 1974-79.
V3066 Selway, Robert R Commanded Selfridge Field during the time the 477th Bombardment
Group was training there. Mentioned several times by Benjamin
Davis, Jr in his book American
V1476 Semerad, Roger D Assistant Secretary Department of Labor
V3064 Serling, Rodman E 32738306 Six-time Emmy Award Winner and writer of The Twilight Zone, Seven
Days in May, Planet of the Apes, Requiem for a Heavyweight, and
Night Gallery
V1814 Serrano, Jose E 76345872 New York Representative 1990-2003
V3661 Sessions, Jefferson Sessions, Jeff Alabama Senator 1996-
V1984 Sessions, William S Director of FBI 1987-93 when he was fired by President Clinton after
the confrontation at Ruby Ridge and Branch Davidian. Associated
largely with the phrase "Winners Don't Use Drugs" which appeared on
arcade games.
V2265 Sexton, William T Military aide to George G Marshall
V3594 Shadegg, John B Arizona Representative 1995
V1403 Shakespeare, Frank 7485065
Ambassador to Portugal 1985-86, Vatican 1986-89
V2360 Shanley, Michael H, Jr 56719659 December 2, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
returned/ recovered January 23, 1989
V2926 Shannon, Maurice C 364907 Prisoner of war at Colditz Castle
V2933 Shaughnessey, Leo W Leader of unit that liberated Colditz Castle, Germany. POW camp
V2686 Shaw, Arthur
Arshawsky, Arthur
Shaw, Artie
6479168 Jazz clarinetist, composer, bandleader, and writer. Songs noted for
include: "Begin the Beguine", "Stardust", and "Frenesi". First white
bandleader to hire a full-time African-American female singer. Author
of The Trouble with Cinderella
V2313 Shaw, Charles M 794740 St. Louis criminal attorney often in the news for high-profile cases
V2805 Shaw, Clay L 2047494 Successful businessman in New Orleans. Only person tried for the
conspiracy in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He
was later acquitted.
V2889 Sheehan, John J First USMC Commander of US Atlantic Command and Supreme Allied
Commander, Atlantic
V2706 Shepard, Alan B, Jr 2303020 Navy Admiral. First US astronaut in space as part of Project Mercury
1961. He was also the only Mercury astronaut to walk on the Moon.
V2789 Shepard, Bert R Baseball player for the Washington Senators. Shepard was a pilot in
the European Theater who was shot down over Germany. They
amputated his right foot, but 1945 he was a pitcher for the Senators.
There was an incident in 1946 when he was pitching and his shoe
went flying off--taking his artificial foot with it. His teammates who
knew about his wooden foot found it funny, the rest, including the
crowd, were horrified. Shepard pitched a few more balls before
walking to centerfield to retrieve it.
V3442 Shepard, Leonard G 1 Chief Revenue Cutter Service 1889-1895
V2180 Shepard, Vernon C November 2, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
December 10, 1969
V2422 Shephard, Lemuel C 889 Served with the Fifth Marine Regiment in France during WWI. During
WWII, took part in the assault on Guam and led the capture of
Okinawa. Commander of the Fleet Marine Force in 1950. Present at
amphibious landing at Inchon in Korea. Twentieth Commandant of the
Marine Corps 1952-56.
V2804 Sherwood, Donald L
Sherwood, Don
Pennsylvania Representative 1999-
V2755 Shields, Marvin G 3904693 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action while
serving with the US Navy Seabee Team 1104 at Dong Xoai, Republic
of Vietnam on June 10, 1965. Wounded when their compound came
under attack, Shields continued to fire upon the enemy as well as
aiding his comrades for seven hours. At that point he volunteered to
join his Commander in an attempt to take out an enemy machine gun.
Their objective met, they were proceeding back to safety when Shields
was mortally wounded.
V857 Shlaudeman, Harry W 549408 Ambassador to Venezuela 1975, Peru 1977-80, Argentina 1980-83,
1984-86, Brazil 1986-89, Nicaragua 1990-92
V858 Shlaudeman, Harry W 549408 Ambassador to Venezuela 1975, Peru 1977-80, Argentina 1980-83,
1984-86, Brazil 1986-89, Nicaragua 1990-92
V3441 Shoemaker Charles F 1 Chief of Revenue Cutter Service 1895-1905
V2713 Shofner, Austin C 5641 Brig. General who led the first and only successful American team
escape from a Japanese POW camp. He had been captured at
Corregidor and was held for 11 months.
V1563 Short, Walter C 1621 Assistant Commandant Infantry School 1936-37. Commanding Officer
1937-38. Commanding General 1st Division 1938-40. Commanding
General I Corps 1940-41. Commanding General Hawaiian
Department 1941. Court-martialed 1942. Commander of the Army
forces at Pearl Harbor at the time of the Japanese attack. He was
removed from command of Pearl Harbor and court-martialed in the
Roberts Commission.
V2061 Shoup, David M WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions on Tarawa Island
November 20-22, 1943. Shoup, despite painful injuries immediately
upon landing, took command of the landed troops and played a large
part in the defeat of the enemy.
V326 Shoup, Richard G
Shoup, Dick
983558 Montana Representative 1971-75
V481 Shriver, Gardner E 37524324 Kansas Representative 1961-77
V1201 Shriver, Robert S, Jr
Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr
Brother-in-law of John F. Kennedy. Father-in-law of Arnold
Schwarzenegger. Ambassador to France 1968-70. Organized and
directed the Peace Corps. Received the Presidential Medal of
Freedom 1994
V2852 Shughart, Randall D Somalia Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at
Mogadishu, Somalia on October 3, 1993. Shughart was part of a
sniper team providing fire during assaults. He and another sniper,
Gary I Gordon, requested to be inserted in a position to protect four
wounded personnel. They made there way to the crashed helicopter
and pulled out the pilot, provided covering fire to repel enemy forces.
The pilot was saved, but both snipers were lost.
V2629 Shuler, George K 892 New York state treasurer 1923-24
V1985 Shupe, Bennie A 17241 Part of "Raven" Espionage flight that was forced down inside USSR
on June 27, 1958. He was returned to US control July 7, 1958. Cited
in US News & World Report
V482 Shuster, Elmer G
Shuster, Bud
4004945 Pennsylvania Representative 1973-2001
V2056 Sickman, Laurence C 904620 Curator of Oriental Art at the Nelson-Atkins Museum
V2213 Siegelman, Don E Secretary of state of Alabama 1979-87. Alabama state attorney
general 1987-91. Governor 1999-
V2640 Sigsbee, Charles D 2923 Navy Admiral. Was captain of the USS Maine in 1898, when it sank in
Havana harbor, Cuba. It was determined that a naval mine had
caused the explosion that resulted in her sinking. The event was the
precipitating cause of the Spanish-American War that began 1898.
The rallying cry was, "Remember the Maine, to hell with Spain."
V600 007 Sijan, Lance P Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions after his
plane was shot down by North Vietnamese ground fire November
1967. He managed to avoid capture for 45 days even with a
compound fracture of his left leg, skull fracture, and a mangled right
hand. He managed to successfully escape once after his initial
capture, but was recaptured. He resisted interrogation and continued
to resist and attempt escape, but finally succumbed to his wounds and
pneumonia and died at Hoa Lo.
V3530 Siler, Owen W Commandant 1974-1978
V2475 Silk, Edward A 1310890 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action at St. Provel, France on
November 23, 1944. Silk was in command of the battalion tasked with
seizing high ground over Moyenmoutier, France just prior the attack on
the city itself. Near St. Pravel, forward movement was halted by an
enemy force in a farmhouse. When they made no headway, he
launched into a one-man assault, throwing grenades to silence
machine guns, and eventually rocks--demanding German surrender.
Confused by his methods, twelve Germans surrendered to him.
V2443 Silverthorn, Merwin 895 Twenty-second Assistant Commandant USMC 1950-52
V3906 Silvester, Lindsay 3148 Major General. Commander of the 7th Armored Division during WWII
V1466 Simon, Paul M 17287790 Lieutenant Governor of Illinois 1969-73. Illinois Representative 1975-
85. Senator 1985-97
V1401 Simpson, Alan K 4040410 Wyoming Senator 1979-97
V2586 Simpson, William H 2645 Instructor at Army War College 1936-40. Commanding General 35th
Division 1941-42. Commanding General 30th Division 1942.
Commanding General XII Corps 1942. Commanding General 4th
Army 1943-44. Commanding General 8th Army 1944. Commanding
General 9th Army, North-west Europe 1944-45
V1668 Sims, Clifford C 14780953 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Hue, Republic of
Vietnam on February 21, 1968. While serving as squad leader of
Company D, Sims led his men in a supportive role, freeing up and
providing assistance to Platoons around him. He directed him men
from danger twice: once when an structure containing ammunition was
on fire and near to exploding, and the second which cost him his life.
His squad set off a booby trap, and Sims hurled himself over the
device as it exploded to save the lives of his men.
V2403 Singlaub, John K Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Drug and Alcohol Abuse.
Frequently interviewed or quoted. Former Chief, MACV/SOG
V3254 Singleton, Walter K 2056158 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action at Gio Linh
District, Quang Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam on march 24, 1967.
When his company came under intense enemy fire, Singleton moved
though enemy fire to evacuate his wounded comrades. When he
realized where much of the enemy fire was originating, he seized a
machine gun and advance upon the position, killing 8 and forcing the
rest to flee. He was mortally wounded in his advance.
V789 Siracusa, Ernest V 425479 Ambassador to Bolivia 1969-73, Uruguay 1973-77
V788 Siracusa, Ernest V 425479 Ambassador to Bolivia 1969-73, Uruguay 1973-77
V1397 Sisisky, Norman 7831813 Virginia Representative 1983-2001
V2564 Sisler, George K 5326482
First member of the Military Intelligence Branch to receive Medal of
Honor. He was the platoon leader/advisor to a special force in
Vietnam. While deep in enemy dominated territory, his platoon was
attacked by a large enemy force. He rallied his men into a more
defensive position, moving among them and calling for air strikes. He
charged through enemy fire to assist two wounded men into position.
When it became apparent his men were going to be overrun, he
single-handedly charged the enemy, firing his weapon and throwing
grenades, which forced the enemy to begin withdrawing. He
continued through the battlefield, directing air strikes until he fell
mortally wounded. The Naval ship USNS Sisler is named after him.
V3195 Sitter, Carl L 16377 Korea Medal of Honor awarded for action at Hagaru-ri, Korea
November 29-30 1950. Led his men through multiple enemy attacks,
staying with his men even when wounded, until the area was
successfully defended.
V1593 Skaggs, David E 89901 Colorado Representative 1987-99
V1712 Skeen, Joseph R
Skeen, Joe
7848718 Lieutenant Governor of New Mexico 1970. New Mexico
Representative 1981-2003
V1724 Skeen, Joseph R
Skeen, Joe
1904631 Lieutenant Governor of New Mexico 1970. New Mexico
Representative 1981-2003
V1304 Skelton, Richard R
Skelton, Red
39588752 Comedian, author, composer, and actor. Best remembered for his
clown characters and The Red Skelton Show. Other movies include:
Having a Wonderful Time, Lady be Good, Ship Ahoy, Thousands
Cheer, I Dood it, and Ziegfeld Follies. Inducted into the International
Clown Hall of Fame 1989
V3741 Skinner, Robert L 35802328 Execution. Hanged for rape in France. ETO
V483 Slack, John M 35778533 West Virginia Representative 1959-80
V2480 Slaton, James D 34278962 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action at Oliveto, Italy on
September 23, 1943. Slaton was a lead scout of an infantry squad
whose task was to knock out enemy resistance. He took out three
machine gun nets with bayonet, grenade, and rifle fire, allowing two
rifle platoons to regroup and again take the initiative.
V1467 Slattery, James C Kansas Representative 1983-95
V1757 Slaughter, Daniel F 13120491 Virginia Representative 1985-91
V1305 Slaughter, Enos B 17074075 Baseball player. Played for the St. Louis Cardinals 1938-54, New
York Yankees 1954-60. Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame 1985.
Allegedly against the signing of any African-American players to the
V500 036 Slovik, Eddie D
Slovik, Edward Donald
36896415 First American soldier to be executed for desertion since the American
Civil War. Slovik, while initially deemed unfit for military service, was
later drafted. His unit, the 28th Division, was part of the attack on
Hurtgen Forest in 1944 and many men indicated, like Slovik, that they
would rather be imprisoned than face combat. Slovik's execution was
used as an example to combat the problem.
V1633 Smalley, Robert M 8800615 Ambassador to Lesotho 1987
V3900 Smalls, Abraham 34512812 Execution. Hanged for shooting another soldier. Italy, MTO
V3493 Smart, Jacob E Helped plan the raid on the Ploesti Oil refineries in Romania
V3431 Smathers, George A 11866 Florida Representative 1947-51. Senator 1951-69
V3255 Smedley, Larry E 2274116 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Quang
Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam on December 21, 1967. Smedley
was leading a six-man team to an ambush site when they observed
the movement of a large Viet Cong force heading toward the Danang
complex. He radioed for a reaction force, then led him men on an
assault of the enemy troops. He was killed by enemy fire.
V1374 Smith, Albert L, Jr 528009 Alabama Representative 1981-83
V3485 Smith, Bernard L 3345 Early Marine Aviator
V3737 Smith, Charles H 36337437 Execution. Hanged for killing an MP outside a house of prostitution in
Algeria. MTO
V1594 Smith, Cyrus R US Secretary of Commerce 1968-69
V2114 Smith, Donald G May 13, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned January 1,
V1047 Smith, Douglas J 551380 Special Assistant to the President
V1046 Smith, Douglas J 551380 Special Assistant to the President
V2116 Smith, George E November 24, 1963 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
November 28, 1965
V3901 Smith, George E, Jr 33288266 Execution. Hanged for killing former British Diplomat Sir Eric
Teichman while poaching. Kept at Shepton Mallet, England. ETO.
V3738 Smith, Harold A 14045090 Execution. Hanged for shooting a soldier in England. ETO Shepton
V1910 Smith, Holland M 913 Marine Corps General. Commanded the Fleet Marine Force in the
Pacific 1944-45, led the "island hopping" campaign through the central
Pacific area. Commander at Saipan and Okinawa.
V1935 Smith, James M 14354501 MIA Korea February 12, 1951. One of six men whose dog tags were
turned over by North Korean government in May 1992 along with
V3031 Smith, John C 33214953 Execution. Rape of French woman. ETO
V2316 Smith, Joseph First commander of Berlin Airlift "Operation Vittles" under General
Curtis LeMay. Later became commander of Military Airlift Command.
V3902 Smith, Lawrence H 182919 Wisconsin Representative 1941-58
V1934 Smith, Lawrence J 38487422 MIA Korea February 12, 1951. One of six men whose dog tags were
turned over by North Korean government in May 1992 along with
V600 009 Smith, Margaret C 1906470 Maine Representative 1940-49. Senator 1949-73. Received the
Presidential Medal of Freedom 1989. First woman Senator
V2181 Smith, Mark A April 7, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February 12,
V2798 Smith, Maynard H 36523097 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions with the 423rd
Bombardment Squadron over Europe May 1, 1943. While serving as
a gunner on his first mission, the plane he was on came under intense
enemy fire. The plane caught on fire, ammunition began to explode,
two crew members were severely wounded, and three bailed out.
Smith manned the usable gun, administered first aid, fought the fires,
and threw the exploding ammunition overboard. When he ran out of
firefighting aids, he wrapped himself in a protective cloth and
extinguished the fire by hand.
V2614 Smith, Michael J Astronaut. Pilot of the Space Shuttle Challenger when it exploded
V1753 Smith, Neal E 37118882
Iowa Representative 1959-95
V1977 Smith, Nicholas H
Smith, Nick
Michigan Representative 1993-2005
V2442 Smith, Oliver P 920 Twenty-first Assistant Commandant USMC 1948-50
V2644 Smith, Ralph C 4723 Assistant Commanding General 76th Division 1942. Commanding
General 27th Division 1942-44, during the invasion of Saipan, was
relieved of Command by USMC Lt. General Holland M. Smith for not
attacking vigorously enough. Commanding General 98th Division,
Pacific 1944. Military Attache to France 1945-46. Retired 1946.
V1655 Smith, Robert C 6892595 New Hampshire Representative 1985-91. Senator 1991-2003
V1654 Smith, Robert C 6892595 New Hampshire Representative 1985-91. Senator 1991-2003
V1065 Smith, Robert P 54036 Ambassador to Malta 1974, Ghana 1976, Liberia 1979
V1064 Smith, Robert P 54036 Ambassador to Malta 1974, Ghana 1976, Liberia 1979
V67 Smith, Robert S 369125 Ambassador to Ivory Coast 1974-76
V66 Smith, Robert S 369125 Ambassador to Ivory Coast 1974-76
V1576 Smith, Thomas V 4854266 Illinois Representative 1939-41
V1102 Smith, Thomas W M 65919 Ambassador to Ghana 1979, Nigeria 1984-86
V1087 Smith, Thomas W M 65919 Ambassador to Ghana 1979, Nigeria 1984-86
V1333 Smith, Walker, Jr
Robinson, Ray
32813544 Middleweight Boxer. First boxer to win a divisional world
championship five times 1958. Held world welterweight title 1946-51.
He won 173 fights, lost 19 and had 6 draws. Member of the
International Boxing Hall of Fame
V1244 Smith, Walter B 10197 General during WWII. Chief of staff to Eisenhower. Ambassador to
Soviet Union 1946-48. Director of the Central Intelligence 1950-53
V3433 Smith, Willard J 1366 Thirteenth Commandant of the Coast Guard 1966-70.
V1219 Smith, William F 225214 US Attorney General 1981-85
V3030 Smith, Willie 34565556 African-American soldier convicted and hung for raping a 16 year old
English girl
V2825 Snively, Anthony J 13079957 Alleged member of the 364th Infantry at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi
1943. Used in Carroll Case's book The Slaughter: An American
Atrocity which details the supposed incident. Incident in which a
number of African American soldiers were allegedly killed in an
attempt to quash racial tensions.
V2994 Snyder, Victor F
Snyder, Vic
2394447 Arkansas Representative 1997-
V991 Sochowski, Clarence 36760078 Administrator, GSA's Region 5
V1524 Solomon, Gerald B H 1183006 New York Representative 1979-99. Leading advocate of a
Constitutional amendment to ban burning of the US flag
V2046 Solovskoy, George P Intelligence officer WWII--CBI Theater. Advisor to Vietnamese Army
1955, first year after French left Indochina
V1622 Somervell, Brehon B 3665 Army General. Administrator of the Works Progress Administration in
New York City 1936-40. Oversaw the building of the Pentagon.
Commander of the army's Services of Supply during WWII
V1673 Sommer, Peter R 4772345 Ambassador to Malta 1987
V1672 Sommer, Peter R 4772345 Ambassador to Malta 1987
V2182 Sooter, David W February 2, 1967 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned May 3,
V2932 Souers, Sidney W 62485 Navy Admiral. Intelligence expert. First Director of Central
Intelligence 1946. Executive Secretary of National Security Council
1947-50. Special Consultant to the President on military and foreign
affairs 1950-53
V1903 Sousley, Franklin R 942297 One of the six men who raised the replacement flag on Iwo Jima in the
famous photo.
V1474 Spaatz, Carl General. Chief of the Army Air Forces Combat Command 1942.
Commander of the Eighth Air Force 1942. Commander of all US Army
Air Forces in European Theater of Operations. Commander Twelfth
Air Force in North Africa 1942. Allied Northwest African Air Force
1943. Fifteenth Air Force and Royal Air Force in Italy 1943. US
Strategic Air Forces in Europe 1944. US Strategic Air Forces in the
Pacific 1945. Present when the Germans surrendered to the
Americans on May 7, 1945, when the Germans surrendered to the
Russians May 9, 1945 and when the Japanese surrendered
September 2, 1945. First Chief of Staff of the US Air Force 1947.
V2984 Spahn, Warren 2025316
Baseball left-handed pitcher. Played for the Boston Braves 1942-64,
New York Mets 1965, San Francisco Giants 1965. Inducted into the
Baseball Hall of Fame 1973
V3630 Spalding, George R 1320 Assistant Chief of Staff. Brigadier General
V3142 Spanjer, Ralph H 4039602 Director of Operations of US Pacific Command 1972-74. Became
Superintendent of Marine Military Academy, Harlingen, TX 1978
V3134 Spanjer, Ralph H 4039602 Director of Operations of US Pacific Command 1972-74. Became
Superintendent of Marine Military Academy, Harlingen, TX 1978
V3000 Spann, Johnny M
Spann, Mike
First American killed in combat after the US invasion of Afghanistan.
He was killed by rioting prisoners.
V2090 Sparks, John G April 24, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 16,
V3634 Spears, Charles E 32337619 Execution. Hanged for shooting a soldier. NAT
V1215 Specter, Arlen 2232392 Pennsylvania Senator 1981-
V2961 Speicher, Michael Pilot shot down over Iraq during Desert Storm. Status January 2001
changed from KIA to MIA
V3370 Spelling, Aaron 18180446 Television producer. Works include: Charlie's Angels and Beverly Hills
V215 Spence, Floyd D 516431 South Carolina Representative 1971-2001
V3140 Spencer, Earl W, Jr 7594 First husband of Wallis Warfield, who became the Duchess of Windsor
when she married Prince Edward.
V3746 Spencer, Elwood J 33739343 Execution. Hanged for rape and assault in Belgium. ETO
V2361 Spengler, Henry M, III 115569 April 5, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
recovered April 27, 1989
V2638 Spielvogel, Carl 2255681 Member of Broadcasting Board of Governors, US Information Agency
(Voice of America)
V798 Spiers, Ronald I 7332090
Ambassador to Bahamas 1973-74, Turkey 1977-80, Pakistan 1981-83
V797 Spiers, Ronald I 7332090
Ambassador to Bahamas 1973-74, Turkey 1977-80, Pakistan 1981-83
V3374 Spillane, Frank
Spillane, Mickey
808754 Author. Works include: I, the Jury, The Erection Set, Kiss Me Deadly,
and The Girl Hunters. Created the detective Mike Hammer
V1632 Spinks, Leon Boxer. Won the gold medal in the Light Heavyweight division during
the 1976 Olympics along with his brother Michael Spinks. Began his
professional career in 1977. Beat Muhammad Ali in early in 1978, but
lost to Ali later that year. Won 26 fights, lost 17 with 3 draws.
Heavyweight Champion 1978
V1630 Spinks, Leon Boxer. Won the gold medal in the Light Heavyweight division during
the 1976 Olympics along with his brother Michael Spinks. Began his
professional career in 1977. Beat Muhammad Ali in early in 1978, but
lost to Ali later that year. Won 26 fights, lost 17 with 3 draws.
Heavyweight Champion 1978
V3632 Spinks, Mansfield 36793241 Execution. Shot for murder and rape in Italy. MTO
V945 Spock, Benjamin M 362636 Doctor. Pediatrician and author of Baby and Child Care, published in
1946. Won a gold medal at the 1924 Olympics as part of an eight-
man rowing team.
V1134 Spock, Benjamin M 362636 Doctor. Pediatrician and author of Baby and Child Care, published in
1946. Won a gold medal at the 1924 Olympics as part of an eight-
man rowing team.
V327 Spong, William B 33126145 Virginia Senator 1966-73
V1483 Spratt, John M, Jr South Carolina Representative 1983-
V347 Springer, William L 158887 Illinois Representative 1951-73
V280 Springer, William L 158887 Illinois Representative 1951-73
V2183 Springman, Richard May 25, 1970 taken as POW in Cambodia. Returned February 12,
V1127 Sprinkel, Beryl W 17168350 Under Secretary of Treasury for Monetary Affairs
V1735 Spruance, Raymond A 5844 Naval Admiral who commanded the Central Pacific Force in WWII.
Considered the architect of the American victory in the Battle of
Midway, the turning point of the Pacific war. After WWII, served as
president of Naval War College. Ambassador to Philippines.
V2466 Spurrier, Junior J
Spurrier, James
13018254 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action at Achain, France on
November 13, 1944. While his company attacked Achain from the
east, Spurrier attacked alone from the west using a variety of
weapons. He killed 1 German officer, 24 enlisted men and captured 2
officers and 2 enlist men.
V2279 Squier, George O 8
uthor and inventor. Elected into the National Academy of Science for
his contribution of multiplexing in 1910. In 1922 he created Wired
Radio, what went on to become Muzak.
V476 St. Germain, Fernand J 11189272 Rhode Island Representative 1961-89
V3099 Stack, Robert L
Stack, Charles
204788 Actor and author. Works include: The Untouchables, host of
Unsolved Mysteries, The Mortal Storm, To Be or Not To Be, The High
and Mighty, Written on the Wind, Airplane!, and Beavis and Butt-head
Do America
V2362 Stacks, Raymond C November 30, 1968 taken as POW in Laos. Remains
returned/recovered March 26, 1989
V1618 Stadtler, Walter E 5302737 Ambassador to Benin 1986-89
V127 Stafford, Robert T 149115 Vermont Lieutenant Governor 1957-59. Governor 1959-61.
Representative 1961-71. Senator 1971-89
V128 Stafford, Robert T 149115 Vermont Lieutenant Governor 1957-59. Governor 1959-61.
Representative 1961-71. Senator 1971-89
V348 Staggers, Harley O 195906 West Virginia Representative 1949-81
V284 Staggers, Harley O 195906 West Virginia Representative 1949-81
V2008 Stalnaker, Robert E 761337 Killed in crash of RB-50 "Raven" espionage flight over Sea of Japan,
shot down by MIG-15 fighters
V1375 Stansbury, Thomas A 461734 Navy Admiral.
V1217 Stanton, John W 439191 Ohio Representative 1965-83
V484 Stanton, John W 439199 Ohio Representative 1965-83
V2801 Stanton, Shelby L Author. Books include: World War II Order of Battle, Special Forces
at War: An Illustrated History, Southeast Asia 1957-75, Vietnam:
Order of Battle, and Green Berets at War: US Army Special Forces in
Asia, 1956-75.
V2606 Stapp, John P Doctor. Pioneer in studying the effects of deceleration on humans.
Project officer and medical consultant in the Bio-Physics Branch of the
Aero Medical Laboratory. The deceleration project involved the use of
a rocket sled to simulate plane crashes to determine seat and harness
strengths. Dr. Stapp was one of the most frequent volunteers on the
runs. Credited with creating Stapp's Law "The universal aptitude for
ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle."
V1791 Stark, Fortney H, Jr
Stark, Pete
3032400 California Representative 1973-2003
V1786 Stark, Harold 5548 Naval Admiral. Chief of Naval Operations 1939-1942. Chief of the
Bureau of Ordnance 1934-37. Commander, United States Forces in
Europe and Commander, Twelfth Fleet until his retirement in 1946.
V3394 Starkey, Ray Lee 6330084 Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk.
V367 Stassen, Harold E 134875 Minnesota Governor 1939-43. One of the founders of UN ( was last
surviving signer of UN Charter) University of Pennsylvania president
V512 Stassen, Harold E 134875 Minnesota Governor 1939-43. One of the founders of UN ( was last
surviving signer of UN Charter) University of Pennsylvania president
V1386 Staubach, Roger T 690997 Football player. Played quarterback for the US Naval Academy, won
the Heisman Trophy and Maxwell Award 1963. Inducted into the
College Football Hall of Fame 1981. Played for the Dallas Cowboys
1969-79. Inducted in the Pro Football Hall of Fame 1985
V1852 Stearns, Clifford B Florida Representative 1989-
V3623 Stearns, Foster W X072981 New Hampshire Representative 1939-45
V72 Stedman, William P 266371 Ambassador to Bolivia 1973-77
V73 Stedman, William P 266371 Ambassador to Bolivia 1973-77
V485 Steed, Thomas J
Steed, Tom
1056900 Oklahoma Representative 1949-81
V2632 Steichen, Edward J X00032779 World renowned photographer, especially known for his work during
WWII with Naval Combat and Aviation Operations
V2633 Steichen, Edward J 126546 World renowned photographer, especially known for his work during
WWII with Naval Combat and Aviation Operations
V486 Steiger, Samuel
Steiger, Sam
2266178 Arizona Representative 1967-77
V605 Steigman, Andrew L 51367267 Ambassador to Gabon 1975-77, Sao Tome & Principe 1975-77
V3292 Steinberg, Saul 8092224
Cartoonist and illustrator. Worked for The New Yorker from the
V2998 Steinbrenner, George,
2248074 Owner of the baseball team the New York Yankees. Former owner in
an interest in the New Jersey Nets, New Jersey Devils, Chicago Bulls,
and Cleveland Pipers. 1961 Hired John McLendon, the first African-
American head coach in professional sports. Indicted on 14 criminal
counts and pled guilty to making illegal contributions to Nixon's re-
election campaign and obstruction of justice in 1974. Banned from
baseball in 1990 and reinstated in 1993.
V3895 Steinhardt, Lawrence A
Steinhardt, Laurence
2740506 Ambassador to Sweden 1933-37, Peru 1937-39, Russia 1939-41,
Turkey 1942-45, Czechoslovakia 1945-48, Canada 1948-50. Died in a
plane crash
V1794 Stengel, Charles D 1573104 Baseball player and manager. Played for the Brooklyn Dodgers 1912-
17, Pittsburgh Pirates 1918 and 1919, Philadelphia Phillies 1920-21,
New York Giants 1921-23, and the Boston Braves 1924-25. Left-
handed. Managed the Brooklyn Dodgers 1934-36, Boston Braves
1938-43, New York Yankees 1949-60, New York Mets 1960-1965.
Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame 1966 and the New York Mets
Hall of Fame 1981. His uniform number 37 has been retired by both
the Yankees and the Mets. The only person to have worn the uniform
(as a player or manager) of all four Major League Baseball teams that
played in New York City (while the team was in New York City) in the
20th Century
V487 Stennis, John C 176134 Mississippi Senator 1947-89
V3883 Stephan, Anton 105887 Major General for the District of Columbia National Guard.
V488 Stephens, Robert G Georgia Representative 1961-77
V3270 Stethem, Robert D Navy diver. Killed when commercial airliner TWA Flight 847 was
hijacked. He was singled out when the hijackers, who were
demanding the release of 435 Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners,
learned he was a member of the US military. He was beaten with a
chair leg, then shot and his body was dumped on the tarmac at the
Beirut airport.
V767 Stetson, John C 400792
Secretary of the Air Force 1977-79
V768 Stetson, John C 400792
Secretary of the Air Force 1977-79
V1804 Stevens, George C 921866 Motion picture director, producer, writer, and cinematographer. Works
include: The Cohens and Kellys in Trouble, Kentucky Kernels, Alice
Adams, I Remember Mama, A Place in the Sun, The Diary of Anne
Frank, The Greatest Story Ever Told, and Giant.
V355 Stevens, John P 131765 Judge of US Court of Appeals 1970-75. Justice of US Supreme Court
V1129 Stevens, John P 131765 Judge of US Court of Appeals 1970-75. Justice of US Supreme Court
V269 Stevens, Theodore F 780062 Alaska Senator 1968-
V204 Stevenson, Adlai E 2131036 Illinois Governor 1948-52. Ambassador to United Nations 1961-65.
V205 Stevenson, Adlai E 2131036 Illinois Governor 1948-52. Ambassador to United Nations 1961-65.
V222 Stevenson, Adlai E III 4180934 Illinois Senator 1970-81
V223 Stevenson, Adlai E III 4180934 Illinois Senator 1970-81
V224 Stevenson, Adlai E III 58578 Illinois Senator 1970-81
V3812 Stevenson, Clinton 38147920 Execution. Hanged for stabbing a soldier to death. California-Camp
V3564 Stevenson, Edgar M 8758329 Actor. Col Henry Blake on M*A*S*H
V75 Stevenson, Robert A 259455 Ambassador to Malawi 1974-78
V74 Stevenson, Robert A 259455 Ambassador to Malawi 1974-78
V2601 Stewart, James M
Stewart, Jimmy
433210 Film and Stage Actor. Known through many genres: comedy,
westerns, and suspense thrillers. Works include: Mr. Smith Goes to
Washington, Harvey, Vertigo, Rose-Marie, It's a Wonderful Life, The
Man from Laramie, Rear Window, Rope, The Man Who Knew Too
Much, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, and Cheyenne Autumn.
Inducted into the Western Performers Hall of Fame
V79 Stewart, Potter 160533 Judge of US Court of Appeals 1954-58; Justice of US Supreme Court
V78 Stewart, Potter 160533 Judge of US Court of Appeals 1954-58; Justice of US Supreme Court
V1809 Stilwell, Joseph W 1912 Deputy Chief of Staff IV Corps, Western Front 1918. Chief of Staff US
Forces in China 1928-29. Instructor at the Infantry School 1929-33.
Military Attache to China 1935-39. Commanding Officer 3rd Brigade/
Commanding General 7th Division 1939-41. Commanding General II
Corps 1941-42. Commander in Chief US China-Burma-India Theatre
of Operations 1942-44. Chief of Staff to Chiang Kai-Shek 1942-44.
Commander in Chief Northern Area Combat Command, Burma 1942-
44. Commander in Chief US India-Burma Theater of Operations
1944-45. Commander in Chief Army Ground Forces 1945.
Commanding General 10th Army 1945. General Officer Commander
in Chief Western Defense Command 1945-46. Commanding General
6th Army
V1926 Stockdale, James B Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions as a POW at Hoa Lo
prison, Hanoi, North Vietnam September 4, 1969. Singled out by his
captors as the focal point of resistance to interrogation and
propaganda, they set out to break his resistance. Rather than give in,
he inflicted a near mortal wound upon his person to demonstrate his
resolve never to give in. Upon discovery, the North Vietnamese
revived him, and convinced of his spirit, abated their torture of all the
POWs. Stockdale was considered as running-mate to Ross Perot.
V1128 Stoessel, Walter J, Jr 426656 Ambassador to Poland 1968-72, Soviet Union 1973-76, Germany
V489 Stokes, Louis 35912081 Ohio Representative 1969-99. Arrested for drunken driving 1983,
convicted on a lesser charge and fined.
V787 Stoltzfus, William A, Jr 466482 Ambassador to Kuwait 1971, Bahrain 1971-74, Qatar 1971-74, Oman
1972-74, United Arab Emirates 1972
V786 Stoltzfus, William A, Jr 8701321
Ambassador to Kuwait 1971, Bahrain 1971-74, Qatar 1971-74, Oman
1972-74, United Arab Emirates 1972
V3262 Stone, Elmer F 12287 Pilot of the NC-4 in its 1919 transatlantic flight. Appointed as "Coast
Guard Aviator No. 1" in 1920
V1297 Stone, Ezra C 32161821 Director and actor for stage, radio, television and films. Works include:
The Aldrich Family, What a Life, Those Were the Days, and The Flying
Nun: Hello Columbus
V1414 Stone, Marvin L 369168 Deputy Director US Information Agency
V1597 Stone, William O
Stone, Oliver
Screenwriter, producer, and film director. Works include: Conan the
Barbarian, Scarface, Platoon, JFK, Nixon, Natural Born Killers, and
Born on the Fourth of July
V1868 Story, Anthony F 523446 Personal pilot to General Douglas MacArthur
V2652 Strait, George H Country singer and songwriter. Songs include: "Unwound", "All my
Exes Live in Texas", "It Ain't Cool to Be Crazy About You", "Does Fort
Worth Ever Cross Your Mind", "Blue Clear Sky", "Carrying Your Love
with Me", and "Overnight Male"
V3297 Stram, Henry L
Stram, Hank
15313472 Football coach. Was with the Dallas Texans 1960-62, Kansas City
Chiefs 1963-74, and the New Orleans Saints 1976-77. Inducted into
the Pro Football Hall of Fame 2003.
V1468 Strang, Michael L 1925245 Colorado Representative 1985-87
V1902 Strank, Michael 275228 One of the six men who raised the replacement flag on Iwo Jima in the
famous photo. Strank was the leader of the group ordered to climb Mt.
Suribachi and raise a larger flag so that "every Marine on this cruddy
island can see it."
V2219 Stratton, Dorothy C X00032499 First Director of the SPARS, the US Coast Guard Women's Reserve
during WWII. The name is a contraction of the Coast Guard motto,
Semper Paratus and Always Ready
V281 Stratton, Samuel S 169670 Mayor of Schenectady, New York 1956-59. Representative 1959-89
V1399 Stratton, Samuel S Mayor of Schenectady, New York 1956-59. Representative 1959-89
V718 Strausz-hupe, Robert 985275 Ambassador to Ceylon 1970, Maldive Islands 1970, Belgium 1972-74,
Sweden 1974-76, Turkey 1981-89. Co-founder, with William R.
Kintner, of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia
V1341 Streator, Edward J 552038 Representative of the US to the Organization for Economic
9116114 Cooperation and Development. Rank of Ambassador
V3401 Street, George L, III 78745 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions as Commanding Officer of
the USS Tiranle on April 14, 1945. Street infiltrated the harbor of
Quelpart Island to destroy an enemy ammunition ship and fire upon
his pursuers.
V400 007 Streeter, Ruth C 18431 First Director of the Marine Corps Women's Reserve
V2184 Strickland, James H January 8, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
November 5, 1969
V1309 Stringfellow, Douglas 19152974 Utah Representative 1953-55
V1761 Stromer, Delwyn D 17331610 Regional Administrator, General Services Administration, Region 6
V3631 Stroud, Harvey Lincoln 33215131 Execution. Hanged for rape. Sicily. NATO
Navy Service 1940-41
V1349 Stuart, Robert D, Jr 350696 Ambassador to Norway 1984-89
V282 Stubblefield, Frank 404463 Kentucky railroad commissioner 1951-58. Representative 1959-75
V340 Stubblefield, Frank 404463 Kentucky railroad commissioner 1951-58. Representative 1959-75
V2244 Stuber, Robert W 56312 Died in crash during Berlin Airlift
V1376 Stump, Robert L
Stump, Bob
5559050 Arizona Representative 1977-2003
V1689 Sturdivant, John N 12501378 President of the American Federation of Government Employees
V2674 Stutts, Ben W 4024159 Captured by North Koreans on May 17, 1963 at the 38th Parallel and
held as POW for 1 year as internee and tortured. Released May 16,
1964 and returned to US Military control
V1573 Styer, Wilhelm D Army General. Deputy Chief of Construction War Department 1940-
42. Deputy Commander in Chief Army Services Forces 1942-45.
Chief of Staff Army Services Forces 1942-45. Commander in Chief
US Army Forces Western Pacific 1945-46
V2924 Suarez, Alfred M 925185 POW at Colditz Castle, Germany. Member of OSS team that
parachuted into Hungary to discuss separate peace settlement.
V1774 Subic, Joseph Iran Hostage until January 20, 1981. Part of the 66 who were seized
by students November 4, 1979
V3687 Sublett, Frank E 351966 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V1684 Suddarth, Roscoe S 25363248 Ambassador to Jordan 1987
V1692 Sullivan, Albert L 6202069 One of five brothers killed when the USS Juneau was struck by a
torpedo and sank. Due to their death the Sole Survivor Policy was
adopted by the US War Department.
V1694 Sullivan, Francis H 3211593 One of five brothers killed when the USS Juneau was struck by a
torpedo and sank. Due to their death the Sole Survivor Policy was
adopted by the US War Department.
V1693 Sullivan, George T 3211592 One of five brothers killed when the USS Juneau was struck by a
torpedo and sank. Due to their death the Sole Survivor Policy was
adopted by the US War Department.
V867 Sullivan, John M 485632 Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration
V866 Sullivan, John M 485632 Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration
V1695 Sullivan, Joseph E 6202070 One of five brothers killed when the USS Juneau was struck by a
torpedo and sank. Due to their death the Sole Survivor Policy was
adopted by the US War Department.
V1696 Sullivan, Madison A 6202071 One of five brothers killed when the USS Juneau was struck by a
torpedo and sank. Due to their death the Sole Survivor Policy was
adopted by the US War Department.
V71 Sullivan, William H 267695 Ambassador to Laos 1964-69, Philippines 1973-77, Iran 1977-79
V70 Sullivan, William H 267695 Ambassador to Laos 1964-69, Philippines 1973-77, Iran 1977-79
V3696 Sulser, Frederick F 2795475
V2880 Summersby, Kathleen
Summersby, Kay
1005246 During WWII, met and became the personal driver and confidential
secretary to General Dwight D. Eisenhower 1942-45. Reportly
Eisenhower later considered divorcing his wife Mamie to marry Kay,
but on the advice of General Marshall did not as it would cost him his
career. Kay later married a man named Morgan, gained her
citizenship (she was Irish born) and lived out her life in New York.
V1788 Sundquist, Donald K 7296388 Tennessee Representative 1983-95. Governor 1995-2002
V1239 Sutherland, Richard 4623 Lieutenant General in the Army. General MacArthur's Chief of Staff in
the South West Pacific Area during WWII
V3544 Suver, Charles F 307450 Part of Iwo Jima 1st flag raising : Attending Chaplin
V1526 Svensson, Bo R 1870507 Actor. Works include: The Great Waldo Pepper, Night Warning, Quel
Maledetto Treno Blindato, Frankenstein, Walking Tall, and Here come
the Brides. Also played hockey, drove race cars, and has a 3rd
Degree Black Belt in Judo
V2505 Sverdrup, Leif J 129029 President of Sverdrup & Parcel Engineering Co. Served in
MacArthur's GHzs, SWPA as head of construction in Office of Chief
Engineer and as Acting Chief Engineer
V2307 Svetanics, Neil J 1804813 Fire Chief for the City of St. Louis
V2306 Svetanics, Neil J 1804813 Fire Chief for the City of St. Louis
V2627 Sweeny, Charles M X00012682 Adventurer/ Soldier of Fortune who also served as enlisted man in US
Army in the Spanish-American War, then later in the French Foreign
V2459 Sweet, Herbert J 257469 Fourth Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps 1965-69
V2069 Swett, James E 9601 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action in air over the Solomon
Islands April 7, 1943. In a flight to intercept 150 Japanese planes,
Swett personally destroyed 7 enemy bombers. He was an Ace with
15.50 kills.
V3065 Swigert, John L
Swigert, Jack
Astronaut. Part of the Apollo 13 mission. Received Presidential
Medal of Freedom 1970. Elected as a Colorado Representative 1982.
Was portrayed by Kevin Bacon in Apollo 13
V3104 Swofford, Anthony H Author of Jarhead,
V3615 Sykes, Jerry 6267528 Execution. Hanged for the murder of Hazel Craig. Arizona
V202 Symington, James W 582940 Missouri Representative 1969-77
V203 Symington, James W 582940 Missouri Representative 1969-77
V2413 Symington, John F
Symington, Fife III
Arizona Governor 1991-97. Convicted on seven counts of fraud in
federal court, September 1997. Forced to resign as governor and
sentenced to prison and fined February 1998. Conviction was
overturned on appeal in June 1999
V44 Symington, Stuart 37624752 Son of Missouri Senator
V490 Symington, William 119331 Missouri Senator 1953-76. First Secretary of the Air Force 1947-50.
V144 Symms, Steven D 80071 Idaho Representative 1973-81. Senator 1981-93
V143 Symms, Steven D 80071 Idaho Representative 1973-81. Senator 1981-93
V2185 Tabb, Robert E April 12, 1970 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March 27,
V77 Tabor, John K 226714 Under Secretary Dept of Commerce 1973-75
V76 Tabor, John K 226714 Under Secretary Dept of Commerce 1973-75
V131 Taft, Robert, Jr 128548 Ohio Representative 1963-65, 1967-71. Senator 1971-76
V132 Taft, Robert, Jr 128548 Ohio Representative 1963-65, 1967-71. Senator 1971-76
V3548 Talbot, Ralph 3437 Medal of Honor WWI
V180 Talmadge, Herman E 107727 Georgia Governor 1947, 1948-55. Senator 1957-81
V181 Talmadge, Herman E 107727 Georgia Governor 1947, 1948-55. Senator 1957-81
V1347 Tambs, Lewis A 19212498 Ambassador to Colombia 1983, Costa Rica 1985-87
V692 Tamm, Edward A 1285804 Circuit Judge, District of Columbia 1948-85. Federal Bureau of
Investigation 1930-48
V1554 Tandy, Charles D 109580 Bought the bankrupt Radio Shack corporation in the 1960s.
V1714 Tanner, John S Tennessee Representative 1989-
V491 Tarr, Curtis W 39414163 Assistant Secretary of the Air Force 1969-70. Director of Selective
Service System 1970-72. Department of State 1972-73
V3061 Taylor, Charles C 114685 Commander of Flight 19, a flight of 5 TBM Avengers, which
disappeared mysteriously in the ocean near Bermuda on December 5,
1945. They had been conducting a training run from Fort Lauderdale
when they became lost on the way back.
V3464 Taylor, Gary Eugene
Taylor, Gene
2078951 Mississippi Representative 1989-
V3841 Taylor, Jack Crawford 337376
Founder of Enterprise Rent-a-Car
V3882 Taylor, John W 37485128 Execution. Hanged for the murder of another soldier. Italy. MTO
V3256 Taylor, Karl G, Sr 18627900 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for action in the Republic of Vietnam
on December 8, 1968. During Operation Meade River, Taylor got
word that the commander of the lead platoon had been mortally
wounded. He and a companion crawled forward to help direct the
platoon in question and gather wounded from exposed positions. He
gave his life to silence a machine gun that was endangering other
V1913 Taylor, Kenneth M
Taylor, Ken
409061 Taylor and George Welch were together when the Japanese first
appeared over Pearl Harbor. They called to get the P-40s in the air
then drove up to the base at Haleiwa as quickly as they could. They
were strafed three times on the drive. When they arrived at the base,
their planes were prepped and ready and they took off without waiting
for orders. They each downed two Japanese planes before landing for
more ammunition and gas. Taylor's plane was hit and forced to land,
but Welch managed to shoot down another before landing.
V3312 Taylor, Kenneth M
Taylor, Ken
4839 Taylor and George Welch were together when the Japanese first
appeared over Pearl Harbor. They called to get the P-40s in the air
then drove up to the base at Haleiwa as quickly as they could. They
were strafed three times on the drive. When they arrived at the base,
their planes were prepped and ready and they took off without waiting
for orders. They each downed two Japanese planes before landing for
more ammunition and gas. Taylor's plane was hit and forced to land,
but Welch managed to shoot down another before landing.
V1962 Taylor, Maxwell D Four star General and diplomat. 1943 was sent on a secret mission to
Rome to coordinate an 82nd air drop with Italian forces, the drop was
called off at the last minute when they discovered German forces
already covering the intended drop sites. Commanded the 101st
Airborne Division until the end of the war. Superintendent of West
Point 1945-49. Commander of Allied troops in Berlin 1949-51. Army
Chief of Staff 1955-59. Ambassador to South Vietnam 1964-65.
Special Consultant to the President and Chairman of the Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board 1965-69. President of the Institute of
Defense Analysis 1966-69.
V2363 Taylor, Phillip C May 27, 1971 taken as POW in Cambodia. Remains returned/
recovered February 26, 1993
V2559 Taylor, Robert
Brough, Spangler
253533 Actor. Works include: Camille, A Yank at Oxford, Billy the Kid,
Bataan, Undercurrent, Quo Vadis, and The Last Hunt. Inducted into
the Western Performers Hall of Fame 1970. 1947 testified before the
House Un-American Activities Committee as a "friendly witness"
providing some evidence and names of possible Pro-Communist
V130 Taylor, Roy A 327985 North Carolina Representative 1960-77
V129 Taylor, Roy A 327985 North Carolina Representative 1960-77
V2676 Taylor, Telford 918566 Chief prosecutor at the war crimes trials of Nazi leaders in Nuremburg,
Germany 1946-49. Noted opponent of the investigations by Senator
Joe McCarthy and of the US conduct during the Vietnam War. Author.
Books include: Munich: The Price of Peace, Grand Inquest: The Story
of Congressional Investigations, and The Anatomy of the Nuremberg
Trials: A Personal Memoir
V2186 Taylor, William B March 20, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned May 6,
V710 Teague, Olin E 294931 Texas Representative 1946-78.
V2808 Tero, Lawrence
Tureaud, Lawrence
Actor largely known for wearing an extreme amount of gold jewelry.
Works include: the role of B.A. Baracus on The A-Team, Rocky III,
Penitentiary 2, and Bizarre. He played for the Green Bay Packers
before a knee injury knocked him out of the game. He also was a
bodyguard for such stars as Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson, and
Diana Ross.
V328 Terry, John H 975491 New York Representative 1971-73
V3893 Tewes, Donald E 1845975 Wisconsin Representative 1957-59. President of Tewes Plastics,
Corp 1947-
V2879 Thacher, John H X00000073 Commander Battery D, 129th Field Artillery Regiment 1918. Adjutant,
1st Battalion, 129th Field Artillery 1918-1919. Commander of 110th
Ammunition Train 1919. Life-long friend of Harry Truman
V2292 Thagard, Norman E Astronaut. First American to ride to space on a Russian craft, March
14, 1995.
V3405 Thalassites, Leo G 5377349 Individual who served in all five branches of the military
V3404 Thalassites, Leo G 14362988 Individual who served in all five branches of the military
V3403 Thalassites, Leo G 2020253 Individual who served in all five branches of the military
V3402 Thalassites, Leo G 514246 Individual who served in all five branches of the military
V1104 Thayer, Harry E 567144 Ambassador to Singapore 1980
V1083 Thayer, Harry E 567144 Ambassador to Singapore 1980
V492 Theone, Gayle C
Thone, Charles
1328419 Nebraska Representative 1971-79. Governor 1979-83. Presidential
Elector for Nebraska 1992
V3500 Thesz, Louis M
Thesz, Lou
Thesz, Aloysius Martin
38594002 Semi pro wrester 1931-35. Professional wrestler 1935-44 for the
NWA. Six time heavyweight champion. Wrestled 1930-1990s
V3389 Thom, Leonard Jay 6120914
Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk.
V2497 Thomas, Charles L 1824391 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action near Climbach, France on
December 14, 1944. While riding in the lead vehicle of a task force,
Thomas's car came under enemy fire. Though severely wounded, he
assisted the crew in dismounting then in the setting up of antitank
guns to return fire.
V1847 Thomas, Craig L 67655 Wyoming Representative 1989-95. Senator 1995- 2007
V3538 Thomas, Ernest I 405830 Part of Iwo Jima 1st flag raising
V2444 Thomas, Gerald C 984 Twenty-third Assistant Commandant USMC 1952-54
V3892 Thomas, James C 34616798 Execution. Shot another soldier. Philippines
V513 Thomas, Jerry 2545536
Under Secretary, Department of the Treasury
V3468 Thomas, Jerry L 1585496 Marine recruit who died in Ribbon Creek incident at Parris Island
V3324 Thomas, Rex D
Thomas, Dave
17293854 Founder of Wendy's restaurants
V3595 Thompson, Charles M Thompson, Mike California Representative 1999
V2187 Thompson, Dennis L February 7, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
5, 1973
V193 Thompson, Frank, Jr 117707 New Jersey Representative 1955-1980. Implicated in the Abscam
sting, in which FBI agents impersonating Arab businessmen offered
bribes to political figures. Indicted June 18 and convicted on
December 3, 1980 on bribery and conspiracy charges, sentenced to
three years in prison
V169 Thompson, Frank, Jr 117707 New Jersey Representative 1955-1980. Implicated in the Abscam
sting, in which FBI agents impersonating Arab businessmen offered
bribes to political figures. Indicted June 18 and convicted on
December 3, 1980 on bribery and conspiracy charges, sentenced to
three years in prison
V2507 Thompson, Harold E 128353 Subject of a motion picture project dramatizing an episode of his
career involving espionage in Mexico in 1941 and 1942
V3512 Thompson, Henry C
Thompson, Hank C
38681425 Baseball player. 3rd African American player in the Major Leagues.
First African American to play in both the National and American
Leagues. Kansas City Monarchs 1943, 1946-1948, St. Louis Browns
1947, and the New York Giants 1949-1956.
V2618 Thompson, Hugh C Helicopter pilot during Vietnam who observed, tried to stop, then later
reported the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968.
V972 Thompson, John M 552685 Fought Navy Admirals over expenses, he was nearly discharged for
being mentally unfit.
V3469 Thompson, Leroy 1590031 Marine recruit who died in Ribbon Creek incident at Parris Island
V2010 Thorigal, Gordon P 621901 Awarded Bronze Star for service with the Office of Strategic Services
(OSS) in Burma. Work entailed swimming into enemy held territory to
make reconnaissance of landing beaches.
V661 Thornberry, William
Thornberry, W. Homer
166874 Texas Representative 1949-63. Judge of US District Court 1963-65.
Judge of US Court of Appeals 1965-78
V656 Thornberry, William
Thornberry, W. Homer
166874 Texas Representative 1949-63. Judge of US District Court 1963-65.
Judge of US Court of Appeals 1965-78
V966 Thornhill, Claude M 7075276 Pianist, arranger, and bandleader. Songs include: "Loch Lomond" and
"Annie Laurie"
V944 Thornhill, Claude M 7075276 Pianist, arranger, and bandleader. Songs include: "Loch Lomond" and
"Annie Laurie"
V3034 Thorpe, George C 987 Served with USMC at Philippines 1899-1901. Commanded Marine
Guard with US Diplomatic Expedition to Abyssinia 1903-04. First
Prov. Regt. Marines, Cuba 1907-08. Second Prov. Regt. Marines,
Santa Domingo 1917-19
V1974 Throckmorton, John 81329095 Four Star General
V2404 Thurman, Maxwell R Commander, Southern Command Desert Storm
V2547 Thurmond, James S
Thurmond, Strom
191221 Circuit Judge in South Carolina 1938-46. Governor of South Carolina
1947-51. Senator 1954-56, 1956-2003
V3824 Thye, Edward J 2348696 Lt. Governor of Minnesota 1943. Governor 1943-47. Senator 1947-59
V600 Timm, Robert D 466782 Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board 1971-74
V599 Timm, Robert D 466782 Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board 1971-74
V3146 Timmerman, Karl H 1311343 First officer to cross the Bridge at Remajen on March 7, 1945. (First
Bridge over the Rhine River)
V1808 Timperlake, Edward Department of Veterans Affairs
V1807 Timperlake, Edward 9975893 Department of Veterans Affairs
V2968 Tinkler, Norman L 17240002 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V2095 Tinsley, Coy R March 9, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned November
5, 1969
V1844 Tippit, J D 38631821 Dallas police officer slain by Lee Harvey Oswald following the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Posthumously awarded
the Medal of Valor from the National Police All of Fame 1964
V1927 Tobiason, Reba Z
Whittle, Reba Z
734426 Only US servicewoman captured by Germans during WWII. She was
an air-evacuation nurse on a plane shot down over enemy territory.
POW September 28, 1944-January 27, 1945. Repatriated through
V714 Todman, Terence A 1342133 Ambassador to Chad 1969-72, Guinea 1972-75, Costa Rica 1974-77,
Spain 1978-83, Denmark 1983-89, Argentina 1989-93
V2905 Tolley, Kemp 62657 Navy Admiral and author. Served on the gunboats of the Yangtze
Patrol and the South China Patrol. Books include: Caviar and
Commissars: The experiences of a US Naval Officer in Stalin's
Russia, Ed Heinemann, Combat Aircraft Designer, Cuise of the
Lanikai: Incitement to War, and Yangtze Patrol: The US Navy in
V1234 Tolson, Clyde A 201701 Associate director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Longtime
friend of Director J. Edgar Hoover.
V3339 Tomich, Peter 558432 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions on the USS Utah on
December 7, 1941. During the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,
Tomich was Chief Watertender working in the boiler room. When the
ship was torpedoed, Tomich remained below securing the boilers and
seeing that the other men escaped, thus giving his life.
V3058 Tomich, Peter 2276370 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions on the USS Utah on
December 7, 1941. During the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,
Tomich was Chief Watertender working in the boiler room. When the
ship was torpedoed, Tomich remained below securing the boilers and
seeing that the other men escaped, thus giving his life.
V719 Tone, Philip W 537997 Judge of US District Court for Northern District of Illinois 1972-74.
Judge of US Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit 1974-80
V3174 Toole, James L 24606290 Habitual writer--veteran's widow is a problem. Record placed in Vault
to protect it.
V2365 Toomey, Samuel K, III November 11, 1968 taken as POW in Laos. Remains returned/
recovered March 26, 1989
V817 Toon, Malcolm 126306 Ambassador to Czechoslovakia 1969-71, Yugoslavia 1971, Israel
1975-76, Soviet Union 1976-79
V818 Toon, Malcolm 126306 Ambassador to Czechoslovakia 1969-71, Yugoslavia 1971, Israel
1975-76, Soviet Union 1976-79
V2554 Torn, Elmore R
Torn, Rip
1879161 Actor. Works include: Men in Black, The Larry Sanders Show,
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, Marie-Antoinette, and Baby Doll
V1741 Torres, Esteban E 19340607 California Representative 1983-99
V1096 Toussaint, Donald R 3798515 Ambassador to Sri Lanka 1979, Maldive Islands 1979
V1097 Toussaint, Donald R 3798515 Ambassador to Sri Lanka 1979, Maldive Islands 1979
V233 Towell, David G 28767598 Nevada Representative 1973-75
V356 Tower, John G 5746375 Texas Senator 1961-85. Nominated for Secretary of Defense in 1989,
but defeated amid allegations of heavy drinking and womanizing.
Killed in a plane crash near Brunswick, Georgia.
V270 Tower, John G 5746375 Texas Senator 1961-85. Nominated for Secretary of Defense in 1989,
but defeated amid allegations of heavy drinking and womanizing.
Killed in a plane crash near Brunswick, Georgia.
V3261 Towers, John H 5891 Navy Admiral and Naval Aviator. Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics
1939-42. 1913 designated by the Navy as Naval Aviator No. 3.
Commander of the NC-flying boats that completed the first
Transatlantic flight
V1469 Towns, Edophus
Towns, Ed
51375461 New York Representative 1983-
V3430 Townsend, Julius C 4717 Vera Cruz Medal of Honor awarded for actions in 1914 at Vera Cruz.
V1614 Tracy, Alan T White House Staff-- Special Assistant to the President for Agricultural
Trade and Weekly Comp. of Presidential Documents
V1550 Tracy, Spencer B 1045273 Actor 1930's through 1960's. Nominated nine times for Academy
Awards. Won the Oscar twice, once for Captains Courageous and the
other for Boys Town
V1710 Trail, George A, III Ambassador to Malawi 1988-91
V1486 Traxler, Jerome
Traxler, J. Bob
55405395 Michigan Representative 1974-93. Member of the Michigan State
University board of trustees 1993-
V234 Treen, David C 1866247 Louisiana Representative 1973-80. Governor 1980-84
V2899 Trevino, Lee B 1653339 Golfer. Was introduced to the sport before he was eight years old. As
a caddy, he practiced by hitting several hundred balls a session.
Began playing on the PGA Tour in 1967. In 1974 he was struck by
lightening which damaged his spine and back, but didn't prevent him
from playing. Awarded the Hickok Belt in 1971, as well as Sports
Illustrated's "Sportsman of the Year".
V2665 Tripp, Bruce M Ex-husband of Linda Tripp, Pentagon employee who taped Monica
Lewinsky talking about alleged sex affair with President Clinton
V2930 Trofimoff, George June 14, 2000 charged with spying for the Soviet Union and Russia for
25 years. Allegedly sold classified material to the Russians while
serving as the civilian chief of the US Army Element of the Nuremburg
Joint Interrogation Center in Germany 1969-1994
V3652 Troup, Robert W 09872 Bobby Troup 314066 Enlisted SN. Musician, actor, and songwriter.
Works include: Route 66, Daddy, Their Hearts Were Full of Spring,
and Lemon Twist. Appeared in: MASH, Emergency!, and The Gene
Krupa Story.
V2084 Trudeau, Arthur G General in the Army. Instructor at Command & General Staff School
1941-42. Chief of Staff Engineer Amphibian Command 1942-43.
Commandant of Base X, Manila, Philippines 1945. Commanding
General 7th Division, Korea 1953. Commanding General I Corps
1955-58. Chief of Army Research & Development Command 1958-62
V3166 Truesdell, Donald L
Truesdale, Donald
Second Nicaraguan Campaign Medal of Honor awarded for action
near Coco River, northern Nicaragua on April 24, 1932. While on
patrol searching for a bandit group, a rifle grenade fell from its carrier
and struck a rock, igniting. Truesdell, several yards away, ran forward
and attempted to throw it away from the endangered patrol. It
exploded in his hand. He lost his hand and sustained multiple wounds
across his body , but saved the members of his patrol from serious
injury and loss.
V45 Truman, Harry S 129869 Missouri Senator 1935-45; Vice President of United States 1945; 33rd
President of United States 1945-53. Two members of a Puerto Rican
nationalist group, Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo, tried to shoot
their way into Blair House, temporary residence of the President, as
part of an attempted assassination, November 1, 1950. Torresola and
a guard, Leslie Coffelt, were killed; Collazo, wounded, was arrested,
tried, and convicted of murder.
V500 028 Truscott, Lucian K, Jr 97096 Commanding General Northern Landing Force, North Africa 1942.
Field Deputy to the Commander in Chief Allied Expeditionary Forces,
North Africa 1943. Commanding General 3rd Division, Sicily-Italy
1943-44. Deputy Commanding General VI Corps, Italy 1944.
Commanding General VI Corps, Italy-France 1944. Commanding
General 5th Army, Italy 1944-45. Commanding General 3rd Army /
Commanding General Eastern Military District 1946. Retired 1947
V3410 Tsantes, George
V2282 Tucker, Evelyn Lost subsequent job with War Department in Germany as Vienna Staff
Monuments, Fine Art, & Archival Officer because she investigated
looting by high-ranking Army officers.
V2948 Tucker, Forrest M 1648529 Actor in movies and television. Works include: The Westerner,
Keeper of the Flame, The Yearling, Sands of Iwo Jima, The Crawling
Eye, F Troop, Chisum, and Barquero
V1022 Tucker, James G, Jr
Tucker, Jim
2053688 Arkansas Representative 1977-79. Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas
1991-92. Governor 1992-96. Resigned in July of 1996 after his
conviction on federal charges brought by Kenneth Starr as a result of,
but not part of, the Whitewater scandal
V1023 Tucker, James G, Jr
Tucker, Jim
2053688 Arkansas Representative 1977-79. Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas
1991-92. Governor 1992-96. Resigned in July of 1996 after his
conviction on federal charges brought by Kenneth Starr as a result of,
but not part of, the Whitewater scandal
V3106 Tucker, Reuben H, III Commanded the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment. July 11, 1943
led the parachute invasion of Sicily where the US ground and sea
forces mistook the 504's aircraft for enemy planes. They lost 23
aircraft, had numerous casualties, and the troops were scattered over
the island.
V2366 Tullier, Lonnie J 54327632 August 12, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
recovered August 13, 1968
V2254 Tunner, William H Commander of 1st Airlift Task Force during the Berlin Airlift.
V3406 Tunney, James J
Tunney, Gene
98957 Boxer. Heavyweight boxing Champion 1926-28. Actor, starred in The
Fighting Marine. Elected into the World Boxing Hall of Fame 1980, the
International Boxing Hall of Fame 1990, and the Marine Corps Sports
Hall of Fame 2001. Father of John V. Tunney
V3074 Tunney, James J
Tunney, Gene
130975 Boxer. Heavyweight boxing Champion 1926-28. Actor, starred in The
Fighting Marine. Elected into the World Boxing Hall of Fame 1980, the
International Boxing Hall of Fame 1990, and the Marine Corps Sports
Hall of Fame 2001. Father of John V. Tunney
V360 Tunney, John V 3103267 California Representative 1965-71. Senator 1971-77. Son of the
Boxing champion Gene Tunney
V1203 Tupper, Stanley R 9269680 Maine Representative 1961-67
V2441 Turnage, Allen H 997 Nineteenth Assistant Commandant USMC 1945-46
V854 Turner, Stansfield 6669359 Navy Admiral. Director of Central Intelligence 1977-81. President of
Naval War College 1972-74. Rhodes Scholar Author of Burn Before
Reading: Presidents, CIA Directors, and Secret Intelligence
V853 Turner, Stansfield 485667 Navy Admiral. Director of Central Intelligence 1977-81. President of
Naval War College 1972-74. Rhodes Scholar Author of Burn Before
Reading: Presidents, CIA Directors, and Secret Intelligence
V1002 Tweed, George R 3927093 Navy radioman who evaded capture on Guam for 31 months of
Japanese occupation.
V1003 Tweed, George R 3927093 Navy radioman who evaded capture on Guam for 31 months of
Japanese occupation.
V3720 Twiggs, James W 38265086 Execution. Hanged for shooting a man in France. ETO
V107 Twinam, Joseph W 560129 Ambassador to Bahrain 1974-76.
V106 Twinam, Joseph W 560129 Ambassador to Bahrain 1974-76.
V2792 Twining, Nathan Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff and Air Force Chief of Staff 1950's
V46 Tydings, Millard E 213527 Member of Maryland state house of delegates 1916-20; Speaker of
Maryland State House of Delegates 1920; Maryland Representative
1923-27; Maryland Senator 1927-51
V1888 Tyler, Carroll L 56072 Development of Proximity Fuze w/ OSRD
V1912 Tyler, Kermit A 3216 Officer who told radar operators at Pearl Harbor not to worry about the
large number of planes seen on the scope, that they were B-17s en
route to the Islands from the mainland.
V3169 Tynan, Daniel J 12066629 Veteran who sent photographs of dead Japanese soldiers in to verify
claim of combat service. In the vault to protect the record
V3697 Tyson, Robert 2744553 USS Arizona
V353 Udall, Morris K 1846542 Played professional basketball with the Denver Nuggets, 1948-49.
Arizona Representative 1961-91. Lost an eye in an accident when he
was a boy. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1996
V160 Ullman, Albert C 201091 Oregon Representative 1957-81
V1208 Ullman, Albert C 201091 Oregon Representative 1957-81
V69 Underhill, Francis 296627 Ambassador to Malaysia 1973
V68 Underhill, Francis 296627 Ambassador to Malaysia 1973
V1967 Underwood, George V,
Four Star General
V1978 Upshur, William P 1006 Haitian Campaign of 1915 Medal of Honor awarded for action at Fort
Dipitie, Haiti October 24, 1915. Part of the 15th Company of Marines,
Upshur was on his was to Fort Dipitie when they came under sudden
enemy fire that continued through the night. At daybreak, Upshur
commanded one of the three squads that advanced on the Fort,
surprising and scattering the enemy.
V602 Upston, John E 12555021 Executive Secretary US National Commission for UNESCO.
Department of State 1964-69. Ambassador to Rwanda 1985
V2896 Urban, Matty
Urbanowitz, Matty L
416199 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Renouf, France June 14
to September 3, 1944. When his company came under heavy enemy
fire, which was inflicting heavy casualties, Urban armed himself with a
bazooka and destroyed two enemy tanks. His company was then able
to move forward, routing the enemy. When shot in the leg, he refused
evacuation and continued to lead his company until he was wounded
again and evacuated to England. Upon hearing of his units losses in
Normandy, he left the hospital and hitchhiked his way back to them.
He was still limping, but assessing the situation, saw an unoccupied
tank. A lieutenant and sergeant were killed trying to mount the tank.
Urban dashed through enemy fire to mount the tank. He was then
able to destroy the enemy position. In early August, he was wounded
by shell fragments, but again refused evacuation. Mid-
ugust he led a
charge across open terrain and was wounded a seventh time, this time
in the neck, but he refused to be evacuated until the enemy was
routed. He earned 7 Purple Hearts.
V2578 Urdiales, Andrew Security guard accused of killing eight women--three in Chicago and
five in California
V608 Utt, James B 5788954 California Representative 1953-70
V2217 Valenti, Jack J 772238 Author as well as long time President and Chief Executive Officer of
the Motion Picture Association of America 1966-2004. Was in the
motorcade on November 22, 1963 when Kennedy was shot. Special
assistant to Lyndon Johnson 1963-66. Books include: Speak Up With
Confidence, Protect and Defend, A Very Human President, The Bitter
Taste of Glory, and Ten Heroes and Two Heroines
V1484 Valentine, Itimous T, Jr
Valentine, Tim
North Carolina Representative 1983-95
V2690 Van Buskirk, Robert Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V1825 Van Cleef, Clarence
Van Cleef, Lee
2251695 Actor appeared primarily in Westerns and action movies. Include:
High Noon, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly, For a Few Dollars More, Escape from New York, and
The Big Gundown
V493 Van Deerlin, Lionel 37019194 California Representative 1963-81
V678 Van Dusen, Francis L 126321 Judge of US Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit 1967-77
V777 Van Dusen, Francis L 126321 Judge of US Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit 1967-77
V2981 Van Dyke, Richard W
Van Dyke, Dick
36904220 Actor in movies and television. Works include: The Dick Van Dyke
Show, Diagnosis: Murder, Bye Bye Birdie, Mary Poppins, What a Way
to Go!, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and The Morning After. Brother of
Jerry Van Dyke. Father of Barry Van Dyke. Grandfather of Carry Van
V670 Van Hollen,
372711 Ambassador to Sri Lanka 1972, Maldive Islands 1972. Father of
Christopher Van Hollen, Jr.
V643 Van Hollen,
372711 Ambassador to Sri Lanka 1972, Maldive Islands 1972. Father of
Christopher Van Hollen, Jr.
V3214 Van Valkenburgh,
7187 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Pearl
Harbor on December 7, 1941. Van Valkenburgh was Captain of the
USS Arizona.
V3154 Van Voorhis, Bruce A 62530 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions during the
battle of the Solomon Islands July 6, 1943. He volunteered to
undertake a one-man mission to cause as much damage to enemy
installations on Greenwich Island as possible.
V628 Vance, Cyrus R 160349 US Secretary of State 1977-80. Received the Presidential Medal of
Freedom 1969
V2623 Vance, Robert S Federal Judge of the 5th Circuit Federal Appeals Court in Birmingham,
Alabama was the victim of a mail bomb. Within days of his death, four
other bombs surfaced, the investigation into the Vanpac Case, as it
came to be known, was one of the most massive in history
V400 012 Vandegrift, Alexander Eighteenth Commandant of the Marine Corps 1943-47. WWII Medal
of Honor awarded for actions at the Solomon Islands August 7 to
December 9, 1942. Overcame adverse conditions to lead a
successful landing and holding of the Islands.
V2367 Vanden Eykel, Martin 3160398 December 12, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
returned/ recovered January 23, 1989
V1487 Vandenberg, Hoyt S 4
Director of Central Intelligence Agency 1946-47. US Chief of Military
Intelligence. Commanding General of Ninth Air Force. Chief of Staff
of the Air Force 1948-53.
V170 Vanik, Charles A 143995 Ohio Representative 1955-81
V192 Vanik, Charles A 143995 Ohio Representative 1955-81
V1690 Vann, John P 38485 Advisor to Col. Huynh Van Cao in the anti-guerrilla war against the
Viet Cong. Became critical of what he saw as the ineptness with
which the war was being prosecuted. He was forced from his advisory
position. He returned to Vietnam as an official of the Agency for
International Development where he served until he was killed after
the battle for Kontum.
V1602 Vanocur, Sander 2034085 Journalist of print, radio, and television. Host of: Movies in Time,
History's Business, and First Tuesday
V2107 Vanputten, Thomas H February 11, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned April
17, 1969
V3135 Vargas, Manual S
Vargas, Jay R
Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for action at Dai Do, Republic of
Vietnam April 30 to May 2, 1968. Despite multiple wounds sustained
during the three-day battle, Vargas remained with his men, leading
and encouraging them.
V2368 Varnado, Michael B 12871003 May 2, 1970 taken as POW in Cambodia. Remains returned/
recovered April 27, 1989
V3925 Vaughan, Harry B 7962 District Engineer in Philadelphia 1940-43. Commanding General
United Kingdom Base Section 1944-45. Commanding General
Bremen Post Command 1945
V47 Vaughn, Harry H 205101 Liaison Officer Truman-Mead Commission 1944. Military Aide to the
Vice-President 1945. Military Aide to the President 1945-53. Retired
V1278 Veeck, William L 907875 One time owner of three different baseball teams, the Indians, Browns,
and White Sox as well as some minor teams. Energetic and
innovative, his teams broke attendance records by winning pennants,
offering outrageous door prizes and ingenious promotional schemes.
He introduced to baseball a midget player, fireworks, and player
names on the back of their uniforms. He signed the American
League's first black player, Larry Doby in 1947, and the oldest rookie
at 42, Satchel Paige in 1948. He was a civil rights activist, deeply
involved in the movement in the 60's. Elected into the Baseball Hall of
Fame in 1991.
V1008 Veliotes, Nicholas 19258537 Ambassador to Jordan 1978, Egypt 1983
V2996 Veneris, James G 13009671 One of twenty US servicemen who chose to stay in China at the end of
the Korean War. He was considered a turncoat and given a
dishonorable discharge from the Army.
V1675 Verity, Calvin W
Verity, C. William, Jr
154164 US Secretary of Commerce 1987-89
V1674 Verity, Calvin W
Verity, C. William, Jr
154164 US Secretary of Commerce 1987-89
V2512 Versace, Humbert R 87417 Capt Versace and the assault force he was accompanying were
caught in an ambush and overrun. Though severely wounded, he
tried to resist capture. He was a POW from October 1963 to
September 1965. He assumed command of his fellow American
prisoners and organized escape attempts. He resisted enemy
interrogation and indoctrination efforts and inspired his fellow prisoners
to do the same. The last they heard of him, he was singing "God
Bless America" at the top of his lungs from his isolation box. The Viet
Cong, unable to break his will, executed him. Versace was awarded
the Medal of Honor posthumously.
V2405 Vessey, John W General. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1982-85
V1410 Vest, George S 1167255 Director General of the Foreign Service
V2895 Vidrine, George A Holder of nine Purple Hearts and at least one of every other gallantry
award except Medal of Honor
V3049 Viertel, Peter 426997 Author and screenwriter. Works include: White Hunter Black Heart,
The African Queen, Saboteur, The Sun Also Rises, and The Old Man
and the Sea
V1077 Viets, Richard N 22866643 Ambassador to Tanzania 1979, Jordan 1981
V494 Vigorito, Joseph P 449490 Pennsylvania Representative 1965-77
V3606 Vincent, Bevely M 3906279 Kentucky Representative 1937-45
V500 046 Vinson, Frederick M 4734091 Kentucky Representative 1924-29, 1931-38. Judge of US Court of
Appeals for the D.C. Circuit 1938-43. US Secretary of the Treasury
1945-46. Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court 1946-53
V2555 Vinton, Stanley R, Jr
Vinton, Bobby
23760676 Singer. Songs include: "Roses are Red", "Blue Velvet", "There! I've
Said It Again", and "Sealed With a Kiss"
V3213 Vittori, Joseph 645720 Korea Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action at Hill 749,
Korea September 15-16, 1951. Volunteered to defend an isolated
machine gun position, engaging in hand-to-hand combat, firing his
weapon-over 1,000 rounds in three hours, repeatedly braved heavy
shellfire to replenish his ammunition supply, and manned a machine
gun until he fell mortally wounded. The next morning, almost 200
enemy dead were in the area he had defended.
V929 Volkmer, Harold L 17431804 Missouri Representative 1977-97
V838 Volpe, John A 251504 Massachusetts Governor 1961-63, 1965-69. Secretary of
Transportation 1969-73. Ambassador to Italy 1973-77
V2673 Voltz, Carleton W 5505792 Captured by North Koreans on May 17, 1963 at the 38th Parallel and
held as POW for 1 year as internee and tortured. Released May 16,
1964 and returned to US Military control
V2240 Von Luehrte, Robert 15097662 Died in crash during Berlin Airlift
V3289 Von Trapp, Rupert 31339067 Member of the "Von Trapp Family Singers" who escaped Nazi
occupied Austria as depicted in The Sound of Music.
V3288 Von Trapp, Werner 31339073 Member of the "Von Trapp Family Singers" who escaped Nazi
occupied Austria as depicted in The Sound of Music.
V495 Vonmarbod, Eric F Assistant Secretary of Defense
V3567 Vonnegut, Kurt 12102964 Author. Works include: Slaughterhouse 5 (written about his time as a
POW when Dresden, Germany was bombed), Cat's Cradle, and
Breakfast of Champions.
V3309 Voris, Roy M 112299 Founder and leader of the US Navy Blue Angels in 1946
V2406 Vuono, Carl E Army General. Chief of Staff of the US Army 1987-91
V3069 Waesche, Russell R 435617 Commandant of the Coast Guard 1936-46
V182 Waggonner, Joseph D
Waggonner, Joe
120087 Louisiana Representative 1961-79. Arrested in Washington DC 1976
for soliciting a policewoman posing as a prostitute.
V183 Waggonner, Joseph D
Waggonner, Joe
120087 Louisiana Representative 1961-79. Arrested in Washington DC 1976
for soliciting a policewoman posing as a prostitute.
V3508 Wagner, Albert F 137352 One of the last living WWI veterans
V1570 Wainwright, Jonathan 2131 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action on Corregidor. Wainwright
and his men fought off the Japanese invasion for over a month before
surrendering to the invading force. He spent the next three years as a
V2752 Wainwright, Richard, Jr 3506 Mexican Campaign Medal of Honor awarded for action at Vera Cruz
April 21-22, 1914 while leading his men in the seizure of a
V329 Waldie, Jerome R 39134460 California Representative 1966-75
V1586 Waldon, Alton R, Jr 12507507 New York Representative 1986-87
V2703 Walker, Addison M
Walker, Mort
37499690 Comic artist. Creator of Beetle Bailey and Hi and Lois
V1637 Walker, Arthur J Part of a group of spies who sold secrets to the Soviet Union for 18
years. John, Michael, and Arthur Walker (Father, son, and brother of
John) along with friend Jerry Whitworth.
V2057 Walker, Edwin A 18552 Major General of US Army who resigned his commission in protest of
"left-leaning" influence on Army in Germany. Had been in trouble for
"Rightist" speeches--Board of Correction gave him his retirement pay
in 1982
V1205 Walker, Howard K Ambassador to Togo 1982, Madagascar 1989-92, Comoros 1989-92
V1636 Walker, John A Part of a group of spies who sold secrets to the Soviet Union for 18
years. John, Michael, and Arthur Walker (Father, son, and brother of
John) along with friend Jerry Whitworth.
V2301 Walker, Kenneth N 12510 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at Rabaul, New Britain
January 5, 1943. Walker was a Brigadier General who developed a
highly efficient technique for bombing with opposed by enemy fighters
and anti-aircraft fire. He led the bombing attack on Japanese ships
and was last seen with one engine on fire and fighters on his tail. Mo
wreckage or survivors were found.
V3307 Walker, Michael L Part of a group of spies who sold secrets to the Soviet Union for 18
years. John, Michael, and Arthur Walker (Father, son, and brother of
John) along with friend Jerry Whitworth.
V2639 Walker, Robert M Interim Secretary of the Army (1997-98) pending naming of a new
Secretary vice Togo West who went to head DVA
V1470 Walker, Robert S Pennsylvania Representative 1977-97
V400 004 Walker, Roberto C
Clemente, Roberto
1807788 Baseball player. Played with the Pittsburgh Pirates 1955-72. Inducted
into the Baseball Hall of Fame 1973. Died in a plane crash of the
coast of Isla Verde, Puerto Rico while en route to deliver aid to
earthquake victims in Nicaragua. Awarded the Presidential Medal of
Freedom 2002
V2822 Walker, William 36170964 Member of the 364th Infantry at Camp Van Dorn Mississippi. Killed on
May 30, 1943 while attempting to escape MP's and local authorities.
Shot in the back by the Sheriff of Centerville, Mississippi. This incident
is thought to have set off the riots and attempted mutiny at Camp Van
V500 047 Wallace, George C 14123081 Alabama Governor 1963-67, 1971-72, 1972-79, 1983-87. Worked as
a professional boxer in the late 1930's. While campaigning in
Maryland on May 15, 1972, was shot by Arthur Bremer; the injury
paralyzed both his legs. Along with Ohio's James A Rhodes, he was
the longest serving state governor in US history.
V1150 Wallace, Myron L
Wallace, Mike
344096 Journalist. Television correspondent for 60 Minutes
V1149 Wallace, Myron L
Wallace, Mike
344096 Journalist. Television correspondent for 60 Minutes
V2636 Wallach, Eli H 1542021 Actor of film, television, and stage. Works include: Baby Doll, The
Misfits, The Magnificent Seven, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly,
and The Associate. Starred in many Westerns
V400 000 Waller, Littleton W 1232 Marine Corps Major General and candidate, but not chosen as
Commandant. Court-martialled for the execution of eleven Filipino
porters; ten who were implicated in an attack on a Marine officer and
one for plotting against Waller. Waller had been following the orders
of General Smith who had ordered the execution of every male Filipino
over the age of 10. Waller was acquitted and Smith was court-
martialled, convicted, admonished, and forced to retire.
V2108 Wallingford, Ken April 7, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February 12,
V930 Wallop, Malcolm 5036645 Wyoming Senator 1977-95
V1625 Wallop, Malcolm 4036645 Wyoming Senator 1977-95
V2067 Walsh, Kenneth A WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions at New Georgia August 15
and 30, 1943. August 15, Walsh was credited with the destruction of
two Japanese Vals and one Zeke. On August 30, his plane had
engine trouble and he was forced to land. He "borrowed" a plane and
came upon Allied bombers under attack. He downed four Zekes
before being shot down. He was a Fighter Ace with 21 kills.
V1391 Walsh, Loretta P
Bowman, Loretta
13627599 First woman volunteer in the Navy during WWI in a position other than
nurse, March 21, 1917
V497 Walsh, William F 32181488 New York Representative 1973-79
V955 Walsh, William F 86302053 New York Representative 1973-79
V2414 Walt, Lewis W Commander III Marine Amphibious Force in Vietnam (essentially all
Marines in Vietnam)
V3313 Walter, Wilfred A 63216 Commanding Officer of the USS William D. Porter which acted as an
escort to the USS Iowa while carrying FDR to Tehran Conference.
The ship fired a torpedo accidentally during a drill, nearly striking the
V3291 Walton, John T 15871307 Son of Sam Walton of Wal-Mart
V2372 Walton, Wilbert 14942278 January 3, 1970 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains
recovered/ returned November 14, 1991
V1767 Wambaugh, Joseph A,
1516624 Former Los Angeles police officer and detective 1960-74. Author.
Works include: The New Centurions, The Choirboys, The Onion Field,
The Delta Star and The Blooding
V776 Wampler, William C 4775283 Virginia Representative 1953-55, 1967-83
V775 Wampler, William C 4775283 Virginia Representative 1953-55, 1967-83
V2189 Wanat, George K April 8, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February 12,
V2006 Ward, John C 865270 Killed in crash of RB-50 "Raven" espionage flight over Sea of Japan,
shot down by MIG-15 fighters
V2484 Ware, Keith L WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action near Sigolsheim, France
December 26, 1944. During an assault on a hill near Sigolsheim,
France, one of his companies was halted by heavy enemy fire. Ware
spent two hours reconnoitering enemy positions before leading 11
men and a tank forward to take out 4 enemy machine guns.
V3260 Ware, Wayne E 3131116 Member of TX ANG, 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron with
President George W. Bush. Involved in media blitz of 2004 election
V1321 Warner, John W X00050583 Father of John W. Warner, Virginia Senator
V729 Warner, John William 50488
Secretary of the Navy 1972-74. Virginia Senator 1979- . Married to
Elizabeth Taylor 1976-82
V728 Warner, John William 2569240 Secretary of the Navy 1972-74. Virginia Senator 1979- . Married to
Elizabeth Taylor 1976-82
V730 Warner, John William 2569240
Secretary of the Navy 1972-74. Virginia Senator 1979- . Married to
Elizabeth Taylor 1976-82
V1313 Warner, Robert M 55014071 Archivist of US
V1034 Warnke, Paul C 37278 Chief SALT negotiator and Director of the Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency. Department of Defense 1966-69
V648 Warren, Gerald L 516929 Deputy Press Secretary 1969-76
V794 Warren, Gerald L 516929
Deputy Press Secretary 1969-76
V1764 Washington, Harold 36795331 Illinois Representative 1981-83. Mayor of Chicago, Illinois 1983-87.
V3625 Waters, John H 32337934 Execution. Hanged for murder in England. Shepton Mallet. ETO.
Attempted suicide after shooting and killing his paramour.
V2243 Watkins, Bernard J 15101399 Died in crash during Berlin Airlift
V2831 Watkins, Booket 38080824 Awarded the Soldier's Medal for his actions on May 30, 1943 at Camp
Van Dorn Mississippi when he safeguarded the keys to the armory of
Company C, 364th Infantry in face of a mutinous mob which broke into
the supply room in search of weapons.
V1727 Watkins, Wesley W
Watkins, Wes
25784742 Oklahoma Representative 1977-91, 1997-2003
V2190 Watkins, Willie A January, 9, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned
November 5, 1969
V2288 Watson, David F 909086 Convicted by Military Court Martial in the Looting & Theft of The Crown
Jewels of Hesse. Imprisoned at US Disciplinary Barracks, Green
Haven, New York. Was granted a Presidential Pardon 1957
V2498 Watson, George 34229603 WWII Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions off the coast
of New Guinea on March 8, 1943. When his ship was struck by
Japanese bombers, Watson stayed in the water helping others instead
of seeking to save himself. One of the seven African American
veterans of WWII who were awarded the Medal of Honor January 13,
V2297 Watson, Spann Among the first African American Cadets to graduate from the
Tuskegee Institute
V2493 Waugh, Robert T 6149643
WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions near Tremensucli, Italy on
May 11-14, 1944. In the course of three days, he led his platoon in an
assault of the Gustav Line, neutralizing 6 bunkers and 2 pillboxes.
V3531 Wayne, Patrick J 2055088 Actor and son of John Wayne
V2856 Wayrynen, Dale E Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions at Quang
Ngai Province, Republic of Vietnam May 18, 1967. Wayrynen's
platoon was evacuating wounded when they were attacked by enemy
troops. He pulled one wounded soldier to cover and when an enemy
grenade landed in their midst, he threw himself on it to save his
comrades lives.
V965 Weaver, Arthur V 485689 Administrator of the Small Business Administration
V926 Weaver, Arthur V 485689 Administrator of the Small Business Administration
V875 Weaver, James H 3326854 Oregon Representative 1975-87
V874 Weaver, James H 3326854 Oregon Representative 1975-87
V500 048 Webb, Jack
Webb, John Randolph
19178356 Actor, television producer director, and writer. Works include:
Detective Joe Friday on Dragnet, He Walked by Night, Dark City,
Sunset Boulevard, and Adam-12
V1541 Webb, James H Secretary of the Navy 1987-88. Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Reserve Affairs. Author. Works include: Fields of Fire, Born Fighting,
How the Scots-Irish Shaped America, and Something to Die For
V3364 Weber, Duane L 35608905 Man claimed to be infamous hijacker "D. B. Cooper" on his deathbed.
FBI has investigated and the man may have been telling the truth
V3365 Weber, Duane L 35608905 Man claimed to be infamous hijacker "D. B. Cooper" on his deathbed.
FBI has investigated and the man may have been telling the truth
V3257 Weber, Lester W 2323793 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for action at Quang
Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam February 23, 1969. While
assisting another platoon which had come under heavy enemy fire,
Weber acted boldly and charged the enemy, engaging in hand-to-hand
combat at times to overwhelm the enemy until he was mortally
V697 Webster, William H 369476 Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 1978-87. Director of
the Central Intelligence Agency 1987-91. Judge of the US District
Court for the Eastern District of Missouri 1970-73. US Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit 1973-1978. Received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom 1991
V698 Webster, William H 369476 Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 1978-87. Director of
the Central Intelligence Agency 1987-91. Judge of the US District
Court for the Eastern District of Missouri 1970-73. US Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit 1973-1978. Received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom 1991
V2412 Wedemeyer, Albert C 61286345
Chief author of the Victory Program, 1941, which advocated the defeat
of Germany's armies in Europe as the prime war objective for the US.
Also helped plan the Normandy Invasion. Chief of Staff to the
Supreme Allied Commander of the South East Asia Command 1943.
Chief of Staff to Chiang Kai-shek 1944. Author of Wedemeyer
V498 Weicker, Lowell P 79263422 Connecticut Representative 1969-71. Senator 1971-89. Governor
V1345 Weil, Leon J 11108885 Ambassador to Nepal 1984-87
V559 Weinberger, Caspar
Weinberger, Cap
Secretary of Defense 1981-87. Chairman of the Commission on
California State Government Organization and Economy 1967.
Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission 1970. Director of Office
of Management and Budget 1972-73. Secretary of Health, Education,
and Welfare 1973-75.
V2590 Weinberger, Harold
Weinberger, Harrold
Weinberger, H. A.
45994 Movie director and producer for MGM who was awarded the "National
Headliners Club" award for film produced on Iwo Jima
V2591 Weinberger, Harold
Weinberger, Harrold
Weinberger, H. A.
1271145 Movie director and producer for MGM who was awarded the "National
Headliners Club" award for film produced on Iwo Jima
V931 Weiss, Theodore S
Weiss, Ted
12271480 New York Representative 1977-92
V885 Weissman, Marvin 35863215 Ambassador to Costa Rica 1977-80, Bolivia 1980
V1914 Welch, George S 398557 Taylor and George Welch were together when the Japanese first
appeared over Pearl Harbor. They called to get the P-40s in the air
then drove up to the base at Haleiwa as quickly as they could. They
were strafed three times on the drive. When they arrived at the base,
their planes were prepped and ready and they took off without waiting
for orders. They each downed two Japanese planes before landing for
more ammunition and gas. Taylor's plane was hit and forced to land,
but Welch managed to shoot down another before landing.
V553 Weld, William E, Jr 194007 Director of US Advisory Commission on International Educational &
Cultural Affairs
V554 Weld, William E, Jr 194007 Director of US Advisory Commission on International Educational &
Cultural Affairs
V2302 Weldon, David J
Weldon, Dave
92483511 Florida Representative 1995-
V3698 Wells, Raymond V 3420436 USS Arizona
V1056 Welsh, William B 15362866 Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
V2456 Went, Joseph J Forty-first Assistant Commandant USMC 1988-90
V2976 Wenzel, Leonard R 12314959 Member of the 7th Cavalry Regiment involved in the No Gun Ri
massacre. The village was a site of conflict between warring parties
where US forces are said to have killed a number of civilians from
June 26 to June 29, 1950. The circumstances around the matter as
well as the number of dead is a matter of dispute.
V2075 West, Togo D, Jr US Secretary of the Army 1993-97
V1810 Westfall, George R County Prosecutor St. Louis County, Mo
V3310 Westheimer, David K 439778 Author and screenwriter. Works include: Von Ryan's Express,
Summer on the Water, The Magic Fallacy, My Sweet Charlie, and
Delay en Route
V2548 Westmoreland, William 20223 Army General. Army Chief of Staff 1968-72. Superintendent of West
Point 1960. Commander of the XVIII Airborne Corps 1963. Deputy
commander of Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) 1964-
V1561 Westover, Oscar 2145 Succeeded Benjamin D Foulois as chief of the Army Air Corps in
1935. Died when the plane he was flying crashed short of the runway
at Lockheed Aircraft's air field. He crashed into a house, killing both
occupants of the plane. No one on the ground was killed.
V2407 Weyland, Frederick C Commanding General 25th Infantry Division 1966. Army Chief of Staff
V1783 Weyland, Otto P 63 General US Air Force. Served as commanding general, Far East Air
Forces 1951-54, and as commander of the Tactical Air Command
V499 Whalen, Charles W, Jr 1594397 Ohio Representative 1967-79
V3258 Wheat, Roy M 2242728 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded posthumously for actions in the
Republic of Vietnam August 11, 1967. While providing security for a
construction battalion, Wheat unintentionally set off an antipersonnel
mine. To save his comrades from injury or death, he threw himself on
the mine and absorbed the explosion with his body.
V2634 Wheatley, James P
Wheatley, Parker
1641055 St. Louis Radio and Television personality of the 1950's through the
V1240 Wheeler, Earle G
Wheeler, Bus
18715 Army General. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1964-70. Chief of
Staff of the US Army 1962-64
V669 Whitaker, John C 7591216 Under Secretary, Department of the Interior 1973-75. Whitehouse
Staff 1969-73
V642 Whitaker, John C 7591216 Under Secretary, Department of the Interior 1973-75. Whitehouse
Staff 1969-73
V3954 White, Armstead 34401104 Execution. ETO
V242 White, Byron R 143733 Rhodes scholar. Justice of US Supreme Court 1962-93. Professional
football player for the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1938 and for the Detroit
Lions in 1940; led the league in rushing both years. His $15,800
salary was then the highest ever paid a player in the National Football
V243 White, Byron R 143733 Rhodes scholar. Justice of US Supreme Court 1962-93. Professional
football player for the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1938 and for the Detroit
Lions in 1940; led the league in rushing both years. His $15,800
salary was then the highest ever paid a player in the National Football
V3624 White, David 34400884 Execution. Hanged for rape in Sicily. NAT
V1419 White, Edward H 23567 Astronaut. First American to make a spacewalk 1965. Died with
Grissom and Chaffee in the Apollo 1 fire at the Kennedy Space
Center, Florida.
V3315 White, Egbert G 469540
Officer who developed idea for Yank magazine, sold the idea to G. S.
Marshall and become the magazine's first editor.
V2051 White, Isaac D 2303272 Commanding General 2nd Armored Division (Hell on Wheels), North-
West Europe 1945. Commandant of Cavalry School 1945-46. Deputy
Commanding General 7th Army 1950-51. Chief of Staff 1st Army
1951. Commanding General X Corps 1952-53. Commanding General
4th Division 1953-55. Commander in Chief United Nations Command
Korea 1955-57. Commander in Chief US Army Pacific 1957-61.
Retired 1961
V3821 White, Lloyd L 33722345 Execution. Hanged for rape, assault, and disobeying orders. New
V601 White, Richard C 479980 Texas Representative 1965-83
V593 White, Richard C 479980 Texas Representative 1965-83
V893 White, Robert E 5798062 Ambassador to Paraguay 1977-80, El Salvador 1980
V894 White, Robert E 5798062 Ambassador to Paraguay 1977-80, El Salvador 1980
V2191 White, Robert T November 15, 1969 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned April
1, 1973
V1004 White, Rodney B793452 Nephew of President Lyndon Johnson
V1005 White, Rodney B793452 Nephew of President Lyndon Johnson
V2726 White, Roscoe A 1666106 Accused of being the John F Kennedy "Grassy Knoll" assassin by his
son. Oswald and White both traveled on the USS Bexar and White
was a member of the Dallas Police Department on November 22,
1963, however, the accusation has not been proven
V2518 White, Thomas D 22
Fourth Chief of Staff of the US Air Force 1957-61. Commanded 5th
Air Force 1947. Commanded 7th Air Force 1945
V2986 White, Thomas E US Secretary of the Army 2001-2003. Commander 1st Squadron 11th
Armored Cavalry Regiment. Commander 11th Armored Cavalry
Regiment V Corps. Involved in several scandals due to his activities
and ties with Enron.
V3688 White, William S 351967 One of the first African American Officers in the Navy. The Golden
V713 Whitehead, Clay T 5213801 Director, Office of Telecommunications Policy 1970-74. Bureau of
Budget 1966-68, White House Staff 1969-70
V1394 Whitehead, John C 194618 Deputy Secretary Department of the State
V923 Whitehouse, Charles 25465 Ambassador to Laos 1973-75, Thailand 1975-77, Cambodia 1956,
Vietnam 1969-70, 1972-73. Successfully opposed the Disney
company's proposal to build a history theme park in Prince William
County, Virginia
V924 Whitehouse, Charles 25465 Ambassador to Laos 1973-75, Thailand 1975-77, Cambodia 1956,
Vietnam 1969-70, 1972-73. Successfully opposed the Disney
company's proposal to build a history theme park in Prince William
County, Virginia
V770 Whitehurst, George 8353498 Virginia Representative 1969-87
V769 Whitehurst, George 8353498 Virginia Representative 1969-87
V3728 Whitfield, Clarence 34672443 Execution. Hanged for rape in France. ETO
V2710 Whitfield, Malvin G
Whitfield, Mal
39709743 Athlete. Won gold for the 800m run and as part of the 4x400m relay
as well as bronze for the 400m run in the 1948 Olympics. 1952
Olympics, he won gold for the 800m run and silver in the 4x400m
relay. First African American to win the James E. Sullivan Memorial
V2391 Whitfield, Wayne E
Whitfield, W. Ed
Kentucky Representative 1995-
V1471 Whitley, Charles O 14204583 North Carolina Representative 1977-87
V1525 Whitmore, James A 32112 Actor. Works include: Battleground, The Asphalt Jungle, Kiss Me,
Kate, Them!, Black Like Me, and Give 'em Hell, Harry! Father of
James Whitmore, Jr and grandfather of James Whitmore III
V3877 Whitney, Cornelius
139438 Businessman, film producer, and writer. Works include: Lone and
Level Sands, High Peaks, and Owl Hoots Again. Chairman of Pan
American Airlines and Executive of Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting.
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force 1947-49. Won the US Open Polo
title three times
V2258 Whitney, Courtney 398227 Retired as Major General. Chief, Government Section, SCAP during
the Occupation of Japan. Responsible for drafting of Japanese
V2486 Whittington, Hulon 14010956
WWII Medal of Honor awarded for action near Grimesnil, France on
July 29, 1944. When the platoon leader and sergeant became
missing, Whittington took command and reorganized his men to hold
back the advancing enemy. Disregarding enemy fire, he checked his
men, administered aid, and mounted a tank to take out the leading
enemy Mark V tank thus grinding the enemy advance to a halt. The
rest of the enemy vehicles were destroyed and enemy troops wiped
V3269 Whittlesey, Charles X00012084 Commander of the lost battalion in the Argonne Forest WWI. As a
major in the 77th division 308th battalion in October 1918, he and his
men were surrounded by the Germans. They refused to surrender
even without food and supplies. His reply to the German demand was
"Go to Hell." Out of 550 men, only 194 were alive and unwounded at
the end of the ordeal. He received the Congressional Medal of Honor
for his valor and was made Lt. Colonel. November 24, 1921, he
booked passage on a steamer bound for Havana. On November 26,
after a night drinking, he jumped overboard, leaving no explanation for
his actions.
V3340 Whitworth, Jerry A 4764733 Part of a group of spies who sold secrets to the Soviet Union for 18
years. John, Michael, and Arthur Walker (Father, son, and brother of
John) along with friend Jerry Whitworth.
V2369 Widener, Larry A 51831334 March 2, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains recovered/
returned March 2, 1968
V500 Wiggins, Charles E Mayor of El Monte, California 1964-66. California Representative
1967-79. Judge US Court of Appeals 1984-96.
V2004 Wiggins, Lloyd C 695999 Killed in crash of RB-50 "Raven" espionage flight over Sea of Japan,
shot down by MIG-15 fighters
V1523 Wilcox, Larry D 2331876 Actor best know for his role as Jon Baker in CHiPs
V1643 Wilde, Larry 635487 Humorist, motivational speaker and author. Books include: When
You're Up to Your Eyeballs in Alligators, The Larry Wilde Treasury of
Laughter, How the Great Comedy Writers Create Laughter, You're
Never Too Old to Laugh, and Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest Joke Book:
For Dimwits, Dweezils and Dorks
V1833 Wilder, Lawrence D
Wilder, L. Douglas
52137240 Lieutenant Governor of Virginia 1985. Governor 1990-94. Received
the Spingarn Medal 1990
V3644 Wilder, Thornton N 587337 Playwright and author. Works include: The Bridge of San Luis Rey,
Our Town, The Merchant of Yonkers, and Ides of March.
V651 Wilderotter, James 6611466 Associate counsel to the President
V650 Wilderotter, James 6611466 Associate counsel to the President
V2830 Wiley, Irvin C 36021661 Alleged member of the 364th Infantry at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi
1943. Used in Carroll Case's book The Slaughter: An American
Atrocity which details the supposed incident. Incident in which a
number of African American soldiers were allegedly killed in an
attempt to quash racial tensions.
V2299 Wiley, James T Among the first African American Cadets to graduate from the
Tuskegee Institute
V1013 Wiley, Marshall W 7044995
Ambassador to Oman 1978-81
V1012 Wiley, Marshall W 7044995
Ambassador to Oman 1978-81
V587 Wiley, Richard E 2297437 Chairman, Federal Communication Commission 1974-77
V500 000 Wilkie, Wendell L X21892 Politician, Goodwill Ambassador 1941-42, and author. In 1938,
switched from Democratic Party to Republican, opposing Franklin D
Roosevelt's New Deal Program. Ran against FDR in 1940.
V3432 Williams, Charles Q Vietnam Medal of Honor received for actions at Dong Xoai, Republic
of Vietnam on June 9 and 10, 1965. Helped lead the defense of a
Special Forces Camp against a 14 hour assault by Viet Cong forces.
Though wounded multiple times, he continued to lead the men in the
compound and help direct air strikes against the enemy.
V2506 Williams, Clarence 14587 Lawyer and aerial navigation "wizard". Navigator and chart maker
who plotted around the world and other record-breaking flights for
Amelia Earhart and other pilots
V3554 Williams, Clifton C 66002 Astronaut. Killed when the T-38 he was flying experienced a
malfunction and the craft crashed.
V2434 Williams, Dion 1062 Sixth Assistant Commandant USMC 1925
V1472 Williams, Edward P
Williams, Pat
26248853 Montana Representative 1979-97
V3713 Williams, Ellsworth 34200976 Execution. Hanged for shooting an officer in France. ETO
V184 Williams, Harrison
Williams, Pete
337432 New Jersey Representative 1953-57. Senator 1959-70, 1971-82.
Implicated in the Abscam sting, in which FBI agents impersonating
Arab businessmen offered bribes to political figures, allegedly
accepted an 18% interest in a titanium mine. Indicted October 30,
1980. Convicted May 1, 1981 on nine counts of bribery, conspiracy,
receiving an unlawful gratuity, conflict of interest, and interstate travel
in aid of racketeering. Resigned his seat March 11, 1982 when it
appeared the Senate would vote to expel him. Sentenced to three
years in prison and fined $50,000. Released 1986.
V185 Williams, Harrison
Williams, Pete
337432 New Jersey Representative 1953-57. Senator 1959-70, 1971-82.
Implicated in the Abscam sting, in which FBI agents impersonating
Arab businessmen offered bribes to political figures, allegedly
accepted an 18% interest in a titanium mine. Indicted October 30,
1980. Convicted May 1, 1981 on nine counts of bribery, conspiracy,
receiving an unlawful gratuity, conflict of interest, and interstate travel
in aid of racketeering. Resigned his seat March 11, 1982 when it
appeared the Senate would vote to expel him. Sentenced to three
years in prison and fined $50,000. Released 1986.
V2744 Williams, Jack 8443246 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions on Iwo Jima March 3, 1945
while serving as a Corpsman. He braved enemy fire to assist a
wounded marine in the middle of a grenade battle. He dragged the
man to a small depression and began to administer aid when he was
shot three times. Williams recovered, finished aiding the marine, then
dressed his own wounds. Instead of seeking aid, he cared for another
casualty before making his way to the rear. He was killed by an
enemy sniper.
V3715 Williams, John 32794118 Execution. Hanged for rape and murder in France. ETO
V3040 Williams, John A
Muhammed, John
Beltway Sniper. He and Lee Boyd Malvo were arrested on October
24, 2002. October 2003, he went to trial for murder and was charged
with murder, terrorism, conspiracy, and the illegal use of a firearm.
March 9, 2004 he was sentenced to death.
V3960 Williams, Kenneth P
Monte, Eric
16684270 Television writer. Shows include: All in the Family, Good Times, The
Jeffersons, and What's Happening.
V2613 Williams, Montel B Television talk show host.
V2215 Williams, Montel B Television talk show host.
V3714 Williams, Olin W 34649494 Execution. Hanged for rape and murder in France. ETO
V2371 Williams, Richard F 56216672 January 8, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remain returned
August 14, 1985
V2712 Williams, Robert Involved in the Lonetree Case: KGB infiltration of the US Embassies at
Vienna and Moscow
V1779 Williams, Robert B 15114 Major General of US Army Air Force. During WWII, as commander of
the 1st Bombardment Division of the Eighth Air Force, planned and
participated in the August 1943 raid on Schweinfurt--the center of the
German ball bearing industry
V2730 Williams, Theodore
Williams, Ted
7055311 Baseball player. Played with the Boston Red Sox 1939-42, 1946-60.
Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame 1966. Inducted in the Fishing
Hall of Fame.
V998 Williams, Theodore
Williams, Ted
37773 Baseball player. Played with the Boston Red Sox 1939-42, 1946-60.
Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame 1966. Inducted in the Fishing
Hall of Fame.
V999 Williams, Theodore
Williams, Ted
37773 Baseball player. Played with the Boston Red Sox 1939-42, 1946-60.
Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame 1966. Inducted in the Fishing
Hall of Fame.
V1381 Williams, Wendi D Nationwide interest in expulsion from Navy, misconduct: homosexual
acts. NON PEP--Lg record with court proceedings.
V1343 Williamson, Larry C 52210 Ambassador to Gabon 1984-87, Sao Tome & Principe 1984-87
V2250 Willoughby, Charles Chief of intelligence on General MacArthur's staff during WWII, the
occupation of Japan, and the Korean war. Became a major general
April 12, 1945. Member of the Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.
V1870 Willy, Wilford J 137078 Co-pilot with Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr when plane was destroyed
V3098 Wilson, Alfred M 2421744 Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for action at Fire Support Base
Cunningham in the Quang Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam on March
3, 1969. When returning from a reconnaissance mission, his platoon
came under enemy fire. He moved his squad into a blocking position
against the enemy. When the two men operating a machine gun were
too wounded to operate their gun, Wilson and another marine moved
to take up the gun. An enemy grenade was thrown in their direction
and to save his comrade, Wilson threw himself on it.
V1666 Wilson, Benjamin F Korea Medal of Honor awarded for action near Hwach'on-Myon, Korea
on June 5, 1951. When his company was pinned down, he dashed
forward-stopping the enemy advance and taking out their machine
guns. He then led a bayonet attack until the enemy counter-attacked
and his platoon was threatened with being overrun. Despite injuries,
he fought and stayed until his men reached safety.
V501 Wilson, Charles H 39246761 California Representative 1963-81. Reprimanded by the House of
Representatives in 1978 for accepting $1,000 wedding gift from a key
figure in the Koreagate scandal; censured by House in 1980 for
financial misconduct, no criminal charges filed.
V108 Wilson, Charles N 604410 Texas Representative 1973-96.
V109 Wilson, Charles N 604410 Texas Representative 1973-96.
V1645 Wilson, Don W 17581809 Archivist of the US
V1489 Wilson, Earl J 10331 Journalist
V1493 Wilson, Edwin P 61730 CIA operative sold weapons to Libya. He was tried four separate
times. Found not guilty of trying to hire a group of Cubans to kill a
Libyan dissident. Found guilty of exporting guns. Sentenced to an
additional 24 years in jail for conspiring to kill the federal prosecutors
of his trial, six witnesses, and his ex-wife.
V1581 Wilson, Grady D
Wilson, Demond
87382217 Actor. Works include: Lamont Sanford on Sanford and Son, The
Organization, Baby, I'm Back, The New Odd Couple, and Girlfriends
V2993 Wilson, Heather A 1429096 Rhodes scholar. Director for European Defense policy and Arms
Control, National Security Council 1989-91. New Mexico
Representative 1998-
V3952 Wilson, J. P. 32484756 Execution. ETO
V2427 Wilson, Louis H, Jr Twenty-sixth Commandant of the USMC 1975-79. WWII Medal of
Honor awarded for actions in Guam, Marianas Islands July 25-26,
1944. Wilson led his men in the taking and holding of strategic high
ground, organizing, motivating, and fighting against Japanese attack
and counterattack.
V1492 Wilson, Peter B 68018 Mayor of San Diego, California 1971-82. California Senator 1983-91.
Governor 1991-99
V502 Wilson, Robert C
Wilson, Bob
39748963 California Representative 1953-81
V283 Wilson, Robert C
Wilson, Bob
72000 California Representative 1953-81
V619 Wilson, Rufus H 900100 Veterans Administration--associate Deputy Administrator
V618 Wilson, Rufus H 900100 Veterans Administration--associate Deputy Administrator
V3532 Wilson, Sloan 35787 Writer
V3702 Wimberly, Willie, Jr 36392154 Execution. Hanged for rape, breaking and entering, and assault in
France. ETO
V100 Wimer, David Special Assistant to the President
V3208 Winans, Roswell 1074
Nicaraguan Campaign Medal of Honor awarded for actions at
Guayacanas, Dominican Republic July 3, 1916. While engaged in a
running fight, US troops came upon the enemy entrenched. Winans
and another man, Gowin, while exposed to enemy fire, coolly returned
fire on the enemy until the trenches were emptied.
V3207 Winans, Roswell 1074
Nicaraguan Campaign Medal of Honor awarded for actions at
Guayacanas, Dominican Republic July 3, 1916. While engaged in a
running fight, US troops came upon the enemy entrenched. Winans
and another man, Gowin, while exposed to enemy fire, coolly returned
fire on the enemy until the trenches were emptied.
V2925 Winant, John G 667625 POW at Colditz Castle, Germany.
V943 Winchell, Walter, Jr 1338373 Son of Walter Winchell
V942 Winchell, Walter, Sr 73816 Newspaper and radio commentator. He invented the gossip column at
the New York Evening Graphic. Narrated The Untouchables, a
television show that lasted five years, beginning in 1959.
V1702 Winchell, Walter, Sr 1648806
Newspaper and radio commentator. He invented the gossip column at
the New York Evening Graphic. Narrated The Untouchables, a
television show that lasted five years, beginning in 1959.
V2370 Windeler, Charles C April 5, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
recovered April 27, 1989
V3231 Windrich, William G 266468 Korea Medal of Honor awarded for action near Hagaru-ri on Hill 1520
December 1, 1950. Windrich led his men up into the mountains where
they came under heavy enemy fire. He led his men first to a forward
position, then moved through enemy fire to get volunteers to evacuate
the wounded--excluding himself. He kept fighting, even when he lost
use of his legs, he continued fighting and encouraging his men until he
collapsed and died in the snow.
V941 Winters, Jonathan H 554727 Actor and author. Works include: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World,
The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters, Winters' Tales: Stories and
Observations for the Unusual, Cattle Call, The Shadow, The
Flintstones, Animaniacs, and The Little Troll Prince
V1545 Winters, Jonathan H 554727 Actor and author. Works include: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World,
The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters, Winters' Tales: Stories and
Observations for the Unusual, Cattle Call, The Shadow, The
Flintstones, Animaniacs, and The Little Troll Prince
V3137 Winters, Richard D
Winters, Dick
1286582 Major Winters of the Stephen Ambrose book and HBO Miniseries,
Band of Brothers. Author of Beyond Band of Brothers: The War
Memoirs of Major Dick Winters
V503 Wirth, Timothy E 11392896 Colorado Representative 1975-87, Senator 1987-93
V3036 Wise, Frederic M 1077 Commanded a Battalion of Marines at the Battle of Belleau Wood,
V3629 Wolcott, Jesse P 2030741 Michigan Representative 1931-57
V3579 Wolf, Frank R 1959217 Virginia Representative 1981-
V1473 Wolf, Frank R 13739673 Virginia Representative 1981-
V2192 Womack, Sammie N October 8, 1966 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned February
7, 1967
V3963 Wood, Grant DeVolson 4817122 Artist. Works include: American Gothic. The Iowa state quarter
features one of his designs
V500 010 Wood, Leonard A 2 Chief of Staff of the US Army 1910-14. Governor General of the
Philippines 1921-27. Medal of Honor awarded 1898 for carrying
dispatches 100 miles through hostile territory and for commanding an
infantry detachment whose officers had been lost.. Participated in the
last campaign against Geronimo 1986. Helped organize the Rough
Riders. Fort Leonard Wood is named in his honor
V3470 Wood, Norman A 1590034 Marine recruit who died in Ribbon Creek incident at Parris Island
V1491 Woodbury, Robert D 36062 Singer and entertainer
V48 Woodring, Harry H 1731413 Kansas Governor 1931-33. Secretary of War 1936-40
V3138 Woodring, Horace L 35820385 Driver of General Patton's Cadillac limousine in Germany on
December 9, 1945 when a truck turned in front of the car and Patton
was thrown from the back seat and into a steel partition breaking his
neck. He died 12 days later. Patton reportly wouldn't allow others to
blame Woodring for the accident.
V1141 Woodruff, Arthur H 1141382 Ambassador to Central African Republic 1981
V3926 Woodruff, Roy O 31476 Mayor of Bay City, Michigan 1911-13. Michigan Representative 1913-
15, 1921-53
V2923 Woods, Earl D Father of golfer "Tiger" Woods
V1664 Woods, Robert S Actor. Works include: Bo Buchanan on One Life to Live, The
Waltons, Roseanne, and Days of Our Lives
V1930 Woodward, Robert U
Woodward, Bob
Journalist. Helped to uncover the Watergate scandal with Carl
Bernstein while working for The Washington Post. Author. Works
include: All the President's Men, The Final Days, The Bretheren, and
Wired. Won two shared Pulitzer Prizes
V1691 Woodworth, John A Deputy US Negotiator for Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces at the
Arms Reduction Negotiations in Geneva. Rank of Ambassador
V2032 Woolsey, Robert J, Jr Director of Central Intelligence 1993-95. Rhodes Scholar. General
Counsel to the US Senate Committee on Armed Services 1970-73.
Under Secretary of the Navy 1977-79. Delegate at Large to the US-
Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks and Nuclear and Space Arms
Talks 1983-86. Ambassador to the Negotiation on Conventional
Armed Forces in Europe 1989-91.
V3419 Worley, George W 841925 Captain of the USS Cyclops when that ship disappeared on 3/4/1918
V3903 Wortham, Buel Ray 5414590 Put on trial in Russia in 1966 for the theft of an antique statue of a
V1704 Wortley, George C 428064 New York Representative 1981-89
V1238 Wouk, Herman 121177 Author. Works include: The Caine Mutiny, The Winds of War, War
and Remembrance, and A Hole in Texas
V1667 Wrentmore, Ernest L 496259 Youngest soldier to serve in WWI and see combat.
V2534 Wright, James C, Jr 734861 Mayor of Weatherford, Texas 1950-54. Texas Representative 1955-
89. Speaker of the US House 1987-89.
V884 Wright, James F 33901396 Executive Director Delaware River Basin Commission
V589 Wright, James S X00011411 Judge of US District Court 1949-62. Judge of US Court of Appeals for
the D.C. Circuit 1962
V3080 Wuppermann, Carlos
Morgan, Carlisle
643287 Sergeant, Corps of Intelligence Police AEF. Died in service April 15,
1919 in Trier, Germany. Silent film actor; writer and producer of
Broadway plays; author. Brother of Ralph and Frank Morgan.
V2242 Wurgel, Richard M 12205290 Died in crash during Berlin Airlift
V1799 Wyler, William
Weiller, Wilhelm
909179 Movie director. Works include: The Love Trap, Hell's Heroes, Tom
Brown of Culver, These Three, Come and Get it, Dodsworth, Dead
End, Wuthering Heights, Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress,
Roman Holiday, and Ben-Hur
V1756 Wylie, Chalmers P 15307882
Ohio Representative 1967-93
V149 Wyman, Louis C 172878 New Hampshire Representative 1963-65, 1967-74. Senator 1974-75
V150 Wyman, Louis C 172878 New Hampshire Representative 1963-65, 1967-74. Senator 1974-75
V1274 Yarmy, Donald J 391990 Actor, director, and writer. Works include: Maxwell Smart in Get
Smart, The Partners, Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales, and Inspector
V191 Yates, Sidney R 343487 Illinois Representative 1949-63, 1965-99
V171 Yates, Sidney R 343487 Illinois Representative 1949-63, 1965-99
V2228 Yeaton, Ivan D Military Attache to Chinese Communist leader Mao Tse Tung during
WWII 1944-45
V2408 Yeosock, John J Commanded, Central Command during Desert Storm
V2373 Yonan, Kenneth J 118857 April 24, 1972 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Remains returned/
recovered April 6, 1988
V500 054 York, Alvin C 1910421 WWI Medal of Honor awarded for actions taken in France on October
8, 1918. When his troop misread a French-printed map and ended up
behind enemy lines, they came under heavy fire. York assumed
command and with seven men, charged the machine gun nest that
was delivering the deadly fire on his troop. They took the nest, four
officers, and 128 men. When he had received his original draft notice,
he wrote on the back, "Don't want to fight" and sent it back. He is
portrayed in the 1941 movie Sergeant York, starring Gary Cooper.
V3533 Yost, Paul A 4578 Commandant 1986-1990
V504 Young, Charles W
Young, C.W. Bill
Florida Representative 1971-03
V1228 Young, Coleman A 36169880 Special Representative to AFL-CIO Council. Mayor of Detroit,
Michigan 1974-93. Received the Spingarn Medal 1981
V1227 Young, Coleman A 1297128 Special Representative to AFL-CIO Council. Mayor of Detroit,
Michigan 1974-93. Received the Spingarn Medal 1981
V2777 Young, David L Operation Tailwind was a mission in Laos designed for
reconnaissance, intelligence collection, and as a diversion for a larger
operation to the north, Honorable Dragon. The operation received
negative attention when CNN/Time reported the use of nerve gas
during the operation. They were forced to retract the story when
confronted to provide support for their claim. The newsgroup
conducted an independent investigation and concluded it had
insufficient evidence to support the report.
V3578 Young, Donald E 56265516 Young, Don Alaska Representative 1973-
V2193 Young, John A January 31, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
16, 1973
V194 Young, John Andrew 105485 Texas Representative 1957-79
V235 Young, John Andrew 105485 Texas Representative 1957-79
V1078 Young, Robert A, III 37603147 Missouri state house of representatives 1957-63. Missouri state
senate 1963-77. Missouri Representative 1977-87
V3038 Young, Samuel B 40 Army General. First president of the Army War College 1902-03.
Chief of Staff of the US Army 1903-04
V330 Young, Samuel H 540237 Illinois Representative 1973-75
V1579 Younger, Edward F 38224 One of the six soldiers tasked by Washington to go to France and
select the Unknown Soldier. He chose the body on October 24, 1921.
V2567 Zabitosky, Fred W Vietnam Medal of Honor awarded for actions in the Republic of
Vietnam on February 19, 1968. While on a reconnaissance patrol,
Zabitosky's patrol came under intense enemy fire. He called for
extraction and positioned his men in a tight defense until the
helicopters could arrive. Once loaded, he delivered fire on the enemy
from the door of the helicopter, but was thrown out when the helicopter
spun out of control and crashed. Upon recovering consciousness, he
tried to pull people out of the craft until driven back by the intense heat
of the fire. He carried the pilot through enemy fire to another
helicopter despite burns and crushed ribs.
V956 Zablocki, Clement J Wisconsin Representative 1949-83
V1971 Zais, Melvin 16149359 Organized, trained, and led the 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment.
Deputy Commanding General, Field Force and Assistant Division
Commander of the 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam 1964-66.
Commanding General of the 101st Airborne Division and XXIV Corps
1968-70. Commander Third US Army 1972-73. Commanding
General Allied Land Forces Southeast Europe, Turkey 1973
V2642 Zamperini, Louis S 663341 Former POW shown on CBS coverage of Nagano Winter Olympics,
1998, meeting a former guard of his POW camp
V2071 Zeamer, Jay 48220417 WWII Medal of Honor awarded for actions as pilot of B-17 June 16,
1943. Zeamer and his crew volunteered for a photographic mapping
mission of Buka, Solomon Islands. During their mission, they
observed about twenty enemy fighters--many taking off. They
completed their mission, but the enemy attacked them. Zeamer was
severely injured, but refused aid until he could maneuver the plane
away from the enemy. The fight lasted over 40 minutes during which
time 5 enemy planes were shot down.
V1596 Zeder, Fred M 660223 Ambassador- Office for Micronesian Status Negotiations. Department
of the Interior 1976-77
V641 Zeferetti, Leo C 7152922 New York Representative 1975-83
V668 Zeferetti, Leo C 7152922 New York Representative 1975-83
V2194 Ziegler, Roy E February 8, 1968 taken as POW in South Vietnam. Returned March
5, 1973
V1122 Zimbalist, Efram, Jr 1325248 Actor. Works include: 77 Sunset Strip, The F.B.I., Maverick, Harlow,
Wait Until Dark, Babylon 5, and Batman: The Animated Series.
V3396 Zinser, Gerard E 3369683 Member of the PT 109 crew skippered by John F. Kennedy when it
was struck by a Japanese destroyer and sunk.
V932 Zorinsky, Edward 956227 Mayor of Omaha, Nebraska 1973-76. Senator 1976-87
V246 Zumwalt, Elmo R Youngest officer to be promoted to rear admiral, age 44. Commander
of US Naval Forces during the Vietnam War 1968-70. At 49, he
became the youngest four-star admiral in US history as well as
youngest man to serve as Chief of Naval Operations. He initiated a
wide range of reforms in the Navy. Time Magazine hailed him as "the
Navy's most popular leader since World War II." Vice-Chairman and
later Chairman of the National Marrow Donor Program 1987-95.
Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom 1998.
V231 Zumwalt, Elmo R Youngest officer to be promoted to rear admiral, age 44. Commander
of US Naval Forces during the Vietnam War 1968-70. At 49, he
became the youngest four-star admiral in US history as well as
youngest man to serve as Chief of Naval Operations. He initiated a
wide range of reforms in the Navy. Time Magazine hailed him as "the
Navy's most popular leader since World War II." Vice-Chairman and
later Chairman of the National Marrow Donor Program 1987-95.
Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom 1998.